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Benzos The Big Phenazepam Throw Together Pt. I

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^are you certain about that, if so it will make things a lot easier

very certian, I have about 200mg of it dissolved into 200ml of propylene gylcol (with some sugar and citric acid to kind of cover the awful taste) in my cupboard....

it dissolves much easier into propylene gylcol then into ethanol btw.
I was going to close this thread, but since now the topic seems to have shifted to solubility, I'll keep it open. I was interested in this topic and I found a thread on another message board with people's experience. Some said that it's virtually impossible to dissolve this shit, but they were only trying with bacardi 151. As has been said, it seems to dissolve in high proof ethanol which is really easy to obtain. PEG is also pretty easy to obtain, it's not like it's only used for clandestine chemistry, but it's still not as easy to obtain as ethanol.
There is a gadget for keeping cigars humid. It uses propylene glycol as a fluid. So if you were to buy at an apothecary, you could use this gadget as an excuse. I looked it up after an apothecary refused to sell me propylene glycol. The gadget is called a 'humidor'. It thought this info might come in handy for someone, just as it did for me.
Yes, from my own experience before it was scheduled, it is very soluble in propylene glycol.

Just don't put all of the powder into the bottle and shake, pour about 10% of the pg you intend to use into a glass, add the powder and stir until it is completely dissolved. Then add the mixture back into the bottle of pg.

If you have 1 g phenazepam and 1 liter PG, the mixture becomes 1 mg/ml, so the doses are really easy to measure.
Alot of powder Phenazepam floating around.. be very very careful with this IF its powder you can get/have. Specially if you are using other CNS depressants like opioids.

I have a couple of friends whom have lost days from powder Phenazepam use.. he he. Woken up a week later and having NO memory at all what have happened.
One had spent a day or two in jail for example and didn't even remember this.

Then some of them have OD on this stuff, 2 died - opioids were included in both cases = heroin & methadone.
Its hard to eyeball. But its cheap as hell. I haven't tried it myself though.
I have phenaz in .5mg blotter form which I use its a nice mellow high. I have a gram of pure powder too Im using to make 2mg blotters.
How do you make these blotters?

What kind of paper do you use and what type of solvent? Nice mode of administration, sounds very interesting !
I have tones of the shit, its not bad at all...mix with proplyene gylcol for accurate dosage.
Yes. Be sure to use extreme caution with this drug. I wouldn't dip in a butter knife & lick it off to dose accurately. You'd need a scale accurate to .001 and even then there is room for +/- .001 error. I haven't heard anyone report positive experiences with Phenazepam personally. I do, however, hear about lost days, trips to jail, car accidents, etc. I'd do something, anything else besides this benzo...blech!
I have managed to get some phenazapam disolved into propylene gylcol at 2mg/ml with a litte heat and aggitation.

I have done a bit of research but would be reasured if someone would tell me that propylene gylcol is safe to drink a ml or two of.
Not scheduled eh. Propylene glycol is not safe at all to drink. I would recommend using the least amount possible. So more than likely it will not mess with your body too much. Suppose if someone were to do that repetitively over time it could harm your body a tad. Whenever you sample your stuff, i would like to hear a report on it. (since i have not even heard of this benzo before and curious to its positive and negative reactions) ;)
phenazepam is some shitty ass russian benzo that sucks. If you really wanna feel good then should look into Methaqualone, are you really feeling more euphoric on these then on Heroin/oxy!? Some say so! I can't believe this stuff is still around
So how does the high compare to the other scheduled benzos, in terms of sedation, euphoria, memory loss, and at what dose it is active/chemically comparable to, say, alprazolam? I'm seeing some hearsay that the half-life is about 60 hours so that gives it a diazepam length duration of action. Who here has tried this stuff firsthand in a recreational context? If it felt equivalent to alprazolam at identical or smaller doses, and has a half-life of 60 hrs, I could see this stuff having potential, being unscheduled and cheap. Anyone with experience w/ this specific benzodiazepine please chirp in

Did some last night, look under trip report, I will repeat this experiment again at a different dose.

Can you smoke or vaporize this? As I have amounts of powder of this. Anyway I'm trying out if it gives some effects, I report back. I doubt.
the dose is already so low , why try to make the effective dose even smaller and harder to dose

some people really dont make any sense
I finaly got round to trying this. My benzo tolerance is high, I have taken clonazepam every day for around 3 years and use other benzos reguarly (daily).

1.5mg was not strong enough for me, the effects were nice enough and long lasting but next time I will try 4mg.

I think it is worth pointing out again that I have a high benzo tolerance, 1.5 of this felt as strong as 1.5 - 2mg of alprazolam or 20 - 25mg diazepam. It felt like a much longer lasting xanax to me really.
the dose is already so low , why try to make the effective dose even smaller and harder to dose

some people really dont make any sense

Well, I have tried 0,5-4mg doses, but don't really enjoy them at that much, so I thought maybe vaporizing gives some better effects. I laces tobacco with this and smoked it, I used filter, so maybe that eaffected, anyway I got nice relaxing feeling from it for about 1 hour, or maybe it was just the nicotine, as it's been a while when I have smoked. Anyway I still will test vaporizing it, just handling the powder is really hard.
Dissolve it in 95% alcohol. Why are you handling powder and not using volumetric measurements?
Dissolve it in 95% alcohol. Why are you handling powder and not using volumetric measurements?

Because I can eyeball it. It's not hard once you have learn't it. Also where I live you can't get 95% alcohol without prescription
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