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The Big & Dandy Trip Abortion Thread

I don't understand what you're describing here... The person would be "forced asleep" by the benzo and unable to wake up, yet be conscious and tripping?

Yep. The body being asleep and the mind being asleep are two entirely independent events.

A common example of this is the sleep paralysis phenomenon. Except sleep paralysis only lasts seconds. Imagine it lasting hours...
man that conjoured up some freaky imagery.

if this happened could you please tell the story?
and lucid dreaming is cool, you're mind awake and free and weird :p
I heard Milk and sugar, and Vitamin B work to abort a trip. I wanted to see if anyone else agrees on this, cause I don't really want to buy Valium or Zanny. My Bf and I are tripping it's his first time and I want to make sure all my angles are covered.

milk, sugar, vit B = placebo or myths
benzos will take away anxiety if you're having a bad trip but wont abort it entirely.

An anti psychotic (5ht2 antagonist) will kill a trip dead in its tracks (something like risperdal.)

and i merged wthis with the Big and Dandy Trip Abortion thread
man that conjoured up some freaky imagery.

if this happened could you please tell the story?
and lucid dreaming is cool, you're mind awake and free and weird :p

Hehe, something like this did happen to me, on my last classical psych trip. I had taken 2c-e in the morning, followed by 4-ho-dipt an hour later. I was performing an "experiment" to see if combining 2c-e with 4-ho-dipt would have the same euphoric and visual-explosion affect as 2c-e + cannabis. I didn't like having to smoke weed, so I was seeing if dipt was a good alternative. Anyway...

Needless to say, the 2c-e + 4-ho-dipt sent me off the cognitive deep end. The visuals were obviously quite intense, but the thought loops were really troubling me. It turned into a "bad trip" about an hour after dosing the dipt.

And then, just in case I wasn't stupid enough already, after the dipt wore off (it's a fairly short acting psych), I decided to celebrate my return to reality by smoking my really strong weed...

Within a few minutes, my entire visual reality was being continuously deconstructed before my eyes. I couldn't even tell if my eyes were open or not, because if I stared in one direction for too long, the visuals went from normal -> distorted -> cartoon -> crazy indescribable fractals within a few seconds. And I was on the cusp of complete ego death, possibly even reaching ego death. And keep in mind, this wasn't DMT where it only lasts like 10 minutes. The weed would last an hour or more.

So once again, I was having a bad trip. Except this time, I'm almost completely dissociated. I can't see...Hell, I can't even feel my body anymore. And all I hear is a loud buzzing noise. And my thoughts are loops of pure panic.

Wow, this is turning into a long story. I'll get to the sleep part:

That night after everything wore off, I was still experiencing massive HPPD. And every time I tried to fall asleep, I got to the edge of sleep and then I would suffer a horrible flashback and jerk myself back awake. But by that time, I had taken a few benzos, so I couldn't even stand. So I had no choice but to close my eyes again and drift back off to sleep...FLASHBACK! Wake up...can't move too tired...drifting...FLASHBACK!

In the end it took some liquor and being awake for about 24 hours straight to finally put me down and I only got about 2 hours of sleep. I was up early the next day and was feeling the worst anxiety of my life and it lasted a few weeks.

Oh, but I do like lucid dreaming! Or at least I did, haha
Drugs to end LSD trip

so what drugs is good cuz i can get percocets and valiums which 1s are better, or any other drugs u can think of thanks
Valiums would be the better choice of the two you mentioned.
Any benzo should do if you're looking to finally put an end to the trip & get some sleep.
The very best would be a 5HT2a antagonist. Most anti-psychotics are 5HT2a antagonist among other activity.
Laika is correct. My friend just gave me a gift today which consisted of a spoon used to measure liquid with like 700 - 800 mics on it for me to lick clean and a half of a Klonopin in case I need to abort. I'm going to take 400 mics tomorrow to get more comfortable with higher dose territory and then I'm going for the spoon wash in like two weeks. :D.

I hope you aren't taking that high of a dose because if you have to ask this question then you probably shouldn't take a high dose. But if it's your first experience and at a low dose then you may not need the valium, but keep it handy just in case.

Have fun and be safe!

Edit: By the way you didn't specify for what reason you wanted to end the trip. If you are trying to go to sleep go with the Benzos.

Would an antipsychotic such as Seroquel get you from tripping to sleeping quicker than a Benzo? I'd imagine that it would work better to abort an overly intense experience.
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Valium and other benzos won't "end" a trip per se, but they tend to make it a good bit less intense, and make it much easier to calm down and/or get to sleep. They're generally the drug of choice to have on hand in case a trip gets too overwhelming.
If you want to end the trip then chlorpromazine (thorazine) is your best bet.

As other people have suggested though, valiums are great to have on hand to combat insomnia, anxiety and muscle tension but they sure as hell won't 'end' your trip. If somebody were to take a handful of benzos at the peak of a trip expecting it to level them out they may end up getting unexpected results...
Valium will help you sleep, remove anxiety and tone down your trip.
Percocets will reduce pupil size and induce drowsiness alongside relaxation.

- Take your pick. :)
Diphenhydramine, take a low dose of it, about 75mg prolly and lay down, you'll be out soon enough
Niacin is quite effective in my experience, for some reason. Not niacinamide or other derivatives, but original basic niacin.
Olanzapine, an atypical anti-psychotic/anti-manic should help stop a trip AND put you to sleep at about a 7.5mg dose.. takes about 45 mins to 1 hour to have you asleep.
Mirtazipine is an anti-depressant that knocks you out, very effective for sleep even during/after an acid trip.. would have you asleep within an hour.
Both can easily be picked up from a doc without suspicion.

Weed helps, I've always found alcohol doesn't though.
As people have been saying. Benzo's have the effect to relax the trip a bit and take some anxiety away.

The only thing that has ever really put me out completely has been Seroquel.
Diphenhydramine, take a low dose of it, about 75mg prolly and lay down, you'll be out soon enough

That simply does not work. Anticholinergics will NOT end a trip. They may somewhat sedate you, but tend to increase visuals IME. Diphenhydramine is good for getting to sleep after most of the effects of a psychedelic have worn off, but just don't work for an abort. The only thing I have tried that actually killed a trip was mirtazipine, but there is some question about the safety of combining mirtazipine with psychedelics.
Check out this link - http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=513800

Could be of some help :), I would recommend placebo rather than drug's though. Anti-histamines could also work but ive heard there is a risk using that at high doses.. From personal experience, illegal or OTC drug's don't do much, but i have successfully used the placebo effect on numerous friends that have freaked out on acid.

Simple thing's like giving them a vitamin tablet and telling them that it will calm them down has worked plenty of times..
Just try taking a shower in times of panic.

It'll allow you to center yourself.

Something about the flowing warm water cools down anxiety.
That simply does not work. Anticholinergics will NOT end a trip. They may somewhat sedate you, but tend to increase visuals IME. Diphenhydramine is good for getting to sleep after most of the effects of a psychedelic have worn off, but just don't work for an abort. The only thing I have tried that actually killed a trip was mirtazipine, but there is some question about the safety of combining mirtazipine with psychedelics.

I'm pretty sure diphendyramine is a mild SRI, so this may have something to do with the increased visuals.