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The Big & Dandy Nootropics Thread

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I recently stumbled across those pubmed papers reporting on the antidepressant effects of selegiline + l-PA or PEA, and so I ordered some selegiline a week ago. I'll report on the results. I'm actually going to be talking to a doctor with some neuropharmacology knowledge on the 28th, and I'll see what his feelings on MAO B inhibitors + dopamine precursors are. hamhurricane, how long did it take for the effects to start in once you got on the selegiline?
Bercilak said:
I recently stumbled across those pubmed papers reporting on the antidepressant effects of selegiline + l-PA or PEA, and so I ordered some selegiline a week ago. I'll report on the results. I'm actually going to be talking to a doctor with some neuropharmacology knowledge on the 28th, and I'll see what his feelings on MAO B inhibitors + dopamine precursors are. hamhurricane, how long did it take for the effects to start in once you got on the selegiline?

I talked to two different doctors with extensive knowledge of neuropharm they both discouraged me from using seleg and would not perscribe it. Keep in mind these doctors are not psychonauts and are confused by the idea of taking medication when it is not absolutely necessary, they will almost def discourage you from trying the combo because it is unusual and unneeded. Ask them if they can provide pharmacological evidence for why its a bad idea, i am very curious about this question as well but its difficult to get anything other than knee-jerk reactions from professionals who are afraid to give risky advice. As far as i can tell an overabundance of dopamine will result in impulsivity [sex, gambeling etc. as seen in the Dopamine agonist restless leg treatments] and worst case schizotypal behavior, but i was a long way off from either of those things. If i had anything it was closer to amphetamine psychosis from sleep deprivation that i experience on high doses of any stim.

Day one i felt effects from 1mg almost instantly, i think the solution i bought may have been of an unusually strong concentration or i am hypersensitive. The same dose was given to a member of my family who also felt very strong effects, so it likely has to do with my particular neurochemistry. As a follow up, i have stopped taking selegiline because it COMPLETELY destroyed my sleep cycle, you would not even believe how messed up i got, i could only sleep in two separate 4 hour units from 10:00pm-2:00am and then from 1:00pm-5:00pm, some nights i could not sleep at all, it almost drove me mad [note this was from 2-3mg a day.] After watching the sun rise eight days in a row i decided to discontinue my use. I still think it is an incredible drug, i have never felt sharper and i cant wait to be a senior citizen and start taking it again. Maybe one day i will figure out how to effectively work it into a nootropic routine [ i was thinking of diluting my solution and taking ultra low 500ug doses or only dosing bi-weekly] but for now its just too powerful.
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Do you have any familiar history of hyperactivity or bipolar disorder? Me and my friends have never noticed excessive hyperactivity or bouts of insomnia from Deprenyl and I've tried very high doses (10+ mg a day). Perhaps you brain already has plenty of dopamine in which case Deprenyl could push you over the edge. Try balancing out your dopamine by taking a serotinergic drug each day.

If I ever get my hands on another bottle of liquid Deprenyl I def. want to see how it mixes with certain Ergolines. An old friend of mine used to say Deprenyl preloading did wonders for his Psilocybe trips. I'd assume low doses of Deprenyl are a safer way of MAO-potentiating Tryptamines than Moclobemide or Syrian Rue would be (since they have so many interactions with drugs and foods).

Can anyone comment on whether the effects of any of the following substances/plants are stimulating and help you think more clearly and work harder:

Picamilon, Sulbutiamine, Vinpocetine, NADH, Centrophenoxine, Idebenone, CoQ10, Chocamine, Yerba Mate, Betel, Catuaba, Hydergine, Provigil, Piracetam, DMAE, DL-Phenylalanine?

Also, how do these interact with psychedelics?
The Wizard said:
Do you have any familiar history of hyperactivity or bipolar disorder? Me and my friends have never noticed excessive hyperactivity or bouts of insomnia from Deprenyl and I've tried very high doses (10+ mg a day). Perhaps you brain already has plenty of dopamine in which case Deprenyl could push you over the edge. Try balancing out your dopamine by taking a serotinergic drug each day.

If I ever get my hands on another bottle of liquid Deprenyl I def. want to see how it mixes with certain Ergolines. An old friend of mine used to say Deprenyl preloading did wonders for his Psilocybe trips. I'd assume low doses of Deprenyl are a safer way of MAO-potentiating Tryptamines than Moclobemide or Syrian Rue would be (since they have so many interactions with drugs and foods).

I used seleg to potentiate low dose AMT and had no negative effects, obviously this is not proven to be safe. i do have ADHD but when sober i do not act in any way that would generally be considered hyperactive.

The Wizard said:
Can anyone comment on whether the effects of any of the following substances/plants are stimulating and help you think more clearly and work harder:

Picamilon, Sulbutiamine, Vinpocetine, NADH, Centrophenoxine, Idebenone, CoQ10, Chocamine, Yerba Mate, Betel, Catuaba, Hydergine, Provigil, Piracetam, DMAE, DL-Phenylalanine?

Also, how do these interact with psychedelics?

there is extensive information on each of these substances in the previous pages of this thread, but i can say that none of these will hold a candle to 10mg of seleg. Placebopocetine is not worth the money, idebanone is nice to have around for drugs which cause oxidative stress but if anything it makes me dull and high not sharp, the same could be said for hydergine but that one does help me with word choice and has always combined with psychedelics beautifully (again this is not something i would recommend trying.) Provigil gave me horrible problems with insomnia that amphetamine never caused, it would also make me snappy in social interactions. yerba mate is gods gift to mankind, i drink as much each day as i can get my hands on.
Just wondering if anyone knows if you need a prescription to get Piracetam...or if you need to be 18?
Pretty_Diamonds said:
Just wondering if anyone knows if you need a prescription to get Piracetam...or if you need to be 18?

nope. you can buy it online.
Yeah, piracetam is the most affordable supplement I use. Actually it's pretty much the most affordable anything... dosing a gram a day, $20 buys you two years worth of it. But don't buy the pills (called Nootropil)... buy the bulk powder.

As an aside, my good friend is quite obsessive-compulsive in his behaviors, and for some reason he refuses to buy the bulk powder. he will only buy the nootropil. It costs him more for a 30-day supply than it costs me for 2 years. Yet he refuses to switch. Don't be like him. ;)

At least in that particular way.
Other than Piracetam the most gangster nootropics are Deprenyl and Hydergine in your opinion? Any opinion on Modafinil, Amineptine, Vasopressin?

What about supplement wise? You dig DLPA, DMAE, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Lecithin, DHEA, L-Arginine, Taurine, L-Theanine, Melatonin, Niacinamide, B12, SAM-e, L-Tryptophan?

Plant wise do you dig- Rhodiola, Coca, Yerba Mate, Catuaba, Betel, Chaste tree berries, Bacopa, Ashwagandha, Wild Lettuce, Kava, Prickly Poppy, Glaucine?
I definitely love hydergine, although I find myself only using it maybe once a week these days. I feel that it has done much good for me, and that good has become permanent or semi-permanent. I have not tried deprenyl although I want to. It might be a good thing for me to try now because it would help me to stop wanting other drugs quite so much.

I don't get much from DLPA although it does potentiate kratom. ALCAR I tried and found it subtle enough that I didn't care about it. I take centrophenoxine instead of lecithin, but I do sometimes take both simply because lecithin is good for you and really cheap. DHEA I'm not sure what to think about. SAM-e is great when I'm feeling down... it's really a help then. Otherwise it's pretty subtle. If it was cheap, I'd take it daily if for nothing else than the joint support.

Melatonin helps my sleep for sure, and can provoke vivid dreaming if used properly (used at the right time when sleeping for the right amount of time, and only sometimes). When I was using lots of AMT, the few nights after I stopped a multi-day binge would be very vivid in terms of dreams. When I took melatonin those nights, I would have insanely intense, vivid, seemingly prophetic dreams about the end of the world and/or myself being put into totally alternate realities just as real as this one.

I found Rhodiola to be quite calming but never bothered to get another bottle. Coca is a pretty good stimulant. As is mate, which I definitely enjoy. Betel nut is weird... maybe fresh is better. I have ounces of dried crushed nut and I can never get much from it... mostly a strange feeling behind the eyes that I get from other things sometimes that I associate with the edge of getting sick. I've made a resin of wild lettuce with no effect.

Everything else I have not tried.

I wouldn't call phenibut a nootropic, but as an anti-anxiety remedy it is fantastic and as an occasional mood-enhancer, it's really good... it works best rectally but also, um, burns. I like taking it before going to a party or social gathering... it makes me extremely sociable and lowers my inhibitions. It also works for muting the symptoms of kratom withdrawal, which is strange but a very useful function for me.
if you are too young to pay for nootrops, you are too young to play with nootrops. and trust me, that is a good thing.
amineptine, i may be wrong but that dusnt exist anymore, so it's not a nootropic
I have been experimenting lately with injectable b-complex vitamins (vet-grade) with good success, its like a little shot of energy

highly recommended
samadhi_smiles said:
I have been experimenting lately with injectable b-complex vitamins (vet-grade) with good success, its like a little shot of energy

highly recommended
im quite jealous, i stumbled upon a source for injectable b12 some time ago and thought it was fraudulent because the ampules were full of red liquid, now i know that is the color of Cyanocobalamin and i have misplaced the source. it seems the only way to take B vitamins effectively. i wonder why the amps are not more common, i read once that it was routine to inject amphetamine with b12 in the 50s and 60s.
nanobrain said:
if you are too young to pay for nootrops, you are too young to play with nootrops. and trust me, that is a good thing.
Too young to pay for them and too young to own a credit card are two completely different things & I'm not "playing" with them. 8)

Anyways, I went to the health store today and they didn't even have any!
hamhurricane, if you are in the US, then it is easy to find a vet-grade source. Some friends that use steroids claim there is no real difference (having taken both to compare).

Depending on the state you can even buy pharm-grade (like 10x more expensive) through your local pharmacy (you'll probably have to get them to order it for you).

Its not a controlled substance, and giving yourself injections is not an illegal activity.
search for injectble B-complex 100ml vet or something similar on google. You should be able to get 100ml (good for 100-200 shots) for about 12 bucks. If you're still having trouble finding it PM me and I'll help ya out.

peace and take care,
thanks for the help!

on a side note, this is almost def a marketing gimmick...but i just received an email today form a nootropics vendor stating "Even with worldwide shortages of raw material we can still offer UCB brand Nootropil to you from 39 CENTS PER TABLET!"

Raw material? This brings up the question i have had for a while, what exactly is piracetam made of and why is it so cheap? Is it made of people?
I'm only now getting to the bottom of the first 250 gram bucket i bought, and im thinking of trying another member of the racetam family, ive read reports of them all but im still confused as to what the best contender for 2nd place racetam in terms of price, utility and safty, any suggestions or should i just stick to what works.
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I like oxiracetam... I find it pretty similar to piracetam, such that when taking them one at a time I notice no difference except the dosage (oxiracetam is several times more potent). When I take them in combination, I notice a bit of a boost over piracetam alone, but that could be placebo. I stick with just piracetam because it's so cheap.

I have only used aniracetam besides the other two I mentioned, and I don't like it. It feels wrong to me... it didn't provide the cognitive benefits that piracetam does and it made me feel funny in a subtle but real way. I have 29 grams of it I will never use.

There are actually a lot of -racetams that have been explored to some extent, and some are reported to have some more interesting effects. Apparently pramiracetam helps motivation, leading me to believe it produces some measure of euphoria... simply because generally when my motivation is increased it's because I feel euphoric. Search wikipedia for the names and brief summaries of all the currently known ones. However I doubt you could find most of them.

And yeah, don't use nootropil... it may be 39 cents a pill (800mg - working out to 48-49 cents a gram), but if you spend $20 on 700 grams of bulk piracetam, it's under 3 cents per gram.
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