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The Big & Dandy Nootropics Thread

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^ second that, aniracetam sucks and oxiracetam is a pricey alternative to piracetam that doesn't work as well

thats my experience with the other racetams, theyre just not as good as piracetam
nicotine (improves memory, concentration, energy level, creativity)
caffeine-(200-600mg)(improves memory, concentration, hunger, energy level)
flax oil(really f in good for you
hemp seed oil(REALLY f in good for you
cannabis (REALLY REALLY f in good for you. extremely anti carcinogenic, and -prevents alzheimers, among lots of other things)
occasional SAM-E(really helps rid depression in a very natural feeling way)
multi vit(yyou know)
This is taken from the wikipedia discussion page on piracetam, who knows if this guy is even telling the truth but from what he says it might indicate that piracetam weakens the blood brain barrier, i have heard that MSG sensitivity can be a indicator of BBB problems, and it is interesting to think a substance like piracetam mostly know for potentiating recreational drugs could also potentiate the effects of environmental toxins. Any thoughts?
"In the fall of 1995, I experimented with piracetam, taking the smallest of the three recommended dosages listed in Dean & Morganthaler's "Smart Drugs & Nutrients" on one occasion. After ingestion of the dose in the morning, I had an unpleasant experience which left me dizzy and disoriented later in the afternoon which passed in around one hour or so.

Approximately two weeks later, I consumed monosodium glutamate while eating a meal, a food additive which had never caused an unpleasant reaction for me prior to that day. Not long after consuming the MSG, I felt dizzy and had distortion in my field of vision.

Within the next month, I began to exhibit intolerance to a wide range of chemicals encountered in daily life, including acrylic, chemicals used in the manufacture of perfume & cologne, chemicals used in the manufacture of new carpeting, chemicals used in the manufacture of particle board, and other commonly encountered chemicals.

While I have minimized the effect of the chemical sensitivities over the course of the last decade through acupuncture and herbal medicine, I have not yet been able to bring about a complete cure.

While I have no empirical evidence that my chemicial sensitivities were caused by use of piracetam, there was no other chemical exposure or ingestion immediately prior to the onset of symptoms which could have caused the onset of my condition.

While I cannot say whether this undesirable side effect happens to one out of every 100 users or one out of every 100,000,000 users, it did happen to me. Like many people who tried piracetam, I had read literature which stated that piracetam causes absolutely no side effects and that it is an essentially harmless pharmaceutical. Be aware that even if the potential for chemical injury from the ingestion of piracetam is remote and highly unlikely to occur to any single user, development of multiple chemical sensitivities after ingestion of piracetam is a possibility and has happened to at least one person."
i need to bump my own question above because now its something that bugs me everytime i take piracetam (daily) am i just shredding up my BBB allowing an avalanch of xenotoxins to attack my defenselfess brain??

also, I have been experimenting with sulbutiamine lately. At first i thought it was interesting stuff, it gave me intense parapheral stimulation - increased heart rate lots of sweating, very similar to what i get when i consume energy drinks, which is not to say its fun or euphoric but it was somewhat usefull (i was talking in class more than usual etc.) but after the first day of use i had one of the worst stomach aches of my entire life, worse than the pains i would get from takling large doses of (perscription) adderall daily, literally crippeling pain, now im afraid to give the stuff another shot even though it seemed like a legit stim and im not positive the stomach pain dident come from another source and or drug interaction, anyone else had similar effects?
good question, I'm actually ashamed to say that I do not know the mechanism of action for piracetam :(

I know it can disinhibit the BBB, but I do not know how it does this (is it through receptor activation of the AcH axis or some other action?).

Maybe somebody smart can help us with an easy explanation?

a big baked hug to all,
I was taking ~800mgs piracetam, alpha GPC (can't remember dose), and 5 mgs hydergine daily. Then I was on acid one late night and all those containers of nootropics looked like bottles of poisonous chemicals so I threw all of them out! Fuck me! The hydergine was expensive too.

But the upshot is now I can last much longer during sex, I sleep better, feel better, fewer headaches. I dunno, maybe I felt a bit sharper when I was taking all those chemicals? Hard to tell. I definitely feel much more NORMAL and able to relax and think clearly and calmly without em. So YMMV with this stuff. And imo who needs it?
I have found cycling on and off helps with remaining 'stabile'

lots of others have found this too

Does anybody get dilated eyes from piracetam?

I do. Maybe I am taking too much (around 1.5 grams 1x a day).
This thread is forever useful for me when it comes to finding feedback on the various nootropics/supplements out there from knowledgeable users. I truly appreciate the knowledge you guys share with us on your nootropic/supplement use.

My regimen lately has been: Piracetam powder (1-2 grams) 1-2X a day, Rhodiola powder1-2X a day (1-1.5 g), Emergen-C 1-2X a day (a powdered fruit flavored drink mix which contains all sorts of vitamins and minerals), Super B-Complex (2-3 tablets) 1-2X a day, Chewable Vitamin C (3-4 tablets) 1-2X a day, Fish Oil capsules (1-3 capsules) 1-2X a day, Acetyl L-Carnitine/Alpha Lipoic Acid (1-2 capsules) 1-2X a day, SAM-e enteric coated tablets (400-800 mg) 2X a day.

I occasionally use: DHEA tablets (50-100 mg) 1-2X a day, Lecithin granules (3-6 grams) once a day, Melatonin tablets (1.5-6 mg) once at night, Taurine powder (1-3 grams) once a day, Niacinamide capsules (1-2 g) once a day, GABA powder (3-5 g sublingually) once a day, CoQ10 capsules (50-150 mg) once a day, DMAE powder (2-300 mg) 1-2X a day, DL-Phenylalanine powder (1.5-2.5 g) 1-2X a day, Chocamine powder (2-3 g) once a day, Japanese Sweet Flag 5X extract powder (3-6 g) once a day, Bali Kratom (12-15 g) 1-2X a night.

I'm waiting on a shipment of Deprenyl tablets and Hydergine tablets. I've never gotten to try Hydergine and haven't gotten to use Deprenyl in years. Is it true Deprenyl tablets are weaker than liquid? My order is from a European pharmacy and the shipping is steep ($15). You guys would recommend I start on how many mg of Deprenyl a day (3-5 mg a day?) and how many mg of Hydergine (is 2.5-5 mg a day good?). Hydergine is best taken once or twice a day? I'm very curious how Piracetam, Deprenyl and Hydergine will synergize and how they'll compliment/potentiate my usual psychedelics (HBW, Psilcoybe, L). I also want to order Moclobemide and see how 150-300 mg works as a preloader to potentiate Tryptamine psychedelics.

Supplements/smart drugs I'm considering adding to my regimen: Yerba Mate, Kava, Centrophenoxine, Phenibut, Kanna, Bacopa, Ashwagandha, Ginseng, GABOB, Blue Lilly, Wild Lettuce, Corydalis, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Betel, Myrrh 5X, Mexican Prickly Poppy, NADH, Salvia nemerosa, Salvia apiana, Pedicularis

How do you guys like my current daily regimen, my occasional regimen I rotate, and the smart drugs/supplements I'm considering ordering? What would you guys do different and what could I be doing wrong with my stack?

I'm very curious how the combination of Piracetam, Hydergine and Moclobemide will boost Psilocybe...should be QUITE the experience. When I take Piracetam, DMAE and Rhodiola with Tryptamines I find it makes the trip much smoother and more focused, seamlessly blending the nootropics with the psychedelic.
I need to get more money to try out all these supplements.

One thing I swear by now is apple cider vinegar. It's a great tonic for peak physical and mental performance.
samadhi_smiles said:
I have found cycling on and off helps with remaining 'stabile'

lots of others have found this too

Does anybody get dilated eyes from piracetam?

I do. Maybe I am taking too much (around 1.5 grams 1x a day).

I definitely find cycling to be beneficial. Occasionally stopping piracetam is good, but I am usually using it. Hydergine I actually only use like once a week now, if even. More than that and I just feel it's not giving me anything. When I started using it I used it daily for months and it was great until a certain point when I felt that the changes had become part of me, and I was just overdoing it.

I don't get dilated eyes from piracetam or hydergine. However I do with phenibut. But you seem to have easily dilated eyes from your various descriptions over time. ;)

magic wedel said:
I need to get more money to try out all these supplements.

Piracetam is dirt cheap. It's got to be the cheapest supplement I can think of of any kind if you buy it in bulk.

The Wizard said:
Supplements/smart drugs I'm considering adding to my regimen: Yerba Mate, Kava, Centrophenoxine, Phenibut, Kanna, Bacopa, Ashwagandha, Ginseng, GABOB, Blue Lilly, Wild Lettuce, Corydalis, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Betel, Myrrh 5X, Mexican Prickly Poppy, NADH, Salvia nemerosa, Salvia apiana, Pedicularis

Mate - Good stuff, I like it better than tea. it provides healthy-feeling energy but not really like coffee or something.

Kava - I like kava just fine... never been too impressed though

Centrophenoxine - It combines great with piracetam. Do you currently take a choline-raising substance (which centro is)? If not, you really should with piracetam. If you do already, centro is probably a better one. Centrophenoxine is DMAE with something else as well, can't remember without looking it up. But it's better than DMAE. There would be no point in using them both.

Phenibut - I really love this stuff. I find it recreational if you find the right dose. Rectal administration is the most effective but oral works as well. When the dose is right, it makes me feel really pretty fantastic, very sociable, with an active euphoria and relaxation. But strangely it also provides me with energy and makes me compulsed to move. The euphoria can border on mania sometimes, but it's also quite natural-feeling. it sort of makes me feel like I'm having a fantastic day, without drugs. Of course this sort of feeling can be a bit addictive, but I have never noticed withdrawal. It's my secret weapon for anxiety and for going to larger social gatherings. Tolerance raises quickly so it's best used as an occasional treat, in my opinion. Curiously it also seems to severely reduce or even eliminate kratom withdrawal if you keep it covered with phenibut. I have to say I usually just use phenibut as a drug. I don't consider it nootropic. But it's a nice thing to do sometimes. Also if you pusah the dose a little too high it can cause the spins. And sometimes on recreational doses it causes a curious sort of limb ache sort of like the very beginning of opiate withdrawal but without the additional discomforts, just the dull ache.

Betel - Not a fan
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Mr. Xorkoth, when you occasionally stop Piracetam, how many days do you stop for? And days after stopping do you still notice the benefits of Piracetam? Were there side effects you experienced that were the reason you stopped? Hydergine is effective if only used once a week? I thought some nootropics need to be used for each day for days, weeks before one gets the full benefits? Hydergine is so powerful that it works quickly and one can still feel the benefits even if they aren’t using it daily? What dosage of Hydergine would you recommend and take it once or twice a day? I wonder if Hydergine would absorb better sublingually or rectally than orally. Hydergine compliments Piracetam’s effects a lot I hear. Is this true? Will I automatically have a high tolerance for Hydergine since I use Ergolines like L and HBW a lot?

I second that, that for the price Piracetam is one of the absolute cheapest, most useful smart drugs. Dunno why any people bother buying Piracetam in pill form and paying MUCH more. DMAE is also pretty damn cheap and effective, though I don’t find daily DMAE use works well at all. I try to use it no more than 2 days of the week, 3 tops.

You always use Yerba as a tea or also have tried it toss n washed or packed in capsules? I’d love to find a good, cheap source for Yerba. It sounds like one of the healthiest, most productive herbal stimulants around (other than Rhodiola, Coca and Japanese Sweet Flag 5X). I recently ordered Chocamine (a blend of Cocoa extract, Caffeine, PEA and other stuff) and have been a bit disappointed by it when taking it alone. It doesn’t seem to give me nearly the boost of drinking Coffee or swallowing pure Caffeine. I do like how Chocamine snynergizes with tryptamine psychedelics or DXM.

Xorkoth, I highly recommend you try some Japanese Sweet Flag 5X extract if you like healthy, productive, somewhat euphoric plant stimulants. Sadly, almost no one online is aware of the potential of this stuff and it’s one of the cleanest, mellowest stimulants I’ve used in years and it only costs $10 for an ounce. 3-5 grams gives me a really pleasant alert yet relaxing effect with a subtle empathogen (think a low dose of mellow MDMA) quality when I’m around people. Although this stuff is subtle on its own it becomes much more euphoric and noticeable when I combine it with HBW or other psychedelics like DXM. The combo of Sweet Flag 5X plus HBW was reminiscent of a mild candyflip (MDMA plus LSD).

I also think you should give Rhodiola a try. It’s cheap and has a pretty potent stimulant/relaxant/antidepressant effect (boosts dopamine and serotonin as I recall) and is great for the immune system. Supposedly, KGB agents used to use it as a pick me up (LOL what a silly internet rumor). As I recall, 100 g of Rhodiola costed me $15. And I get nice effects from taking 1-2 grams a day. Rhodiola might also boost opioids since it has some sort of effect on opioid receptors, as I seem to recall reading. Thai Kratom is also a very nice pick me up.

What forms of Kava have you used? I don’t find over the counter brands of Kava capsules or tinctures work well at all. And some brands can actually be liver toxic. Ordering online is the only way to go with Kava, preferably fresh from a farm in Hawaiia. Pounds of fresh root tend to go for $30-$50. I hear different strains have different, unique effects. I wish I could find a strain that wasn’t so sedating and was more stimulating. My complaints about Kava is it’s a pain in the ass to prepare and tends to make me way too sleepy to function. I’m curious how well the 40%, 70%, 84%, and 90% Kavalactone pastes work compared to fresh root. I like the convenience that I’d only have to swallow a few grams of paste for effect, but I’ve heard the effects of the paste pale in comparison to good, fresh root. Also, Kava is a great way to come down from psychedelics 

How do the effects of Centrophenoxine differ from DMAE and how is it superior? Is it the same as DMAE in terms of it isn’t effective to use daily or at high doses? And can it be gotten for dirt cheap like DMAE can? I already use choline sources like DMAE or Lecithin along with my Piracetam. Why is it advantageous to use a choline drug with Piracetam? I hear it cures Piracetam headaches but does it also increase the smart drug effect of Piracetam. Xorkoth, what do you think of Lecithin granules? I sometimes use high lose Lecithin for relaxation and according to the DXM Zine high dose Lecithin (over 5 grams) can get one into a nice, meditative state where it’s easier to achieve CEVs and OBEs during meditations. I will say that high dose Lecithin does work REALLY well with DXM to make the trip clearer mentally and increase the CEV/OBE sensation.

Xorkoth, you’re getting me more and more interested in trying Phenibut, man… Is it true that it’s GHB-esque? I used to love low doses of Xyrem (pharmaceutical GHB). Is Phenibut similar at all in effect to Neurontin? Because I looove Neurontin as a downer/antidepressant. A friend of mine recently turned me off to Phenibut when he warned how addictive he finds it and how bad the withdrawals were for him. He felt very disconnected from reality and was having severe anxiety for days. I assume the euphoria of Phenibut must come at a price so I wouldn’t want to risk using it daily. GABOB is another gabaergic downer I hear about online and is structurally related to GHB. But, since I find very little positive experience reports about GABOB online I assume it’s garbage. I’m a bit interested in trying Picamilon. It sounds similar to how you describe Phenibut. Supposedly Picamilon is a great mood booster and anxiety aid. As I recall it’s formed by bonding Niacin and GABA together (interesting huh). I wonder how cheap Neurontin can be gotten online. Lyrica, a new pharmaceutical related to Neurontin, sounds like really fun stuff but, sadly, it’s a controlled substance.

I always love how enthusiastic you are about smart drugs/supplements/plants, Xorkoth. It's refreshing to see such enthusiasm. You're very clear and to the point in your descriptions of these various drugs. Obviously, you've years of experience.
The Wizard said:
Mr. Xorkoth, when you occasionally stop Piracetam, how many days do you stop for? And days after stopping do you still notice the benefits of Piracetam? Were there side effects you experienced that were the reason you stopped? Hydergine is effective if only used once a week? I thought some nootropics need to be used for each day for days, weeks before one gets the full benefits? Hydergine is so powerful that it works quickly and one can still feel the benefits even if they aren’t using it daily? What dosage of Hydergine would you recommend and take it once or twice a day? I wonder if Hydergine would absorb better sublingually or rectally than orally. Hydergine compliments Piracetam’s effects a lot I hear. Is this true? Will I automatically have a high tolerance for Hydergine since I use Ergolines like L and HBW a lot?

I find that the benefits of piracetam fade after a day or two, leading me to believe it fades from the system quickly. I don't ever feel that I NEED to take a break from it like I do with hydergine, but I just like to from time to time. I notice it more then when I start again. Also it's worth noting that I feel like the benefits of nootropics never fully leave me, as if my brain has been tuned semi-permanmently. A lot of this could be subjective however.

As for hydergine, I used it daily to great effect for a long time as I mentioned. I would recommend using it daily, maybe breaking for weekends, at first. If you start to notice it losing effectiveness, then take a break. Hydergine more than anything else seems to be sort of permanent to me after a while, which is why I only use it rarely. But I doubt that would be your reaction at first. I like hydergine a lot. I felt that when I started it it helped me mood tremendously. It started working pretty fast (some the first day), and it peaked in effectiveness around 2 weeks in perhaps. This is my memory from a few years back however.

Xorkoth, I highly recommend you try some Japanese Sweet Flag 5X extract if you like healthy, productive, somewhat euphoric plant stimulants. Sadly, almost no one online is aware of the potential of this stuff and it’s one of the cleanest, mellowest stimulants I’ve used in years and it only costs $10 for an ounce. 3-5 grams gives me a really pleasant alert yet relaxing effect with a subtle empathogen (think a low dose of mellow MDMA) quality when I’m around people. Although this stuff is subtle on its own it becomes much more euphoric and noticeable when I combine it with HBW or other psychedelics like DXM. The combo of Sweet Flag 5X plus HBW was reminiscent of a mild candyflip (MDMA plus LSD).

Interesting. I have some dried calamus root which I dislike. But I may have to locate and try the extract next time I make an ethnobotanical order.

I also think you should give Rhodiola a try. It’s cheap and has a pretty potent stimulant/relaxant/antidepressant effect (boosts dopamine and serotonin as I recall) and is great for the immune system. Supposedly, KGB agents used to use it as a pick me up (LOL what a silly internet rumor). As I recall, 100 g of Rhodiola costed me $15. And I get nice effects from taking 1-2 grams a day. Rhodiola might also boost opioids since it has some sort of effect on opioid receptors, as I seem to recall reading. Thai Kratom is also a very nice pick me up.

Rhodiola I actually have used. In fvact I had some this morning. I do enjoy it but it seems pretty subtle to me. It definitely is calming and balancing but I've never had it hit me to the point where I couldn't rationalize it away as placebo. I haven't tried it for boosting opiates.

And kratom, yes, I definitely know the goodness of kratom. It's been my main drug vice over the past 4 years. I love it more than any real opiate... it's just fantastic to me. And this is why I have to stay away from it. Unfortunately. :(

How do the effects of Centrophenoxine differ from DMAE and how is it superior? Is it the same as DMAE in terms of it isn’t effective to use daily or at high doses? And can it be gotten for dirt cheap like DMAE can? I already use choline sources like DMAE or Lecithin along with my Piracetam. Why is it advantageous to use a choline drug with Piracetam? I hear it cures Piracetam headaches but does it also increase the smart drug effect of Piracetam. Xorkoth, what do you think of Lecithin granules? I sometimes use high lose Lecithin for relaxation and according to the DXM Zine high dose Lecithin (over 5 grams) can get one into a nice, meditative state where it’s easier to achieve CEVs and OBEs during meditations. I will say that high dose Lecithin does work REALLY well with DXM to make the trip clearer mentally and increase the CEV/OBE sensation.

It's kind of hard to say how it differs from DMAE subjectively, since it is subjective. Basically it is more systainable. DMAE starts to feel detrimental after a little while whereas centro does not. Plus it works better, more strongly. Mainly it's good for combining with piracetam, as it brings out the best in both. The combination is great for increasing motivation and creativity and the feeling of inspiration in your day-to-day life. Lecithin does something similar but is not absorbed too well, plus centro has additional benefits over lecithi as a choline increaser. Unfortunately centrophenoxine is not as cheap as DMAE, actually it's quite a bit more. The dose is low though so if you find a bulk source it's still quite affordable. I got 50 grams for like $20-$30 I think, and it's lasting me a hell of a long time.

Xorkoth, you’re getting me more and more interested in trying Phenibut, man… Is it true that it’s GHB-esque? I used to love low doses of Xyrem (pharmaceutical GHB). Is Phenibut similar at all in effect to Neurontin? Because I looove Neurontin as a downer/antidepressant. A friend of mine recently turned me off to Phenibut when he warned how addictive he finds it and how bad the withdrawals were for him. He felt very disconnected from reality and was having severe anxiety for days. I assume the euphoria of Phenibut must come at a price so I wouldn’t want to risk using it daily.

Yeah, phenibut can be addictive. I don't find that it has withdrawals, but there is rebound anxiety due to the fact that you've been hiding from your anxiety for days on end. I actually sometimes tend to go on spurts of weeks to months using it most days, often not on the weekends, but sometimes 7 days a week. I have never felt a true withdrawal but it's true that you miss the comfort of phenibut when you stop. I have never had Neurontin but the descriptions of it make them sound quite similar. I do find phenibut similar to GHB, but much subtler. It's a similar feeling though.

I always love how enthusiastic you are about smart drugs/supplements/plants, Xorkoth. It's refreshing to see such enthusiasm. You're very clear and to the point in your descriptions of these various drugs. Obviously, you've years of experience.

Thanks, and I also appreciate your enthusiasm for ethnobotanicals and all of your informative posts in the LSA-related threads. It's nice to see someone else forumlating massive posts nearly every time. =D It must be all the nootropics. I just can't stop myself from letting loose an onslaught of verbage whenever I start typing!
I did NOT like DMAE for long-term use.

It started to make me feel a bit manic after awhile. I really don't need much extra choline, since even a bit too much from a choline donator seems to push me over the edge and begins to be counter-productive. fwiw.

yeah, Xorkoth is great! I also love how enthusiastic he is about life! It rubs off on you after awhile talking to the guy!

peace and huggles,
samadhi_smiles said:
good question, I'm actually ashamed to say that I do not know the mechanism of action for piracetam :(

I know it can disinhibit the BBB, but I do not know how it does this (is it through receptor activation of the AcH axis or some other action?).

Maybe somebody smart can help us with an easy explanation?

would it be much trouble for you to find the source where you read about BBB disinhibition samadhi? this idea that i may be damaging my BBB is really haunting me, i keep wondering if an electron micrograph of my brain will appear in a textbook 20 years down a line to illustrate the horrors of piracetam abuse in the 2000s.8o
^^ Although remember there have been studies on piracetam for over 50 years. Still, I'd like to see something more about it too. A lot more people are probably using it now but people have been using it for half a century.
Yeah, Xorkoth is def. the shit! Coolest moderator on Bluelight. The most down to earth and easy to talk to. And he has no air of arrogance about him at all.

Where did this guy get the idea to use DMAE daily? If you'd read much about it all the literature indicates you shouldn't use it daily. What dosage were you using, how many times a day, and how many days in a row? I think taking more than 3 or 400 mg of DMAE is stupid. Sometimes I take as little as 200 mg even. Also DMAE is contraindicated for people with bipolar tendencies, as it can cause mania.

Is it true that choline enhancing supplements like DMAE and Lecithin can make one have more intense dreams?

Anyone used Vinpocetine or NADH much? How bout CoQ10?
How much does Hydergine potentiate Tryptamines and Phenethylamine psychedelics? Since it's a vasodilator would it counteract the vasoconstricting effects of HBW? Is Hydergine as potent a psychedelic potentiator as Piracetam. Also, how well do Hydergine and Piracetam synergize as a smart drug combo. And would the combo of Piracetam, Hydergine, DMAE and Rhodiola be good? Lastly, has anyone tried combining DMAE, Lecithin, Rhodiola, Deprenyl, SAM-e, Melatonin or 5-HTP with psychedelics??
The Wizard said:
How much does Hydergine potentiate Tryptamines and Phenethylamine psychedelics? Since it's a vasodilator would it counteract the vasoconstricting effects of HBW? Is Hydergine as potent a psychedelic potentiator as Piracetam. Also, how well do Hydergine and Piracetam synergize as a smart drug combo. And would the combo of Piracetam, Hydergine, DMAE and Rhodiola be good? Lastly, has anyone tried combining DMAE, Lecithin, Rhodiola, Deprenyl, SAM-e, Melatonin or 5-HTP with psychedelics??

i think its pretty scary that nobody seemed to heed dondante's warning about hydergine and 5HT2B agonists causing heart valve abnormalities, it def scarred me off regualr use. i may buy more hydergine but only to use on special occasions when i want that feeling of quasi-psychedelic brain bloat. for me it has worked beautifully in conjunction with psychs, but for others it has been unpredictable. it added depth and lucidity to the experience but not intensity persay, so i would not call it simple potentiation. deprenyl with (low dose!(5mg)) AMT was great but it is dangerous. i dont think rhodiola is even psychoactive is it? it certainly wasent for me.
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I'll try to find a source. I haven't a lot of time lately though.

hydergine + 2CB was a somewhat terrifying experience!
I think I'm done with nootropics

At least for now. Piracetam and hydergine helped me get out of a rut, as far as applying effort to life, and for the past two months I've noticed clear benefits (cognitive and energy-related). It just seems that that I've flat-lined emotionally, like I've lost a deeper appreciation for life. My motivation has been dropping consequently and I need a good break. Just advice/self-reflections for others... I think it's good for the human body to have periods of purity, and complete abstinence from psychoactives.
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