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Nootropics The Big & Dandy Nootropics Thread (Stack 2)

Sorry this might sound pretty vague, but I seem to remember there being a sort of generally recommended phenibut dose on bluelight. I took phenibut last year and didn't like higher doses, but there was a dosage regime that I kept seeing pop up which involved taking iirc, about 300-400mg, then redosing a number of hours later

Anybody have any idea what I'm on about here? I, unfortunately, made no note of the way I dosed last year, but I know this was roughly it.

If not, can anybody suggest a similar kind of way of dosing? I certainly didn't like taking amounts of 1g+ in one go, but the redose way seemed to really work.

Any thoughts/suggestions welcome, cheers.
Sorry this might sound pretty vague, but I seem to remember there being a sort of generally recommended phenibut dose on bluelight. I took phenibut last year and didn't like higher doses, but there was a dosage regime that I kept seeing pop up which involved taking iirc, about 300-400mg, then redosing a number of hours later

Anybody have any idea what I'm on about here? I, unfortunately, made no note of the way I dosed last year, but I know this was roughly it.

If not, can anybody suggest a similar kind of way of dosing? I certainly didn't like taking amounts of 1g+ in one go, but the redose way seemed to really work.

Any thoughts/suggestions welcome, cheers.

Yeah this is the noopept thread, but redosing phenibut works well, better than dosing it all at once actually. I'd suggest maybe ~300mg, then an hour or 2 later dose again. And then again if you feel like it, but keep in mind it can take a number of hours to fully develop.
I guess you dosed too high now, mate.

I certainly did, although only the once (first time) iirc.

This is the noopept thread :D

Ha, whoops. Ctrl & F + type in noo + register word vaguely resembling 'nootropic' would appear to = posting in noopept megathread by accident. =D

Xorkoth - I'm pretty sure that was the way I dosed. Does anybody know roughly at which dose it starts veering from nootropic to more recreational drug territory (so I can avoid it)?

And any chance of winging this to the nootropic megathread? Cheers.
Moved some posts from the noopept thread about phenibut into here.

In my experience recreational effects start at 1 gram to 1.5 grams for me with no tolerance. I'd assume a gram.
Yes, I can confirm that. When I started phenibut the recreational dose was 1.5grams. Now about 5 years later I barely feel 3.5 grams. One time I took too much phenibut and combined it with other gaba-ergics... I got delerious.. since then phenibut never worked like it used to. Also in the early days I would feel its effects in half an hour. Now it sometimes takes forever to kick in.

So your tolerance can rise and it seems impossible to lower it, anybody got ideas?

My advice is when you start never take more then 2 grams and don't mix it with GHB, GBL or other. Only take it when needed and not more then 3 days in a row with breaks. It's a godsend if you respect it!
Regular chronic use will definitely increase tolerance. I used to do it every other day for a couple of years, my dose went from 1.5 grams to about 3, I still usually got the good effects. It always took a long time to kick in for me, never once in my life was it faster than 2 hours, usually 4 or 5 to really get going, even at the beginning.

Do you experience withdrawals when you don't have it? How often do you use it? I had been using it with several breaks including one 2-year break, for the past 12 years... I stopped using it 2.5 months ago, withdrew, and I feel totally recovered from that and have for a few weeks now. I took 1.5 grams for a music festival day last weekend and it worked great, probably a little less strong than it would have been after taking a much longer break though. Also keep in mind I was using it every other day, then went down to every 3 days, then every 4 days, before I jumped off. If you're using it daily (which I did for the first year of knowing about it), tolerance really raises a lot and it's hard to get the effects. I find even every 3rd day, if you do it very regularly for a long period of time, produces some physical dependence.
In my--admittedly limited--experience, body weight and/or chemistry vastly affects the dosing of phenibut. I tend to be in line with most ranges I've seen, with >1g being a "recreational" dose and 5-600mg a noticeable anxiolytic-but-not-inebriating effect. I stick to the smaller dose for days with anticipated high-anxiety events, such as public speaking; ~1g for social lubrication or in combination with psychedelics; and 1.5-2g for "I wanna get drunk but not spend a ton of money and the next day in bed." My wife, on the other hand, goes from nothing at 250mg to mood lift at 400mg to two-or-three-drinks-in at 500mg! She's also 100 pounds (45kg) soaking wet.

I have yet to experience anything I would consider truly nootropic, however. (Other than, perhaps, better wisecracks?) That said, I don't take a daily regimen; it's more of a tool, or occasional toy. For clearer thinking and better memory recall I notice more effects from piracetam.

On that note, I'd like to ask: Has anyone else had better effects from higher-than-usual doses of piracetam? Most people seem to take <1g daily, with or without starting "attack" doses; I've found that I get nothing from that. When I first tried piracetam a few years ago, I took daily 700mg doses and never experienced any tangible benefit, so when my supply ran out I didn't bother ordering more. After reading more glowing reviews here and elsewhere recently I decided to try again, this time by starting with a high attack dose and tapering down to 800mg/day. This time, I definitely noticed some improved cognition--more of a clear-headed "sharpness"--on the first two days, but as the dose tapered down, so did the effects. Then I stumbled upon this post. (Apologies if this has been posted before.) Now, 4.8g 2x daily seems a bit extreme to me (mostly because the bitterness quickly goes from barely there to palatable to *RETCH* as the dose increases, and 4.8g is way to much to cap up), but I decided to increase my daily dosage anyway and I would say for me the optimum minimum dosage is 2.4g/day with breakfast. Does this experience line up with anyone else? Perhaps a better question: Does the literature included in that post hold up to scrutiny? Here are the abstracts for reference, although they appear to be neatly copied--if edited for emphasis--in the forum post:

1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10555876
2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8272204
I don't find phenibut to be nootropic either, honestly. Well I mean, it is in the same way you COULD consider a drink nootropic, or amphetamine. That is, it boosts my mood and inspiration and motivation, but it's because it makes me feel good, not because it's working like something such as piracetam.

Regarding piracetam high doses, I haven't tried taking more than a gram twice a day in a long while. Perhaps I'll give it a shot soon. Right now I'm trying fasoracetam for a few days, maybe extending to a week or two, with the purpose of upregulating my GABA-B receptors after years of regular phenibut. I am stacking a small dose of piracetam but I don't want to jump in heavy with it. I've also given noopept a break for now. I like noopept, it's quite noticeably effective when snorted, but I am getting the feeling it shouldn't be kept up consistently for too long.
I don't find phenibut to be nootropic either, honestly. Well I mean, it is in the same way you COULD consider a drink nootropic, or amphetamine. That is, it boosts my mood and inspiration and motivation, but it's because it makes me feel good, not because it's working like something such as piracetam.

Based on my limited experience with phenibut, I agree. I place it in the same category as alcohol or GHB... it *can* improve performance in certain areas, but only by reducing inhibitions, not by improving cognition.
Sorry this might sound pretty vague, but I seem to remember there being a sort of generally recommended phenibut dose on bluelight. I took phenibut last year and didn't like higher doses, but there was a dosage regime that I kept seeing pop up which involved taking iirc, about 300-400mg, then redosing a number of hours later

Anybody have any idea what I'm on about here? I, unfortunately, made no note of the way I dosed last year, but I know this was roughly it.

Okay, so regarding this post, I've just found some notes (times/doses/effects) I made last year regarding benzo use, and thankfully I'd placed some of my phenibut notes in there. I was actually pretty far off the mark with what I wrote above. Here are the notes:

Friday 22nd July
14.47: 1000mg Phenibut
16.47: 500mg Phenibut - Definite Social release.

8th July
20.21: 1000mg Phenibut
Some time later: 500mg Phenibut - Amazing.

So the dosing schedule I was using (which iirc was recommended on bluelight), was 1000mg Phenibut + 500mg 2 hours later. The social release/mild euphoria at the festival was very nice, and it is this feeling/effect that I seek to recreate.

Anyway, my phenibut arrived today and I dosed 600mg 1 hour ago. I think I'll probably redose some more in an hour or two. My stomach is pretty empty etc.

One more question, does anybody find that phenibut causes motor impairment/slurred speech? If so, how much and at approximately what dose? I don't really want to appear visibly impaired.
I've never had any motor impairment or slurred speech, except when I took way too much the first time, no slurring but I felt heavy and clumsy. I think I took about 3 grams the first time because people online were recommending 5 grams. :|

That's the only time ever, I've never noticed any amount of physical impairment when dosed right.
^Cheers dude. Yeah back when I dosed about 3g (also my first time; I wanted to be able to adequately gauge its effects given that nootropics tend to be a case of being unsure whether anything is happening...), it was a fairly heavy experience but I still don't really remember any slurred speech or loss of motor control, per se. That said, I was pretty gone and people could probably tell. The 1500mg doses were completely different though; far more slick and with it.

I think I'll probably redose 600mg.
No offense but I don't see how high dose phenibut has anything to do with nootropics, I find phenibut being labeled a nootropic at all kind of iffy. :)

Tried picamilon again recently but it was really mild, it's supposed to have a stimulating quality but I don't know how that would be mediated apart from inhibition of inhibitory neural pathways.

Mood enhancement from supplements? Yes! I love theanine for example. But I have always considered using anxiolytics to 'function better' not nootropic. But yea semantics.
Yeah I don't think phenibut is a nootropic either. To me nootropics are drugs like piracetam, or hydergine (my favorite one), or noopept, or the things in that realm, that subtly enhance brain functions and are entirely non-addictive. Phenibut is a recreational drug, or in its lower dose usage, a mild anxiolytic.

I like theanine also, it's mild but notable.
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^^Fair enough, although just to clarify the discussion regarding high dose phenibut was because I was seeking to avoid it. :)

Can anybody remind me of the name of the website which reviews the effectiveness of nootropics on key areas such as memory/cognitive enhancement/anxiety/etc, and cites studies to give an average rating? I usually know but I can't remember and/or find it.
Yeah I don't think phenibut is a nootropic either. To me nootropics are drugs like piracetam, or hydergine (my favorite one), or noopept, or the things in that realm, that subtly enhance brain functions and are entirely non-addictive. Phenibut is a recreational drug, or in its lower dose usage, a mild anxiolytic.

I like theanine also, it's mild but notable.
You are the first person I have seen mention hydergine, what exactly is it good for and what about it makes it your favorite? (Besides it's amazing ergoloid structure)
Well, granted, I took it during a depressive episode when I had just graduated college and moved 700 miles away from my friends and family. But I was also taking other nootropics befoe that to try to deal, and then I tried hydergine. I found that unlike many nootropics, the effects are definitively beyond placebo. I found that it felt a bit like a very low dose of LSD, a microdose that you can feel so not the tiniest microdose that some people go for. It was like that, but different. I remember that it improved my word recall and working memory very noticeably, like piracetam or better, and more importantly, it improved my baseline mood quite a lot. I wasn't euphoric, I just felt at ease. Whereas before I had felt like I didn't want to talk to people at work, when I was taking hydergine I felt open and would seek out conversations. I felt sober, not intoxicated, it was just like everything felt easier.