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Nootropics The Big & Dandy Nootropics Thread (Stack 2)

anybody here tried sunifiram? i been using it for about a week now and i have noticed big differences in my mental clarity and memory. not really noticed any major side effects accept for the first few days i found it hard to get to sleep. i will be looking to take some mdma soon and will see how it combines with the sunifiram.
I started using Noopept with citicholine on August 20th and have noticed some minor effects already. I have no history with nootropics, so i was surprised to notice effects so quickly.
The first day I used 30 mg Noopept with 500 mg citicholine and I didn't notice much, I was still in my normal sleepy state of mind during the day, maybe slightly more awake than usual. The first night, however, I had a very detailed dream about something not unusual for me; being in school and cramming for exams. When I woke up I had a slight headache, but I ate breakfast and it went away. The second day I used the same dose and experienced a noticeable absence of my usual anxiety, and was able to conduct conversations rather effortlessly. That night I had more extremely detailed dreams, but continuously woke up throughout the night, getting very little sleep.
Today I feel tired from the sleep I lost out on last night, but I can tell my ideas are becoming more fluid and easier to communicate verbally, and have a sense of what direction these compounds take people. Mental clarity and lack of fogginess would only occur rarely for me, so to experience it two days in a row and the notion that it may be extended is exhilarating.
Since im new to this forum and not sure wether i should create a new topic for this or just post here. I'll just post here.

I have been reading about chemicals for quite some time now, and since my study is starting again next week I want to pick up nootropics again.

I used to take Aniracetam/Noopept/Centrophenoxine (700/30/200) twice a day. My question is to you guys is if this is a good stack, or is there some "ideal" stack around?

Different people seem to react quite differently to nootropics so I don't think anyone can say - there's certainly (as far as I know) no 'ideal' cocktail of nootropics that is particularly beneficial. It's all very anecdotal and speculative anyway. Tell us if this works out well for you though I'm personally a big fan of aniracetam. The doses seem reasonable.

(& welcome to bluelight! New Member Introductions ;))

Thanks for your answer, although I get your point that there is no "best" stack or ideal combination. Isn't there a set of combinations that work better together and a set which does not?

Do you think for example ani/noop/centro is a good one? Or would you do use something else?
New here but not to nootropics/supps. In the game for 20+ years. Here are my favorites..

1.) PhenylPiracetam
2.) GPLC
3.) Phenibut
4.) Rhodiola Rosea
5.) 5-htp

PP gives laser like focus. RR in particular shines for me in terms of stress relief. GPLC = stronger in the gym/better mind-muscle connection. Phenibut once in awhile but it can be habit forming. 5-htp is "ok", but works really well when paired with RR IMO.

My $.05... :)
Are there any dangerous interactions with nootropics, mainly noopept or piracetam? Can i feel safe taking say noopept with other recreational drugs and is it nauseating? Im mainly looking for side effects and personal negative accounts with noopept because im on the verge of placing an order as my vendor has it for dirt cheap and since I've been outta school for a while i feel like im losing some of my iq lol. Any glowing or negative experiences will be greatly appreciated :)
Are there any dangerous interactions with nootropics, mainly noopept or piracetam? Can i feel safe taking say noopept with other recreational drugs and is it nauseating? Im mainly looking for side effects and personal negative accounts with noopept because im on the verge of placing an order as my vendor has it for dirt cheap and since I've been outta school for a while i feel like im losing some of my iq lol. Any glowing or negative experiences will be greatly appreciated :)

Not that I've ever heard of, no. Noopept and Piracetam are known for synergizing and possibly increasing intensity of most psychedelics, empathogens, and even weed. From reading multiple reports, it will however have a negative impact on dissociatives, some people even claiming it can sober you up from them.

Definitely not nauseating.

If you feel like you're losing some of your IQ, may I suggest reading? I've been out of school for a little over a year now and have noticed the same, however I contribute it to my almost non-existent reading habits. It really is the best way to increase vocabulary, vocal fluidity, etc.
The only nauseating thing about noopept is the taste. That stuff makes me gag, although it's so extremely bad it did make me immune to the bitter taste of RC's (those I've had so far, that is). I took the noopept sublingual in powder form, but never got any effects off it. Can't really remember any noticeable interactions I got with other drugs either. Could've been the dose (I believe I took up to 30mg), or just me. Piracetam on the other hand is my favorite nootropic so far, made me drunk as hell with just a few beers and vaped DMT hit me so quick and hard I could hardly take a second toke. That was also one of the best trips I've had.
I'm currently on aniracetam, but I don't feel a lot from it either... I'll just work through the ~100g I have left, perhaps the effects will come eventually and I don't like to throw away money anyway.

Oh if only I could get my hands on some bulk piracetam. By now I've got a lot more different drugs stashed and I would love to play around with them. Especially the psychedelics, they just seem to form a perfect match with piracetam.
Has anyone ever tried Focus Formula with any positive results?
I've tried numerous smart drugs, but most have not worked for me as many have claimed.
Focus Formula seems to at least get me "in the zone" and focused even though it does not include any Racetams.
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Here's a basic list of nootropics.
Also, SHD means sub-hallucinogenic dose.
2C-D(Cognitive enhancements in memory and problem solving at sub-hallucinogenic doses, SHD)
2C-G-N(long acting stimulation)
2C-I(Stimulant at sub-hallucinogenic dose, SHD)
2-methyl-2-butanol, 2m2bOH(helps you socialize. Anti-anxiety.)
Alpha GPC
B Vitamins
Cayenne Pepper
DM-235 (Sunifiram)
DMAA(Geranamine, DiMethylAmylAmine[safe stimulant])
Haloperidol(anti-psychotic and possible trip/hallucination terminater)
Huperzine A
Hyacinth Flower Petals
IAP(IndanylAminoPropane, anti-depressant)
Omega 3's
Periwinkle Flower Petals
Vitamin B6
Vitamin D3
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I've been interested in combining DMAA(Dimethylamylamine) with 2m2bOH(2-methyl-2-butanol). It seems interesting because although I'm smart, I sort of struggle socially and sometimes I'm not motivated or fully energized and sometimes I get sad often. The 2m2bOH would help with confidence and sociability and the DMAA would cause stimulation to conteract the sleepy effects of the 2m2bOH. 2m2bOH also seems interesting because of reports of it being more focused and mood lifting without the toxicity or side effects that ethanol has. DMAA seems cool because it's reported to actually be a stimulant while caffeine is just a boring wakefullness enhancer which is useless to me because I never had a problem staying up all day. I just want more confidence, and energy. It's not enough to be smart. I want to be smart, healthy, energized, and confident. Maybe IAP(IndanylAminoPropane) is better for mood lift and confidence. Or a DMAA and IAP combo. Confidence is what I most need.
I want to be Dr. Confident! =D
Here's a basic list of nootropics.
Also, SHD means sub-hallucinogenic dose.
2C-D(Cognitive enhancements in memory and problem solving at sub-hallucinogenic doses, SHD)
2C-G-N(long acting stimulation)
2C-I(Stimulant at sub-hallucinogenic dose, SHD)
2-methyl-2-butanol, 2m2bOH(helps you socialize. Anti-anxiety.)
Alpha GPC
B Vitamins
Cayenne Pepper
DM-235 (Sunifiram)
DMAA(Geranamine, DiMethylAmylAmine[safe stimulant])
Haloperidol(anti-psychotic and possible trip/hallucination terminater)
Huperzine A
Hyacinth Flower Petals
IAP(IndanylAminoPropane, anti-depressant)
Omega 3's
Periwinkle Flower Petals
Vitamin B6
Vitamin D3

Exactly my thought. Serotonin is also weird to put on there, omega fat oils have - I think - not conclusively been proven to help (big junk science study on kids in UK, IIRC), 2M2B is again indeed an anxiolytic but that is not the same as a nootropic. Diphenhydramine also isn't one that I know of, if anything it potentially royally fucks your cognition. Propanolol as a beta-blocker can enhance some types of performance but indirectly, hardly counts. Why it doesn't really count is illustrated by anxiolytics that don't only promote tranquility but also allow sedation to make you less sharp. (Likewise not all euphoric drugs can be listed as anti-depressants, that kind of thinking is incredibly myopic. Which might suggest you are taking lobotomizing agents substituted for actual nootropics ;) hehe j/k)
I don't consider phenibut a nootropic either though some do. Picamilon (not listed tho) is also a GABA-drug but like theanine it is not sedating and the calm is subtle because of that. Picamilon might be one I would almost have doubts about.
Haloperidol? Fucking lol!
Probiotics? I don't see how, do you have bowel movements in your brain?
L-arginine, nah not really. Is supposed to be mildly vasodilatory though - and helps with other things. All of those like tyrosine , etc that are remotely or not so remotely involved in anabolism of neurotransmitters can be useful if you are running low... but other than that I don't see how they would matter significantly.

Problem with GABAergics is: GABA α5 agonism (the α5 subunit is found in GABAA receptors) eventually interferes with memory formation which is imperative in cognitive processes. Attention and focus involve memory to a large degree, think about it! Learning using attention requires keeping enough information in your working memory at the same time to combine it via association and manipulation for example, into new understanding. If you wiki nootropics you will see that there are memory improving nootropics that are inverse agonists on that sort of GABA receptor.
By the way phenibut happens to work on GABAB so the memory story doesn't entirely apply there.

I would add to that nootropics list:
- phosphatidylserine (tried it and found it noticeable - can't say that about all nootropics or supplements - and a success)
- modafinil (obviously, adrafinil is on the list and it's a pro-drug for it)
- selank
- semax / semaks (I want to try these latter two but I'm just not made of 100 dollar bills)
- IDRA-21 (is for sale actually), ampakine
- noopept

DMAA, would not recommend that - never taking that again.
actually I've heard that probiotics can have a mental effect. Unfortunately I heard it in a talk radio podcast that when rats were doing the "forced swimming test" a certain probiotic strain inhibited the GABA signal that causes them to stop freaking out from being unwillingly tossed into water. In that podcast they also noted that most of our serotonin receptors are actually in our gut and other little tidbits of info that elaborated why the receptors in our digestive tract are responsible for more mental processes than most people assume.
actually I've heard that probiotics can have a mental effect. Unfortunately I heard it in a talk radio podcast that when rats were doing the "forced swimming test" a certain probiotic strain inhibited the GABA signal that causes them to stop freaking out from being unwillingly tossed into water. In that podcast they also noted that most of our serotonin receptors are actually in our gut and other little tidbits of info that elaborated why the receptors in our digestive tract are responsible for more mental processes than most people assume.

Ah interesting.

Solipsis, why don't you like DMAA?

The feeling really freaks me out. It is thermogenic I'll give you that, but that's about it.

Maybe I need to take less probiotics ;)
My experiences with IDRA-21 at various doses over a period of two months:

No difference whatsoever between 10mg and 100mg. Using more is simply a waste. Substance was a white, crystalline powder. No taste, not even a subtle one. Insufflating increases some of the nastier effects of the substance - oral and sublingual are quite a bit smoother, but the negative effects remain plainly obvious. I must say though, this was the least physically unpleasant substance I've ever insufflated - no pain, and no real drip, though I did find myself sneezing for over an hours afterwards. Effects took about an hour to kick in orally, 10 minutes insufflated, and 20 minutes sublingually. A throbbing sensation in my head was noticed as soon as the effects kicked in.

It's an emotional amplifier - whatever you feel becomes exponentially more powerful. For this reason, it should be used with extreme caution. Under difficult circumstances, mania and psychosis were not unusual. Shifting from pure bliss to rage took no effort at all. Emotional sensitivity was more powerful than any substance I've yet experienced. Being able to go from a normal state to a psychotic state at the flip of a switch is a truly terrifying thing, and not something I wish to experience again. Not worth it one bit.

As far as cognitive enhancement, muscle memory and working memory were significantly improved, but it simply isn't worth the risk. It's akin to taking PCP as a nootropic, in my eyes. While IDRA may have its uses, the emotional sensitivity it induces is playing with fire. Make sure you're in an excellent mood before using this, if you really feel the need to do so. I'd imagine a combination with MDMA or related substances would be incredible.

No real euphoria unless determined otherwise by your emotional state (mania can be quite euphoric for me - psychosis, on the other hand, is quite dysphoric.) No comedown, just a subtle but gradual return to baseline. No urge to redose, about as non-addicting as it gets (I have a strongly addictive personality, for what it's worth.) The effects last for 3 days, but the strength of the effects are typically strongest on day 2, in my experience. The emotional amplification aspect never weakens throughout the experience, however. Quite a few combinations could drive a person to suicide, I'm sure. There are better nootropics out there. If you care about your well-being, I'd avoid this one.

Substance was always spaced out twice a week, taken solo and in combination with PRL 8-53 or Coluracetam. No lasting negative effects, fortunately.

My statistics at the time of experience (October 2013 to December 2013):

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 108lbs

Age: 17
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