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☮ Social ☮ The Big & Dandy Movies for Tripping Thread

Big Fish - Tim Burton film starring the great great Albert Finney (who played Kilgore Trout in the film version of Breakfast of Champions). Also starring Ewan McGregor, Billy Crudup, Helena Bonham Carter (in multiple roles, no less).

Really whimsical and poignant series of trippy tall tales all told in captivating style.

Outstanding trip film.
Jeez Dwayne, no reason to freak out over a movie that is not to your liking. 8)

Seriously, I had asked for a suggestion, and wanted to let people know what it ended up being. I don't think that it would be a great film to watch on LSD, but I have heard that on ketamine it is incredible to get sucked into since there are many trap doors, passages, gravity effects, and folding room type things. It wasn't the end all be all, in fact I won't suggest it since I haven't even seen it, and my suggestions are early in this thread (page 1 or 2).

All I've heard (from someone who I respect) is that Matthew Barney is an excellent artist, and that most of his work is excellent to watch on psychedelics. It isn't for the faint of heart, but then again neither is Holy Mountain. It is in the same vein I would expect, both being extremely metaphorical and artistic and sometimes disturbing, with relation to sex (religion also in the case of Holy Mountain).

Not everyone is so jaded about art-heads as you are. So don't watch it if you don't want, ignore it for the rest of your life. It was only brought up, you didn't need two (one long) posts clearly stating why hate the style and idea, not even the film itself. "Oh K-etting!" Well, in a recent poll I had brought up in this forum, about 70% of people consider ketamine a psychedelic. Just stating.
Dr Strangelove, trust me on that one:

Titan AE for headfucking qualities.
DJ Q-bert's "Wave Twisters" is hands down something trippy to watch, and awesome for your ears :)
My apologies lightitup. Not sure what I had up my butt the other day. I tried to genuinely apologize in the second post but somehow fell into ridiculing the movie once I saw that (you gotta admit) silly image of the artist with the wig and the rag in his mouth.

It was VERY rude and bad form for me to belittle others' interests and choices, especially where avante-garde art is concerned. I *LOVE* avant-garde stuff. So again I really do apologize for being such a blurtacious crude insulting person.

As, um, odd as it looks, there must be SOME major merit to it if it was exhibited at the Guggenheim as well as the Paris Museum of Modern Art... I mean the people who curate those places are obviously not stupid. (I am sure some of their critics would quickly disagree with that statement on general terms however, haha)

If you google [Cremaster review] you will find about half & half responses - some liked it... the other half have responses WAY WAY more scathing, vitriolic and insulting than what I wrote. So just a word of warning.

Yet again, I apologize for being so rude toward you... I do genuinely thank you for making us aware of this if nothing else ambitious and outrageous effort that I would NEVER have known about were it not for you... I ought to PRAISE people who do that.

I hope it is actually as good as those curators (and you) thought... PLEASE do let us know your own review once you see it... you have me intrigued that's for sure. Thanks again.
weird als UHF was a bug out ,

but from my experience, once the asid hits, everything you had planned before hand kinda becomes a lost thought
Altered States is a personal favorite of mine. Made in 1980, so it may be a bit harder to find..however, very well worth it. Depicts the exploits of a Harvard scientist while he fights to bridge the gap between his working life and his personal life, all the while being consumed by the compounding effects of his Ayahuasca experience(s). Never watched it tripping, however I should!


Available on Netflix, as disk or for "free with membership" streaming online play!!!
[Media Subthread] Movies for Tripping

what's your favorite movie that you have watched while tripping or do you have any reccomendations?
Released as "Renegade" in the US (there's another one called "Renegade" with a kinda similar cover so be sure it's the right one). Released as "Blueberry' (graphics arts origin name) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blueberry_(film)

(see below for the beautiful posters)

The most intricate, emotionally "deep" visualizations of states of heavy psychedelic intoxication ever produced, absolutely STUNNING, in the context of a mysterious story about the confrontation of innocence and evil as well as memory, guilt and redemption... oh and secret Indian sacraments.

PLEASE do NOT pre-watch the psychedelic sequences on YouTube I BEG YOU!!! Not only is the visual quality far too inferior to get the proper effect and all the crucial intricate detail put into them, but this will SPOIL the film for you. It's not terribly great storytelling or acting, but decent, and watched as a whole film, the hallucinogen sequences REALLY are integrated with and integral to the plot, and at the end surprising and deeply moving... watching them beforehand WILL SPOIL KEY PLOT ELEMENTS FOR YOU, and deny you of experiencing the shamanically constructed power that the writer/director poured into this film. It opens with a beautiful sequence where we join an Eagle, the traditional chaperone animal on vision quests, on a stunning flight over desert terrain.

I assiduously avoided ALL contact with these sequences that I know to exist but avoided looking at. I did 25mg of 2C-I (other things would do, but a a dose low enough not to interfere too much with conprehension) and watched it with the lights down and soundtrack over the stereo and WHOA I was deeply affected for days.

I was amazed and not really certain WHAT I had experienced until I watched it again straight except for a little weed, but the first virgin viewing while tripping was a deep powerful experience I will never ever forget, almost as if I was the main character going on the cosmic voyages.

I was not surprised to learn that Jan Kounen actually moved to South America and lived with native shamen there for A YEAR learning about Ayahuasca (though in the film it's confusingly shown to be Peyote, and unidentified smoked mixture, as well as components of Ayahuasca... but that doesn't matter and was probably even deliberate so it would be not about any particular drug but rather about the process of receiving and using shamanic vision-states no matter what the source).

He clearly learned well, so get yourself a copy of this, AVOID pre-viewing ANY of it, do a good dose of whatever, turn out the lights and get ready for a true psychonautical adventure par-extraordinaire!





From Wikipedia:

Blueberry (French: Blueberry: L'expérience secrète) is a 2004 French film directed by Jan Kounen. It is an adaptation of the Franco-Belgian comic book series Blueberry, illustrated by Jean Giraud (better known as Moebius) and scripted by Jean-Michel Charlier. The film starred Vincent Cassel as the title character along with Michael Madsen and Juliette Lewis. Although the film is a French production, the language of the film is in English because the story is set in America's Wild West in the 1870s. Since the character of Blueberry remains obscure in the States, the film was released on DVD in America in November 2004 under the title Renegade and marketed very much as a conventional Western.

U.S Marshal Mike Donovan (Vincent Cassel) (referred to as Broken Nose by the native tribe; unlike in the comic he does not have the nickname Blueberry) has dark memories of the death of his first love. He keeps peace between the Americans and the natives who had temporarily adopted and took care of him. The evil actions of Blount, a "white sorcerer" lead him to confront the villain in the Sacred Mountains, and, through shamanic rituals involving native entheogens, conquer his fears and uncover a suppressed memory he would much rather deny.

Jean Giraud, the famous Franco-Belgian comics creator and the illustrator of the original Blueberry comics, appears in a cameo role in the film, while Geoffrey Lewis, who had appeared in several spaghetti Westerns and his daughter Juliette Lewis play a father and daughter in the movie.

The movie features several elaborate psychedelic 3D computer graphics (fractal) sequences as a means of portraying Blueberry's shamanic experiences from his point of view. Jan Kounen, the director of the film, drew upon his extensive first hand knowledge of ayahuasca rituals in order to design the visuals for these sequences, Kounen having undergone the ceremony at least a hundred times with Shipibo language speakers in Peru. An authentic Shipibo ayahuasca guide appears in the film and performs a sacred chant. In the film, the exact nature of the entheogenic sacramental liquid which Blueberry (and his enemy, Blount) drink remains undisclosed. During the final visionary scene, however, there is a bowl of leaves shown accompanied by a twisting vine which is probably the ayahuasca vine, Banisteriopsis caapi. Historically, Native Americans living in the Southwest United States, would have had no geographic access to ayahuasca.

Peyote is shown growing in the sacred areas throughout the film, and the buttons are prominently displayed at the end, although we cannot be sure what Runi offers to the Marshall either time.​
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Futurama-Benders Big Score (albiet it was the only one i could find at the time) I felt like I was Fry, and alot of the emotional parts of the movie synched with some of personal life, so it was rather deep
Lord of the Rings trilogy. Seriously. One of the most epic things ever.

South Park is probably the funniest for me while tripping, and Hard Candy was intense but interesting.
Blueberry was the SHIT! Amazing movie

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is another amazing drug movie, but I find it impossible to watch a movie on acid, I get distracted and want to trip, not watch a movie
I find it impossible to watch a movie on acid, I get distracted and want to trip, not watch a movie

I know how you feel, it took every fiber of my being to finish it because i kept getting distracted
The one episode of Futurama when Bender becomes a god and then he meets god himself which is like a big rainbow cloud with stars in it.

I soooo been there. lol

Nightmare before Christmas has always been one of my faves before it was even trendy.