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The Big & Dandy Methoxphenidine / MXP / 2-MeO-Diphenidine Thread

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I have read quite a few more trainwreck reports about MXP than diphenidine. Also there was a report of a guy who was all fucked up on MXP murdering his mom, with associated news article posted. Having never tried either, my impression is that you need to be even more careful with this one than diphenidine.

I would think they both have the same potential although I have not researched diphenidine myself. I keep seeing diphenidine as being the most amnesiac one based on the threads and reports I have read but as I have said, not versed in both substances. I feel like it is pretty safe to say that both compounds need to keep the dosage under a certain dosage level. Once this 'ceiling' is reached, going over only ends up with the person in a bad place.

The murder comment is no different than if one were to drink too much or take too much benadryl or perhaps ambien, people who become intoxicated do things they would have never dreamed of doing while sober. I don't want to say it wasn't MXP's fault but yeah, it wasn't MXP's fault for the murder, it was caused by unsafe research practices to put it a bit too bluntly. Caffeine can make certain people manic, certain manic people can kill people, caffeine by itself can kill people but it is still not the fault of caffeine, it is the fault of the person who took too much.

Sorry to veer it off-topic, this compound should be researched only by those who are diligent enough to take care with titrating things slowly.
I have read quite a few more trainwreck reports about MXP than diphenidine. Also there was a report of a guy who was all fucked up on MXP murdering his mom, with associated news article posted. Having never tried either, my impression is that you need to be even more careful with this one than diphenidine.
I reckon the increased stimulation when using MXP could be a factor here, both provide pretty intense dissociation but someone MXP'd up is more likely to be up and mobile in this state doing stupid shit. In my own experience this is definitely true anyway lol... Diphenidine can be stimulating as well but in a *slightly* less crazy way... The thing about the guy killing his mum on MXP was absolutely mental though, reminds me of all the old PCP horror stories that circulate. Horrible shit.
For serious?!? Links petty please!

It's somewhere earlier in this thread, maybe a couple of months back.

Anyway yes, I agree we shouldn't blame MXP for this horrible occurrence, but it does seem to me I have heard more horror stories from this than from diphenidine, by now. Could be that more people are trying this, or more reckless people are trying this. Who knows, I haven't tried either nor do I plan to.
I have read quite a few more trainwreck reports about MXP than diphenidine. Also there was a report of a guy who was all fucked up on MXP murdering his mom, with associated news article posted. Having never tried either, my impression is that you need to be even more careful with this one than diphenidine.

Thanks Xorkoth, I'll be careful. Good thing I don't live with my mom ;-)
Let it be known that this compound caused me to pee a false positive for phencyclidine/pcp, and then again about 10 days after the last dose I again peed a false pcp positive. Luckily I demanded a lab confirmation and it came back false. But this compound definitely lingers in the system for some time.
Let it be known that this compound caused me to pee a false positive for phencyclidine/pcp, and then again about 10 days after the last dose I again peed a false pcp positive. Luckily I demanded a lab confirmation and it came back false. But this compound definitely lingers in the system for some time.

Good information to know and I am glad you posted this as it will help others out.

I seem to think that with this compound, only the minority of users is able to responsibly research it. I know this is the case with many compounds but methoxetamine is much more manic and less smooth than MXP for me (3-MeO-PCP is MUCH more manic as well). I do not get much stimulation either with this but everyone is different with how they react. To me this just kinda phades me out (if I haven't said it way too many times). MXE can make me more unstable but this stuff is soothing. Very strange how everyone reacts so differently. I personally am more scared of diphenidine because it doesn't have the MeO on it to (hopefully) let it get metabolized faster...and its structure reminds me of PC a little bit too much.

I don't see how MXP gets the stimulating label over diphenidine, I have read many more tales of diphenidine being smoked/vaporized than MXP, that says something to me about their differences but until both are trialed I can't say much more.
Have you stopped taking diphenidine now then man? Just curious cos I know you were a strong advocate for it when it first became available and made some insightful posts about it, so would be interested to know why you decided to give it up, have been strongly considering doing the same recently.
I've given it up, yes. I might still do it at a later point though. I gave up on it because I had no control whatsoever over my use, in that I would redose with higher doses than my initial dose despite telling myself not to, putting up notes saying "DO NOT REDOSE" on my scale etc.

With ketamine (IV/IM) I might go for another dose when I emerge and I might very well end up missing one vein after another just to wake up bruised the next day, but at least it always felt like I was safe, since it has my lie in my bed the entire duration of the experience, usually until I drift off to sleep. Even with MXE I manage to stay in bed, eventhough that requires heroic (!) intravenous dosages.
I know this is the case with many compounds but methoxetamine is much more manic and less smooth than MXP for me (3-MeO-PCP is MUCH more manic as well).
Everybody is different indeed! For me MXE is nothing compared to these two dissociatives in terms of mania. I'm bipolar btw, so I know the state pretty damn well. ;)

Actually MXE is quite manic at low doses, but at 100-150mg IV it becomes about as sedating as ketamine for me, slightly less so. Diphenidine and it's methoxylated cousin on the other hand make me more manic at higher doses. I'm pretty safe when it comes to redosing at low doses (I just won't do it), but once I hit the sweet spot, there's no stopping me. I'll just do all the stupid shit that comes to mind, which includes redosing.

I also went on a small K binge before getting my hands on Methoxphenidine hehe so my tolerance might be too high for me to fully appreciate it.
So do you prefer the diphenidines to ketamine then? I changed my mind on that after going through 12g ketamine in 4 weeks recently (about 600mg in one IV, then later an IM doses 5 days of the week). I fucking love ketamine. Good thing I don't have it around anymore now. :D
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I think it really was a false positive since he sent it for lab confirmation and it came back false.
I think it really was a false positive since he sent it for lab confirmation and it came back false.
Oh right, thanks for pointing that out. I actually read that part the first time, but when I replied a day later I didn't bother to finish reading the entire sentence. Shame on me. I'll edit my post, in order not to cause any 'false suspicions'.

Would be pretty damn awesome though if it was laced with pcp. :D
Hi, I'm going to be trying this stuff for the first time. Has anyone tried smoking this stuff? Any effects on duration, intensity and dosage?
Methoxyphenidine low dosage experiments

Age: 28
weight 67kg

Many experiences with many substances

I am a user of ket
I use it at least once a month for 2-3 days in a row
but is 3-4 months that I do not make more use
because in Italy this substance is not present
from a bit of time

MXE 50 + 10 + 10 mg snorting a few times a month earlier


I took 20 mg of methadone in the morning and another 10 in the evening

(this makes me feel normal,
unfortunately in the past I have made fuck me with opiates
and now I pay the consequences)

Tried allergy test a few days before:

10 mg: antidepressant effects on the central nervous system , light physical and mental stimulation.

20 mg: the effects a bit more present.

30mg: strong antidepressant and introspective effect .... increasing pleasure music listening and slight sense of dissociation
and physical well-being.

It's not possible sleeping

The effects lasted at 'about three hours with a peak of 1-1.30 Hr

Tonight or tomorrow I'll try with 30 + 25 + 40mg or 10mg after just a short time.

I prefer snorting it because from what I seem to have realized the oral route requires high dosages, long time to go up (all about 2 hours) and need to retract with the risk of overdoing it.

I like this substance ... makes me feel good, at least at this dose ...
Unfortunately,this route, burn the skin of your nose

I always unpluging my nose with a syringe of H2O.

Furthermore the next day i havea nasal congestion
Light hang over ... definitely lighter respect to oral assumption (at least as I read)

Another thing I noticed at low doses , stimulates appetite (personally)

-The THC have a synergic effect and seems to enhance the effects
(I smoked a joint of a good hashish and at this dosage is very nice)

Please excuse my bad english
I know that it is not of good quality
and I have to improve this language.
i had a 500mg sample of this stuff. tried 50mg, 100mg, 150mg, and 200mg doses in that order with several days in between them. i never got much of an effect from it on its own, but for the 100mg and 200mg doses i ended up dosing 300mg of DXM sometime later that evening and had particularly strong DXM trips. i think maybe my dissociative tolerance is to blame. this stuff seems to be affected by pre-existing dissociative tolerance more than the last novel dissociative i tried (3-MeO-PCP).
I am coming down from my first experience with MXP,and was wondering if anyone else experienced a near constant need to burp for the duration of the experience.
The one trip I did around 300-400mg of this stuff orally and when it really started to hit I remember I was walking up a stairway and the walls, the ceiling, and the floor all started to kind of close in on my body until I could no longer tell where the limit of my body ended and the limit of the world began. Then I was stuck AS the whole world but i was very awkward and painful because in order to move around at all it felt like I had to re-create the world moment by moment by visualizing my body was really a little bit farther down the hallway then it was before, this was PAINFUL for some reason. This lead me to roll around on the floor for a good hour until I was able to separate my body from the outside world again.

Hard to explain that really but that's the best I can describe.
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Not liking this stuff it's stimulating and manic compared to diphenidine which feel more benign - diph is really good, don't know how safe it is but l'm hearing more side effects with this
I Don't know why people don't like this stuff. I've done Pcp, k, and now MXP, and I have to say the buzz off MXP is the best buzz I've ever had off off any drug. 2-3 lines and the feeling is like waking up on a sunny day with the sun shining in. Looking at your hands is like K with them looking small or big at various times. And movies on this stuff are incredible, expecially movies like the Matrix or the 5th Element.
I've tried both the powder and crystal varieties, and found the powder strongest. And the best way I found to do this stuff was to smoke it on foil. Don't knock this stuff, it's the best.

I Don't know why people don't like this stuff. I've done Pcp, k, and now MXP, and I have to say the buzz off MXP is the best buzz I've ever had off off any drug. 2-3 lines and the feeling is like waking up on a sunny day with the sun shining in. Looking at your hands is like K with them looking small or big at various times. And movies on this stuff are incredible, expecially movies like the Matrix or the 5th Element.
I've tried both the powder and crystal varieties, and found the powder strongest. And the best way I found to do this stuff was to smoke it on foil. Don't knock this stuff, it's the best.

Well part of it is due to the fact that you opposed to many others seem to enjoy the lighter effects of the spectrum. I personally want to be knocked the fuck out, be it from ketamine, PCP, DXM or the two diphenidines. These two diphenidines lose their attractiveness at very high doses. Eventhough I had some spectacular (!!) experiences with diphenidine and was very very euphoric about the substance, it had limited value as a dissociative. I did call it my favourite dissociative, but came to realize that it isn't when I acquired some ketamine for a month of regular IV usage. :D
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