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The Big & Dandy Methoxphenidine / MXP / 2-MeO-Diphenidine Thread

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Yes, I overstand the chemical differences adequately. What I meant by "knockoff" was, "Hey, know ya wanna buy MXE but can't, here's MXP". I guess what I was getting at was, would anybody exp with both, and given unrestricted free choice, actually purchase MXP over MXE? I have yet to do PCP (no market where I live), but it is my #1 most wanted. I playd with a few grams of 3-MeO, was was aight, but I preferred MXE, or TBH, even DXM. I did once IV 70ish mg of 3-MeO, which was thoroughly impressive (and lasted somewhere above 12hrs), but it just seems dangerous to go that high again to love a chem. Plus, I'm done with points, I have atendency to be irresponsible. MXE gets me off nicely, albeit at 100mg or above, but I value variety. You at least got me interested in diphenidine. Anyone know an equivalency, compared perhaps to MXE, DXM, 3-MeO-PCP, or K?
i find both diphen and 2meo-diphen worth it.
quite different than mxe but seeing that you have tried a lot of dissociatives i wonder why you wonder at all :) just go for it
This here is a promising one for me:

Where with other dissassociatives I get the feeling that I can 'tap in' somehow to my creative subconscious on some trancelike level I get overwhelmed with the experience and end up mixing them with other drugs to try to balance my conscious state out amongst either MXE, 3-meo-pcp, or N-E-ketamine. This I do with pot, downers, opiates and speed, and I rarely feel like I'm ever getting anywhere with that anyways: I just get wierdly high and kind of cruise through spaces in my mind, but it's really difficult to bring anything as cogent as ideas out into the open for an amount of time long enough to explore them; the disassociative trip is too peripatetic, it wanders, and quickly. I have a good time all the same though.

This stuff I can tell already after taking it once is different. It feels pretty damn nice on its own, with more warmth than MXE, more of a good euphoric feeling than I expected, which had involved quite a bit of stimulation along the attention pathway, which to me made a big difference: there was this thread of lucidity remaining throughout the experience that allowed me to remain fairly rooted in reality, or at least 50% there or so. I didn't write a novel or anything under the influence of it but when I thought I would be either drugging myself to sleep or trying to analyze my life while laying down in bed listening to some creativity inspiring spacey kinda music (soundtrack to "the last temptation of christ" by peter gabriel) I sat up and began working on my short story I had started the morning before. The whole idea of it called out to me and arrainged itself for me to see and feel: the set and setting, the characters, the atmosphere, mis-en-scen and everything -- all that which are very transcendent to the ordinary moment in which we generally dwell and attempt our art from (me at any rate). I felt like I was on the verge of being able to literally see into my story that I was trying to write, splitting myself halfway between two worlds, yet I knew I wasn't, that my mind was still too distracted by the drug to be able to type well or feel confident holding a keyboard. Nonetheless it was far more useful than any previous attempt at reckoning the imagination via disassociatives and showed me the promise of this drug.

For creating art and the like I personally feel that Ketamine is too much like a disembodied dream, MXE is like watching a movie of your life overlaid by a NOVA episode on something, and 3-MEO-PCP is a tricky hall of mirrors of yourself to be all that useful in the acute moment: this stuff however was something a little closer to my kernel reality, even if just slightly so. I've only messed with it once though so hopefully I ain't wrong.

It did give me the urge to combine with other drugs though, and I attribute that to my recent speed and opiate cravings (I had to get stoned midway thru). Dosage took was around 50mg snorted, then another 75mg or so 45 minutes later. For my purposes this was a bit too much but it was hard to resist the redose.
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Yes, I overstand the chemical differences adequately. What I meant by "knockoff" was, "Hey, know ya wanna buy MXE but can't, here's MXP". I guess what I was getting at was, would anybody exp with both, and given unrestricted free choice, actually purchase MXP over MXE? I have yet to do PCP (no market where I live), but it is my #1 most wanted. I playd with a few grams of 3-MeO, was was aight, but I preferred MXE, or TBH, even DXM. I did once IV 70ish mg of 3-MeO, which was thoroughly impressive (and lasted somewhere above 12hrs), but it just seems dangerous to go that high again to love a chem. Plus, I'm done with points, I have atendency to be irresponsible. MXE gets me off nicely, albeit at 100mg or above, but I value variety. You at least got me interested in diphenidine. Anyone know an equivalency, compared perhaps to MXE, DXM, 3-MeO-PCP, or K?
Well let me put it this way: I'd personally take a single hit of diphenidine over a lifetime supply of MXE any day. Easy decision, too. Many others will not feel this way though. Shit if I could smoke this stuff like sherm, I'd probably even take it over PCP. Bam!

I felt like I was on the verge of being able to literally see into my story that I was trying to write, splitting myself halfway between two worlds, yet I knew I wasn't, that my mind was still too distracted by the drug to be able to type well or feel confident holding a keyboard.
I very much hear what you are saying there.
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Hello there! Long time lurker here. I always come to find information on new and interesting RC's before trying anything. We recently had an experience with this substance, and I figured I would share it here for the benefit of anyone else:

Present are E, G, H and J.
H is 26 year old, male, average height and slim build. Has taken this substance before in similar doses as well as more other substances than I care to count, including LSZ, NBOME's, AL-LAD, some uppers, downers and side to sides. It may be worth noting he suffers from Bipolar disorder and says that this substance has put him in a better, longer lasting mood than even most things he has been prescribed.
H's brother G (myself), male, 23, moderate experience with drugs. Lots of cannibis, Ketamine, AL-LAD, LSZ, LSD, 25-B-NBOME, mushrooms, MDMA, MKAT, dabblings with cocaine (very sparse), a whole spectrum of the recent 'legal-high' stimulants and smokables found in the UK. On average I have an experience like this every few months, on something different each time. I am about 5'11'', average build.

The lovely E, my female SO, 24, has very similar drug experience to myself, although in lower amounts over time (especially viz ketamine & MDMA). E is about 5'4'', average build.

E's brother J, 25, very little experience with anything other than cannabis, plenty of alcohol. Open mind, wasn't planning on embarking with us. J is about 5'11'' and similar build to myself.

H and I met in a pub on a friday afternoon, we have a few pints of lager and retire to my house where E and J are waiting. We spend the evening in the living room with music playing. We're all close friends and generally have a lot of fun with each other. The mood of the evening is very light, we're all in a happy relaxed and similar mindset.


By the time we turn to the MXP we have all drunk a fair amount. H and I have each had 3 pints of lager and 4 or 5 additional cans by this point. E has had half a bottle of red wine and about 4 double Jameson's and ginger ale. J has had about 8 doubles of the same. J and E had both had a pizza in the mid afternoon, I don't know whether H had eaten, and I had had only a yoghurt and some pork scratchings.

T = 0
11:00pm: E, H and I decide to break out the drugs. We split the 500mg into three piles, each of which is then split in half, and one of these piles each is split into two. We each therefore have around 160mg each; one pile of around 80mg, and two 40mg piles for later on. We wrap the larger piles in Rizla and swallow with some beer.
Over the next hour we chat more and wait for the effects. We are slightly drunk, but not really noticably. Over this period of time we start to feel slightly dizzy (possibly an alert) but otherwise pretty normal.

The effects start as a mild disassociative. None of the silly headedness or flailing and lolling that I associate with ketamine, but a similar bodily effect. The limbs seem further away and less responsive than normal. The room closes in slightly and seems more cluttered. Feeling slightly disconnected from our bodies and words; as though you are present and viewing thoughts develop and turn into sentences which are delivered to the mouth, but this is not done with any of your own input, this is all as expected and causes no concern. We are thinking clearly (if slowly and ramblingly) and have pleasant conversations all round. Music sounds accentuated, and we listen to a variety of mostly electronic tunes, all with a fairly slow, laid back vibe. At one point some Nu:tone is introduced, but feels to fast and staccato for anyone to get into, which is unusual as it was E's favourite song. Mid 90's Aphex Twin and Squarepusher seems to be the order of the night, and we all enjoy it greatly. J continues drinking Whiskey and getting to his normal innebriated self (loud, slightly belligerent, but ultimately harmless).

~1:30 AM
The peak of the first dose. Since the last paragraph all the effects described above have risen in magnitude, and additionally, we are now all quite spaced out. Lots of cuddles and empathetic conversations are had. Stretching out on sofas and floor feels wonderful. The 'ketaminey' feeling of being composed of soggy crystals moving round in a sauce takes over. Everyone enjoys talking about melting into carpets and sofas. E repeats the word 'chewy' whilst grinning like a maniac. I roil around on the rug like a seal, enjoying, for example sitting with my head under the coffee table looking at the small surroundings under there; I'm still in this world, but it's nice to be in what I think of as a tiny little ecosystem which I am surveying, looking round at the balls of fluff on the rug, smiling. Disassociation is very strong. Moving takes time and is a great, sweeping experience, movement is accentuated and vision blurs slightly. Every thing is very fun and we have no trobule engaging with each other or the world. Dexterity is diminished. Controlling the laptop or rolling cigarettes is an interesting challenge to embark upon which takes much longer than usual. We keep listening to music and chatting, but conversation is more transient and nonsensical. Body load is low, a moderate feeling of fuzziness in the head distracts me when I'm on my own in the toilet. At this point I would describe the drug as like ketamine but cleaner. The world is very much the world, and we are clearly inhabiting it, as opposed to some soup of odd perspectives and gravity shifts.

~2 AM
E, H and I feel the effects are tailing off. The disassociation has reduced and we are sitting fairly still, wondering what to do with ourselves. We decide to take the first of our smaller hits with some more beer. At this point each of us has had at least 6/7 cans each. J has nearly finished a bottle of whiskey. I would say that drinking did have some effect, but that it felt like there was a larger reservoir to fill before actual drunkenness set in than usual. Body effects are barely there any more, the fuzziness is also gone. We take 40mg each.

T+3:30 to T+4:30
2-3:30 AM
The mad times. Everything round this time is hazy, but not a complete blank. The second come-up is quicker than the first, and takes us further than before. Most of this time is spent in fragmented conversation about how we felt. (I came up with the analogy that I was an increasing set of open brackets in some source code, new scopes opening up within the old with every passing thought). Time seemed for a while as though it was passing in discrete chunks, movement seemed jerky and discontinuous. Images seemed skewed and blurry, but no serious distortion. E has nothing to report from this section of the night, except for a vague memory of well being, almost a total blackout. I can confirm that she seemed the same as the rest of us. Cogent, engaging, mobile and not insensible. Some time around this section it is (somehow) mooted that J would take one of the remaining 40mg bombs. No-one remembers how this happened; E thinks it has something to do with his watching us in this state (come on, that'd pique anyone's curiosity). Despite knowing his complete inexperience, E somehow consents, and J takes the package with beer. We continue in the same vain, myself sliding round the rug making different textures of noise to please myself. H says the usual silly nonsense of his trips; theories of consciousness, how to live life, etc, etc (he is rather intense on drugs, this will come back later). The mood is very spaced out and trippy. Everything is good, physically still feeling fine and cogent, but all though was of silliness and wooshing noises. If we close our eyes, there isn't darkness, but a field of pin-prick lights, both static and flowing, and a sense of smooth, fast movement. This doesn't get too much and E, H and I each spend time, eyes closed, enjoying this novelty.

4:00 AM
J begins loudly talking about how it's having no effect on him whatsoever. The rest of us are out of the forest, but not back in our boxes yet, and J is peeving us slightly. I believe he possibly experienced threshold effects, but could not tell it apart from the bottle of whiskey; this seems in line with the response curve we experienced. He just seems drunk as ever. We tell him to be quiet and wait, or at least just be quiet and 'stop harshing our mellow, dood'. We are starting to feel a bit tired and listless. More dizzy than anything else, now. It is still possible to enter the spiralling thought trains of the drug, but it comes less naturally, and we mostly just talk listlessly. E reports that at this point her memories start to come back. We keep drinking beer and almost go on a walk to lift the tedium of sitting here without much drug left. We don't though as we agree we are too drunk and tired to deal with the possibility of running into someone.

T:+7:30 ish
6:30 AM
E and G take the final two bumps. J is pretty much fast asleep on the sofa, adamant to the last that he had felt nothing. He seemed slightly more slurred and unbalanced than usual, but nothing more than that to signal he had had anything other than booze. Things have calmed down by now, but we're definitely still feeling the previous bump. We no longer want to be in the untidy living room, and so agree to take J to a bedroom; we supported him up to the room, him muttering all the way about the stupid drugs. He wanted to keep drinking to make up for his perceived loss, but was still quite content to fall asleep the moment he touched the bed. He stayed in exactly the same position, asleep until we checked on him 7 hours later. E, H and I went to my room to watch a film and generally settle down. H decides that what we really need to watch right now is The Seventh Seal, a Swedish art house film with terrible subtitles and a plot as obscure as.. well, as obscure as they come. It made no sense and was packed to the gills with disturbing imagery. Everything about how it was shot seemed to put E and I on edge. I tried to settle into it and just get a buzz from how freaky the whole thing was.

T+ 8:30
7:30 AM
E and I are back up on the drug, nowhere near where we previously were, but reading the subtitles is difficult, and we are becoming more and more freaked out by the current situation. H is acting strangely, talking about high concepts and how life must be taken to the edge. E and I are trying to block this out or take him back to more pleasant conversation, but he almost seems to enjoy scaring us. About an hour and a half into the film I have had enough. I gently tell him that this is the worst bloody film to watch in our delicate states, and ask him to leave us alone for a while. It's worth noting at this point, both E and I felt our faces looked contorted and dark when we looked in the mirror or at each other. E notes she felt particularly freaked out because she looked like an old crone with a long hooked nose and a twisted face. I felt similar distortions, I suspect this was us having stared for so long at the stark cinematography and bleak faces of the obscene film. It subsided after a while. H goes downstairs for a cup of tea, E and I try to settle down for some rest, but start talking about how weird the situation felt.

8 AM
Our conversation continues and we worry ourselves more and more, H's actions start to seem almost malevolent, cruel. We reflect on the conversations with him and reflect that he really did seem to be gleeful at recounting his eccentricity and intenseness. I resolve to go downstairs and quiz him about this drug some more. We feel concerned for J, having drunk more than us and taken the substance with no prior experience.

8:30 AM
At this point I should expound more about H. He is a psychonaut as I have mentioned, and since first trying a disassociative, has been chasing the feelings of stability and calm they give him. He told me before this experience that MXP had put him in a lasting state of calm focus. Emotionally connected and free of frustration, like he had not been for a very long time.
E and I feel that we are worringly far from baseline, and ask him about the lasting effects of the drug. He talks in a rather obfuscatory tone, but generally convinces us we have just been strung up by watching the film whilst still so high. He continues to say contradictory things like “You'll be back to normal by midday... but think of this as the first day of the rest of your life”. E becomes briefly tearful and checks on J who is sleeping but responsive. I ask H to leave after he finishes his tea, saying we need to relax and get back to baseline. We apologise for getting so tense, but he leaves happily.
E and I retire to bed much calmer and happier. The rest of the drug subsides slowly and sedately. We are not at baseline for a good while, but are feeling normal, just hungover at this point.

10 AM – 12 AM
We lie in bed recovering. By now feel pretty much back to baseline. A bit of residual dizziness but mostly tiredness by now. We order Peri Peri chicken and it is immense to eat again. J arises, completely fine (albeit very hungover). He says in bed until 2 PM, and afterwards walks round like a zombie (this is completely normal, even when he is not hungover).

12- 7 PM
We lie in bed more. Not feeling the empty headedness of other types of come down, but still feeling tired. Lots of low-energy fun is had and we giggle at comedy on the laptop. Some low-key sex is had, we both enjoy it, I have no trouble performing (albeit briefly). Around 4PM, J leaves. We are on our own, feeling no compulsion to get out of bed.

~8 PM
E and G get some cannibis (on a stupid gallavant where we end up walking round the block twice and almost panicking at a police car). We each have a small joint with ~0.3g of medium strength cannibis. Within ten minutes the joint has hit both of us much harder than usual (we smoke a 3g bag maybe once a week over a few days. We're inveterate stoners, so are surprised when we feel more zonked than usual from the joints, with mild tachycardia, fidgeting and sweaty palms. We don't get too worried and return to being pleasantly stoned after another 10-20 minutes.

E and I go to sleep. We sleep for about 12 hours. Waking up refreshed, thoroughly baseline, with slightly sore backs. No ill effects felt at this point, we write this at 5PM that same day.

Closing remarks:

I really enjoyed this substance, it was just as H had described. Very strong disassociative, but with minimal body tension and a very clear head throughout. I very much liked the slightly trippy headspace I spent most of the night in, babbling like a baby (as on K) but more internally lucid. E notes that we underestimated the effect of outside influences, and watched that silly bloody film way longer than we would or should have done, E hated the panic induced by worrying about J, and says she would not have consented to him having his dose had she been in a right state at the time. Overall though, we agree the panic was caused by the film and H's odd behaviour. Overall nothing negative really happened, and we all feel fine :)

8/10, might try again.

Tl;Dr: Wonderful fun trip, all the great bits of ketamine, with none of the messy black holes. Be careful around things which may make you nervous or scared. Mixed very well with alcohol, probably highly actuated by cannabis.
Well, wayab, I wondered because I found 2-MeO-K and NEK to be complete wastes. I used to think, "Even if it isn't great, that's one more check off my list, and novelty is worth it". However, the above-mentioned substances made me rethink that stance, that and my funds are limited. But the issue is already settled, y'all sold me. Even if I do find that I prefer MXE, and the variety isn't of enough significance, seems Diphenidine and MXP are different enough that I would at least like to have exp with both as reference. The reason for my asking was that in the next for days, I planned on grabbing some more MXE, which I still will, but prolly get less and add small amounts of both the others to sample. I've come to not dislike but lose interest in 3-MeO-PCP after several trials with a few Gs, just not exactly how I like to trip, though enjoyable, and I do not regret the times I had with it, but prolly wouldn't purchase it again.

llamer, IYO, how much MXE would your 50mg+75mg booster be equivalent to?
Mxe is way more fun 50mg of mxe = about 100mg of mxp. I had one awesome trip on mxp but mxe was so much more fun to hole on. Mxp is dxm like more so than k like. More functional than both dxm or mxe its a weird drug tho very unique wouldn't buy it again
Being a newbie to dissasositives I found mxp to be great, weird but great. Not gonna do a full trip report just a brief report on the experience.
40mg, left in my mouth for 10 minutes, lit a small cigar and cracked a beer. Waited about 30 mins and felt a little intoxicated so decided to do another 80mg.
Finished my first cigar (only a little one) and beer so decided to spark up a bigger cigar and crack another beer, might be worth adding I was drinking a 9% Asian stout.
About an hour into it now and am feeling reasonably intoxicated, the sweet stout tasted amazing paired with a Nicaraguan maduro, the tingly numbness of the mxp left on my tongue made for a tasty trifecta.
Another beer gets cracked and I'm noticing a heavy floatiness and a definite confusion slowly creeping in.
About 2 1/2 hours in I'm somewhere between rushing thoughts and heavy confusion, very intoxicated and floaty, I finish off my cigar and head inside.Around 3 hours in and locomotion is heavily effected, very off balance, floaty and euphoricly confused. That movie Suckerpunch was on tv, I will add this movie is fairly confusing when your sober, I could make absolutely no sense of it on mxp, at this point I had this effect as if I was stretched to about 12 feet long, I was attempting to chat online and watch the movie, I just felt like the phone, the tv and me was just a stretched out blob.
About 5 hours and who knows how many beers, walking was extremely difficult but things were slowly tapering off.
For the rest of the night the effects slowly subsided but locomotion was still difficult, no doubt the beer wasn't partly to blame.
So to sum up a weird but comfortably enjoyable experience, very confused at times and a bit trippy but no oev's, will do again for sure.
Hope you like the read, the experience was a bit out there so this is about as best as I can sum up.
Feel free to ask any questions people's.
I will also add, I snorted about 30mg of mxp, didn't hurt at all, didn't get major effects, just light ones, but it definitely didn't hurt at all, just made my nose super runny.
30mg snorted would most likely got me pretty smashed if I hadn't binged on it for 3 out of 4 days, no tolerance I'm pretty sure would have led to full effects.
I've had many great experiences with methoxphenidine, usually in dosages of 150-200 mg orally and more. However, even with once-per-week use, the tolerance began to develop so that I did not get effects from 200 mg.
Once I ingested 800mg of methoxphenidine in one go for reasons not totally understood. What resulted was probably the most bizarre experience I've ever had. No dissociative or psychedelic, including DMT at high dosages, has ever taken me that far, far away from myself. Also it is peculiar that even at this high of a dosage, no side effects were observed.
MXPH is my personal dissociative of choice, I like it much more than DXM and MXE.
Well, wayab, I wondered because I found 2-MeO-K and NEK to be complete wastes. I used to think, "Even if it isn't great, that's one more check off my list, and novelty is worth it". However, the above-mentioned substances made me rethink that stance, that and my funds are limited. But the issue is already settled, y'all sold me. Even if I do find that I prefer MXE, and the variety isn't of enough significance, seems Diphenidine and MXP are different enough that I would at least like to have exp with both as reference. The reason for my asking was that in the next for days, I planned on grabbing some more MXE, which I still will, but prolly get less and add small amounts of both the others to sample. I've come to not dislike but lose interest in 3-MeO-PCP after several trials with a few Gs, just not exactly how I like to trip, though enjoyable, and I do not regret the times I had with it, but prolly wouldn't purchase it again.

llamer, IYO, how much MXE would your 50mg+75mg booster be equivalent to?

i found 2meo-k and nenk to be wastes only financially, they were still worth while experiences especially in combination with other dissociatives. but mxp and diphen are tens of times more worth while both financially and experimentally.
Well, when I tested 2-MeO-K, I did an entire gram within 3-4hrs, with ROAs being nasal, oral, and rectal. Just to be able to have anything resembling a high, ~1.5-2hrs in, I bombed 150mg 5-MAPB. Maybe a wk later, I took same amount of latter w/ 250mg DXM (I know, dangerous combo, hence conservative dosing). This was much better, leading me to assume 250mg DXM > 1g 2-MeO-K. Pretty useless, as I don't even consider myself 'high' at that dose, let alone 'tripping'. I only use that dose as an anti-depressant, or starting point for combos.
Can anyone comment how IV doses relate to oral doses? I really enjoyed diphenidine at 230mg orally last time I did it and would like to get to a similar level once I get my 2-meo-diphenidine. I could of course start low but I will likely only have one day to experiment and would hate to redose intravenously after reaching a certain level of dissociation.

Btw I am kinda annoyed by the name, this should more appropriately be called diphetidine di-ph-(enyl)et(hylpiper)idine or at least diphenetidine. Once those vendors come up with a name, then that's that I guess. I hate typing out the name anyway, DPEP is also not taken yet. DPEP and 2-Meo-DPEP, I could see that working.^^
is it possible that there are bunk batches of this going around ? one person taking 750mg diphen and "he did it" then another takes 1gram mxp and says its weaker than 250mg dxm. i find 2meo diphen very strong. even stronger than the "we did it" variety
The tolerance is huge, that could be the reason. It is also remarkably cross tolerant with MXE as well.
is it possible that there are bunk batches of this going around ? one person taking 750mg diphen and "he did it" then another takes 1gram mxp and says its weaker than 250mg dxm. i find 2meo diphen very strong. even stronger than the "we did it" variety
He is talking about 2-MeO-Ketamine which is complete and utter crap. So far dosage info seemed very consistent imho.
oh i understand. i must be high and didn't notice. but this is the 2-meo-diphen thread though.
and by the way 2meok isn't utter crap. it's just crap. you need very much of it and it gets annoying :D
I have noticed that the very nature of MXPH trips seems to change over time. The initial euphoric uplift together with visual aspects appear to diminish in intensity, and schizoid ideation (which constitutes the second part of the trip for me) begins to predominate the experience.
oh i understand. i must be high and didn't notice. but this is the 2-meo-diphen thread though.
and by the way 2meok isn't utter crap. it's just crap. you need very much of it and it gets annoying :D
I hate low dose dissociatives. If I take one, it'll better make me forget who where and when I am. So to me it would be useless. I've never even bothered to try it lol. I guess for some people it might actually be worth a handful of crap, especially those who like to combine it with psychedelics or the like.
Anyway, totally OT and I was confused as well when I read that post. He didn't make it very clear at all.

I have noticed that the very nature of MXPH trips seems to change over time. The initial euphoric uplift together with visual aspects appear to diminish in intensity, and schizoid ideation (which constitutes the second part of the trip for me) begins to predominate the experience.
Fuck yes, god yes, more chemically induced insanity for me please. You call it schizoid, I call it surreal. Exactly what I seek. Fuck euphoria. If I want euphoria, I take psychedelics, opiates, empathogens, stimulants, booze even. If I want an interesting experience and total escape from reality I take dissociatives, I'm willing to accept all the dysphoria my brain has to give for that (still, euphoria would be preferred, but it's really not necessary when the brain fuck is intense enough). Maybe I'm a bit odd like that.
Agreed. Yesterday while exploring MXE and MXPH combo I came to a (temporary) firm belief that all processes on planet earth can be manupilated by changing position of my extremities. I also concluded that the sounds of my aquarium bubbler represent vibrations of newly forming wormholes. It goes without saying that this was accompanied by complete loss of the concepts like time, space, me, and so on. I was openly arguing with the shower on top of that - this bitch was bothering me with some Freudian allusions.
I find it peculiar that there is never any fear no matter how deep the ego dissolution has gone. Chemically induced Mad Hatter at its craziest.
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