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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread - The 3rd Dose

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It has been 9 days since I took methoxetamine, the only disassociative I've ever taken besides N2O and I wanted to know if anyone here has experienced some of the same things that I have after using MXE.

10-20% increased sense of touch lasting over a week since the experience. My sense of smell while under the influence was literally increased by like 50-60% but went away by the time I woke up.

Anti-anxiety and/or anti-depressant effects lasting well over a week. Please take into account that I was in a pretty deep state of depression for about 2 weeks prior to taking the MXE due to a failing relationship, but after the experience, I felt like I was able to successfully let go and move on with my life with a smile on my face.

Loss of interest in mind-altering chemicals due to overall increase in sense of well-being which includes a lack of physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms from opiates(I was on a 7 day bender with oxycodone(100-150mg a day average). I understand that most people don't note any withdrawal symptoms after 7 days of constant use but over the years I've noticed that after doing large amounts(100+mg a day) everyday for 4-5 days will leave me with sore hands/feet with accompanied with diarrhea. I've never gone over 7 days because I don't want to experience worst symptoms. On day 8 of no oxycodone, the day after MXE, I had absolutely no urge to redose even though I still had some in my possession and my body did NOT hurt like it did the previous 2 mornings and even though I did get slight diarrhea 2 days later, I feel as if MXE had reduced multiple withdrawal symptoms.

I feel like I did after my first psychedelic experience(mushrooms), something that I was never able to get back after I went back and did the mushrooms again. If anyone can relate to this feeling/loss of feeling, well MXE has given it back to me and for now I refuse to take this stuff again. I understand that psychedelics do this to people and the effects can last up to a month and then you forget what you have learned and you go back to how you once were, this feeling feels more like a physical feeling to me rather than a psychological feeling.

Glad to hear that MXE helped you , its effects last way beyond the inital dose...its one of the best RC's and most useful that has been produced I believe....
I was walking along & everything was going like in SLOW frame's, if anyone has ever seen 1 of those early spinning wheel's that have a picture inside like a dog walking & you view it in broken frames the world had gone like that, all i kept thinking was this is what Hunter S thompson must have been on about when he did ether & went the the circus-circus.

This is true, where they have no control over how they walk..I mean I have control when I walk but I walk like a robot lol, almost robo walk....anyone else get thi
How much did you do?

i did 50mg. still feeling really shitty. cant think straight or motivate myself. however, this didnt happen the previous 2 times i took it as far as i can remember. could be a coincidence but its put me off taking it again so i threw out the rest of my stash.
i did 50mg. still feeling really shitty. cant think straight or motivate myself. however, this didnt happen the previous 2 times i took it as far as i can remember. could be a coincidence but its put me off taking it again so i threw out the rest of my stash.

I wasnt a big fan of the afterglow when i was taking it sublingually and intranasally, then i started plugging the stuff, definatley the best way to go with this RC. I couldnt stand the stuff when i tried it up the nose, the drip in your throat is really bad!!!!!!
I wasnt a big fan of the afterglow when i was taking it sublingually and intranasally, then i started plugging the stuff, definatley the best way to go with this RC. I couldnt stand the stuff when i tried it up the nose, the drip in your throat is really bad!!!!!!

I don't find the drip to bad, quite bitter... but can usually get rid of it with a coke..and if you do it in smaller,quantities then I don't really notice it....
Im a overly horny guy in general even at 24 and i didnt notice any increased hornyness. i really didnt have any interest in woman other than just talking on mxe

It did for me, but I had been doing a fair old amount of heroin over the last few months which kills my sex drive, as i had a break maybe my sex drive came back in 1 mad flush, but I had to "release" myself 5 times in the space of roughly 12 hours.
GOD MADE THIS TO SUNBATHE WITH. pure heaven. in small bumps

word of warning. did about 100-mg with 100-mg k at the end of a night on 6-apb. lost 3 days. no memory at all., apparently I had a good time. no memory at all. woke up feeling ABSOLUTELY spritely.
It did for me, but I had been doing a fair old amount of heroin over the last few months which kills my sex drive, as i had a break maybe my sex drive came back in 1 mad flush, but I had to "release" myself 5 times in the space of roughly 12 hours.

Lol! Been there just not on mxe.
Ill have to look more into this on my next research experiment.
First Impressions

So I was pleasantly surprised to receive my MXE earlier than expected and decided to give it a go.

I weighed out 15mg, took 5mg (insufflated) waited about 30 minutes until the effects began and were as expected then took the other 10mg. The effects at this dose were similar to ketamine, slight dissociation, a little wonkiness and also some stimulation. I did the dishes, cleaned the house etc. I was a little too impaired to do anything requiring concentration or fine motor skills (like music) but basic house work was ok.

After it appeared the primary effects had peaked I debated taking a bit more. I weighed out another 25mg, then decided that may have been a bit much and put about 10mg back in the bag.

The second dose kicked in a bit sooner and I went downstairs and watched Minority Report (hadn't seen it) with my housemates (who I didn't tell about the MXE). The movie was very enjoyable, but it would be hard to say what effect the MXE had as I think it have been great regardless.

During the last 30 minutes of the movie I had a pint of beer, and one after the movie. There didn't appear to be any negative side effects, but as both MXE and alcohol are diuretic and dehydrating I don't think high doses of both would be a good idea.

At this point I was definitely in the 'afterglow'. I felt great. Very clear-minded, happy, full of energy. It was like I just took a mental vacation and felt much less stress in my frontal lobe area than I usually do. This stimulation seemed like it could be very productive as I didn't feel impaired in any way.

Before heading upstairs for the night I had a nice bowl of hash with some sceletium (herbal SSRI, anxiolitic). This is when things got 'interesting'.

After the hash the clear headed afterglow turned into mild-mania. Racing thoughts (some very psychedelic), pacing around etc. It wasn't out of control, but also not enjoyable. While I'm sure it would have resolved itself after the cannabis wore off I took a small amount of xanax (.25-.5mg eyeballed pure powder) and this worked perfectly. In 5 minutes I was contemplative and calm. After watching some videos on the computer for half an hour I went to sleep, waking up a little tired (likely due to the xanax) but still with an elevated mood.

In conclusion I think this is very good medicine and hope its used responsibly so it remains available for a while. I think it has a lot of potential as an antidepressant and also for pain relief as during the 'afterglow' my sciatic pain was completely eliminated.

Physically it felt very benign although I did notice what felt like increased blood pressure (not enough to be concerning, only enough to be noticeable), and a slight headache during the come up.

I'll probably do some more research with this compound on the weekend at a higher initial dose and maybe take some EEG readings for fun.

So I was pleasantly surprised to receive my MXE earlier than expected and decided to give it a go.

I weighed out 15mg, took 5mg (insufflated) waited about 30 minutes until the effects began and were as expected then took the other 10mg. The effects at this dose were similar to ketamine, slight dissociation, a little wonkiness and also some stimulation. I did the dishes, cleaned the house etc. I was a little too impaired to do anything requiring concentration or fine motor skills (like music) but basic house work was ok.

After it appeared the primary effects had peaked I debated taking a bit more. I weighed out another 25mg, then decided that may have been a bit much and put about 10mg back in the bag.

The second dose kicked in a bit sooner and I went downstairs and watched Minority Report (hadn't seen it) with my housemates (who I didn't tell about the MXE). The movie was very enjoyable, but it would be hard to say what effect the MXE had as I think it have been great regardless.

During the last 30 minutes of the movie I had a pint of beer, and one after the movie. There didn't appear to be any negative side effects, but as both MXE and alcohol are diuretic and dehydrating I don't think high doses of both would be a good idea.

At this point I was definitely in the 'afterglow'. I felt great. Very clear-minded, happy, full of energy. It was like I just took a mental vacation and felt much less stress in my frontal lobe area than I usually do. This stimulation seemed like it could be very productive as I didn't feel impaired in any way.

Before heading upstairs for the night I had a nice bowl of hash with some sceletium (herbal SSRI, anxiolitic). This is when things got 'interesting'.

After the hash the clear headed afterglow turned into mild-mania. Racing thoughts (some very psychedelic), pacing around etc. It wasn't out of control, but also not enjoyable. While I'm sure it would have resolved itself after the cannabis wore off I took a small amount of xanax (.25-.5mg eyeballed pure powder) and this worked perfectly. In 5 minutes I was contemplative and calm. After watching some videos on the computer for half an hour I went to sleep, waking up a little tired (likely due to the xanax) but still with an elevated mood.

In conclusion I think this is very good medicine and hope its used responsibly so it remains available for a while. I think it has a lot of potential as an antidepressant and also for pain relief as during the 'afterglow' my sciatic pain was completely eliminated.

Physically it felt very benign although I did notice what felt like increased blood pressure (not enough to be concerning, only enough to be noticeable), and a slight headache during the come up.

I'll probably do some more research with this compound on the weekend at a higher initial dose and maybe take some EEG readings for fun.


Great TR, this thread was getting a bit stale lol........enjoyed reading it :)....
You also get that mania with higher doses of MXE... on its own..... but i kinda enjoy the mania...everything is so scattered but it all fits somehow...unique drug to say the least
its 10days sins my last batch and now the depression is starting to creep back going to battle it as long as i can to see if its just a pit iv hit before returning to normal or if i should get help this time or more mxe
its 10days sins my last batch and now the depression is starting to creep back going to battle it as long as i can to see if its just a pit iv hit before returning to normal or if i should get help this time or more mxe

I think it's obviously better to try it without MXE .. That said, I realise it's hard not to when such an easy solution is available. Just try hanging in there first, get help if it lasts and go back to MXE is you can't handle it any other way.

Got my MXE yesterday, gonna try it out one of these days and post a report here
can i mix mxe with 2c-e? i read that it's dangerous to mix mxe with drugs that act on serotonin receptors. does 2c-e fall under that category?
^Some reports indicate it could be contraindicated with serotonin releasers or reuptake inhibitors (the only death reported involving MXE was with a serotonin releaser IV'd at a very high dose). Unfortunately, there are also reports of combining MXE with these same types of drugs by other people who thought it just fine (aMT being the most widely reported case), so the facts are muddled at best. I've personally combined it with DXM without issue (a serontonin reuptake inhibitor and NMDA antagoist), yet others have reported alarming symptoms using it with DXM. I've also mixed it with MET, a 5HT2a (serotonin receptor sub-type) agonist like 2C-E, to wonderful results. At the moment there's no telling, to be honest. From the pharmacological data I've seen (using rat neurons in a dish), most of the 2Cs are mild reuptake inhibitors of serontonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, so maybe 2C-E is dangerous to combine with MXE, maybe it isn't. All we know is that a few reports suggest maybe it is dangerous or at least stands a higher chance than you might think of being unpleasant.

MXE seems like a compound that doesn't mix well with other drugs for a lot of people, but there's no way to know if you're one of those people without potentially risking your well-being. I know that's not a satisfying answer, but it's the truth so far as I can tell from what's been reported. There's no certainty. There's not even many half-reliable anecdotal hints to go on... Welcome to being a human guinea pig, I guess.I'd say start with a small dose of each if you're going to use them together. The doses will have to be a lot more than allergy test size to get an idea of how they interact, but small enough that you probably won't die if they happen to be terrible in combination. You'll be essentially wasting a day because you'll be too inebriated to do much else productive but not so inebriated that it's likely to be a satisfying time. That's the buzz killing truth (which very few actually respect in practice -- and they occasionally pay for it, painfully), but it's the best way for an individual to wade into unknown waters.
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