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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread - Part 13: Don't you know? MXE comes from MXE-co

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I'm getting two other sources/batches to compare from EU. MXE is a strange compound. I don't know if people are taking shortcuts or what but I've had many different sources and they all feel different. My current source is very good, but it's not what I'm used to. If I can I'll save up some money and have samples sent and tested.

Is the process to make MXE more complex than we think? It's clearly one of the most popular compounds out there and everyone wants a piece of the pie. It seems finding consistency is very hard.
^ Now would be the time to send it in, EcstasyData recently lowered their prices from $140 to $100
If they mean polymorphism as the same molecule being able to crystallize into different forms then no, that doesnt make any significant difference as to MXE psychoactivity. Whether you snort, sublingual, oral, rectal or inject the drug, it enters the body as a solution and solutions have lost their crystal structure. It sounds to me as a marketring scheme by that one mysterious RC company that places such high emphasis on polymorphism.

If they mean it because of it being present as a different salt form, like HCl and HBr then yes that has different solubility properties, but once in solution the base ions all are the same MXE. If that was the case then why didnt the organization specify it?

If they mean it, which isnt apparent from the text, that there are different enantiomers of MXE going round, S(+), R(-) and Racemic, I highly doubt that. Theres only one viable process I know of to make MXE and that is the one that starts with a grignard reaction and ends with a thermal rearrangement. That may effect different crystal structures yes, but not different enantiomer ratios.

What if the MXE is purified via crystallization? depending on the re-crys process used, you might end up with varying amounts of the S or R enantiomer in the final product. This could explain differences in effects of different batches, which there DEF are. hopefully its not due to impurities.

IT is most likely purified by recrys. techs.

But, ....if its reproduced by chromatography, and you throw the crude isolated ontop of the column (which is sloppy technique), different polymorhps (or partially crystalized product) can dissolve-redisolve into the starting solvent gradient and different rates, leading to a spread in R/S ratios in the eluting material. If you make sure that material is fully dissolved into a solvent before you load it on the column (as this is proper technique) you won't have this problem.
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So.. am I not the only one that's gone through various periods of abusing MXE, followed by abusing amphetamines, followed by abusing MXE again? It seemed to kind of be a pattern for me. When I wasn't able to block myself from this world I was getting myself more focused on it with speed.

I do feel low doses of MXE can give you the motivation and slight stimulation that medicinal doses of stimulants do. Usually only with very light doses however so you do kind of need to build a tolerance first.
So.. am I not the only one that's gone through various periods of abusing MXE, followed by abusing amphetamines, followed by abusing MXE again? It seemed to kind of be a pattern for me. When I wasn't able to block myself from this world I was getting myself more focused on it with speed.

I do feel low doses of MXE can give you the motivation and slight stimulation that medicinal doses of stimulants do. Usually only with very light doses however so you do kind of need to build a tolerance first.

I agree with everything you've said. I use about 3 grams a week and have a lot of experience with the chemical. I've also used amphetamines with or following MXE use.
why do so many ppl dose so large with mxe? for the m-hole effects ? 10mg is good for me. mood-lift, stimulation euphoria, ill do 20-40 mg over the whole night. re-dosing effective.

it's such a rad drug. one of the most interesting drugs ever. different doses have so many different effects, as the same with different RoAs - very different effects.

I had done it ~5 times and thought it was 'ok'. Now i think it is the best. under the tongue is the best and effective way to dose. plugging maybe? But i hear that is more dissociated feeling. snorting is ok sometimes.

I sometimes have psychedelic experiences with it. the 'comedown' effects are amazing and smoking weed now is perfect. brings back the mxe feelings, plus you feel very stoned in a good way.

dj playing mad music, starting to peak now. strong euphoria, energy, starting to see visuals with the lights, close eyes now- visuals get much better- lines moving. loose track of time. surrounded by heaps of ppl. everyone feels like cushions and we enjoy touching. legs feeling heavy. now i feel i loose conscious, (in and out) a random girl is touching/ massaging my face. this feels amazing. I feel like we are both alone in bed, and she is waking me up, touching my face. my eyes are closed, then i open them and we look into each others eyes. repeat. that was fun.
^ Tolerance. When I started 20-30mg would have me fully dissociated, but after a month of constant use I could take 90mg in a few hours and be hardly high.... Dissociative tolerance is a BITCH, much more so than other drugs.

MXE is probably one of the most diverse drugs that can be used on a regular basis.. you need to really watch yourself, though. The effects will eventually become very lackluster if you try and chase the hole everyday the way myself and many others did. You've really got to monitor your usage and keep it in line, which is hard as fuck when the fruit is so sweet.
After going through 4 grams in 7 days, I've decided to take a couple months off to reduce my tolerance.

I love MXE, but it was getting boring. Plus I realize that the 300mg+ doses I was taking just wasn't doing it for me anymore.

So now I'm just puffing, drinking and doing pills.

Like as junkie isn't fun. But it is what is it is.
4 grams in 7 days... I'm not so sure about that being just tolerance by the way Folley. Like I have gone through MXE daily for certain stretches of time but I have NEVER reached a point where 90 MG's would leave me "hardly high". I have noticed the overall quality of the experience tends to change. At first it's clean and euphoric but when you tend to push it and abuse it it starts to feel dirty and nasty, almost like drinking too much alcohol.
After going through 4 grams in 7 days, I've decided to take a couple months off to reduce my tolerance.

I love MXE, but it was getting boring. Plus I realize that the 300mg+ doses I was taking just wasn't doing it for me anymore.

So now I'm just puffing, drinking and doing pills.

Like as junkie isn't fun. But it is what is it is.

you've been saying you're going to take a break from your redic, dangerious mxe abuse for like over a month
When is the point that you are addicted to MXE? I just had a 3 month clean stretch which wasnt hard, then I had a binge of 3 weeks when I used about a gram a week. Jou just want to use it, but when you stop after abuse, your body feels relief rather than withdrawal. So when is the point where "really liking to do it" becomes an addiction?

I can't IMAGINE doing 4 grams in a week. Thats insane, my body would shut down. And 300mg in a dose? In these 3 weeks of binge I had two DAYS where the total dose of the ENTIRE day equalled 300mg. Taking that in one, I would like die or something.

I use MXE since mid 2011 and the last year was spent using an average of 1 gram a month. How the fuck do people burn through MXE losing nearly all effects over a summer holiday? Are there different genetics at work? Are they simply attempting to live in the Hole 24/7, do they lack noticable toxic effects? If I abuse MXE my body and mind start increasingly resisting until I stop, triggering guilt, remorse, inner conflict, horrid psychosomatic symptoms until I take the hint.
I hope I never find out for myself how people take 300mg in one go and 4 grams in 7 days.

Either I control MXE and it will stay with me for years or it spreads like wildfire and it blows itself out. If I abuse it too hard permatolerance will make it impossible to chase it one day, or I get symptoms or a bad trip nightmare so wild that make me quit.

Does anyone get physical addiction off of this? Its all in the head right?

The way I abuse MXE and the way I see most people abuse MXE fits the historic diagnosis of dipsomania:

In his 1893 book Clinical Lessons on Mental Diseases: The Mental State of Dipsomania, Magnan characterized dipsomania as a crisis lasting from one day to two weeks, and consisted of a rapid and huge ingestion of alcohol or whatever other strong, excitatory liquid was available. Magnan further described dipsomania as solitary alcohol abuse, with loss of all other interests, and these crises recurred at indeterminate intervals, separated by periods when the subject was generally sober.

Thats me and MXE to a T and I see that a lot in the topic, people abusing it a few days to a few weeks, intermitted by periods of abstinence.
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Funny how rectal MXE seems to have no negative side effects. When I dose orally it will usually leave me feeling dehydrated, tired, a bit hungover even if I try to take care of hydration, plus my throat will sometimes feel irritated and dry etc. With rectal MXE I don't even have to pay much attention to hydration and there's only bliss, amazing bliss. Is this due to the first pass metabolism thing?
Is it true that people use about half the total milligrams in a rectal dose than in an oral dose? If thats the case then there's your answer. Total alkaloid load equals intensity of side effects. Its like that wioth all drugs, half a bottle gives you less of a hangover than a whole bottle, for instance.

I would love to try rectal administration but I havent yet figured out what to use to inject with. What do y'all use?
4 grams in 7 days... I'm not so sure about that being just tolerance by the way Folley. Like I have gone through MXE daily for certain stretches of time but I have NEVER reached a point where 90 MG's would leave me "hardly high". I have noticed the overall quality of the experience tends to change. At first it's clean and euphoric but when you tend to push it and abuse it it starts to feel dirty and nasty, almost like drinking too much alcohol.

Notice I meant 90mgs spread throughout the night. Usually several ~30mg lines. That would usually leave me feeling "relaxed" all day, but I could never really near the hole in those states. I think it may have been mainly because I would wake up and keep doing lines until I would sleep. It never really turned dirty, but the high just completely lacked the wondrous luster it had after a long break.

I think the patterns of abuse people go through with this drug is directly tied to it's availability. You buy 5-10 grams at a time so you feel like a king for a month or so.. until you run out. Hopefully you'll give yourself some sober time before ordering more after that, and then the cycle continues. If it was as available and widely accepted as alcohol I'm not sure if we would be more used to the effects so we wouldn't be as thrilled by it, or if the easy access would lead most of us into a much worse position..

As it is I can easily kill a gram in a week, although I haven't had any in quite a few months ATM. It's pretty taxing on the body to keep up that kind of use, but I think that would mainly be due to the bad lifestyle decisions one might make while the world bubbles around (and inside of) him.

It's a shame, really. This drug is almost TOO good. It'd be fucking perfect if it wasn't so fucking perfect.
Mxe is awesome. I should have a few grams In a few days. Can't wait to shoot 50mg and get so fucking nice.
Hi everyone.

Is it known to what degree mxe damages your nasal membranes when insufflated? I ask because I have some product coming my way and back before the ban I used to sniff it all the time, so I'm probably going to go with this same roa again. As you all probably know, insufflating mxe does not burn, so I imagine it doesn't do much damage. I don't know if no pain means no damage in this case, though.
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I would love to try rectal administration but I havent yet figured out what to use to inject with. What do y'all use?
This dipsomaniac uses oral syringes, I've used 1,3, and 10mg syringes and I like the 3mg best. Good holding capacity and durability, and would be easy to get up there even without lube (vasolene is great), but you do want it all the way up there. Local stores only seem to have 1 and 10mg though, got the 3mg online.
They all work but the 10 is big and the 1 like to fall apart, also a little pokey
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