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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread - Hit #12 - Oh look, it's MXE o'clock

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I think 25-35 mg is a perfect dose for a good night out or just chilling at my house. 80+ mg is where it gets really interesting- don't plan on going anywhere til its done haha
Well, it'll be 2 months exactly since I've had MXE on Monday. I had a pretty big addiction, using it daily for almost a year with pretty large doses at the end, all plugged.

I just ordered a gram again. I want to see how much my tolerance has gone done, hopefully enough to make MXE enjoyable again. It was to the point where 120mg plugged had little to no effect on me, even after being repeated again 20-30 minutes later. Crazy tolerance.

I really enjoyed MXE though after a long day at work or something, and only ever did it at nighttime alone before bed. So if I can do it again with a lower tolerance, I'll be happy.

Hate to burst your bubble but people like you and me who have such a high tolerance (100mg+ having little to no effect regardless of roa) don't usually see a diminish in tolerance in only 2 months time. I personally was doing it pretty much daily for about a year, except for one period of time where I stopped for about a month in a half. When I received some more, I could use minimal material and get the desired effects, however the initial magic was never regained.
After returning to MXE after about one year since I ended my year of constant abuse, the appeal has returned to an acceptable extent given that the experience seems to suffer from cross-tolerance to various dissociatives. Got a pleasant high from doses up to around 100mg, but didn't push it. That still seems on the high side for the given effect, but to be expected after overdoing it a few too many times with 3-MeO in the last few months. Conclusion, a long break can bring back the "yum!"

Also, for those who have been keeping up with my posts about the Chinese MXE I got, im still not sure if its mxe or not. Im beginning to think what I had before perhaps was something else. Either way it seems there are two different types or two different things being sold as MXE. One is active at very low doses and 25mg will get you pretty far, at least it did me. The other stuff seems to take a bit more. 25mg is threshold dose for me with this stuff. 60mg with a 20mg booster an hour or two later and maybe another later is where I found my sweet spot... This stuff seems to last a bit shorter as well and also does not seem as stimulating, nor does it have as many residual effects. Inititally I thought it was inferior to the MXE I had before (the more potent stuff), but now that I have found the right dosage and gotten acclimated to its effects, Id have to say I prefer this to the other, more potent MXE. Still glowing from my experience this evening! MXE is one of the very best chemicals I have personally had the pleasure of trying. I was BLOWN away! Im putting this stuff away for a while so I don't do it all right away! I need to have experiences like that spaced out once a month or so and ill be a happy camper.=D I don't wanna lose the magic with this stuff as I did DXM.

Stretch, it's possible that what you received was in fact 3-MeO-PCP. I say this because of the effect that you mention, but also because I know that there is lots of it coming out of China, and since the UK ban it wouldn't be surprising if distributors were passing it off as other things (much like happened, ironically, with MXE last year). If so, take care! Activity in the 20-30mg range with some slightly manic stimulation and LONG residual effects is what I would expect from 3-MeO, and just as a friendly word to the wise, pushing doses a great deal higher with it can lead to trouble. Not of the health kind I don't think, but certainly of the 'complete lack of any control or consciousness for several hours accompanied with thrashing around and zombie-falling-down-stairs' type. In case you weren't already familiar, of course.

*Edit* I should mention that 3-MeO HCL looks a lot like MXE (almost identical IMO), the initial taste/smell has hints of it but the aftertaste/smell is different, and it stings more. It also has a much slower onset. Hope that helps in the effort to identify.
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So what is MXE like in small doses? (20mg)

keen to give it a go but it will be in a nighclub, I have used ket many times before.
So what is MXE like in small doses? (20mg)

keen to give it a go but it will be in a nighclub, I have used ket many times before.

For me a good starting dose in a nightclub would be about 60mg. However I advise you to start lower as dosages vary wildly per person. BTW I think MXE is more suitable for daytime festivals, in nightclubs it becomes hard to find your friend and is generally confusing.
I completely disagree with that suggestion. 60mg for a new user is a LOT - 20-30mg is an ideal amount for a beginner and is what I would take were I to use MXE on an evening out.

At such doses it's a pleasant disorientation and disconnection with unusual thought patterns and subtle energy.
So what is MXE like in small doses? (20mg)

keen to give it a go but it will be in a nighclub, I have used ket many times before.

Makes you more outgoing and potentiates alcohol. (assuming no real tollerance). And maybe some CEVs.
Maybe my vendor is adding something inactive to it (unlikely since it's an respected vendor) or maybe it has something to do with bw (i'm about 240 or so) or genetics. Who knows really.
Damn 5 threads later.. i signed up just to post my experiance with mxe... IT came bagged as somthing else sort of like a bath salt guess what it is type of thing... ya i got it mxe ... explains everything to me now..

Why i lost my future wifey and my mind for a week and beleived there was someone in an empty room laying with me and how there was 15 people with guns outside how i called the cops on my self how i seen kaladascopes in sheets and curtains and i dont measure the shit i buy 500 mgs of it tap out enough for a shot and IV it bang feels like i dont know i cant remember its been a couple months i dont know if its one of the ones where i have to start eating clonazepam and diazepam because there watching type feeling or just a out of this world type feeling...

Yea i got a tooth ache yesterday was my birthday and i didnt buy any of this shit because... it messed my head up severly... coming from a novice chemist this is not a part of chemistry i want to explore but... i seen someone say it helped there pain any truth to this im sure i was doing 50 - 150 mg shots i had set my limit when i know i took too much and sat there for 4 hours bugged the bleep out not wanting to hear music not wanting to talk just doing my chemistry reading and watching porno i might add alot of porno... it was actually entertaining because there is no story line to it.. i dont know imo when its off the market before i die good. god bless.

you guys be careful i been doing the bath salt recreational thing for 2 yrs now its been an ugly road and got me two felonys violent ones... i did my time and tryed this stuff.. i stick to my spice now because of urines and my subutex wellbutrin adderall vz an kps sometimes ambien and amitryptline but it gets sickening ohh n i cant forget my 200 mgs of zoloft daily... for the last 9 months i wake up a miserible bleep if i dont take that...

one thing else i did try was some shh called artic rush i dumped out a shot did it and instantly was freezing and hot like cootten fever but pukeing in a bag and shakin prayin to god that i would cut this shit off if he didnt let me die while my family is in the next room over not knowing any of it.. i smartened up since then.. recreational drugs should be tested before available i nearly died off mdvp back when it was pure i remember doing a shot and slowly going out in a fast way i slapped my girl to run a red light to the hospital as i made it thru the doors i collapsed on the floor and was all ativaned up when i came back to it sectioned and sent away for a few days with a whole bagh of pills shoved up my butt because of warrants living on the run sucked especially doing sh that makes you paranoid like a crack head...

glad MDPV is gone IM GLAD and i use to do that white horse... man i went to jail weighing 150 came out 210 soo yea strung out i was on the run with 15 grand ssi cleared with the girl i lost because of this stupid drug n trying it n gettin caught wit powder under my nose by her room mate damn if she only read the effects of pcp and ketamine it would explain what why and how i did what i did said what i said acted how i acted... its been over 2 months now ive slept wit other girls since i stayed faithful for a year to give it all to mxe and a friend of mind from IVin had to get his hand amputated no bs not trying to scare you but hes in the hospital as we speak because of IVIn mxe and subutex all the time...

This drug is no good i dont like seeing things as real as day like i can touch them and then waking up a week later from no sleep and thinking all this stuff is going on thats not and still stuck in a trip i called a girl i thought i fell asleep with 6hrs before to get somthing i gave her back who was already 8 states away for 4 days... then i called her again in tears heart broken asking what was real and what was fake because i cant tell the difference anymore... i eventually came back to reallity and was done... but with a broken heart the cost and a few more grand down the drain... =[ i hate mxe but it loves me and you
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i didn´t read your whole post because it´s very hard to read without paragraphs.
but you really have no reason to complain. what you did is just plain stupid.
your dosages are too high without tolerance.
and taking mxe with adderal, subutex, benzos and 3 antidepressants? ^^
i don´t know what to say. you should be glad that you are still alive.
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I do this pretty often. Considering 5HTP supplement. Does anyone do these on a regular basis? Daily?
Anyone else love the taste of MXE you get after IMing it?

How does 3meopcp feel compared to mxe? What dose of 3meopcp is equal to 40 mg of MXE IM'd?

And I'm not sure why but I love the combo of etizolam and mxe. They both feel very eastern (yea I know that's weird) to me, and the combo is very, very stoning.
I don´t IM but i get that lovely sweet taste when i plug mxe. :)
And i also combine mxe with etizolam. I very rarely take mxe without a benzo.
Are plugging and IMing basically equally efficient? Just did my second shot for the night (25 mg at 8, 30 mg at 9). I like to let the doses 'stack' as opposed to getting obliterated all at once.
I can´t tell you from my experience because i have never IMed anything.
But i have read many times that it´s almost the same.
And i also prefer staggered dosing. It´s less chaotic/confusing.
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Yea but sometimes by the end of the night you wind up way higher than you planned to be...
...or maybe thats just me :p
Thanks for the reply's, I will start off with a small dose and see how I go.
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