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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread - Hit #12 - Oh look, it's MXE o'clock

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I experimented with MXE for the first time last night.
Having taken an allergy dose 5 hours earlier, I measured out 25mg of the substance. It looked identical to sugar except I would say that it had a small hint of translucence so it wasn't as brilliantly white. I crushed it up because 25mg was only a few small granules and I figured it would be easier on the nose crushed.
Within seconds of insufflation my visual field was overcome with several floaters. They would appear, float across, and disappear warping my visual space like tons of tiny black holes in my vision (they weren't black they just warped like tiny fish-eye dots or something) It really scared the shit out of me and I was afraid I had opened a long awaited can of hppd worms. They vanished within 15 seconds of appearing and I breathed a sigh of relief. Not very long after though I began to feel weird..
The whole experience reminded me of dxm (which I'm not very fond of) without that feeling of being crosseyed. Walking was also much easier but my balance was off. It was difficult to listen to music and read at the same time initially. Music was very much enhanced.
Anyways I figured this would mix well with a psychadelic. Maybe ease the body load and provide an altered headspace. I don't see other uses for it as of yet but I've only one experience.

I couldn't see myself using this substance very often for a few reasons. The next day 'afterglow' felt more like a hangover. My visual field feels weird still and there is a tiny tinge of nausea. I couldn't see myself doing this with people around as it is pretty confusing. I had difficulty walking to get water let alone being comfortable in my bed because my head felt like it was spinning a little. Everyone says higher doses is where this shines but I'd assume a higher dose would cause more of these negatives. (they're negative for me at least) Maybe some of you bluelighters can help eliminate some of these reasons through advice.
I didn't mix with marijuana because I had to know what the experience was like on its own. Would it help? I also hear a lot about benzos mixed with this but I fear I'd have no recollection of the experience. What does .25-.5 aprazolam add to the experience?

I don't know why I felt the need to post this experience and request opinions and advice. Maybe it's the residual mania hehe.

I'm wondering how strong are the CNS depressant effect from a standard dose of Methoxetamine (let's say between 5 and 25mg) ?
Is the CNS effect stronger enough to actually kill someone on it's own ?

Thank you.


I can't really help you about the negative effect saddenly since like you I don't use MXE very often :(

As for the Alprazolam, I have heard that is a bad idea because it could increase the actual CNS effect of Methoxetamine.
Has anyone mixed mxe and ethylphenidate? And if so, how much & to what effect?
Its hard to say what MXEs effect on the CNS is. It can increase hear rate and blood pressure but it also seems to relax the mind and the body to a point. It is stimulating and relaxing at the same time. With that being said, I have mixed MXE with MANY things (alcohol, etizolam, alprazolam, phenazepam, 25-nbome, a-pvp, speed, opiates, etc) and it has not seemed to cause any significant alarming response in CNS activity.
It seems to really be a fairly safe substance, and I think it would take quite a bit on its own to start causing any toxic effects. I have heard of users doing 200+mg in a sitting just fine.
My breathing doesn't get heavy or off feeling till around 60-100mgs but its nothing that worries me compared to some other psychedelics(mushrooms) or stimulants. I have done up to 100-300mgs on top of other psychedelics with no worries but i don't recommend it of course. I actually prefer to take MXE with atleast 1-2mg of alprazolam, makes it way more comfortable/calmer ime/o. The benzo dose also allows me to go to sleep quicker which is nice imo, i usually feel excellent the next day when i do this combo. Be careful consuming to much benzos/alcohol on this though, it will be black out central and you most likely wont remember much of the experience ime.
I have found mixing mxe and alcohol has suppressed my breathing a fair bit, just my experience though
How does the dosage compare to ketamine? Same amount required to achieve desired effects?

On Erowid, it seems MXE is actually more potent than ketamine. Anyone have any thoughts or experiences on this?
How does the dosage compare to ketamine? Same amount required to achieve desired effects?

On Erowid, it seems MXE is actually more potent than ketamine. Anyone have any thoughts or experiences on this?

It is much more potent than ketamine. Effects for most people start around 25mg or so for MXE. I wish this was still the case for me, but tolerence builds rapid and is slow to leave. Be warned. I like it more than ketamine, but to each his/her own.
I concur with the statement about a benzo beforehand. Taking .5mg etizolam before my experience this evening made for a MUCH more comfortable ride. The best I have yet had on MXE actually. Im thinking about typing up a trip report, it was so good. It was my first "hole" experience. Absolutely amazing! I was just so blown away at how I could open my eyes and everything looked fairly normal. I was expecting to see everything morphing and shifting around but it wasn't and id feel fairly sober, but back to the music and darkness and I was off, the body buzz and CEVs kicked right back in. Part of the body high felt like a cool breeze, kinda tingling feeling throughout my body but mostly my face that went along with the music and visuals. It felt amazing. I was in complete bliss. The word lush comes to mind. Set and Setting are a HUGE factor with this substance I have come to find. I now feel I had wasted many experiences just by not giving my full attention to what magic was actually occurring.

Also, for those who have been keeping up with my posts about the Chinese MXE I got, im still not sure if its mxe or not. Im beginning to think what I had before perhaps was something else. Either way it seems there are two different types or two different things being sold as MXE. One is active at very low doses and 25mg will get you pretty far, at least it did me. The other stuff seems to take a bit more. 25mg is threshold dose for me with this stuff. 60mg with a 20mg booster an hour or two later and maybe another later is where I found my sweet spot... This stuff seems to last a bit shorter as well and also does not seem as stimulating, nor does it have as many residual effects. Inititally I thought it was inferior to the MXE I had before (the more potent stuff), but now that I have found the right dosage and gotten acclimated to its effects, Id have to say I prefer this to the other, more potent MXE. Still glowing from my experience this evening! MXE is one of the very best chemicals I have personally had the pleasure of trying. I was BLOWN away! Im putting this stuff away for a while so I don't do it all right away! I need to have experiences like that spaced out once a month or so and ill be a happy camper.=D I don't wanna lose the magic with this stuff as I did DXM.
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Has anyone mixed mxe and ethylphenidate? And if so, how much & to what effect?

not me, there is a page on bluelight warning that this could be dangerous, so I never tried it (or wanted to try ita)

Only one way to find out. Though with the eitz low dose is better, if you don't need the eitz go higher without it and see what you think.
etiz iz mainly part of my dentist combo, etiz removes the fear and and mxe the pain
this + local anaesthetic = pleasurable dentist experience

I can enjoy lower doses without etiz if I want to.

With higher doses my main worry is loosing control of my body and doing who knows what.
i think im going to leave it be again for now we made friends again it unlocked some mad things and time i tried ket instead of getting lost in week long benders
A few posts about missymoo's addiction story were moved to the MXE addiction subthread HERE.
I can enjoy lower doses without etiz if I want to.

With higher doses my main worry is loosing control of my body and doing who knows what.
Personally I'd be more worried about blacking out while on the benzos, but I had a couple bad experiences with 1mg atavan and DXM years ago. Benzo + dissociative = extended ambulatory black out for me. I have not had any real problems with erratic behavior without the benzos.
^ This.
Benzos wipe out most - if not all - of my memory if taken for anything other than sleep. Scary.
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How does the dosage compare to ketamine? Same amount required to achieve desired effects?

On Erowid, it seems MXE is actually more potent than ketamine. Anyone have any thoughts or experiences on this?

It is more potent, but if you're trying it for the first time and want to reach hole type levels and not just get a small taste for what its about, go for 40-50mgs wait an hour and add 20 mg amounts till you get the desired effect. Alot of people really under shoot the doseage levels and build up a tolerance before they get a strong idea of what its all about. And try and make sure you get the bright white, salty, sugary mxe, its definatly gives the best results.
Personally I'd be more worried about blacking out while on the benzos, but I had a couple bad experiences with 1mg atavan and DXM years ago. Benzo + dissociative = extended ambulatory black out for me. I have not had any real problems with erratic behavior without the benzos.

Never happened to me so far, but like I said, I never did high doses of MXE and am also a little tolerant to etizolam.
hejjo, does anyone know how safe it is to mix mxe with 25 c nbome? or how safe is mxe combined with shrooms?
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Well, it'll be 2 months exactly since I've had MXE on Monday. I had a pretty big addiction, using it daily for almost a year with pretty large doses at the end, all plugged.

I just ordered a gram again. I want to see how much my tolerance has gone done, hopefully enough to make MXE enjoyable again. It was to the point where 120mg plugged had little to no effect on me, even after being repeated again 20-30 minutes later. Crazy tolerance.

I really enjoyed MXE though after a long day at work or something, and only ever did it at nighttime alone before bed. So if I can do it again with a lower tolerance, I'll be happy.
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