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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread - Hit #12 - Oh look, it's MXE o'clock

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small local festival going down friend should have some their havent taken any in 2 days after taking around 150mg in 2 days before that gonna swallow 50mg and intranasal 40-50mg 30-40minutes later right before a buddies band plays hopefully find some doses as well to have all the more fun good eu batch i have so should be a fun time
I have a question:
I am utterly depressed and have the urge to escape reality. I've limited myself to once a week and about 35mg in order to have a bit of enjoyment.
What do you think? Will I be faced with PHYSICAL damage? Or is it okay?
My most recent experiment with MXE has been mostly positive; I still don't prefer it over ketamine, not even close, but its not bad at all. Just very stimulating / dopaminergic yet still a potent dissociative which makes it in a way odder; I combined it with a fair dose of GHB which ended up being utterly disorienting; I did get some nice closed eye visuals but I got barely any vision of reality, huge double vision, dizziness; I probably took around 200 mg of MXE though which even with a high tolerance is probably a bit too much. Unfortunately the combination was nauseating; not vomit inducing nauseating but still rather unpleasant for a while. When I got the dosage a bit lower it started becomming really enjoyable; like a very lively and social and vivid ketamine high, I did notice some effects on my speech capacities on higher doses but not comparable to what I'd get from a similairly dissociative dose of K. All in all this made me even more curious to PCP which I assume is sort of right in the middle between these two with even higher potency.

I do like the longer duration of MXE, still sleep afterwards was fairly easy and the stimulating edge to it makes it much more easy to actually use the inspiration it can give, also the afterglow was amazing, very euphoric and sunny and lasted for a good three days. I'd say this is a good anti-depressant for sure.
Haha the one time I vividly remember dosing GHB on MXE it was absolutely the shit. I was already manic from 100mgs-150mgs of MXE orally taken and an hour or so previous, feeling a bit fidgty and not having taken any GHB in a time I decided on that, I dosed at something 2.5grams and when it came, man oh man! Euphoria through the roof plus the want to talk or move or just be generally manic, but in about 15 or so minutes time the sedation of the GHB wiped that urge out and just sunk me further into the euphoria! Like you describe though, can be pretty disoreintating to those not used to this sort of combo, very dizzing and also adding a bit to MXE's confusion as well. I found every bit of absolutely everything and anything surrounding me superbly interesting, especially when I redosed 50 or so mgs of MXE then 45 mins after that redosed 1.5g's GHB. Terrifically stellar time! I'm terribly used to the feelings of both GHB together and alone from dissociation and just general dissociation though soo.....
I have a curious anecdote regarding plugging MXE:

It seems that I am able to speed up the absorption rate of MXE when plugging through physical movement post-administration. After administering the dose, I have found that performing some form of physical exercise such as star-jumps/jumping jacks appears to decrease the delay between administration and the onset of the experience, and I think also decreases the overall duration of the trip (thus making it shorter & more intense at the same dosage - which I find preferable).

Using this method, I was able to have an experience @ 80mg plugged that was comparable (albeit not as intense) to an 150mg experience the previous night. Due to tolerance, 150mg plugged is what I require to achieve a decent 'M-hole'. Background on me: 200lbs male, I have taken ~100-150mg doses intrarectally at least once a week for over a year, always in an attempt to 'hole'. In the past month or so I have been taking dosages in the range of 120-150mg multiple times a week, increasing to counter tolerance.

Provided that this isn't some fucked up form of placebo and that I am actually increasing the absorption rate, I don't see why other factors such as concentration of MXE in solution when plugged wouldn't also have an effect. Unfortunately, I have exhausted my supply of MXE and won't be able to investigate further in the near future.

I definitely recommend this to anyone who is a regular user having issues with tolerance, or just a user looking to get the most out of their supply (I can think of numerous benefits from using less MXE for the same effect).
I have a question:
I am utterly depressed and have the urge to escape reality. I've limited myself to once a week and about 35mg in order to have a bit of enjoyment.
What do you think? Will I be faced with PHYSICAL damage? Or is it okay?
Can't say with any sort of authority being a research chem that's only been around for a few years, but all the really nasty outcomes seem to be from daily users esp of high amounts, or doing something silly while out of ones gourd. Like most hard drugs really, only less is known about the risks. I can say that after a few day binge my pulse and bp are elevated for a couple days, but not terribly and I dose large amounts.
As a chronically depressed lover of escapism I do have to say MXE is some near perfect escapism, just be careful and pay mind to your body the day before and after.
How many days are enough off of noopept not to get diminshed effects from mxe or other dissociatives?
I have been taking it for 6 days now and will be taking it for another 6 days 30mgs a day.

(wasn't sure where to ask the question here or in the noopept thread but found this one faster)
I've been using MXE for a few years now and I'd just like to share my thoughts on this substance.

I have a long history of ketamine use/abuse which I think can be attributed to the fact that I've suffered from varying degrees of depression throughout most of my life since about the beginning of 7th grade. I did not discover drugs until about 16 years old and I have since used/abused/tried/experimented with more drugs and combinations than I can remember. Some of my depression was a result of my neurological makeup, early lifestyle, life events, and also my abuse of drugs/alcohol depending on certain stages in my life. Naturally, ketamine has been an attractive substance for me due to its reliable antidepressant and recreational effects. A few years ago ketamine practically dried up in my area due to the tightening up of the supply in Mexico, so I was left with alcohol, exercise, healthy dieting, other drugs or whatever else I tried to use to control my depression. Then one day a friend introduced me to MXE. I am very grateful for that.

MXE has truly helped me become a better person. Due to my past abusive nature with substances, it has taken me some time to learn how to use this drug properly for the best benefit it has to offer. I have gone through stages of abuse and have seen the dark side, but today I stand a better person thanks to having discovered a medicine that I can depend on to help me be the best person I can be as I continue to work hard to accomplish my goals in life.

All I use for therapeutic effects is roughly 30-40 mg up the nose in the morning and one or two re-doses throughout the day. I eat healthy, go to work, do a bang up job, come home, go to the gym, whatever it is that happens throughout my day, I'm good to go on MXE. My boss told me on the phone today that I am his best employee! I don't use MXE to trip out often anymore, but when I do its in the right place at the right time.

Along with my depression, I have also suffered from social anxiety throughout most of my life. MXE has taken care of that completely. I am super confident, willing to strike up a conversation with strangers and even attractive females! With the dose I use, no body ever suspects that I am under the influence of anything. My friends and family think I am just shining under the sun. I don't think about this like I am on drugs, but rather I am medicating myself just like somebody who pops a pill the doctor gave him. As some body who does not trust the pharmaceutical industry, I am very pleased with the availability of MXE because it has truly helped me transform my life for the better. I would rather bang my head against a wall all day than try antidepressants or whatever our government approved drug dealers are offering these days. I trust my own experiences, my intuition and the knowledge intelligent people here on BlueLight bring to the table and I don't want the government telling me how to handle my neurological issues.

That's all for now.
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^Yes sir. I like the DARI effects.. with a little coffee and my e-cig at work, I'm golden. I Just hope there are no blood pressure issues. This is what works for me.
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I hope it works out for you. But it's generally considered a bad idea to be taking it like that.
I know how temping it is. Work was a pleasure when I went to work on a afterglow, social interaction so much more comfortable etc.
But I would advice you to reconcider your daily intake and switch to a 2-3 time a month thing.

I Just hope there are no blood pressure issues.
idk about blood pressure but there are othe physical and cognitive risks to consider.
For me its not about temptation, but rather supplementation/medication. Why do you say only take it 2-3 times a month? Are there any medical/neurological issues I should be made aware of?
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I hope it works out for you. But it's generally considered a bad idea to be taking it like that.
I know how temping it is. Work was a pleasure when I went to work on a afterglow, social interaction so much more comfortable etc.
But I would advice you to reconcider your daily intake and switch to a 2-3 time a month thing.

idk about blood pressure but there are othe physical and cognitive risks to consider.

Are you serious? From 3 doses daily to 2-3 a month? You have to be kidding us. As if that change was an easy task.
And how often would you advise taking MDMA? 2-3 times in a decade?
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Why do you say only take it 2-3 times a month? Are there any medical/neurological issues I should be made aware of?

Well, every drug has an impact on your brain and/or physical health.
And MXE is known to cause some too. Just google a bit for "MXE physical effects" for example.
Well, every drug has an impact on your brain and/or physical health.
And MXE is known to cause some too. Just google a bit for "MXE physical effects" for example.

Of course, everything we consume has an effect on us, but it there any real thing to be concerned about regarding consuming 100 mg MXE a day? So far I have not found any red flags.
Toast to the Spirits blader and kidney damage are quite possible. a friend of mine had kidney failure. short term memory gets fucked etc.

irritator it doesn't need to happen all at once. I was on ketamine daily for 3 years and in my 4th year of use I gradually ended up taking it 2 times a month before finding it became near imposible in my area. The going from 2 times a month to almost never is the really difficult part and im still obsesed with the ketamine experiance some 2-3 years after stopping.

Of course, everything we consume has an effect on us, but it there any real thing to be concerned about regarding consuming 100 mg MXE a day? So far I have not found any red flags.

For how long have you been (ab)using mxe in this manner? What was your ketamine use like when you used it?
Toast to the Spirits blader and kidney damage are quite possible. a friend of mine had kidney failure. short term memory gets fucked etc.

irritator it doesn't need to happen all at once. I was on ketamine daily for 3 years and in my 4th year of use I gradually ended up taking it 2 times a month before finding it became near imposible in my area. The going from 2 times a month to almost never is the really difficult part and im still obsesed with the ketamine experiance some 2-3 years after stopping.

For how long have you been (ab)using mxe in this manner? What was your ketamine use like when you used it?

Well, ketamine tends to have a greater impact on physical health than MXE and you've done it 3 years straight without any major effects (?) and advise to not do it more often than 2-3 a month? Why that?
More than 100mgs a day but not for very long at all. a few months. He was on ketamine in the past too so that might have helped ofcource.
There is no question that it's best for you to limit your use. Imagine if you can't find it anymore and you are on a 3 dose a day habbit how are you going to cope with your work ?

irritator problem with my use was mostly psychological but physical dangers are very real with both substances. The a few times a month thing is also very good for keeping your tolerance low. Tolerance sucks alot.
My ketamine use is about 50 grams over 10 years. I've used about 20 grams of MXE over the last 4 years. Hopefully my kidneys are fine. I'd like to be able to use it as often as possible without harming my kidneys. Life is better. Maybe it's the DARI effect on my attitude, or the slight dissociation that enables me to have control over my thoughts therefore regulating my emotional reaction to the world I'm living in.
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My ketamine use is about 50 grams over 10 years. I've used about 20 grams of MXE over the last 4 years. I don't need MXE for work, it just makes work so much better. Customers are happier, tips are better, and my attitude is better. LIfe is better.

I can't believe that, sorry.
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