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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread - Hit #12 - Oh look, it's MXE o'clock

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Can you guys tell me a bit about redosing with this stuff?
Say if I take 50mg orally, when is the best time to take some more? And how much? And what's the best ROA to do so?
Let your spirit guide you, you can take it is far as you are comfortable taking it, and it seems everyone has different thresholds of comfort levels, but my advice is to to ease into it and let it grow over time, and do an even slope on the descent too.
Can you guys tell me a bit about redosing with this stuff?
Say if I take 50mg orally, when is the best time to take some more? And how much? And what's the best ROA to do so?

I would re-dose within 2-3 hours at least, i would insufflate it on the redose since the come up is quicker that way. I usually like to start off with 40mgs insufflated and come up and get comfortable then insufflate 40-80mgs more, im usually on cloud 9 at that point if its proper mxe. redosing works really good with this stuff for me, especially if my tolerance isn't high at the time. some prefer different routes, i like insufflating more than oral and sublingual with re-dosing and the initial dosing.
Thanks! That's basically what I was thinking. When I was messing around with this stuff a year or so ago, on a couple occasions I started out with an oral dose, then did a couple bumps a few hours later to redose. Sounds like I'm going to do the same thing this time around!
How long brakes do you have to take for the tolerance to drop significantly? Say you've used it 5 times a week for 1 month, how long does it take for the tolerance to drop?
I am so grateful to still be alive in this form and able to tell the tale.
Sounds interesting. What's the tale? Telling the tale may involve multiple pages of poetics to communicate things at the edge of the ineffable only so that those who have experienced something in the same vein can partially recognize what you've articulated, but that's all you can do to pay deference to the experience.
Sounds interesting. What's the tale? Telling the tale may involve multiple pages of poetics to communicate things at the edge of the ineffable only so that those who have experienced something in the same vein can partially recognize what you've articulated, but that's all you can do to pay deference to the experience.
To busy to state much else besides,.....QFMT!
If mxe is creative vision, why aren't we all millionaires with our own islands.

It's a joke.

You can play it for a day or years.

stop now if you are smart.

take it from someone who has done more than most of the people in this thread alone
It can be remarkably functional at lower doses once the user acclimates to it. Being a waiter is definitely doable as long as the user has acclimated their balance that can at first be wonky. It does favor certain types of activities however. There is definitely a favoring of right brain processing over left brain processing. I find that I now use more of my consciousness bandwidth 'in the cloud' so to say, which I think enhances abstract thinking, quantum type computing, like being able to consider a whole lot of information (different interpretations, points of view, pinging many different conceptual images and memories etc.) at once and then make the most accurate deduction after letting the answer settle into the strongest phase coherence. With that said I am a firm believer in the saying 'for everything you tune into, there is something you tune out of' which may for instance cause a diminished capacity for certain kinds of math. This is just my general feelings, and for what its worth I have always been right-brain dominant. I like the way that mxe has assisted the evolution of my way of thinking, so if anything has become deficient I don't miss it!
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After taking a good break from MXE, it seems like I return once again.

Any tips for having more self control and not doing it all in one bullrush?
One thing I found particularly it's interesting with MXE is how it changes sizes of objects in a weird way. Things are small and gigantic at the same time. I look at my laptop and is seems like God's gigantic laptop and in the same time I see it's smaller than my hand.
The changes in relative sizes is commonly referred to as the 'Alice in Wonderland' effect and yes it tends to happen often with non-frequent users.
After taking a good break from MXE, it seems like I return once again.

Any tips for having more self control and not doing it all in one bullrush?

I keep my main stash locked away in a safe. I measure out the amount of MXE I will allocate to myself for the week, and then I hide the safe key somewhere I can't physically get to (at least not while I'm on MXE).
Any tips for having more self control and not doing it all in one bullrush?
Understand and keep in mind that the more you do it, the more it will lose elements of the "magic". Of course you can combat that with higher doses, but when 100 mg becomes the same as 20-30 mg dose with no tolerance, beware that you are traveling in unknown toxicity territory, and it will start to dent your finances at that point. The best advice is to back off of it for a period. Even a single day break can at least bring something back, but longer breaks will buy you an even lower tolerance. Strive to find your balance.
I keep my main stash locked away in a safe. I measure out the amount of MXE I will allocate to myself for the week, and then I hide the safe key somewhere I can't physically get to (at least not while I'm on MXE).

If anyone has enough willpower and self-control to do something like this, why don't they have enough self-control to simply refrain from doing too much MXE?
^Poor impulse control, that little bit of extra inconvenience can make a big difference. Alternatively, his judgment is impaired under the influence, and he's sober when he decides upon his weekly allocation.

It is similar to the reasoning behind laws that don't allow stores to sell alcohol to drunk customers.
How long brakes do you have to take for the tolerance to drop significantly? Say you've used it 5 times a week for 1 month, how long does it take for the tolerance to drop?

I would wait a month. 3 weeks has done wonders for tolerance before, but a month seems to be the sweet spot
Oh. My. God. I am in tears. I have seen the light. All I can say is oh. My. God. I had been working my way up to this point. I wish I could quantify this, but such vast quantum non-local expressions evade adequate quantification. I just had a breakthrough MXE trip deeper than the deepest DMT trip I've ever had, and that is saying a lot. I am so grateful to still be alive in this form and able to tell the tale, but let it be known that a high dose of high-grade IV MXE can allow one to fully cross over and come back in one piece. Holy Mother of God.

please elaborate: this got me exited !!
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