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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread - Hit #12 - Oh look, it's MXE o'clock

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Does anyone ever find that they feel empathy and closeness to people the day after mxe use?

This is a serious glow for days after. The closeness and empathy I agree with so you aren't alone there. I am looking forward to the next MXE trip=D

What do you guys think about low-dose MXE for social lubrication? I'm going to see one of my all-time favorite artists in a couple of weeks (Baths <3) and I really want to trip, but I'm going to a fest the week after so I don't want to have any lingering tolerance. So I decided on MXE, but at the same time I don't want to be too dissociated, because I want to be fully present to experience this show.

Recommendations on a dose that will be effective but not too dissociative -- more like being tipsy or mildly drunk I guess?

For me around 30mg snorted will do this, but I am not sure of your tolerance and MXE. Seems like MXE isn't all the same and your weight could be different. You could just take a few small doses and go from there.
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What do you guys think about low-dose MXE for social lubrication? I'm going to see one of my all-time favorite artists in a couple of weeks (Baths <3) and I really want to trip, but I'm going to a fest the week after so I don't want to have any lingering tolerance. So I decided on MXE, but at the same time I don't want to be too dissociated, because I want to be fully present to experience this show.

Recommendations on a dose that will be effective but not too dissociative -- more like being tipsy or mildly drunk I guess?
I would say anywhere from 10-30mgs orally, maybe 5-25 subbed. You should probably just experiment yourself...ya know? Just take a low dose and head out one night before the show and attempt some socializin'! ;)
Varying quality is an issue, having tried many different batches/vendors/polymorphisms. The very high purity (99%+) batches are a world of difference from the lower quality mxe that is unfortunately also going around and giving it a bad name. for this I wish it becomes approved/regulated/standardized because the quality stuff is nothing short of a game-changer for the drug world. I say treat every alcoholic, opiate addict, speed freak and crack head with a structured mxe therapy regimen and the world would be a much better place.
For socializing I would go with 30 mg's, but that's with quite a bit of tolerance. So if you don't have much tolerance, you should probably start with a lower dose. Maybe 10-20 mg's, then wait 30 mins for it to fully kick in. Then you can always re-dose with another 10 mg's before heading out.
I just plugged around 15mg and want to keep re dosing until I get the feel of this ROA.

Can anyone tell me from their experience, after plugging how long does it take to peak?

So I plugged the following:

15mg, then 20 minutes later 10mg more, then another 10mg more, and I feel pretty much...nothing... I dunno what I'm doing wrong. This stuff has to be legit because when I took 20mg sublingual I felt very relaxed and a little "high"
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How did you plug? There might be something wrong with your technique, rectal administration is my preferred ROA when it comes to MXE as it hits fast and very smooth.
What I do is this:

Weight out about 15mg on my micro scale.
Take about 4-5 drops of water into a miniature metal cup. Mix it with plunger of syringe until the crystals have dissolved.
Pour the solution into my oral syringe, apply some baby oil to the syringe
I only seem to go about an inch deep, not to get explicit but I really can't push any farther, and if I did it kinda hurts....gross
Then I inject and usually sit on my sit for a couple minutes to make sure.

I think I may not be going deep enough, but it goes in and stays there, so it's gotta be getting absorbed somewhere no?
Varying quality is an issue, having tried many different batches/vendors/polymorphisms. The very high purity (99%+) batches are a world of difference from the lower quality mxe that is unfortunately also going around and giving it a bad name. for this I wish it becomes approved/regulated/standardized because the quality stuff is nothing short of a game-changer for the drug world. I say treat every alcoholic, opiate addict, speed freak and crack head with a structured mxe therapy regimen and the world would be a much better place.

I propose that it's not purity but the form that's the problem.
there are atleast 3 types of mxe- freebase, citrate and hcl.
we can tell by these alone that the freebase would be roughly 2x the molar density of the citrate (only marginally different from hcl to freebase) so, roughly 2x the 'bioeffectiveness'. also, the citrate version seems to vape into something that is neither citric acid or PCE. that being said,
lil math: hope the mxe doesn't fuck with it.

210.14 is the molar mass of citric acid, 36 is the mass of hcl
247.33 is the molar mass of freebase mxe
presuming there's also a sulphate which is what causes the burnt throats. easy to find, easy to use in china.
(I'm not a chemist, which is a serious problem for me. there is a chance that 2 mxe molecules can bind to 1 citric acid which would make it similar to the molar weight of the sulphate)
a smart lab would start to convert the product to citrate as it would give a higher yeild while still being technically pure.
a chinese lab would use sulphuric acid which would be much more likely to burn your throat.
there is also anecdotal evidence that the citrate isn't considerably stable compared to the freebase or the sulphate or hcl due to it's multiplicitive bindings.

there are problems tho, cause mxe doesn't seem to exhibit wildly different hydrophobia in any form which is why you shouldn't use a waterbong to smoke it tho some type of concetrating chamber does seem to help (ie salvia?)
aside from direct vapepoint testing, there isn't very much a hoby rc enthusiast can do to determine what version they have.

when my next batch arrives (today? :O ) I'm going to try to freebase atleast a portion of it using baking soda...
I've also found that an empty- tho huge- waterbong is the perfect aparatus for this.
pack a small bowl, and smoke it, add a drop of Vetetable Glycerin to the ash then put your mxe on that. seems to help with the vapepoint, or atleast as a way of heat distribution.
before the vg I've also created a small bowl filled with glass shards about 3mm long and 1mm wide that I've melted 'off' batches of mxe onto, heating this from the bottom like a lightbulb vape seems to help a great portion... you have to put tenth a gram in the bowl and hope you get your heating right tho, or you're in for a wild ride.

I have a ton of experience with mxe and I'm going to learn more today.

with the gram I get, I'll try to freebase a portion, and salt a portion with hcl and citrate... I'll figure this out yet.

What I do is this:

Weight out about 15mg on my micro scale.
Take about 4-5 drops of water into a miniature metal cup. Mix it with plunger of syringe until the crystals have dissolved.
Pour the solution into my oral syringe, apply some baby oil to the syringe
I only seem to go about an inch deep, not to get explicit but I really can't push any farther, and if I did it kinda hurts....gross
Then I inject and usually sit on my sit for a couple minutes to make sure.

I think I may not be going deep enough, but it goes in and stays there, so it's gotta be getting absorbed somewhere no?
instead of water try propelene glycol, Vegetable glyceryn or DMSO. These will help the bioavail.
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instead of water try propelene glycol, Vegetable glyceryn or DMSO. These will help the bioavail.

It's funny you say that because I have a liter bottle full of food grade 100% PG. Where did you hear it is more soluble in this? I only have the PG for when I'm dissolving massive amounts of xanax powder.

Also do you think I'm not putting it far enough, or maybe I should get another kind of syringe, I fucking hate putting things up my ass.
DMSO.....that's very unnessecary.
He's just doing something wrong.

I take about 1,5ml of warm tap water and dissolve the mxe in it.
Suck it up again in a 2ml oral syringe.
Lube the syringe and the entrance of interest with a sex lubricant.
Lay on my side and slowly push the syringe in til the plunger/t part.
One inch is not enough.
Then i push the plunger down very slowly.
Slowly remove the syringe.

I wait a bit, get up, clean everything and get back in my bed, put some music on and switch the lights off.

Oh and make sure that you are empty.
Take a good shit before dosing.
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DMSO.....that's very unnessecary.
He's just doing something wrong.

I take about 1,5ml of warm tap water and dissolve the mxe in it.
Suck it up again in a 2ml oral syringe.
Lube the syringe and the entrance of interest with a sex lubricant.
Lay on my side and slowly push the syringe in til the plunger/t part.
One inch is not enough.
Then i push the plunger down very slowly.
Slowly remove the syringe.

I wait a bit, get up, clean everything and get back in my bed, put some music on and switch the lights off.

Oh and make sure that you are empty.
Take a good shit before dosing.

Thanks for the input. I think I'm not putting it up far enough. So I think I need to find another tool to administer it, Right now I'm using a 1ml oral syringe from the CVS pharmacy, it is very narrow and thin, but the tip has a bit of an edge, so when I get it up an inch, its like it doesn't want to travel any further. If I could find something with a smoothed rounded tip.....almost like a super tiny dildo....wow that's a freakin weird association, but you get my point I hope.

Can anyone suggest a different tool to administer the solution instead of the 1cc oral syringe I'm using?

Oh and I would like to ask you this, after injecting the plunger completely, from that point, when do you feel the effects and peak? I would like to know this so when I'm experimenting later, I'm not sitting in my bed waiting for over a half hour to re administer.
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I use a 2ml oral syringe like this one:
And if everything is lubed well it's no proplem at all.

But you could try an enema bulb:

Or an insulin syringe.

I only have experience with oral syringes so i can't tell you how good the other syringes work for this purpose.

First effects are felt at about 8 minutes and peak after 30 minutes.
But it may be different for you. Don't rely on me...i'm not even sure if i recall it correctly.

It hits stronger and faster than sublingual or nasal...with the right dose you will get a little rush from it.
Very pleasant. :)

I suggest taking 25mg as your initial dose.
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jeez man that thing is huge hahahah, Actually the pharmacist gave me one that looked like that, and then the small narrow one that I used. Tonight I'm gonna try the big one, haha this is gonna suck.
It's not that bad.
And like i said i suggest taking 25mg as your initial dose.
Wait at least 45 minutes before redosing.
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Sorry if this is the wrong place to post or if there is another topic on the same subject, but has anyone had any success doing a wash on MXE with anhydrous acetone or otherwise? Would it work generally the same as cocaine or ketamine washes? I am admittedly ignorant on the topic and have never had much of a reason to consider doing as such with MXE, but I am coming upon a questionable batch and was curious if I could remove some of the adulterants/impurities this way.
Loved this stuff. Took it for 9 months. Started out and continued snorting it for the longest time. Took several long road trips on it. I thinned out a TON driving like that, and got dangerous probably three times. But other than that, I stayed at a manageable dose and played my music loud, sped, and loved it.

Then, I got into plugging huge doses. I started to go downhill mentally, and the substance didn't help me.

Also, it's important for me to note - for harm reduction purposes - although I've had paranoia for a lot of the time all of my life (neighbors watching me while I get into my car, etc), the first time I ever "heard voices" was on MXE. The voices have since stopped, but the substance did seem to spur a latent episode of psychosis within me, even some mild schizophrenia, if only temporary. The voices have since stopped, and I've been off MXE for 4+ months now, so I'm doing better. At first, when I was doing well in my life, the voices were positive and all-encouraging - speaking of the "love" within us all and "telling me" to go and save the world and meet this girl I had talked to online (I know this sounds incredibly dumb and juvenile). They also told me I was going to help "save the world" from global warming, and I should dedicate my life to drastically raising awareness for global warming, because no single issue is bigger for us as a human race. Then, when my life took a negative turn, I dropped out of college, the voices called me names and harassed me and prevented me from peeing :( (pure psychosis / schizophrenia, all in my head, but real in effect).

I have since stopped the substance, and am doing better.

But, a word to the wise. If you've had problems with paranoia your whole life, maybe this psychedelic and other psychedelics are not the things to take. I should note I NEVER had a problem on mushrooms (earlier in my life) or even LSD twice, just dissociates (DXM and MXE). I mixed the DXM in with my MXE intake.

Be careful.

Oh, I forgot to mention the most important thing in relation to my psychosis and the effects of the drug, MXE! - I thought I could read other people's thoughts, and they could now read my own. I thought that there was this vast, just beneath-the-surface interconnectedness that existed all along that I alone was beginning to understand, and could use. This all brought on by using MXE. I felt I could read neighbor's thoughts in neighboring houses (far away) and that they were reacting to things I was thinking and we seemed to communicate with each other. We "synnergized" in thought. Also, I felt I alone was "controlling" their thoughts to a degree, that I was the center of attention and the center of everything. I thought they were finally "playing" with me, and I was finally noticing, since I tended to isolate as a person. This was all just me in my house. Wow, I haven't elucidated so well my experiences with this and with MXE before as I am here right now. My psychosis.

Be careful. Now you can say I know someone who developed psychosis from using MXE.
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I thought that there was this vast, just beneath-the-surface interconnectedness that existed all along that I alone was beginning to understand, and could use. This all brought on by using MXE. I felt I could read neighbor's thoughts in neighboring houses (far away) and that they were reacting to things I was thinking and we seemed to communicate with each other. We "synnergized" in thought. Also, I felt I alone was "controlling" their thoughts to a degree, that I was the center of attention and the center of everything. I thought they were finally "playing" with me, and I was finally noticing, since I tended to isolate as a person. This was all just me in my house. Wow, I haven't elucidated so well my experiences with this and with MXE before as I am here right now. My psychosis.

Be careful. Now you can say I know someone who developed psychosis from using MXE.

From what I've read, and I've been reading reports of dissociatives for over 15 years, dissociative use is often correlated with the "observance" of synchronicities. It's almost as if by isolating the ego by blocking signals from outside to the body dissociatives prefigure in a perspective where the ego is over-considered in relevance to the facts our body experiences. We focus so much on ourselves that we forget even our sober perspective on what we are.
From what I've read, and I've been reading reports of dissociatives for over 15 years, dissociative use is often correlated with the "observance" of synchronicities. It's almost as if by isolating the ego by blocking signals from outside to the body dissociatives prefigure in a perspective where the ego is over-considered in relevance to the facts our body experiences. We focus so much on ourselves that we forget even our sober perspective on what we are.
QFMT, on that, bud!
Oh. My. God. I am in tears. I have seen the light. All I can say is oh. My. God. I had been working my way up to this point. I wish I could quantify this, but such vast quantum non-local expressions evade adequate quantification. I just had a breakthrough MXE trip deeper than the deepest DMT trip I've ever had, and that is saying a lot. I am so grateful to still be alive in this form and able to tell the tale, but let it be known that a high dose of high-grade IV MXE can allow one to fully cross over and come back in one piece. Holy Mother of God.
Can you guys tell me a bit about redosing with this stuff?
Say if I take 50mg orally, when is the best time to take some more? And how much? And what's the best ROA to do so?
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