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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine / MXE Thread - Part 16 - Sweet 16 mind-control machine

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I recently got a batch tested that I was convinced wasn't MXE and it came back as MXE, which leads me to believe in batch variance of real MXE. I'm in the process of doing some tests to try and prove it (to myself if no one else), but they are currently on hold in the priority queue.

Anyway I recently got a hold of some beautiful, clean, potent crystalline MXE:

Since it might be a while until I get to do a decent dose (of anything) again, I decided to try to m-hole last night. I'm one of the (few?) MXE lovers that has generally liked this drug at lowish dosages. Most of my experiences have been at doses where I can still function, and enjoy mentally challenging activities like watching deep psychological movies, talking, or writing. The dosage range here is from 20 - 35mg. Anything more and there's a chance that using my discursive mind will be too much of a chore. For example with 20mg + weed, watching an episode of Mad Men (last-weekend's) was very enjoyable and I was able to draw all sorts of theories about the characters' psychologies and the allegories that their stories describe. Interspersed, mind you, would be a background vibration. A vibration, that if meditated upon for a moment, would form a reverberation, and would engulf creation. I call those moments micro-m-holes.

Anyway, I like it. Last night, I insufflated 40mg, and when I was at the peak, I plugged another 30mg on top of it. I figured it would give me a good chance of getting into an m-hole. Seems like I was right. I sat upright on the floor and meditated. I lost all attachment to self. I was glowing: light was radiating out from me though all seemed empty. I could think rationally and had no fear of "snapping out of it". It was a stable wormhole. I was buzzing and vibrating. The universe was buzzing and vibrating. I had thoughts like, "well, given that this is the purest ecstasy, beyond which there can be nothing better, what does that say about life? what is pleasure anyway? what is desire? why is there struggle?" This last question was interesting in a context where, truly, the idea of struggle was hard to conjure up. My regular moment-to-moment life is a struggle in many ways, but here there was no struggle. It felt like there would never be a struggle again. I rationally realized that this wasn't the case, but I honestly couldn't figure out how I'd ever feel frustrated again in my life.

Anyway, that's perhaps 1% of the experience that I had last night. Mostly I can't remember it, other than that it was amazing, enlightening, and maybe beyond any other drug experience I've had. (I haven't pushed psychedelics too far, mind you.) However, it's frustrating, to say the least, that I can't remember most of it. Does it make the experience any less valid? I'm greedy, I want to remember it too!

When I finally came to, I felt heavy and could hardly crawl, let alone walk. I wanted to go to bed, but I felt too nauseous when I tried to get up and walk there. I inched my way to bed eventually but had a hard time falling asleep for a while, in spite of my obvious exhaustion. I eventually took 1.5mg of etizolam and slept.

This was a crazy experience, but I'm not sure if I'll try to repeat anytime soon. I might be a low-dose man.
Listening thank you for sharing and for your continued research, keep us updated! If there is a way that you can get isomer ratios tested that may be good data to have, as that is at least one element of batch variance. I think that is not easy to find out though without expensive testing.
I know exactly what you described in your higher dose experience. I love that centered-feeling buzz, such immense contained energy. Magic. Good MXE has a certain symmetry to the source oscillation that allows for a resonance to occur when meditated upon as you did.
I can also intimately relate to the existential/philosophical questions you raised, having also asked and felt these questions under the influence. It does have a lasting effect, like the 'struggle' isn't what it used to be.
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I feel ya on the forgetting 99% of the peak. I had what I'd say is in my top 5 best mxe experiences of all time last night, something truly profound which brought tears gushing to my eyes and a feeling of love and empathy for all, and yet here I am this morning missing most chunks of my memory from last night. At this point I simply recall crying a lot while I was listening to Computerworld by Kraftwerk on vinyl, an experience which was truly cathartic. I feel a heck of a lot better about my issues in life today.
Wish I could upload a pic of this 80mg chunk of crystalline mxe I just picked out of my bag. It is beautiful to say the least.
Listening thank you for sharing and for your continued research, keep us updated! If there is a way that you can get isomer ratios tested that may be good data to have...

Does anybody know where we can get such testing done?

It does have a lasting effect, like the 'struggle' isn't what it used to be.

I do believe that some of these experiences can have lasting effects, but the question for me is: can those experiences ever be integrated into sober living such that the drugs are no longer needed as an aid to aligning with the path? Meditation (sober) has helped me with this in the past, and so has seeing a psychologist regularly, but the struggle is still there. For me, at least, I know there is still a long road ahead, no matter how much I wish it were otherwise. Obviously making peace with this truth is part of the release from the struggle and my recent experience has helped me see that. Maybe life without struggle doesn't make sense.

Last night (the night after the most recent hole), my wife was struggling with a big decision to talk to her father about something before he passes away (he is terminally ill). I think I was able to help her work through it in a way that wouldn't have been possible had it not been for the previous night's experience. We connected in a way that we haven't for some time.

She also helped me remember some other parts of the MXE experience that had been forgotten. At one point in the hole, I remember saying or thinking something like, "oh my god, I'm made of styrofoam!" Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds, and in fact I knew it even when I said it during the experience. I knew that it was hilariously ridiculous, but nevertheless, if felt quite clear at that moment that not only was I made of styrofoam, but in fact the whole universe was just a mostly homogeneous diffusion of styrofoam. Seeing this, I could not distinguish between myself and the universe and realized that there was no distinction. I was part of it, and it was part of me, and the dividing line was gone. I also remember feeling pretty sure that I was god and only dismissing the idea because my rational mind knew it was false, even though, once again, it was hard to believe otherwise given the experience at hand.

Funky shit.
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right people know where i get my mxe from watch it its strong as fuck blackout easy on it and well it just vanishes really quickly :)

cant believe i lost a weekend like i just did to this stuff my hole just vanished to much like an anesthetic at normal doses this time
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I know in the past I've chided people for using MXE for depression, I think it was because I used DXM so often in my adolescence and I feel as though it somewhat fucked me up, pardon my french. MXE does have a much less messy profile though.

Honestly NMDA antagonism is the one thing that makes me feel normal, so I'm very excited for my 2 grams that is coming. I feel like my life is on hold until it arrives. I've been struggling lately working a dead-end job (at least for me), using nicotine and alcohol, and somewhat abusing cannabis. I know if I can make it through the weekend everything will be alright once mine arrives. I think I'm going to cut back on use of all drugs, even psychedelics which I haven't even been using often, and try to work out a treatment schedule using NMDA antagonists. Advice is welcome. Gonna have to grab some more 3-MeO-PCP as well, that stuff really helped me make a lot of positive changes in my life looking back. If only I could get ahold of some Ketamine, alas.

Anyway, I'm pretty excited. Gonna see what plugged is all about. :)
Fuck I thought I was just crazy! Or maybe we're both crazy? But NMDA antagonism has made the biggest positive change to my life of any drug. It's really hard to explain to other people because it sounds so fucked up. I've never felt so normal and motivated and enthusiastic about life as I do when working with NMDA antagonists. It makes me feel like what I imagine normal people must feel like. Happy, with motivation for life, setting goals and accomplishing them.
It's great to see I'm not the only one who feels this way. I'm gonna have to start hanging around this thread way more. :)

I definitely agree with the enthusiasm and motivation. It's why I have to stop using cannabis which robs me of it. I want to accomplish something with my life, but in my normal state I just don't give a shit about anything really. I got on Vyvanse and that helped at first, but at this point it's just stimulation.

I had a good run with 3-MeO-PCP a couple months ago. Coming off it I changed my diet completely for the better, I got to sleep at decent times, I got to the gym constantly, I wasn't as susceptible to cheap and short physical pleasures like drugs and sex. The effects have slowly began to wear off though and now I feel down in the dumps.

Oh well, the sun will come out tomorrow. Think I'll have some Methoxetamine and start climbing Forbes list. :)
You sound like me, haha. Were you dosing the 3-meo-pcp daily during your run with it?

I'm still trying to figure out how to use the NMDA antagonists in this way without them losing effectiveness. There seems to be a certain point where they no longer work no matter what and I have to take a break. Clearly they have the potential as a powerful catalyst for change, but how to harness that power in an effective way.. That's what I want.
It makes me feel like what I imagine normal people must feel like. Happy, with motivation for life, setting goals and accomplishing them.

I vibe so much with this quote that its almost scary hahah. "Makes me feel what I think normal people do," dear God man. Me too. I've wanted my whole life to be more like others and with MXE sometimes I do find what I perceive to be that consensus normality!
Honestly my memory of my actual life is fucking terrible. I could go back and look in the thread, but I'd say I used it about 10 times over 2 months. I didn't find it very compulsive at all. When I began to run low I dosed 3 days in a row until I ran out, but that was the only time I ever used compulsively. I think that's why the afterglow persisted so long, because that stuff builds up your system.

On the issue of tolerance it really is a bitch, I feel like it's harder to get the euphoria that I got when I first started using dissociatives. Then again, I can function very normally on dosages where most people would be doing the robo-walk. You win some, you lose some I guess.

I know this is off topic but has anyone tried MXM here? I'm gonna be able to get some within the next week so that's pretty cool.

Really is sad to see so many places banning this stuff. Whatever though, I'm ready for 3-MeO-PCE to start showing up.
Don't even get me started on 3-meo-pce, I'm so excited for that one to start making the rounds.

Glad to see I'm not the only one who feels more normal after taking disso's, I was starting to think I was completely delusional. I wonder what that means for my brain, though.

How many of you use MXE daily? Am I the only one? I wonder if it's going to kill me sometimes.

I would just stop but my life circumstances have me where I just would rather be dead most days. So I choose MXE over a bullet in the head. On MXE I can be normal, and even happy. I can make social relationships and accomplish goals, my life is great. But I wonder if I'm going to find out soon that it's killing me or I've permanently damaged my organs. I always get this weird internal bloating/inflammation feeling when I'm into a long run of daily use lately.
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Dude I don't know how u can do it every day, how do you manage to keep experiencing good effects? Most of us can't go for long without hitting a wall of some sort. For me that happens at about 1 week if I do it 24/7, 2 weeks if my usage is more moderate. At that point I feel like the story has been told, and I must begin a new chapter of the epic tales of MXE by giving it and my mind/body/spirit a rest.
I would just stop but my life circumstances have me where I just would rather be dead most days. So I choose MXE over a bullet in the head. On MXE I can be normal, and even happy. I can make social relationships and accomplish goals, my life is great. But I wonder if I'm going to find out soon that it's killing me or I've permanently damaged my organs. I always get this weird internal bloating/inflammation feeling when I'm into a long run of daily use lately.
I hope that is the drugs talking, that bit about wanting to be dead most days. Life has way more to offer than a pity party for depression. Grab it by the balls man, you just have to remember what it was like when you were happy and get yourself back to that place.
Yeah man, keep your head up.

The biggest physical thing I would be worried about dosing that often is the bladder issues. I think I notice some from time to time so I think this is a problem with most dissociatives not just ketamine or mxe.
I feel ya, I'm not trying to have a pity party. Of course I need to make changes to my life, but my girlfriend brings me down every time I am doing good. Without getting to into it too much, it's just daily verbal abuse. I have no money to move out right now and no steady job in an area with literally no jobs. I want to change my life to a less toxic environment but I don't have the means too :(

Sadly it's not the drugs talking.. When I'm not on drugs the depressive suicidal thoughts are even worse. It's crazy, I was happy earlier today. But my chick just doesn't care, she actively wants to see me hurt. Everytime I'm on a positive streak she just brings it all crashing down. I've been up all night having a panic attack, I didn't sleep at all. At sunrise what do I do? MXE. Who the fuck cares any more when I don't even want to see the next day? I don't have any friends anymore because shes sucked my life away for years. I guess I should make a thread somewhere else about this, sorry guys. I just feel so fucking alone and hopeless.

vortech, I'm surprised I'm able to do it every day too. I get way different effects these days. I don't get tripped out really, I just feel happy and motivated and carefree. It's the only thing getting me through my days any more. I guess I am pretty much the only one daily dosing then huh? I guess I need to stop. I've read about peeps doing 1g+ per day for months/years, and I only use 100-250 mg per day. I've been on daily run for like 8 months (more? who knows) with just a week or two or three break here and there. At this point it feels like the only medicine keeping me from going off the deep end completely.

Thanks for responding guys. It's sad that strangers on bluelight care more about me than the person closest in my life. After 5 years together, listening to her every problem, I'm just a piece of trash to her. Maybe this post needs to just be deleted or moved, I don't know. I'm sorry guys, I'm a wreck right now.

edit: I made a thread over in SLR getting into more detail about this.. If this post is too off topic or irrelevant maybe it should be deleted..
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