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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine / MXE Thread - Holey Shit no. 15

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Magikalkat, sorry to hear about your troubles, but the good news it YES, MXE can be used during alcohol withdrawal to ease the body and reprogram the mind to get out of the drinking cycle, help you reflect upon the havoc that alcoholism brings to your life. Good luck with everything.
I do not believe it does at all... they have different mechanisms entirely. It does not seem to either in my experience.
MXE doesn't affect psychedelic tolerance ime in fact it may even lower it.
Magikalkat, sorry to hear about your troubles, but the good news it YES, MXE can be used during alcohol withdrawal to ease the body and reprogram the mind to get out of the drinking cycle, help you reflect upon the havoc that alcoholism brings to your life. Good luck with everything.
Thank you, that is what I needed to hear. I forgot my diazepam this morning (passed out cold) so I'm already shaking. Took my 10mg of diazepam a few minutes ago and I'm debating whether I should take 5 more every 2 or 3 hours and how much MXE would be recommended for such a purpose if 70-80mg range holes me. I obviously don't want to go into the M hole, just want enough to shut NMDA the fuck up...
I tried it for the first time yesterday. Wow what a strange experience. Mild psychadellic headspace - a little anxious but it was productive amxiety (thinking about my life and job). I was pretty intoxicated too - I was hanging put with my friends and they could clearly tell I was fucked up.

It seemed to peak pretty early and taper off. It also seemed to come and go in waves. I'd be really fucked up dor 5 min then ok for 5 min, etc.
Lol the waves got me too man. It's like... Okay I'm sobering up and then everything starts morphing again.

Glad you enjoyed it. It's an interesting Chem.
MXE is running out of stock for some reasons (EU ban incoming, operation LEO)... MXM is going to replace it unfortunately, already in sales :)
MXE is running out of stock for some reasons (EU ban incoming, operation LEO)... MXM is going to replace it unfortunately, already in sales :)

MXM seems to be more interesting than it was expected to be but MXE is out there if you know where to look.
I finally M-holed for the first time last night. It took me probably 50 plus MXE trips to get there, but I made it, as best as I can tell at least. For the first time ever, I had true tactile hallucinations. It was intense yet mellow at the same time. I felt the carpet wrap up around me, I felt my ceiling fan as an entity, which was a puppet master of sorts.... pulling me places, taking my places using some invisible force. I felt myself sink into the carpet, raise feet off the floor, and spin in a sphere of some sort, glued to the edges by the centripetal force... It only took me 50mg nasally dosed to get there, when before I had never gotten there, even at higher doses. It was fairly short lived (the hole part at least) but dear God... I wanted to dive back in so bad. I took two 10mg boosters when I came out, but it did nothing more than further wonk me up, without a second hole. My roommate showed up shortly after the hole and I was just zonked. I could barely speak, my mouth fighting every word. I really hope I can get there again, but I think I oughta take a break from MXE for a while before I dive in again.

I listened to this album when I holed.... dear. God!---
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MXE isn't going anywhere. Just will be harder to source. The demand is way to high for it to simply stop being produced.

Looking forward to trying MXM soon though.
I went on a little binge this weekend. One thing I noticed about it was that my filter for being an asshole or saying inappropriate things kinda went out the window, in a very manic way. I would say something slightly offensive then be like why the fuck did I just say that.

I was not completely out of control but the psychedelic headspace was definitely at odds with my lack of filter.
It's weird, a lot of people report getting very manic from MXE but I never get manic at all... it makes me feel calm and thoughtful, chatty as well but not in an uncontrollable way at all. I also don't really get stimulated from it... I get energy but it's more like I just don't feel fatigue than that I get stimulated. I never get an afterglow either, it just fades away and it feels like I didn't take anything the next day.
I find smaller doses give me a manic stimulation and a point in which text becomes very hard to follow and dexterity is notably decreased. Strangely there becomes a higher dosage level in which i become wildly blissful, ultra relaxed, and have better dexterity that at the last dosage. At this point, things like typing and following text are paradoxically easier to do. Of course this threshold can be passed again and again until the deepest states are found.

But I consider this to be quite phenomenal. MXE is incredibly interesting.
Into extreme sensations/experiences as you may have worked out by now, i like going straight for a sweet spot M-hole dose sublingualled, then journey either throughout my brain, or the universe... 8o 8( :D

These experiences cannot be transmitted in words unfortunately. :\
They sure can't. My M-hole was the most spectacular dissociative experience of my life by far, it was truly profound. I wrote a report about it actually.

I don't know if I've ever noticed the manic stimulated stage, I seem to go straight to the second stage you described, with increased dexterity and bliss. It feels like I can intuitively move with the "flow" and when doing it with people, it also feels like everyone is experiencing the same flow. MXE is very flow-y.

Yeah it's a super interesting drug for sure. A magical-feeling drug. I haven't done it in a bit... I might do some with friends tomorrow evening.
How is it that my trips are still as epic and satisfying as ever, maybe even more so, even after 3 years and hundreds of trippy wonky days gone by? Shouldn't there be a limit? Haha if there is I haven't reached it yet, but I'll let you know when I do. I'm pretty sure the yin-yang style of use is what has kept it fresh and sustainable for so long.
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Nice to have a drug that doesn't make me feel sick. The worst side effects were a lot of thirst and lack of hunger. I had to force myself to each a few pieces of bread and drink some milk to keep myself from starving too much. I also had to keep drinking juice to keep my blood sugar up. However, complete lack of nausea. MXE does what I want a drug to do and with acceptable side effects. Though it's suspected that it could cause renal problems like ketamine, that has never actualy been reported in humans who have used it heavily for months or years. As long as you drink a lot of water to dilute the metabolites it probably will be okay. At least it beats dying from lack of a liver because of alcohol, and its other gruesome side effects. When I see people drinking alcohol I think why are you doing that to yourself? Here, take some of this MXE for godsake and drop drinking that solvent. You're pathetic. Look atcha.
The first dose never does it but the second dose and the hash oil, oh yeah.
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