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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy Mescaline Extraction thread

any thoughts on using a method similar to cooking up ketamine to dehydrate?
ie put a glass dish ontop of a pan of boiling water and slowly evaporate the liquid in this manner..
any thoughts on using a method similar to cooking up ketamine to dehydrate?
ie put a glass dish ontop of a pan of boiling water and slowly evaporate the liquid in this manner..

A double boiler is actually a very good idea! ... Wish I had of thought of that :p

A dehydrator is only worth the purchase of your also going to use it to dehydrate the cactus.
cactus- chopped to finely powdered
jar with good airtight lid ( i use small ones like what bud is cured in )
Alcohol: Isopropyl works, use 91%+ preferrably, but since im in TX i use everclear (only sold incertain states)
pie dish (for evaporation)
coffee fillters or cheese cloth or some other filter
razor blades
gellatin capsules
grinder of some sort
pippete or needless syringe etc.


1.Grind cactus (morter pestal, coffee grinder, weed grinder etc.)
2. put cactus into jar
3. pour in chosen alcohol let sit about and 1-2inch above cactus
4. let sit for 3-4 days in a dark, room temp place
5. with pippete or needles syringe pull off all the dark green alcohol water above cactus
6. put this dark green liquid in the pie dish for evaporation (lots of diff process' to speed up evaporation but lettin it sit works too, i put my ppie dish with green liquid on top of another same size pie dish with hot water in it and replace the water periodicly)
7. repeat steps 3-6 atleast two more times or you can do it until you no longer get green alcohol.
woops: forgot, the last time you are getting the alcohol off just take the jar and pour it through your filter and strain the cacti into your dish and get all the liguid soaked in them
8. after each batch evaporated you take your razor blade and scrape up the remaining goo. (you can scrape after each time or leave it for one at the end but i scrape each time as the entire process takes about a week -2 weeks and i dont want dust all in it)
(it is similar to the scrape when making BHO or QWISO)
9. take the goo and put it into the gel capsules
10. once all rounds of evap. are done then INGEST

I have not tried this tek. It seems way to easy to work right. Can anyone else confirm it's efficiency?
Well I've recently done this type of extraction but have not tried the product yet...will post back whenever that happens
Just to share, and so I can start answering the PM's I have received...

I am going to be trying this one, don't know when I am going to get around to it though. Not likely til summer :(


OMG Thank you for posting this KPZ
I will promise anyone that can get a hold of Mescaline Sulfate and dose 400mgs+
will indeed fall in love with awesomeness of mescaline. If this teck works, I'll be swimming in my own personal psychedelic blacklight postured fishbowl for the perceivable future.

For me mescaline sulfate is up there with the legendary Orange Sunshine LSD,
A +4 experience
Mescaline extraction... ?

Is that 'Mescaline Extraction V2.0' on youtube, the one with invader zim and all that, real? He comes out with some black, weird, idk at the end.
No idea but will merge your question with the Mescaline Extraction thread where it may have been mentioned. Plenty of proven extractions in there too :)
Mescaline Hydrocloride is easier to make but..

extracting pure mescaline Hcl out of peyote cacti is easier than the mescaline Sulfate altho the sulfate is about 10% approx more potent by weight..I won't go into detail on these synthesis' here beacuse they are already posted online through links on vaults of erowid and similar sites,and would take up way to much space.:)
A/B extraction on cactus - what's the minimum worthwhile amount?

ok I'm new to doing acid/base extractions but I have a good understanding of the chemistry behind the process, a careful hand and perfectionistic tendencies so I think I should be able to do it no worries.

basicallly, I have about 600ml of pretty strong cactus juice currently sitting in the freezer that I can't face stomaching again but, I really want to get the goodies out. I'd estimate I used about a metre (3 feet-ish) of peruvian torch to make the original brew (by acidifying, simmering down and straining), which was about 1.5 litres in total once I finished. so I'd estimate I have a bit over a foot's worth of goodness in there. for comparison, when I drank the first dose I had about 500ml and that put me on my ass, I think half that would have been more than enough for a nice mild trip.

so BL, do you think it's enough to be worth doing an A/B on?
Alcohol extraction question.

Anyone have any idea if ISO alcohol or acetone would work best? I've heard conflicting information.
Personally, I would pay 50% more for a full spectrum peyote or pedro extract than I would for a pure mescaline extract....maybe double. Funny that you get larger yields and a richer high when you DONT purify the mescaline.

I generally only use raw cacti or tea in ceremony, sometimes out in Arizona or with the Native American Church.

I suppose there is something to be said for getting it down to pill form, but I dont see the benefit of purifying the mescaline when mescaline isnt the only drug of interest in there.

At least do something interesting with the "waste". Maybe it would make a good MDMA filler.
Personally, I would pay 50% more for a full spectrum peyote or pedro extract than I would for a pure mescaline extract....maybe double. Funny that you get larger yields and a richer high when you DONT purify the mescaline.

I generally only use raw cacti or tea in ceremony, sometimes out in Arizona or with the Native American Church.

I suppose there is something to be said for getting it down to pill form, but I dont see the benefit of purifying the mescaline when mescaline isnt the only drug of interest in there.

At least do something interesting with the "waste". Maybe it would make a good MDMA filler.

I have not tried this tek. It seems way to easy to work right. Can anyone else confirm it's efficiency?

this method gave me more nausea than drinking the tea did. there wasn't the horrible taste invovled, but it gave me projectile vomit that resulted in me not feeling the effects at all. it was the same exact result as putting powderized cactus into gelcaps, but i hear a lot of people who have much more successful results.

maybe it was because i put it in a shit ton of little gel caps??
I couldn't find the answer when I searched so... here goes.

Does Mescaline HCl have a particular smell? What I have smells a bit like pretzels.
I was wondering if you just boil chunks of cactus (not blended) in regular water, does any of the mescaline go into the water?

I guess it depends on the solubility of the freebase in water. Does anyone know what that is?
^ Some will, but not much, because of the mescaline isn't distributed evenly throughout the cactus, so you have to pulverize
it for maximum surface area exposure.

The most effortless, quickest method with a reasonable yield is this:

1. Chop cactus
2. Throw pieces into a blender, blend until smoothie-like consistency
3. Dump the mixture into a large pot and simmer (not boil) it down until the remaining liquid is concentrated enough to fit in a drinking glass
4. Drink – Trip.