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The Big & Dandy 'Memory and Psychedelics' Thread

I took alot of psychs at the beginning of the year (lsd,2cb,pot). The lsd and 2cb left me feeling scattered but my cognition was still intact. Weed still to this day is massively negatively influencing my concentration and memory. Goota give up the green i can feel my brain turning into a sponge.
I have actually had the opposite effect. A week after taking LSD I have gotten my highest exam scores ever. It is the weirdest thing. It has happened more than once. Maybe the LSD gets rid of the cobwebs in my mind that cause me to do careless errors which is where I lose the majority of my points. Maybe in the long term it would be different, or if I was taking it frequently, but so far, I haven't noticed problems from LSD.

However, the effect is really different from MDMA. One use of MDMA at a normal dosage (100mg), can make me foggy headed and impair my learning for up to two months afterwards. (Yes, I follow all the safety precausions too.) Even stuff I know to be pure. It isn't as if I feel depressed--I just feel as if my brain is missing something.
Only with MD** compounds and pot when used to often.Seems to go away a couple months after i stop abuse or maybe I just get used to it.
I can say with total honesty that I have not experienced any mental or cognitive issues with any true psychedelics, and I have used them very heavily especially during several periods. I HAVE experienced significant mental impairment and instability following use of MDMA (NOT abuse, but infrequent use), which came back to me after I decided to not use it ever again. I experienced similar things when I abused AMT heavily (once taking it daily for a week), but that stopped within a few days of discontinuing AMT.

I have pretty consistently used some sort of psychedelic at least once a week for about 2 years now, sometimes 3-4 times a week and for short periods of time, even more than that. I certainly do not recommend using them this often to anymore. I have noticed changes in my mind (willpower issues mostly, and changes in thinking patterns), but I am performing very well at my job and my other life pursuits... in fact I value my heavily psychedelicized (new word alert) mindstate as helping me in my field, which is computer programming and writing.

It's worth noting that tripping is very rarely stressful for me anymore. I think that if I were tripping like I used to (ball-to-the-wall, blasted out of this world every time with visions of horror and grandeur), it would take a toll. But after you trip a lot, this stops happening quite so much. Which is both a good and a bad thing.
Xorkoth said:
I can say with total honesty that I have not experienced any mental or cognitive issues with any true psychedelics, and I have used them very heavily especially during several periods. I HAVE experienced significant mental impairment and instability following use of MDMA (NOT abuse, but infrequent use), which came back to me after I decided to not use it ever again. I experienced similar things when I abused AMT heavily (once taking it daily for a week), but that stopped within a few days of discontinuing AMT.

I have pretty consistently used some sort of psychedelic at least once a week for about 2 years now, sometimes 3-4 times a week and for short periods of time, even more than that. I certainly do not recommend using them this often to anymore. I have noticed changes in my mind (willpower issues mostly, and changes in thinking patterns), but I am performing very well at my job and my other life pursuits... in fact I value my heavily psychedelicized (new word alert) mindstate as helping me in my field, which is computer programming and writing.

It's worth noting that tripping is very rarely stressful for me anymore. I think that if I were tripping like I used to (ball-to-the-wall, blasted out of this world every time with visions of horror and grandeur), it would take a toll. But after you trip a lot, this stops happening quite so much. Which is both a good and a bad thing.

Xorkoth, would you say that you get more out of tripping less (at most once a week, less even) than tripping multiple times a week, according to your personal experiences? I have heard mixed reviews, but I still have yet to use a psychedelic more than once a week for fear that I wont get as much out of it due to physical and mental tolerance build up. Were you still tripping as hard using psychs more than once a week, such as LSD and mushrooms? This goes for anybody who have used psychedelics more than once a week. Would you consider it a waste or valuable? Was it hard to integrate earth shattering experiences? Also, how often do you use psychs now out of curiosity?

I have not encountered cognitve problems from psych use, but rather they opened new doors of thought in my brain (BUT I only trip about twice a month max, and roll about once every 3 months) Marijuana has affected my shorterm memory, but I am still just as smart as I was before I started smoking. Cannabis is a part of my lifestyle and it has helped shape me into the person I am today in terms of my persona and laid back lifestyle, but it is not ME. I love cannabis and have been through periods where i smoked heavily (half ounce a week), but less is better (more like a few times a week if at all). The smoking daily lifestlye was great for awhile but as college work gets harder and I have more responsibilites, it becomes heavy on the pocket and the mind, as well as diminishing returns. I think cannabis can be great in cracking open the doors of perception and getting one to think more outside the box and less linearly, while psychs fucking blow the doors open like an atom bomb lol.
I'd say that weed and MDMA has the most obvious impacts on my memory. I'm not sure how long-lasting it is though.

With weed - I've generally started to quit smoking during the school year except for "social" occasions, and will 100% quit nearing the times of exams / major tests / etc. When I was smoking daily, I'd find myself having to re-read things 3 or 4 times before it felt like it "stuck"

MDMA - even on a low dose (1 pill), it feels like my head is running slow for at least 2-3 days after. The best way I can describe it, is when I try to focus - it feels like your trying to jump on solid ground after bouncing on a trampoline for a few minutes.

My period of heavy E use pretty much fucked up my 2nd year of school - while I cant place /all/ the blame on it - as I made some personal choices in the matter also, I found 2nd year of school to seem VERY hard. I thought all of my courses were so difficult, was doing bad on tests, couldnt focus during class - I was also doing E 2-4 times a month.

At the start of 3yrd year, I said "enough is enough", and quit doing E so frequently - school became SO much easier after that, took a 2 month break. Did an E for Halloween weekend, and noticed what a dumbass I felt like for the week after.

When I was in "the thick of it" - I didnt really think E was affecting me /that/ much - I just got so used to running in a state of e-tardation I thought it was normal. Then, quitting it for 2 months really let me go back to normal, and I really noticed the drop back to feeling stupid after I did it again.

Even with extended breaks and pre-loading/post-loading and all the tricks - I'll still feel a little less than ideal for a few days after. I rarely do it anymore.

I havnt noticed any real negative effects from Mushrooms or LSD. Shrooms, possibly the day /directly/ after - but not so bad.

With LSD - seems to be better than normal actually. I recall studying for an exam during the after glow of an LSD trip. It made the material make SO much more sense - I started to see the pattern in how to sovle the problems in front of me, came up with a system to solve the problems - understood the material so much better in the end, and did really well on the exam.
I had something I wanted to say about the years I spent massively consuming psychedelics, but I can't remember what it was...
i notice the same thing with lsd - my vocabulary seems to go through the roof in the days following.

personally, i find that the rarer you ingest a substance the more you get out of it. i also try to use marijuana in that way. tolerance is a real bitch.
FreedomOfTheMind said:
Xorkoth, would you say that you get more out of tripping less (at most once a week, less even) than tripping multiple times a week, according to your personal experiences?

Yeah, I get more from each trip by tripping less, for sure. I am the first to admit I have overused psychedelics. When you trip infrequently, all of the magic remains. When you trip often (I'd say once a week even for an extended period of time), it starts to lose more and more magic as the receptors become downregulated and you become used to the effects.

That said, I obviously find some benefit in tripping so often or I wouldn't do it. About half of the reason I do it is just because of hedonism... I like drugs, and psychedelics are my favorite and most enjoyable class of drugs, and the one I feel has the least potential to cause me physical harm from regular use. I find regular use of psychedelics to be a great mood and healthy state of mind contributor... it's very easy for me to take things in stride and keep the big picture, and live day-by-day and not get bogged down by bullshit. They're a great way to keep my mind stimulated and I find that they help my mind to work in a very logical and structured way, which helps me with programming (which is my career). I also use them to produce art and often to write. Certain substances (MDXXs especially, and AMT) are not sustainable because they will start to deplete your serotonin which is a big problem. But most psychedelics I've used have seemed to have little detrimental effect on me even when used frequently. The biggest issue I encounter is that, like with any drug use, I can become unfocused on my life goals. Which Bluelight also does. 8o =D

So anyway, I'm definitely not recommending it... I would prefer hardcore, magical trips any day. Which still happen from time to time. But for now, it's working for me the way I'm doing it. I go in and out of spurts of frequent use... for the moment I'm at once or twice a week, during the weekends.
DXM left me really weirded out for days afterwards. It would take me 2 days to really get back to normal and nearly a week to even have an orgasm.

I remember very clearly when I used DXM a lot that I would wake up the following morning really scatter brained and very high/buzzed. this would happen EVERYTIME i fell asleep on DXM which was frequent as I wanted to go to bed after tripping for 8-10 hours.

I really think it took me 6 months to get to back to where I was before DXM with my cognitive ability and to be able to use my brain to my max capacity while sober. DXM was the opposite of all psychedelics I have used - slow and debilitating on my mind.
Weed messed up my memory badly. I've stopped for several months and I'm only just now being able to do things weed made it impossible for me to do, like remember what I was reading a second ago without going back and checking. I don't blame the plant though. It was my fault for smoking way, way too much. I didn't know it actually had real down sides, since everything I had heard bad about it turned out to be a lie.
The only drug that has really messed with me is MDMA, I had depression for 3 months after taking around 200-300mg every weekend for 2 months, and had trouble remembering certain words such as lighthouse and door which shows how much damage it can do if over done.

Weed actual has a possitive effect on me and gives me much more drive and determination (I think I have a naturaly low dopamine level.) And ketamine has seemed to improve my balance and confidence quite abit.
5-HT2 said:
During my peak period of psychedelic abuse, which lasted for several months, I was tripping from 1-3 times per week (usually on LSD or mushrooms). I believe that this level of usage produced a significant impairment of my memory and cognitive skills, but it's hard to say for sure, because this time period overlapped with my peak ecstasy/MDMA abuse. However, it started earlier, and I was already experiencing what in retrospect seem to be deficits even before I started to overdo the MDXX.

Good points , I found both used to overkill levels were significantly impairing, & that's from when MDMA wasn't available in Britain ( well not to me anyway).

LSD/mushrooms, you get it back.In time....................

MDMA .....who knows I reckon you will get it back, provided you keep off drugs & do all the good stuff everyone says to do.:\

Best of luck :)
true psychedelics improve my memory. Things like weed, benzos, stimulants and most other drugs ruin my memory.
I am getting better grades at school. I haven't been doing psychedelics for months but cognition issues were a worry. I am tempted to think it had the opposite effect. I started a nootropic regimen two weeks ago and my concentration and ability to focus is even better. :)
I'm thinking about slam dunking some DMT

zapping and zigging right straight to the MOOOOOOOON!!!!

<3 <3 <3 <3

This Earth is for Living and Loving

Bathing Naked Beneath a Waterfall...
Weed has had both effects just at different times.

For example; when I took my GED test several years ago--I didn't study and had smoked a bunch of pot before the test. I took the test stoned to the bejesus-belt and scored a 98%. Yet my short term memory of recent events kinda just blur into one really long day. My short-term memory has been fucked for the last decade--but if thats the only negative effect from being a pot-head then shit I'm gonna smoke this beautiful herb till the day I die.

Now psyches like LSD and mushrooms and Salvia and LSA and DMT and other various entheogens have brought back alot of repressed memory and things I lost thru-out the years. Psychedelics have done me alot of good and I am VERY grateful for everything. Compared to the way I lived before my long prolonged derangement with psychedelic drugs, I've improved greatly--more than anyone could ever measure.
Dropping in memory of Mr. Hoffman

So I've only done it once successfully, once it was bunk. Tonight I'm dropping again and have a pretty basic question for you all. Last time I was uneasy, anxious coming up and for about 40% of the trip. This time I have a few valiums and xanies so do you think taking a few benzo's beforehand will make my trip more enjoyable since they put my mind at ease?
I doubt this is the way Dr. Hoffmann would care to be remembered :\
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