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The Big & Dandy MDAI Thread: Second Dose

Just had a new batch delivered today, this is different to the stuff I had before. The MDAI I just finished was a very light tan colour and extremely crystalline, it was like it was made up of millions of little flakes of amber glass. It was good, very good and I thought it was pretty much pure from a vendor I trust.

This is from the same trusted vendor but obviously a different batch, it is crystalline, but a finely crystalline powder. The crystals are much finer, almost microscopic and it's extremely fluffy, it's also just a shade off white, a very light cream colour. I have no Marquis but it's definitely MDAI, no question about that, it smells and tasted right when I did the allergy/identification stuff.

Just posting this so we can keep track of the batches really, there's still all sorts of shit flying around as MDAI and people still posting pics of dark brown grit and others saying all white MDAI is fake.

I have a similar batch based on the description, very crystalline and takes up quite a volume and is slightly off white. Any reports from anyone with the same ?
I have a similar batch based on the description, very crystalline and takes up quite a volume and is slightly off white. Any reports from anyone with the same ?

This is the same as what I've been getting. 200 mg fills up more than half of a 00 gel cap. It's white and it works great.
So i've tried some newer mdai. But I'm not sure if its MDAI, as I took about 200mg to empty stomach and after 1h 30 min I felt only little come up. After I plugged 100mg it started almost instantly. Its very psychedelic and therapeutic. *snip* The first MDAI I had 4 months back came up in 30min and 200mg worked great. Also the first batch I had lasted only abouth 1h and this new one lasts 2hours. First dose 200mg orally and 2h later took 100mg plugged and lasted about 3h. This newer one is better, both are from different vendors. This newer one is even better.
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How does MDAI feel when combined with MDPV? What can the high be compared to? Very MDMA-like? Mephedrone-like? Does it have high recreational value?

What about MDAI combined with dexedrine? (though I recognize the potential for neurotoxicity in this case)
How does MDAI feel when combined with MDPV? What can the high be compared to? Very MDMA-like? Mephedrone-like? Does it have high recreational value?

What about MDAI combined with dexedrine? (though I recognize the potential for neurotoxicity in this case)

I've combined MDAI with MDPV and it was decent. I took 200 mg of MDAI and 10 mg of MDPV, both orally. MDAI always seems better when combined with a stimulant. However, MDPV is a pretty bad stimulant IMO. To answer your questions, it is sort of MDMA-like. I'd say the combo I took gave me 70% of what 150 mg of MDMA would have given me. You feel happy, open, and stimulated, but there is something missing. I've never used mephedrone so I can't compare it to that. And yes, it definitely does have recreational value. The problem is that MDPV crashes hard, so you'll have to deal with that.

However, MDPV is the worst stimulant I've combined with MDAI. The best is probably methylone, but that will wear on your brain pretty hard so I wouldn't recommend doing it any more than you would use MDMA. I've never combined it with Adderall, but friends have told me the combo is quite good, although the next day is rough. I've combined 200 mg of MDAI with 36 mg of methylphenidate (Ritalin) and I thought it was far better than the MDPV combo. I'm not going to say it was exactly like rolling, but if someone had given me 200 mg of MDAI and 36 mg of methylphenidate in a gel cap and told me it was MDMA, I probably wouldn't question it. The crash wasn't bad either and I felt basically normal the next day.

The best combo I've had though is 200 mg of MDAI and 17 mg of 2C-I. I'd recommend taking the MDAI an hour or two after the 2C-I. On this combo, I felt absolutely awesome. I was very happy and social, and conversation flowed freely. The visuals were also top notch. I was tripping, but I could also easily hold a normal conversation (at least among high people) and basically just enjoy myself without worrying about being mindfucked.
Had my first try-out with MDAI today.
First, I snorted few mg just to test, if I'm allergic or something ... after ~30min I administered ~85mg rectally.
I didn't recognize any noteworthy effects.

The MDAI I got is pearly-white, super-fluffy and extremely soluable in water.

Isn't the rectal one a ROA that works for MDAI? The small amount I snorted lets me think, that insufflation isn't an option either ^^ Is the oral one the way to go?
Anybody tried to vaporize that stuff?
The best combo I've had though is 200 mg of MDAI and 17 mg of 2C-I. I'd recommend taking the MDAI an hour or two after the 2C-I. On this combo, I felt absolutely awesome. I was very happy and social, and conversation flowed freely. The visuals were also top notch. I was tripping, but I could also easily hold a normal conversation (at least among high people) and basically just enjoy myself without worrying about being mindfucked.

interesting perspective. i usually abstain from mixing chems that have this mcuh of a difference in duration (2ci is a long trip for me, while mdai is 3h max). could you maybe compare it to a normal 2ci trip experience at the same level for you? so as to show what the mdai brought?
Had my first try-out with MDAI today.
First, I snorted few mg just to test, if I'm allergic or something ... after ~30min I administered ~85mg rectally.
I didn't recognize any noteworthy effects.

The MDAI I got is pearly-white, super-fluffy and extremely soluable in water.

Isn't the rectal one a ROA that works for MDAI? The small amount I snorted lets me think, that insufflation isn't an option either ^^ Is the oral one the way to go?
Anybody tried to vaporize that stuff?

it is usually considered safer to test for allegies by oral dosing (also because most chems are more effective snorted and so negative effects are worse if something is to go wrong)

dont have much exp with rectal, but a lot of this thread tells of oral dosing, so im thinking why would you not try that first? it is the most tried one..... vaping doesnt work iirc.
Yeah, it was a really small amount of fluffy stuff, not even a mg ... but, of course, you're right; it's better to be done oraly.

Don't know why i tried rectal first. Was just kind of a instinct because imo mdma is soo much better in all aspects by this ROA. Maybe i try it again sometime else but at this time, i will use a bit more of water as is needed, to bring it in solution ... wasn't that comfortable ;)

Next time i'll try a 100mg oral first with option on 50 or another 100mg more if desired.
How long does it take till the oral MDAI shows effects and when will it peak? ... on empty stomach, of course.
interesting perspective. i usually abstain from mixing chems that have this mcuh of a difference in duration (2ci is a long trip for me, while mdai is 3h max). could you maybe compare it to a normal 2ci trip experience at the same level for you? so as to show what the mdai brought?

You're in luck. I had used the exact same dose of 2C-I a few days before I tried the combo. Through out the experience, I was taking mental notes of the differences. Regarding the difference in duration, I would recommend taking the MDAI a few hours after the 2C-I so they end at about the same time. MDAI tends to last 4-6 hours for me and 2C-I lasts 7-9 hours in my experience. When I did the combo, I took both at the same time and had a decent amount of trip left over once the MDAI wore off. It wasn't bad though.

Anyway, the differences between the combo and 2C-I alone. Both were done with my group of friends, some of whom were using the same drugs as me:

Adding MDAI made it a much more social experience. Talking was easy and natural. When I was on just 2C-I, conversation was doable but kinda awkward. I would start sentences and then trail off. With the MDAI, I was talking a mile a minute, as I usually end up doing with serotonin releasing drugs. Along the same lines, the combo brought what I call the "hug effect" on the people using it. Like, it makes you go around asking for hugs and you start complementing everyone in the room. Ya know, that wussy empathogen feeling that we all seem to love so much =D When I was only on 2C-I with the same people a few days before, no one was hugging anything or talking much. I was afraid that the MDAI would get "drowned out" so to speak, but I'd say the two were about equally noticeable.

Adding MDAI also made the trip a little more grounded in reality. IMO, 2C-I never really brings you that far from reality, but while the MDAI was working, the world didn't seem fucked up at all, save for everything wobbling and purple globs shooting across the ceiling 8o However, when the MDAI wears off, it can be a bit shocking. One of the people I was doing this with had to take a few minutes to gather himself once he realized how hard he was tripping 5 hours after dosing. That's why I recommend giving the 2C-I a head start.

All and all, it was a great combo that I will definitely do again. I basically spent the night with a goofy grin on my face while alternating between socializing with my friends and staring at the ceiling. We also had an interesting game of jenga, which went surprisingly well considering the tower was moving the whole god damn time. At the doses I used, the two drugs seemed to coexist evenly. The reason I tried this combo was because when I use just 2C-I, it brings a physical rush like MDMA does for me but with a different headspace. MDAI brings the mental feelings of MDMA but without the rush. When put together, it is kinda like rolling but with some cool visuals to go along with it. There isn't much not to like.
Also, has anyone tried storing MDAI in solution? Does it even dissolve in water? I've never tried because I'm afraid of wasting it. However, I've come to realize that an open bottle of "water" looks a lot less sketchy than a bag of white powder and that a shot glass is less sketchy than a scale. I know that some drugs will last in water and others will not. Has anyone tried liquid measuring with MDAI? I only need it to last a week.
Well, I got my money back after being scammed (yay credit cards) and obtained a sample from a more reputable source. This stuff is light tan and ridiculously fluffy - 100mg fills up almost half of a 00 gelcap. Marquis turns dark red, Mecke turns greenish-brown like baby poop, Simons has no reaction.

It mostly dissolves in water, but there were some bits that didn't dissolve.

The effect from 100mg was as expected. Kind of a mellow roll. Music was enhanced, appetite wasn't affected, eyes felt like they wanted to wiggle. Seems like this could be a decent alternative to alcohol for social occasions.

At T+3:00, adding 180mg of methylone didn't produce anything beyond the normal methylone experience. Nor did adding 50mg MDAI with the 50mg methylone redoses. I guess to evaluate this combo I'd need to take the initial doses at the same time, and maybe a higher dose of MDAI? Will give it a shot sometime, but given the safety concerns it might even be a relief if the combo fails to impress.
Hey guys, just registered to post in this thread! I purchased 1g of MDAI expecting it to be fairly mediocre, it consisted of a very white, fluffy and (highly) water soluble powder. I tried 150mg first and was surprised by the rush it gave me when i started coming up (about 35 mins after oral ingestion, in a glass of water, it didn't taste so bad), the high lasted about 2 hours and the come down was very mild.

The next day I was smoking some pretty decent weed all day and decided I'd mix it up with 200mg of MDAI (more than the previous day in case of tolerance), it hit in 30 mins and WOW what a buzz! I was far more sociable than with the 150mg on its own and i was getting pretty nice OEV's (I watched my black and white tiles on the bathroom floor merge into one another). The high seemed to last about an hour longer too, but it was hard to tell because i was so stoned too!

Anyways, it was good stuff and I think/hope it was MDAI.
Isn't the rectal one a ROA that works for MDAI? The small amount I snorted lets me think, that insufflation isn't an option either ^^ Is the oral one the way to go?
Anybody tried to vaporize that stuff?

I hated the thought to start with but now I'm a convert, if it's pluggable chances are I'll plug it. All my MDAI gets shoved where the sun don't shine as I find it comes on faster and hits harder that way, also means I don't have to starve myself first which makes up for the unpleasantness of the act itself.

It should work fine by this route..
You got to find another forum for those kind of questions

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Anyone else experience substantial heartburn and stomach ache after MDAI use? It probably has the most irritable effect on my stomach I've ever encountered. Even after eating a gram of MDMA my stomach isn't half as upset.
Anyone else experience substantial heartburn and stomach ache after MDAI use? It probably has the most irritable effect on my stomach I've ever encountered. Even after eating a gram of MDMA my stomach isn't half as upset.

I've never had any stomach problems with MDAI. Everyone reacts differently though.
Trying to find pictures/information on how MDAI should look like. Some claims it's supposed to be entirely white, but the concensus from the 6-7 posts I've found generally seems to claim it's brown.
Haven't tried mine out yet, but it's incredibly white and crystally... Much more crystally than other substances I've seen (I got MXE, 4-ho-dpt, 4-AcO-DMT and 5-meo-mipt etc to compare irl at the moment). Pretty big crystals too, about 1mm in length, 0.4mm in width.

Here's a picture of mine (with a hairband as some kind of bad size-indicator):

Of the little I've tastes (1-2mg) it seems to taste very little, chemical taste (bit it might be some other substance I've come in contact with earlier making it). Tastes way less than 4-ho-met. Smells absolutely nothing (although I do have a slight cold). Anyone seen similar MDAI who could tell me about potency (never tried MDAI or MDMA earlier)? Should 100-150 be an okay newbie-dose for someone weighing about 55 kilos, 163cm in height? If not I'll come back with a reply on Sunday/Monday, although I can't compare to anything similar..
Trying to find pictures/information on how MDAI should look like. Some claims it's supposed to be entirely white, but the concensus from the 6-7 posts I've found generally seems to claim it's brown.
Haven't tried mine out yet, but it's incredibly white and crystally... Much more crystally than other substances I've seen (I got MXE, 4-ho-dpt, 4-AcO-DMT and 5-meo-mipt etc to compare irl at the moment). Pretty big crystals too, about 1mm in length, 0.4mm in width.

Here's a picture of mine (with a hairband as some kind of bad size-indicator):

Of the little I've tastes (1-2mg) it seems to taste very little, chemical taste (bit it might be some other substance I've come in contact with earlier making it). Tastes way less than 4-ho-met. Smells absolutely nothing (although I do have a slight cold). Anyone seen similar MDAI who could tell me about potency (never tried MDAI or MDMA earlier)? Should 100-150 be an okay newbie-dose for someone weighing about 55 kilos, 163cm in height? If not I'll come back with a reply on Sunday/Monday, although I can't compare to anything similar..

That's exactly what the MDAI I have looks like. Color can vary a lot, as it only takes a very small amount of impurities to change the color. 150 mg would probably be a good dose to start with. I usually take 200 mg but I'm 145 pounds and 5'11" (65 kg and 180 cm).