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The Big & Dandy Ketamine Thread (Third Injection)

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Drinking that much water a day is actually pretty dangerous. Possibly more dangerous than ketamine use.

I feel you on wishing that first hole could be experienced again. Really can't sadly :(

Having said that, I still adore ket. It's never the same as those first few voyages but it retains many a charm. Set and setting can make a huge difference too :)

Could explain why I feel so dumb sometimes; could be too much water on the brain
4L of water is pretty excessive! However having spoke to some more enlighten then I (a few docs/nurses). They say 4L isn't too bad as long as you're a pretty healthy person (athletes, etc.) then it shouldn't be too bad. But general consensus is to try to decrease this, by half?
I would say I am abit of an athlete tbh,. As I am a bodybuilder.

Could even explain why im so depressed though, maybe im urinating all the 'minerals n vitamins' out of my sytem hence making me feel like sh1t.
Do you think the reason I dont K hole on such large doses when IM'd is because I eat so much food?> let me explain

I do bodybuilding and eat 5,000+ calories a day and I eat every 2 hours and prior, during and after using Ketamine I make sure I eat protein and sugar due to the fact Ketamine is highly catabolic and will eat up muscle.

So consuming sugar (anabolic/ insulin) combined with protein will prevent catabolism.

This is my theory anyway as I havent actually been using Ketamine for more than 6 months and only been taking it on a weekend basis.

I am going to try IM'ng 150mg on empty stomach upon waking and see what happens.
With no tolerance it should do. But not if he's using a gram a day like he said up there it won't - however pure.
ye the last few weeks ive been doing at least a gram a day.

I'm not dicksizing but on xmas eve I did a gram in 1 line (and didnt k hole although i was fcukd i could still walk) and overall 2 grams in the night.

but up until the last few weeks my tolerance had risen up to the point where 1/2 lines snorted didnt put me in a k-hole.
So I guess I got a pretty high tolerance coz the k is decent.
Your lines are way too big - your nose can't absorb that much at once. Even if you do have a big hooter =D

A 50-100mg line in each nostril is about the limit I find- much more than that and it just goes down your throat so is basically wasted. Try smaller lines and leave a few minutes between them. Sniffing a dab of water off your fingertip between lines seems to help with absorption and also the inevitable dry nose you get from sniffing it. Works best for me and I can even hole sometimes that way. My tolerance would be around the same as yours if not more. Good luck finding that hole - it's in there somewhere :)
and lately ive been doing at least a gram almost daily.

welcome to the idiot club. Its way to easy to do that if you've got a lot of K about. :p

Will be seeing if my tolerance has worn down at all, if what shambles is saying then i wont hole tonight but we'll see if a 3 week break and 2 weeks od reduced use before has had an effect :D

Finger crossed
s-ketamine gives me motion sickness. is there anything i can do to combat this? aside from the obvious idea of taking motion-sickness pills like dramamine.
it might be relevant that i'm currently malnourished from being sick and i've been taking hydrocodone and buprenorphine for pain.

sigh, i miss racemic ketamine. :\
Sigh, I miss racemic and s-ket :\

I find s-ket is far less prone to causing nausea than racemic (not that I really get much on either) but i'm sure I recall Solipsis mentioning something similar. Not sure that any solution was proposed though. Beyond the obvious not moving about thing anyway.

The Isomers: S & R Ket thread may have some ideas... but may not. Only one way to find out :D
im going to try iv today coz i dont feel anything from IM

Is 30mg a good starter dose?

and.... do you regret iv'ng k?
I don''t regret IVing at all... other than the amount of ket I get through in a session, perhaps :\

30mg would be a reasonable "starter" IV dose, I'd say. Pretty sure mine was around that level. It was up to 250mg per shot last time I managed to lay hands on any ket though :|
I've not gone above 300mg IM, as far as memory functions. I probably go deeper IM... plenty deep on doses like that. But I do love the totally alien energy of iV ket and have binged on it ridiculously that way (5g in a night one time :|). Almost as though I've increased my IV tolerance exponentially and left the others at semi-reasonable (for ketfiends) levels. I can hole on far less snorted than IV'd sometimes, for example. Just feels so different IV... and you know me and needles 8)
s-ketamine gives me motion sickness. is there anything i can do to combat this? aside from the obvious idea of taking motion-sickness pills like dramamine.
it might be relevant that i'm currently malnourished from being sick and i've been taking hydrocodone and buprenorphine for pain.

sigh, i miss racemic ketamine. :\

Yep opiates (esp buprenorphine) & ket can lead to a pukefest. If you're in pain hydrocodone & ket should take care of it as ket boosts opiate analgesia
I've not gone above 300mg IM, as far as memory functions. I probably go deeper IM... plenty deep on doses like that. But I do love the totally alien energy of iV ket and have binged on it ridiculously that way (5g in a night one time :|). Almost as though I've increased my IV tolerance exponentially and left the others at semi-reasonable (for ketfiends) levels. I can hole on far less snorted than IV'd sometimes, for example. Just feels so different IV... and you know me and needles 8)

I'm not a big fan of the IM injection based on a kind of mental obsession with the injection site afterward (soreness of muscles breeds anxiety in me for some reason, especially with psychedelics). I suppose I'm a peculiar person in that regard.

I am curious as to whether or not there is any relevant soreness or pain at the injection site when administered intravenously. Any feedback is appreciated. :)

I've never gone that route with any drug, but if I were to do it someday ketamine would be way up there on my IV wish list. It's one of the more profound substances I've used to date.
As long as your IV technique is good, it's as painless a thing as I've ever shot... and I've shot a few. Just don't shoot into an artery (like I manage to do in a drunken haze one time :\) cos it's even nastier that it sounds :|

I'd recommend IM over IV for most - does really require sealed vials to be totally safe though. IV is a very different effect to any other method - and not one that all enjoy at all. I do though :)
ketamine reacurring k holes

i cant really bring my nostrils to sniff k any more because of the same ongoing k hole i always seem to get. it started off as some kind of eveloutionary thing where id trasform from a human to a liquid and then into a tiny cell that makes up my body float around like that and gradually elvolve build up to being a human again... i either get that or an extreme paranoia where i think everyone is watching me and im the butt of ome sort of malicious ketamine spiking so everyone else casn laugh at me. it freaks me out so much these days that everytime i do it no matter what i ahve to go and be on my own for half an hour when it hits me. curse you k. does anyone else get this?
Well I don't get that kind of nasty stuff like paranoia or (mildly) delusional stuff but I certainly only want to be around only other people under the influence of K, totally drunk people who don't even notice I'm fucked up in a different way or alone. Alone is best, only thing better is a very dear friend K-ing at the same rate.

Merging this into the main K thread if you don't mind, I hardly think it warrants a completely exclusive one.
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