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The Big & Dandy 'How have Psychedelics changed You' Thread

THe problem with alcohol is...alcohol runs the party.

LSD and weed leave you with your own mind, but with a different perspective.

This all depends on the quantity of drink.

If one only sips 1 or 2, enough so that he is able to open up and share things with others that he would normally be too afraid to say, then it is favorable. If he becomes belligerently drunk, he loses sense of what he is actually saying or doing.

It is the same with tripping.

There is drinking of wine
In genuine confidence. No blame.
But if one wets his head,
He loses it, in truth.

For me, weed really just causes hardcore psychosis. I swear, all the brain damage that I ever accumulated on drugs suddenly comes out on weed; I can't EVER touch it anymore lol.
LSD has definitely changed me. It essentially caused my to become a very active Zen Buddhist.

Before dropping acid, I was so interested in psychedelic drugs and somewhat of a pothead. I would come on Bluelight all the time and read about different experiences and thought about how great it would be to have one. I dropped a couple research chemicals and had a really good time.

Then I dropped acid a couple of times... I realized that I already had what I was searching for. I just started living in the present moment, stopped using all mind-altering drugs, and began to seriously study the Dharma.
Ketamine has done little except rot my brain and nose. I certainly don't feel as if it's responsible for any positive change or enlightenment. It does very little for me now, I either feel practically nothing or get very very dissociated but still am still moving and talking. Theres nothing in between like the nicely wobbly stage a medium line anymore, and achieving a proper k hole is practically impossible. I don't even really enjoy it that much these days, and yet I'm still compelled to put it up my nose everyday for some reason. It's a strange drug that's for sure.

Time for a line.
IM'ing 1.2g (1 Ketaset vial) in 1 to 2 days made me act like James Brown for about 6 months.
trogere said:
But, the last time I did K, I understood during my trip that I had to stop drugs, and especially K. I abused of it a few days in a row, did a gram in 3 bumps, and got into a very chaotic world, in which I understood that I should act on the real world, instead of creating artificial places in my head.
I consider myself lucky to have had that trip, I was getting into a pattern of addiction to Ketamine.

I know that post was from a couple weeks ago, but I just wanted to give an additional nod to this sort of thing. One reason I like dissociatives is that they have no hesitance in telling me when I am doing something destructive instead of constructive to my life. They may or may not offer a helping hand out of the gutter, but they certainly let me know when I am there.
I had a few really fun thoughts/realizations last night on ket.

The first was about how material contains a memory. With the technology we have today we can determine how old something is. But I think in the future, we'll be able to rewind history and see what a material has gone trough. For example a molecule that was part of a wall could give us video and audio-information of everything that was done and said in that room. I know it sounds crazy, but imagine explaining to someone 50 years ago how to determine the age of organic matter trough nuclear isotopes. It must've sounded equally crazy as what I'm thinking about now. So it must be possible.

The second one was that all actions we do (or not do) this moment will be of exponential importance a later time. But I could barely follow my own train of thought on that one, so I won't bother going into detail on it too much here :)
Bottom line was that we are all a huge part of the history that is to come, even by simple actions that signify nothing today.
slippy sleeveen said:
^Incorrect. Acid is great for some people, but not all of us learn from it. I personally come out of the disocciative head space with a shamble of correlating memories that I had never put together before... I usually end up in a beautiful realm of nostalgia and euphoria. I come out of the experience with a feeling of "Woooow, no way that just happened"....

Acid on the other hand, gives me an analytical edge and turns me into quite the comedian. I don't learn anything on acid, it just puts me in a cartoon world. That does not mean that acid will not be a powerful teacher tool for other people though, it just means that with my psych, it does little in terms of changing me afterwards.

Be careful before you use such statements as "This substance is better at doing this than this substance", especially when discussing entheogens. It is rather a spit in the face for somebody to tell me that acid has taught me more then Ketamine.
This is totally true for me as well. I've had a ++++ experience with 10mg of snorted 2C-E, and a hell of a lot of other strong experiences with serotonergic psychedelics, but none of them ever tought me anything, they just gave me a fantastic experience, but I haven't learned a thing from it. Ketamine doesn't learn me anything either unfortanetly.
How have psychedelics changed you?

1) I am a lot less cynical and pessimistic than I used to be.

2) I am a lot less prejudiced towards other people.

3) I no longer fear death.

4) I have an insane lust for life.

5) I've grown out of suffocating Goth culture and adopted a truly individual personality that refuses to pin itself to any subculture.

6) I have an unwavering belief that I can achieve anything I want.

7) And best of all, I have a newfound appreciation for the little things. The feel of the sun on my back as I walk my dog through a field of daisies is exquisite, lifegiving. The same drive to college I take everyday that cuts through a mountain side is now a visual feast. Flora in a myriad of colour, a soft contrast to the rugged texture of the mountain side. Sometimes I have actually felt a pang of doubt that I'm driving on the right road because I have never before noticed its beauty.

I hope psychedelics have contributed to such a profound, positive life-change in others as they have in mine!
I have changed myself.

Among other things, psychedelic use has been a catalyst for this change:)
1. Expanded my mind in 360 degrees. Humbled me beyond belief. Reminded me of how puny and mighty the human soul is. Reminds me that fear isn't real. Nothing essentially is. Breaks my thought-ruts. Allows me to feel unconditional love. Learned to embrace terror and do it afraid. Made me speak in staccatto-like sentences.
I was once wondering what kind of world we'd be living in if the drug of choice for major world power leaders was LSD or MDMA rather than Coke or other ego-inflating drugs.

Maybe it's just me, but when I see a country's superfluous display of might and power, I also see the machoism and ego-enlargement that will become inherent in someone in a position of power, further placing themselves on a pedastal through the use of cocaine and similar psychoactives.
I was once wondering what kind of world we'd be living in if the drug of choice for major world power leaders was LSD or MDMA rather than Coke or other ego-inflating drugs.

You wouldn't really get that as to get to be a political leader requires the sort of ruthless, egotistical mind set that's completely at odds with the psychedelic mindset. Psychedelics in that situation would be a hinderance as while you were looking at the interconnectiveness of everything, a political rival could be engineering your fall from grace without you ever knowing. It's not called 'climbing the greasy pole' for nothing.
Dalfir said:
I was once wondering what kind of world we'd be living in if the drug of choice for major world power leaders was LSD or MDMA rather than Coke or other ego-inflating drugs.

Maybe it's just me, but when I see a country's superfluous display of might and power, I also see the machoism and ego-enlargement that will become inherent in someone in a position of power, further placing themselves on a pedastal through the use of cocaine and similar psychoactives.

Our world leaders (certainly Blair & Bush) already have Ecstasy - they have God 8o

And this is what it's like! Hallelujah, Ugh


PS - I know Blair's gone now, but I think he's a recent enough example.
Hallucinogens have made me less sure of my self and more sure of myself at the same time.
they made me go completely insane, then recover from it, everything changes, nothing stays the same
Dalfir said:
1) I am a lot less cynical and pessimistic than I used to be.

2) I am a lot less prejudiced towards other people.

3) I no longer fear death.

4) I have an insane lust for life.

5) I've grown out of suffocating Goth culture and adopted a truly individual personality that refuses to pin itself to any subculture.

6) I have an unwavering belief that I can achieve anything I want.

7) And best of all, I have a newfound appreciation for the little things. The feel of the sun on my back as I walk my dog through a field of daisies is exquisite, lifegiving. The same drive to college I take everyday that cuts through a mountain side is now a visual feast. Flora in a myriad of colour, a soft contrast to the rugged texture of the mountain side. Sometimes I have actually felt a pang of doubt that I'm driving on the right road because I have never before noticed its beauty.

I hope psychedelics have contributed to such a profound, positive life-change in others as they have in mine!

I like this thread....good post..

Psychedelics for me have allowed me to embrace the more simple things in life, such as nature, exercise, a sunny day...I don't even mind rainy days..

High doses of LSD (200+ mics) helped me abstain from abuse of other drugs including alcohol..they also relieve my social anxiety...I'm taking another 1-2 year break from MDXX substances because I have literally lost the "magic" but LSD is def my drug of choice....

It has also made me more in tune with the mind, body, and spirit and I watch what I put into my body...

I will never pin myself to a stereotype.....go out and Seek your own truth....
I've been able to enjoy everything much easier thanks to psychedelics, they've also made me not "need" drugs every night. Given, I do smoke every day, I don't have to get drunk or do Coke in order to feel good. I can just sit there, on a porch, talking to friends and not have any regrets about how I spent my night.
I think this thread already exists in a similar form, but let's start another round. :)

1 - They've helped me to come to a much greater understanding of my spirituality through the visceral experience of ego death.

2 - They've helped me to become much more tolerant of others and other viewpoints and much less stuck in my own perception of reality.

3 - They've helped me to become much less attached to my physical form.

And they've also:

4 - Caused me to become compulsed towards a different kind of drug than I used to be (serotonergics). Although to be fair that was through long-term overuse.