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Phenethylamines The Big & Dandy Allylescaline Thread

I took ~20mg (slighty over half of a 35mg sample I weighted out, not sure how much i'd take - I chose caution) sublingually about 3 hours ago - presently a distinct mood enhancement, coming in waves, pro-social, and without the sort of deep wandering thoughts typically associated with psychedelics (indeed, this post is manifest proof of that - even on fairly low doses of psychedelics, I have trouble posting, because I keep going back and rephrasing things. EDIT: Well it DID wind up being a much longer post than I planned....). It almost reminds me of the way low doses of the APB's feel (the only kind of dose of those chemicals I've taken so far)... Muscle tension is so far entirely absent (I usually get enough to be annoying on the comeup of psychedelics), and gastic discomfort likewise absent. If this is all this substance does, I'd consider it a worthwhile material - I imagine it would be great for going out dancing.

I'm suddenly wondering if there is a special quality that enhancers may have, which is subtle but unmistakable and not the same if substituted with a threshold dose of a more potent psychedelic... or instead that is a load of crock, and like IamMe90 suggested this is just not a winner.
And I'm not even saying that I know or suspect that AL is an 'enhancer'. Fck, if you'd ask me for an example of an enhancer as opposed to a psychedelic, even that is tricky... maybe it is what 2C-T-21 sounds like from reports??

Presumably, we'd call a low potency psychedelic which binds with low affinity (and/or low efficacy) an "enhancer", while the more potent (hence presumably high binding affinity) psychedelic we took it with would be the "enhancee". The boundary is most clear-cut with something with way-high binding affinitys being enhanced (LSD or an NBOMe), and something of low potency (ie, low binding affinity) or that has a low ceiling (so presumably low efficacy), but with a desirable or complementary effect profile. Then you'd end up with your high potency psychedelic kicking the low potency one off the contested receptors (providing a strong trip), with the enhancer, well, enhancing the experience through it's actions on the related receptors which the high potency one doesn't bind to (which are - hopefully, and probably - the ones responsible for the desirable effects of the enhancer). My point is that from a biological standpoint, the idea of some psychedelics being valuable as enhancers to others makes sense.

IamMe90 - in your examples of LSD and 2C's, it would be the 2C's enhancing the LSD, working under the assumptions above. The LSD would be providing stronger HT2A agonism by taking the 2Cs' place on those receptors (Where the 2C's have lowish efficacy), while the 2C's are still binding to whatever other receptors they bind to that give the effects their distinct character (It's not unreasonable to hypothesize, knowing that all typical psychedelics are HT2A agonists, that the differences between them are due to how strongly they agonize HT2A (strength) as well as what else they interact with(character of the trip))... It rather makes sense to me that LSD + 2C-X would feel to have much of the character of the 2C-X, but with a much greater intensity.

25I-NBOMe (being a very strong and selective HT2A agonist) would make sense to use in combinations with an enhancer (by my terminology) as well, by this logic. I've been meaning to try adding a low dose of 25I-NBOMe or 25C-NBOMe to another psychedelic, to sort of test my theory. Certainly, if that didn't provide excellent synergy with weak-ish psychedelics, that would be a strike against my theory. 25C-NBOMe and AL sounds kinda nice...
I think some of you have unrealistic expectations for this material. Mescaline itself is a gentle and cleansing experience for most people, and not some kind of ego-shattering balls to the wall ordeal. So I'd expect a mescaline analogue to be the same way. I think there's a lot of potential here, if you can manage the nausea.
So i've got 110mg of this sitting here waiting for the right time to ingest it. My question is from what I've found I'm
thinking of dosing around 30-35mg after testing 1mg to make sure it's not some insanely potent drug.
Any advice would be great as to proper dosing.
orally 35-40mg is about perfect
never snorted enough to get effects on its own, always mixed with other oral psychs, but active at a few mgs
Thanks dmytry 35mg sounds good, though I was contemplating plugging said chemical if any one has any info
on this ROA please advise.
just keep in mind this is very mild and subtle. it wont blow you away like mescaline or lsd, but is nice for a lazy day without much mental commitment
Fine I'll be the guinea pig and drop 70+mg since nobody else is gonna. A close friend recently passed away so I don't want to be grieving when I trip. But in I think in under a week I will feel ready to dose. Will come back with a trip report.
I think i'm going to be insufflating. When you say it doesn't burn that bad, could you compare it to a few other things?

I was hoping it'd be something like


(2c-x generally being the most irritating to the nasal passages, particularly 2c-e or 2c-b)
burns much less than 2c-x, less than the fluoroamphetamines, about the same as coke without the numbing feeling
Fine I'll be the guinea pig and drop 70+mg since nobody else is gonna. A close friend recently passed away so I don't want to be grieving when I trip. But in I think in under a week I will feel ready to dose. Will come back with a trip report.

I took 100 milligrams about a month ago with no problems other than some stomach pain. It combo's nicely with MXE too.

All these people complaining are just not taking enough.
How is this one for music enhancement? I'm thinking it might be a nice addition to a non-electronic concert. Something relatively light and fluffy, but would still add to the concert experience
didnt notice much music appreciation, i was too busy rolling around on the grass
I took 100 milligrams about a month ago with no problems other than some stomach pain. It combo's nicely with MXE too.

All these people complaining are just not taking enough.

care to share more about your experience? did it turn in to a full blow psychedelic? Or did it retain a "light" quality that renders such dosing excessive?
I was about to place an order for this chem until I saw the price...no thanks. For that kind of price it should be better than mescaline.
Just dropped ~75mg.
Probably wont keep a live feed. But i'll definitely be back with a TR; tonight hopefully.
Well, I'm at T+9:20 right now, still coasting down slowly at +1, and I'll tell you I had very nice afternoon but not necessarily a whole lot more. Allow me to expand.

I refrained from taking my prescribed 18mg Strattera, not necessarily because I want to trip, but perhaps just out of laziness. 2 hours before dosing I ate a small bowl of soup.
At noon I dropped ~75mg. Within 15 minutes I felt some alerts. My eyes were a bit shaky. Everything was a bit shaky. By 30 minutes in I thought it had settled but by 40 minutes in I was nauseous. Weed felt like it helped for a moment but it didn't matter. I am always surprised by how much easer psychedelic vomit is than alcoholic vomit. It doesn't have the horrible swimming precursor, where everything is just spinning around you, and you don't even really see it happening; you just want it to be over. All of a sudden my stomach just said "fuck that stuff." and 45 seconds later a bubble popped in my throat and then was on the ground. As I vomited geometric kind of visuals started to appear in the bushes but they didn't stay for long. At the time (T+55) I thought I had absorbed all of the Allylescaline due to a farly empty stomach but it who knows if I did. Take my report with a grain of salt because of this.
At T+1:00 I felt a bit better. Thinking was fun and fluid, but speaking didn't come easily. No thought ever quite stayed long enough to make it to my vocal chords. My thoughts seemed very interesting but conversation seemed trivial. Perhaps it was, or more likely, I was being more self absorbed than usual. 15 minutes passed and I felt better still, though my stomach had not yet forgiven me. I felt in good humor. We talked and laughed; the mood was calm and light. No serious problems were to be conquered today. I just marveled at the little things, like the reflection of the world on the surface of a bubble.
At T+1:30 I felt a momentary surge where I thought I still had a lot farther to come up. My stomach churned and my vision... (I want to say churned as well perhaps) At T+2:00 I was pretty much at the peak and it became clear that those momentary surges of visuals were not going to pan out. I ate 2 slices of bread and my stomach thanked me. After being so angry, it finally decided it was done with being empty. After my stomach had calmed itself around the bread I ventured to taste a grape and it was truly fantastic. (I wouldn't say that taste was enhanced overall, but I did notice that several sweet juicy things i ate over the course of the day seemed especially good) The grape made me fiend for more and suddenly I couldn't get them in my throat fast enough. i was so excited by the freshness that I didn't worry too much about my pace. It wasn't long before I snapped out of it and slowed down.
At T+2:40 I went upstairs to roll a joint. During that time I thought I was near sober but upon returning to my friend D I suddenly realized how abosrbed in my task I had been. I could have been gone for over 20 minutes for all I knew. Clearly the headspace was what was important about this drug IME. There had been times coming up when i felt almost stranded for a moment. As if I left D's house, I would just not know where to go. This did not last though. I really was pleased as punch all afternoon. I approached each activity with childlike enthusiasm despite retaining my slightly cynical humor. Each new game was fascinating but it was also readily apparent how silly all of it was. I could at the same time smile at a wonderful bubble, and snigger at how silly I must look, gazing lovingly at a bubble.
At t+3:20 I mention in my notes that typing on my phone, made me realize my thumbs were numb. Not sure how long that went on for but I thought I would mention it for science.
The rest of the day continued in a similar happy go lucky manor. Each activity was low energy, but I put my full attention into them.
At around T+6:00 I started to feel like I was coming down. By T+8 I had developed a headache, though I still felt some distinctly extra-cannibinoidal effects. Colors were still kind of vibrant. Opaque surfaces seemed to a reflection or sheen to them. My headspace was still kind of out there.

In conclusion I would say that 75mg is probably an excessive dose. By asking for psychedelia, I was wanting Allylescaline to do something it doesn't seem suited to do. I felt it would do better if advertised as an entactogen without a distinctly stimulant core. This can perhaps shed light on some of the vague comparisons to MDMA. Instead of "that's awesome. I love you. isn't this the best thing ever?" it was more like "o look at that. isn't that wonderful."
That being said I did vomit early enough that some could have been left. Perhaps those moments of intensity I felt peeking through my blissful state, were hinting that there was more to be had with Allylescaline. Though I doubt I myself will do it, I would like one more report of 70-100mg before we give up on higher dosing. I didn't get above a +2. But i'm not willing to bet it is impossible.