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Lysergamides The Big & Dandy AL-LAD Thread - Part 3

Tried 300 ug of Al-LAD yesterday, the conclusion that I arrive at is: That she is pretty, but not too deep. At this dosage for me, it reminded me of the start of a good acid trip but never really took off. I had lots of visuals happening, but otherwise felt disengaged from the experience. I even took ~15mg of 4-ACO-DMT about half way in to fill out the experience, which helped connect a bit more, although I believe I had already hit tolerance at that point, so not a lot of effect from it. I believe I will get some 1P-LSD and see what that has to offer next. It should be noted that I have had decades of LSD experience, so the comparison is inevitable for me to make between the two.

I took 200 ug last night... It has "Almost" everything LSD has but lacks the ability to enhance feelings, emotion, Deep thoughts etc. I was seeing the visuals but my body was without the euphoria and no mind fuck so to speak... Music was amazing though...

So in two weeks i'm going to try out 1p at 200 ug... If it is anything like i read earlier like the 60's & 70's which i'm very familiar with, I will be mused.. hopefuly
I get a tremendous level of body and mind euphoria from AL-LAD, physically it feels almost empathogen-like for me. It greatly enhances my sense of humor and makes everything seem so funny. But I agree it mostly lacks in deep thoughts, at least at the doses I've taken it at. I can imagine you could get there with it sometimes.
AL-LAD definitely can be very mentally strong but it does take higher doses.

So it's available in the USA still? I need to do some research I guess cause all the places I saw that had it have stopped carrying it

Yeah, I must be looking in the wrong places, I don't see it anywhere.
It's still available. But yeah...it's certainly more difficult to get. I have some from 2013 that's been in storage and working just fine. Just went to a show two weeks ago and did 450ug with splendid results. It's a beautiful substance. I have a bunch of 1p-lsd that's on tap for some time soon...

And as far as head-fuckiness is concerned, at higher ug's I find AL-LAD rather so. Not as deep as other psychs, but I think it really shines at +300 ug doses. I didn't even really appreciate it at lower doses. Just reminded me of under-dosing the "L". Same with LSZ. I didn't even enjoy it until I exceeded 300 mics, but I am a hard-head like that.
I brought a bunch and shared it with my psychedelic naive friends at Coachella last weekend - they were utterly blown away by how fun and foregiving it is for a huge festival.

A few even said they would take this over MDMA - which, at this stage in my drug career, I agree.

Absolutely amazing substance.
Hey everyone I'm sorry, I am very new to these forums and am not sure what the etiquette is for these things but I was wondering if anyone could help me out, I just had some al-lad arrive in an envelope that was cut open... The post office people said it just could have gotten caught in the letter sorting machine but it seems kind of suspicious. I am afraid to research this chemical for fear of it being tampered with... And I'm not sure how to add photos to my posts :/ but I took a couple that really show what it looks like, it looks like the left side of the envelope has a poriferated verticle line and that side of the envelope has been torn off... Inside theres a piece of paper and a plastic ziploc containing the chem with "AL 10" written on it and its all there. I guess what I'm trying to ask is, do you guys think it was tampered with?
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Hey everyone I'm sorry, I am very new to these forums and am not sure what the etiquette is for these things but I was wondering if anyone could help me out, I just had some al-lad arrive in an envelope that was cut open... The post office people said it just could have gotten caught in the letter sorting machine but it seems kind of suspicious. I am afraid to research this chemical for fear of it being tampered with... And I'm not sure how to add photos to my posts :/ but I took a couple that really show what it looks like, it looks like the left side of the envelope has a poriferated verticle line and that side of the envelope has been torn off... Inside theres a piece of paper and a plastic ziploc containing the chem with "AL 10" written on it and its all there. I guess what I'm trying to ask is, do you guys think it was tampered with?

Like... poisoned? I think you're being paranoid, but it wouldn't hurt to reagent test it.
I worked at the Un- deliverable unit in the USPS mail... It is true what they told you... Letters do get damage all the time... don't worry about it. If they seen what it was.. they would have turned it over the the postal inspectors... You would have been approached the day of delivery.. Our job is to reseal it and stamp it damage...

If it came (letter) from another country, then customs would have busted you already... But they are not looking at letter.s.. mostly boxes.. and they have dogs to detect things... LSD and the like are not looked for...
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Can AL-LAD be stored in distilled water solution for multiple months without degredation? I would like to make a large vial with a 400mcg/ml solution.
Can AL-LAD be stored in distilled water solution for multiple months without degredation? I would like to make a large vial with a 400mcg/ml solution.

I think it would work if kept cool and in a dark location, but ethanol would be better.
Does it? Do you have a source for that? Oral works so well and kicks in so fast I don't see why you'd want to go through the trouble.

It's common knowledge that sniffing pretty much any drug will make it work faster than oral. I don't think I need a source for that.
It's common knowledge that sniffing pretty much any drug will make it work faster than oral. I don't think I need a source for that.

No it's not. Plenty of drugs don't work well if you snort them. And acting faster isn't the same thing as acting better.

AL-LAD is so potent and fast acting... again, why go through the trouble?
Has anyone had any of the most recent AL-LAD from the UK-Polish-Canadian vendor. I just received mine and it looks the same except it wasn't vaccum sealed or whatever that plastic was that you had to cut off. It was a 25 hit sheet folded in half in the bag. I'm sure it is legit, just was wondering if anyone else has gotten any recently.