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The Big & Dandy 5-MeO-DALT Thread

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is it possible that 5-meo-dalt will false-positive on a 5 or 10-panel drug test? i can't find an answer to that anywhere.

I was wondering this myself as I am currently being drug tested. I just passed a 7 panel test 59 hours after ingesting 5-meO-DALT.
I am reading that a 10 panel is for:

THC (weed)
PCP (haha really??)
Barbiturates (old school)
Tricyclic anti-depressants (also pretty old school)

Not only are many common psychedelics out of your system soon enough there isn't anything in the panel that seems to resemble any close enough to test ("false") positive. No idea if phenethylamines would test false positive for amphetamines but tryptamines are a different thing.

This would also mean you can just take LSD undetected which sounds pretty strange....
then again it IS quite hard to detect that stuff!
I'm going to try 5-meo-DALT soon. I am quite intrigued by the short duration of the trip. I've smoked DMT before, but that was too short. I feel like a 2 hour trip would be ideal for a weeknight. I'll start with 20mg oral and report back with my personal findings.
Figured I might as well share my experiences with 5-meo-dalt here...overall I have been very pleased with it, it's a very "light" substance when used in lower dosages (around 40 mg oral for me), sort of similar to being tipsy, if that "tipsiness" could be turned up without ever getting really drunk. A very enjoyable ++. Good body high, general but managable euphoria, loosens things up a lot, great for conversation, enhances appreciation for things I already appreciate, especially music videos and movies. At the same time it's very clear-headed at lower doses, and there were times I found myself picking up on details in movies I had seen before but missed while sober. There are mild visual effects at lower levels, trailing and strobing and the like, faint but colorful CEVs, sort of like seeing brightly colored gardens through colored foggy plastic that never really come into focus. I tend to feel most comfortable while sedentary, and feel less willing/able to move around as the dose increases. It makes for a very fun 3-4 hours on a weekend with friends or in front of the computer or TV, and lets me do everything I normally do for fun, but enhances that enjoyment. Sex for example is fucking awesome. It can also be good for introspection, but in general it's not really that kind of substance. Never had a bad experience on the stuff, out of maybe 20 times in a 6-month period.

As for side effects, food tastes a little weird, but there's no nausea or diarrhea or anything. Usually I have to take a crap really bad within the first 5 or 10 minutes, but that's likely just a result of mild anxiety. It tastes pretty bad, like sawdust or something, but nowhere near as bad as some substances out there. There is a definite "hangover" once you come down, but it's mostly in the form of a mild headache and mild bodily discomfort; all physical, no depression or anything. That goes away after an hour or two, and it's a good idea to wait until it wears off before trying to sleep.

Overall 5-meo-dalt occupies a nice niche, below heavier stuff like LSD and shrooms and DMT. At higher levels (I got up to about 55 mg) 5-meo-dalt started to take on the character of a more traditional psychedelic, maybe around a ++ 1/2. I haven't tried more than that yet, since if I want an intense experience I usually turn to something else, but I certainly intend to eventually.
At lower doses (25-100mg) it caused almost no changes in mental state or vision, maybe made me a tiny bit happier but it was so negligible it could have easily been placebo. So stupidly I ramped it up to 300mg. Well needless to say I had horrible nausea and I was curled up in the foetus position for a good 30 minutes. But then the nausea went away and the visuals were actually quite nice, colour saturation was very nice with some faint pattern growth if I closed my eyes. Visually kinda like low dose aMT but with less morphing. Mentally I stayed pretty much the same, except creativity was enhanced a little bit. This just isn't a strong psychedelic and if you want a 'trip' in the true sense of the word this is in my opinion a waste of time. I wouldn't even give this to some for their first hallucinogenic experience it's that weak. That's just my evaluation though, some people like the guy above me seem to get something out of it. YMMV ;)
5-meo-DALT seems to be quite a strange substance in that people seem to react very differently to it. I can't imagine taking 300 mg, as 100 mg makes me insane, but in a good way. The nausea does get annoying, but a tums usually takes care of it. Personally, I think it would be a bad first psychedelic because it's quite trippy without being all that euphoric. If someone wants to feel nice and see pretty colors, this isn't the substance for that. However, I find 100 mg to be as strong as a moderate acid trip. That's just for the strength of the experience though, as they feel quite different.
5-meo-DALT seems to be quite a strange substance in that people seem to react very differently to it. I can't imagine taking 300 mg, as 100 mg makes me insane, but in a good way. The nausea does get annoying, but a tums usually takes care of it. Personally, I think it would be a bad first psychedelic because it's quite trippy without being all that euphoric. If someone wants to feel nice and see pretty colors, this isn't the substance for that. However, I find 100 mg to be as strong as a moderate acid trip. That's just for the strength of the experience though, as they feel quite different.
Yeah, like I said at 55 mg oral I was bordering on a +++, and I have experience with heavier psychedelics so I'm no newbie. I have never experienced nausea on it and actually I have felt a fair amount of euphoria, not "HOLY SHIT I AM STARING INTO THE FACE OF GOD AND IT IS BEAUTIFUL" euphoria, but definitely a pronounced elevation in mood, perma-grin and all. If I could guarantee someone the same effects I experience, I would consider 5-meo-dalt the perfect intro to psychedelics (rather than DMT which was mine, but that's a story for another day).

When I read things like what KingBlueTwista wrote, it's so different it makes me wonder if maybe the sources are suspect. Other people may have gotten something with much less potency or purity than I did, or I might have gotten some different but related RC.
When I read things like what KingBlueTwista wrote, it's so different it makes me wonder if maybe the sources are suspect. Other people may have gotten something with much less potency or purity than I did, or I might have gotten some different but related RC.

I'm suspecting that may be the case. 50 mg of the stuff I have gives threshold effects. When Shulgin wrote about it, he described dosages in the 15-30 mg range if I remember correctly. I think it is more likely that some batches are impure, rather than a completely different substance. Vendors wouldn't gain much by marketing something else as 5-meo-DALT because DALT doesn't really have much of a reputation. However, people posting here have reported wildly varying dosages and somewhat different effects.

90 mg of the stuff I have makes me feel quite trippy and mildly euphoric with very minimal visuals. It also makes me feel somewhat conflicted. For example, I'll crave a cigarette, but as soon as I light it, I'm already sick of it. Then I'll think I'm thirsty, find water repulsive, then I'll eat something and drink a whole bottle of water. It's weird and good at the same time. It seems some people here have similar experiences, yet some people feel completely different. One poster here said it feels like MDMA to them. Another person said it feels like 3 tabs of acid. To me, it doesn't feel much like either.
I'm suspecting that may be the case. 50 mg of the stuff I have gives threshold effects. When Shulgin wrote about it, he described dosages in the 15-30 mg range if I remember correctly. I think it is more likely that some batches are impure, rather than a completely different substance. Vendors wouldn't gain much by marketing something else as 5-meo-DALT because DALT doesn't really have much of a reputation. However, people posting here have reported wildly varying dosages and somewhat different effects.
5-meo-dalt doesn't have much of a reputation, true, but that doesn't rule out vendors simply making shipping mistakes or trying to get rid of something they're not allowed to sell by labeling it as something else. That doesn't seem likely on a large scale though, it's true. Shulgin does talk about dosages in that range, and it's safe to say that he's reliable and working with very pure stuff.
Why is it highly unlikely? The quote from the article:
However the sample purchased online contained no 5-MeO-DALT. The laboratory that did the testing could not identify the chemical with 100% certainty, but expert chemists agreed it was clearly a cathinone derivative and could be 4-fluoromethcathinone (flephedrone).
Interesting, I hadn't read that article before. Seems like I'm lucky I got the good stuff. It's too bad 5-meo-dalt is getting a reputation for being weak shit based on fake product, because I think it's great for lighter trips.
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Well, my stuff certainly isn't a stimulant like flephedrone. That's pretty bold of a vendor to try to pass off a cathinone as 5-meO-DALT, since they feel nothing alike.
I said "highly likely"
Ah, sorry. It is strange, but sometimes I misread words in such way.
Thanks for the article, btw.

I tried 5-MeO-DALT for the first time today, ~22mg orally. It was threshold dose, and I liked it, although I expected to get more pronounced effects. It felt like low-dose 2C-I(say, 3-5 mg), but much cleaner. There was mood lift, colors seem different and darker, almost no visuals - just a lot of white noise("static") in my visionary field. Also, 5-MeO-DALT provided very nice clearheadedness.
Now that sounds like the 5-meo-dalt I know. 22 mg is about threshold for me too. Try a larger dose next time, it only gets better. I normally do about 40 mg.
^ Thank you for the advice. I would probably take a bit higher dose, 45-50 mg to get stronger effects.
Also, what do you think about nasal route for 5-MeO-DALT?
^ Thank you for the advice. I would probably take a bit higher dose, 45-50 mg to get stronger effects.
Also, what do you think about nasal route for 5-MeO-DALT?
I haven't tried it personally, but everything I've read has indicated nasal isn't worth it. Oral seems to be the best ROA. Also I wouldn't jump straight from 22 mg to more than double that - aim for somewhere in between first.
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