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The Big & Dandy 4-HO-MET Thread - Part 2

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If anything that seems like a testament to the relative safety of metocin. Snort 10x the active oral dose of anything & you're likely to require medical attention. I don't have full access either, were there any physiological issues or just psychosis?
Yeah, even with the high level dose intoxication, the issues were not permanent. User is very young too, as with 17-year old the brain isn't fully formed.
I too think 4HOMET is a pretty "safe" substance. I've used 50mg orally (after working my way up) and heart rate was 90-100 while sitting and 120-130 while dancing. Resting rate is 65-70, 50-55 when I meditate.

I'm gonna try 4-HO-MET pretty soon and have a question beforehand:

What are your experiences with dissolving the fumarate salt for weighing/consumption? I'd like to use this method because I don't own a reliable 0,001 g scale yet and this method worked great with 2c-e for me which is in about the same dosage range.
I read something about the fumarate salt not being very soluble in water (in the solubility/stability thread) but there wasn't really a consensus so I'm asking for opinions.
My 4-ho-met is the furmate salt, and it dissolves very quickly in water, with some stirring. I've only done it with smaller amounts, like putting 25mg in a solution. I'd say it dissolves just a little slower than sugar. IME 2c-e dissolves much slower than the 4-ho-met.

Have fun and be safe!!
I've read that no tryptamine (4-ho-met included) will be stable for more than a few days (or even hours) if dissolved in water or alcohol. So you can dissolve to separate the doses, but they should all be soon consumed.

I didn't try it though, so if you find information otherwise, please tell us. But be careful or you may lose your tryptamines.
Do you guys talk to yourself when your tripping (alone) , I don't mean actual conversations . More like little comentarys sometimes.

I definitely do this. A lot of the time I think of something hilarious and repeat it to myself over an over.
Yeah, I get a bit of mental narration sometimes. Especially when trying a new or rare substance, or something I've never had before. Kinda like a live trip report in my head lol. It can detract from the experience though, kinda takes one out of the moment.
I'm quite new to these tryptamines.
I have a good source and I'm hesitating between:

I don't mind trying all of them but could someone point out the basic differences between them? I get confused with the amount of reports and different experiences.

Cheers :)
So you can dissolve to separate the doses, but they should all be soon consumed.

That's the plan:)

demon cleaner: Sadly I haven't tried any of them yet. I can just tell you what I picked up while gathering information: 4-HO-MET should be a more "recreational" psychedelic with less mindfuck (generally speaking. It's still a psychedelic, so with a high enough dosage and setting there should be enough mindfuck left ;)) 4-AcO-DMT should be a more profound experience with more potential for mindfuck. Both should be pretty visual. I don't have any info on MIPT though. But 4-HO-MET and 4-Aco-DMT are frequently named as favorite or most visual psychedelics, at least that's my impression.
My 4-HO-MET has been stored in a bag in the freezer for over a year now.

Airtight and dry, though maybe some oxygen is in the bag.

Is it probable that it will have degraded somewhat?
I'm quite new to these tryptamines.
I have a good source and I'm hesitating between:

I don't mind trying all of them but could someone point out the basic differences between them? I get confused with the amount of reports and different experiences.

Cheers :)

If you're new I suggest first trying 4HOMET, which has the same effect/time curve as mushrooms but is generally more playful. Very happy, upbeat, small amount of self-criticism but as I said, playful.
4ACO-DMT is more or less like mushrooms, depending on the dose you will get a light/introductory or hard/egodeath experience.
5meomipt is a very good social/sex enhancer in the 2-5mg range, haven't really taken it higher.
I'm quite new to these tryptamines.
I have a good source and I'm hesitating between:

I don't mind trying all of them but could someone point out the basic differences between them? I get confused with the amount of reports and different experiences.

Cheers :)
4-HO-MET and 4-ACO-DMT are much more visual while 5-MeO-MIPT is much more a physical, body-feeling kind of high, more akin to MDMA.
If you're new I suggest first trying 4HOMET, which has the same effect/time curve as mushrooms but is generally more playful. Very happy, upbeat, small amount of self-criticism but as I said, playful.
4ACO-DMT is more or less like mushrooms, depending on the dose you will get a light/introductory or hard/egodeath experience.
5meomipt is a very good social/sex enhancer in the 2-5mg range, haven't really taken it higher.

5-MeO-MIPT, when taken in higher doses than that just really increases the effects you feel. You can eventually get a high enough dose (10-15mg) to get some pretty good visuals but the body high can be too tough for some people.
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I thought I'd post about my experience with 4-HO-MET since I'm currently coming down gently off it. I do not have a lot experience with psychs in the past. I have tried LSA which I found way too antsy with no visuals. The only other experience I've had is with 4-HO-MiPT at 15 mg. The only thing I could say was that it was very heavy on the "mind fuck" but not in the good way. It felt like I was being fired on by a barrage of voices yelling gibberish in my head. It was also light on the visuals but I could some neat breathing wall effects. I had to dispense a few anti anxiety medicines to make the remainder of it barable. Now for the important part:

This is pretty funny thinking back on it now.

At around 6:30 I had consumed a decent size dinner and went off to my room for the festivities. I had measured out 8-9 milligrams of 4-HO-MET fumerate after taking an allergy test earlier and capped it. At around 8:15 I took it down with a glass of water. Now having read the relatively short onset time for this item by 9:45 I assumed that the dose was not high enough and was going to call it a night in terms of tripping. I continued on watching the last season of "Lost" (Dont ruin it for me!), when BHAM!

Suddenly everything was "You can't watch this anymore, put the laptop away!" And then dizziness and nausea had kicked in, which I assumed was due to the popcorn I just ate. I was beginning to worry this was going to end up just like 4-HO-MiPT. So down the hatch with one benzo and under the tongue with another.

BUT! Here's where things get amazing. I remember thinking there was a group of people that I was trying to explain a book idea I had and I was straining so hard to remember key plot points and it seemed so stupid at the time. Then things became even more mentally painful. As I'm laying there in the dark with the jumbled up narration of crap going on in my head, suddenly it all clears out. Quite honestly it felt amazing. Then came rushes of pure joy is what I could best describe it as. Let me add this in before I forget, the entire time from beginning to end, and even now on the comedown, tremors were rather prevalent though manageable.

So back to the "joy" part: I would stare at an entire text article and all of the text would move and shift around. Spacing between letter would spread and contract and paragraphs would flow like rivers. I would laugh really hard at this. I'm really not trying to advert for this lol but I would stare at this picture http://ecstasy.com.ua/medical-prescription-otc.png and all the pills would rotate and move around in a beautiful flowing manner. At first I was convinced it was a.gif so I asked someone in the next room over if they saw any movement and they rather confusedly insured me there was not. Music was FANTASTIC along with WinAmp visualization it truly felt like the music was perfectly orchestrated with the visuals.

+400 in the tremors are subsiding and I feel rather relaxed yet energized. I'm still getting some visuals while looking at text and intent to go back and "watch" some more music. I will say that at the peak of the experience I felt an intense loved up sensation and I NEED to deeply connect with someone. Some claimed not to have much insight gleaned from 4-HO-MET but I thought I did. I made sure to type it down in the following lame-ass drug induced rambling for your enjoyment:

Also was kind of too messed up to care that the caps lock key was on

Difficult yet brief come up, klonopin may have helped ease anxiety

Side Note: took a while to kick in, probably due to a full stomach






unconttrollable laughter hitting in waves

HILARITY! at a wall of text

i am in a truly at peace mind, relaxed but not tiied, one thought flows freely to the next, the next idea better than the last, no matter how trivial a task it is

-As cliche as it may seem the chemical has brought forth the fear in so many of us, that of perpetual solitude and loneliness, this has brought on short acting melancholy

-I get the urge to almost immidiatley socialise with the girl that never acknowledged me, in a way its like a manic outcry, "Why didn't you love me back!"

-I realize now this is probably the same thing milllions suffer from daily, perhaps everyone does until two people desperately looking for someone accidentally pick each other as their love interest

"trembling with excitement:

Although mentally clear, my body feels very much intoxicate as if i had a few to many drinks
My favorite RC as of now. I've had experiences with 4 aco dmt, 2c e, 2c b, 5 meo dmt, and 4 ho mipt. Very smooth visuals, everything flows so naturally. Colors and edges are, as we put it, too HD haha. The body high is nice, almost feels like I could jump and keep floating. I rather enjoy this one at the 25mg range, while some of my friends prefer 15mg. Not as deep as other psychs, but I still get a very nice change in perception which aides in working on myself. Mandelboxes and physics are always the subject of conversation, math is very fun on most of the RC's I've tried.
How long is the 4-ho-met experience? 4 hours like shrooms? I hear frequently here that metocin isn't deep on mind or is very smooth. Is like 2c-b in this sense or I can hope more psychedelic richness? Bodyload/anxiety is equal to 2c-b too? Sorry if this questions are stupid or something...
It usually last around 4-5 hours. It's very clear headed, little to no anxiety, usually only on the come up for me. There isn't much body load compared to 2c b, again just on the come up, I usually get a little gastrointestinal uneasiness which quickly passes. My friends last trip he experienced this for almost half of it, so I'm sure it varies per person.
How long is the 4-ho-met experience? 4 hours like shrooms? I hear frequently here that metocin isn't deep on mind or is very smooth. Is like 2c-b in this sense or I can hope more psychedelic richness? Bodyload/anxiety is equal to 2c-b too? Sorry if this questions are stupid or something...

Metocin lasts about 6 hours for me, with another hour or two where I can't sleep. The only body load I've had is nausea and some over stimulation. It truely is beautiful material. Don't think it can't get just as deep as other tryptamines. It's usually nice and gentle. One time I was hoping for a nice, easy day on metocin. But, it gave me a very deep, very cleansing experience. It was in no way light or easy. It got very serious for the first half of the trip.
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