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Tryptamines The Big & Dandy 4-HO-DiPT Thread

The freebase would not be soluble in water.

i dont know how to tell the difference btwn hcl and fum. though.
The hcl will be slightly more potent

i know this doesnt help much...
What dose of 4-HO-DiPT and what dose of K would be ideal for the legendary iprocin/ketamine combo?
I think ketamine has the potential to turn any experience into a legendary expereicne if you do enough of it...i'd just get good and high on iprocin, wait until you are in a good state of mind, and then start bumping piles of it slowly, wait to see if it starts getting REALLLY intense faster than you think, synergy can kick your ass, especially if you overdo it on ketamine when already totally smashed on a 5ht psychedelic. Mind you I've never doen iprocin, just 4-aco-dipt, and still don't really know what it's all about.
It's been about 8 years, but I've had a lot of experience with 4-aco-dipt, and I really liked it, but on high doses I would get like little electrical shock feelings - so I haven't sought it out in a while. Recently, I've tried 4-aco-dmt which I also process kind of unusually rough (ie tremors, GI distress) - this may be total bs cuz I'm not a chemist, but I think I don't respond well to 4-acetoxy-tryptamines.
Who has tried Iprocin and MDMA? Too lazy to read the entire damn thread again and I don't know what a search engine is. Dose will be 24mg of iprocin and 100mg of MDMA. The part I can't decide is when to take what....both at same time, or MDMA 1/2 later? It has been a good 5 years since I've messed with iprocin and I remember that some of the time it peaks by 45min-1hr...yet another time the peak did not show for a good 2hr. When mixing MDMA with other psychedelics, I prefer to time the peaks together.
My gut says to take them at the same time... generally for me the 4-sub tryptamines, especially the hydroxy ones, take effect quickly and build to a peak rapidly as well.

Good to see you posting more frequently lately. :) Did I ever tell you that you're the reason I joined Bluelight? I always lovde your reports back when I was a novice tripper and in one of them on Erowid you mentioned Bluelight and I decided to go looking for it, and was a bit star-struck to find that my favorite trip report author was there, in the flesh so to speak. :)
woo haa, I got my batch and tested 15 mg and it's (very) soluble in water, so I'm guessing it's a fumarate(based on the supposed main vendor, that sells mostly fumarate salts). I'll try it tonight oral and I have planned 2 combos for the next 7 days (with 2c-e and with ketamine). Woo hoo, can't wait to get off from work. :)
Had the opportunity to try Iprocin for the first time a few days ago. Dose 35mg of the HCl salt. Very nice chem this one. Strong body energy that felt very pleasant, quite a bit of tremors, also felt quite sexual at times. Everything seemed to be cast in that tryptamine sort of hue, almost fluid, like a watercolour painting. Most of the trip was spent in conversation, deep topics. Upon closing my eyes it almost felt like I could dissappear if I wanted to, definitely potential for obe experience. Lasted around 3 hours start to finish
A comparison of Iprocin(4-HO-DiPT) and 4-AcO-DiPT.

Had my second go at Iprocin last night at 40mg(HCl). Prior to this I did 4-aco-dipt at the same dose 3 weeks earlier.
Imo there is significant difference in effect between the two tryptamines, even though their molecular structures are quite similar, and 4-aco-dipt is metabolised to 4-ho-dipt when ingested(correct me if Im wrong here).

The onset after oral ingestion is about the same for both of them, but the comeup feels much stronger for Iprocin, than its acetoxylated cousin. The visuals are quite pronounced with Iprocin, everything seems to radiate and glow with energy. 4-aco-dipt has no visual activity at all.
Mental headspace can get quite intense, very fast, with Iprocin. 4-aco-dipt is less intense in this respect and seems more fun and carefree. Music sounds amazing on both.

The first time I did Iprocin I got some leg tremors, and I noticed this on 4-aco-dipt as well, but as I got better at channeling the strong body energy that comes with it, It was almost non-existant. And on my trip last night I didnt notice any bad body tremors at all, even at 40mg.
There is a sexual feeling present with both, and orgasms can get so strong it almost feels like blacking out for a while. Duration of the trip is about the same for both 2-3h.

It seem my bodychemistry responds better to 4-ho-trypts. I have tried 4-aco-mipt, and I will soon try miprocin to compare, but the same trend seems to apply - I expereinced no visual activity with 4-aco-mipt. 4-aco-dmt also lacks any significant visual activty at the doses I have tried it at. Sadly I dont have access to pure 4-ho-dmt to make a comparison.

A final note. 5-meo-dmt blends beautifully with Iprocin, added ~15mg insufflated at the peak, and it melted my excistence into the most amazing ++++ obe trip I have ever experienced.<3
I took 4-aco-dipt 4 times now (18 mg oral, 25 mg oral, 34 mg oral, 10mg snorted). very mild visuals, even at 34mg oral. auditive hallucinations only at 34mg and those came in waves. puked at 25mg only, because of the body high and the fact that trying to make sex i was overcome by the sensations. weird. very 'electrical', especially when snorted... my tension skyrocketed. I'm not very pleased with this substance, I like 5-meo-dipt much more. mindset wasn't psychedelic to me. Gave some friends some and some of them really enjoyed it, but most of wouldn't try it again because of the body high. couldn't get a hard on. don't see its use. gave the rest of the batch away, maybe someone will have more luck with it.
Alas, I flushed my remaining 400 mg. Approx 5 trials w/ this one left me moderately impressed but heavily concerned with the tremors that accompany nearly any dose. I don't know much about medicine or neuroscience but I don't believe that involuntary tremors/muscle spasms are a good thing. I don't know that they indicate any type of toxicity or damage either. Perhaps like many drugs, this is simply a side effect that comes with 4-aco-dipt but for me, one that makes further experiments not worthwhile.

On the bright side, this one, as a HCl, stored in two plastic bags/in the dark for +5 years suffered no degredation aside from some dark patches where the compound was in direct contact with the bag.
Psihonaut: I guess different people react different. Shoulda maybe tried a lower dose for sex if 40 was too overwhelming. I cant see using this for any psychedelic experience... but I ***LOVE*** the body high... I get horny as a mountain goat, hardness is NOT a problem, and orgasm seems intensified by like 10X. But maybe that's just me.

|>R()|)!G/-\|_ : How cruel to at least not donate it to a friend who may want to try it but cant afford it, or who could be hurting for money who could maybe sell it to buy food or maybe rent. What a waste. I cant understand it when people CLAIM to have just flushed a hundred bucks worth of a chem just because it didnt quite do it for them... give it away if nothing else. Drug abuse!
I got rid of a compound b/c of perceived health risks. I wouldn't feel comfortable passing those risks on to somebody else, even if they were willing to take the risk themselves. I see that as irresponsible. Additionally, the last thing I would want is for someone to resell it. These chems [should be] strictly for those who know what they are and where to acquire them.
not that i disagree with your decision to flush it prodigal, but there's a chance your friends wouldn't have reacted badly to the chemical. individual response can vary dramatically with many of the compounds discussed on this board.

but yeah, i probably would have just flushed it as well.
Took the 4-ACO version 20mg and it was pretty interesting... big body wave.. nice "sparkly" visuals kinda slow.. awesome cev. Friends tried too said it was GREAT sex material.

Tried 10mg on another occasion kinda weak. Only CEV but it felt good... Did some K and it got fancier.
Are the tremors associated with 4-HO/AcO-DiPT indicative of likely causing seizures? Or is it a different mechanism causing these tremors? My girlfriend has suffered seizures (coacaine abuse years ago and about 8 months ago when her doctor fucking dropped her benzo dose to unmanageable amounts). I don't think she is necessarily prone to seizures as the 2 times were due to cocaine and benzo withdrawal but I am concerned about the prevalence of tremors.

I'm assuming lower doses don't cause tremors noticeably. Does anyone have an idea at what dose level tremors start to become apparent? I know it's subjecitve but any help is appreciated.

What dose of 4-HO-DiPT would be best to get a good idea for a first timer?
Also what dose of 4-AcO-DiPT would be best to a get a good idea? Both are hydrochloride by the way.

I am assuming 4-AcO-DiPT is not as potent and may require higher doses.

Would it be reasonable to suggest that most people prefer 4-HO-DPT over 4-AcO-DiPT? If you have a preference I'd love to hear why you prefer on over the other.
I've only tried the AcO, thinking about trying the HO soon. The highest i took 4-AcO-DiPT was 40ish mgs, maybe a little more. Had some unpleasant stomach cramps for that though. I had one friend who's a bit of a hard head & really liked this chemical, at really high doses though, liked 70-80mg. He got alot more out of it in the way of visuals than i did, even at lower doses. I found the headspace interesting but a bit uninspiring. Only bought it once, and hadn't really considered getting it again, just alot more interesting things out there that i'd rather spend the time & money on.
My 4-aco-dipt experiences

I have found myself quite tolerant to 4-aco-dipt, at least so far. This may be related to tolerance from consuming other drugs, primarily 5-meo-mipt.

One time I took 30 mg of 4-aco-dipt, followed by another 30mg some time later, followed by a further 30mg. I had taken some 5-meo-mipt before that, but I didn't care for that substance, and I assume I was mostly down from it. I felt like taking another 30mg some time later, but I decided against it. I was already pretty high and I was having a great time. It was a wonderful experience, but I didn't find it paritcularly psychedelic, more like MDMA in parts.

Another time I took 40mg, which I didn't get much from. The following time I took 50mg, which I definitely got something from. It lasted quite a while, and I experienced some strange perceptual effects after what I thought was the peak had ended. The perceptual effects were akin to high dose mushrooms, yet slightly different, AND there was a lucidity and a general normality to it, as I still wasn't getting much visually. It was quite disconcerting.

While I found this stuff relatively uninteresting at what is considered to the typical dose range, it has some interesting effects at higher doses that can be explored. I will try it on its own, maybe at 45mg, after my tolerance has completely gone away, and report back.

I took a huge dose of 5-meo-mipt (~25MG) may have been somewhere like 27 because I tend to fail at weighing out an accurate amount on this "scale." Anyway, be careful, these things can make you know fear, unlike anything else I've ever used. My reasoning behind dosing high on the 5-meo-mipt was based on experiences that I had read about and because I wanted to experience something very intense. Well I got more than I bargained for with this one, and the effects seemed to be potentiated by a huge ass bong rip that I took which left me feeling very overwhelmed. So overwhelmed that I needed to cut off all of the lights in my house and the TV and just lie in bed. I had uncontrollable closed and open eye visuals and felt as though I might be on the brink of a seizure or something but I think the body load can account for those feelings.

At any rate, I felt comfortable enough and perhaps I may have had a bit of tolerance having previously drank ahyuasca a day before, and taken 7mg of 5-meo-mipt and 20mg of 4-aco-dipt that morning-- I think there's a lot of play room for dosages, the intensity may be too overwhelming however.

4-aco-dipt makes me feel strange, in a stupid way. Like I didn't get any visual effects I got stupid effects from it. What gives?