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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy 2C-T-21 Thread

samadhi_smiles said:
negative bodyload?

combined with nootropics?

I am thinking small doses (500mcgs-1mg) doses combined with select nootropic potentiators for a day of writing.


Take a bit more. I understand you're not really looking to trip but you'll need some effect if you're looking for more inspiration.

I don' t know what nootropics are though.
at roughly 20mg (maybe a bit less), i was quite giggly & euphoric, with VERY mild visuals. i found it to be very sensual, & it's funny that it was called the "shopping psychedelic" because i actually did go shopping on the tail end of 2c-t-21, & found it to be quite easy & pleasant.
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I abused this chemical a few years ago before operation web trip I think i went through 4 or 5 grams from different vendors. i wasn't very smart with the substance never used a scale i would do key bumps and lay out friends lines like so------------------ I even had a friend that shot up 2ct21 he quit using needles after that=D. but any way i found this chemical boring hardly any visuals but very stimulating i used it to kick my meth habit could have been why i never got visuals i was doing it daily. Then one day i went to order some more from my favorite vendor and he had been busted because somebody OD on 2ct21. I am glad i didn,t kill any of my friends=D
This stuff is something else. I sampled it for the first time yesterday at 10mg. It's certainly a 2C-T. There isn't a whole lot going on visually, but what there is has that 2C-T character to it, with the depth and kaleidoscoping thing going on. The mental effects were of particular note. I felt very relaxed, keenly aware, and mentally sharpened. There was a good, confident euphoria to go along. What unique stuff! I was somewhat reminded of a low dose of 2C-B. There wasn't a lot going on visually, and I'll certainly take more next time, but I had this inexplicable feeling that there wasn't a need to go a whole lot higher, this was it. I can't wait to try combining it with a tryptamine, or 2C-B. I think that the calm, collected mental sharpening of 2C-T-21 along with the nonsensical humor and 70's visuals of 2C-B would be quite something. Stay tuned!
Bare_head said:
i love 2CT-21 but i reckon that if used irresponsibly (as ecstasy often is) then it could kill many. Not like MDMA where people have taken up to a gram in a night

I have almost died on several occasions using those quantities. Both can kill you easily if you take to much.
I found 2c-t-21 to be very visual :s

I have only done it once so far but I think the stuff is great :D
How is the stimulation/bodyload on this? Anyone get nauseous or anything?
I've been sitting on some for a long time now. I'd like to try it in a month or so, but my tripping opportunities are limited and if its too long lasting or heavy on the body I'd rather wait until summer sometime.
personally, i only felt a consistent body BUZZ, not a body load. i was cuddling this fluffy pillow for quite a while...
I found T-21 to feel fantastic in the body. it was a pleasurable all-over body vibration/buzz... feels very sensual and relaxing.
Fantastic. Thats what I want to hear. The other 2C-T-* compounds I've tried made me feel physically uncomfortable for significant portions of the experience. I don't mind that from time to time if the compound seems worthwhile, but I like to be outdoors where nobody will bug me and I can just lean over and barf if I need to (that doesn't go over too well in public).
i highly reccomend taking a hot bath a few hours into T-21, preferably with a partner. it is a hugely pleasurable & relaxing experience.
Although this drug has its mystique, I just don't really care for it the same way I don't care for the other 2C-Ts I tired. They all have a certain toxic-feeling something in common that just doesn't sit well with me.
2CT21 - mixed feelings

Tried it last night - mixed with a little wine - i'd say it made me a tad manic - I enjoyed it but have the distinct impression that the wine factored much moreso than I would have expected. Set & setting applies across the board - oddly enough (despite it being "easy") if I use it again it won't be without applying a little thought to the S & S.

Felt sorta like methylone with a slight psychedelic edge - made the conversation interesting though.

Oh 10mgs each dissolved in water - oral.

I'd use it again if it fell into my lap - preferable to 2CB - but a non contendor against other mainstream psychedelics in many many ways.
nanobrain said:
as i have come to know - laying claim to the mighty dubious virtue of having more experience with 21 than other esteemed primates currently living - is, that its true potential, rather than being a psychedelic, is that of a high tech, precision tool; a true cyberpunk nootropic for the extreme sports fanatic. it comes with many interesting knobs, levers, and other controls for exploring the nuances of multifaceted aspects of the transhumanistic mindbody consciousness.

I concur. I have been using low dose t-21 lately to help me get through these last few weeks of college. In small, nootopic doses, I feel naturally motivated, unlike the hyped up enthusiasm of amphetamine. I sat in class just wanting to absorb as much information as possible. My brain felt like a well oiled machine. Great material to watch Jeopardy to.:D It seems like it would be great for programming or anything computer or data related.
kitchkinet said:
(reposted from another site)
In the beginning there was nothing. Then there was what if? The answer was a single principle so simple it can't be perceived, so simple it couldn't possibly not be. This was the if. because there was an if there had to be a then. From that developed everything as a nescessity. The nature of that principle was such that it could only be expressed smbolically. Therefore energy came into existence as a way to express it.

because there was energy, there had to be ways for it to manifest itself. The energy continued to form and become more and more complex, simply because that's the way it had to be by it's nature.

As it became more complex it flowed outward in every dimension, like a fractal, but more complex than we could possibly imagine. Some of the energy manifested itself as what we perceive as matter. It started with the simplest possible particles. Physics came into existence as a guiding force, it simply had to be.

since there was physics and matter, and since it was possible, this matter became more and more complex, pulling itself together and always creating. Atoms formed, and then molecules. Masses of energy pulled themselves together and formed stars, and their offshoots planets. This all happened based simply on the flow, because there was the if, then there was matter. Water formed and the building blocks of life were a nescessary extension. Life is simply a symbol to represent what is so simple it can't be perceived.

Consciousness developed as a way for energy to create and perceive and conceive. As it conceived it created ever more complex ideas and expressions and symbols. since energy can neither be created or destroyed, the energy put into thought and conception is not lost. Anything you think or conceive is actually real, at least as real as matter. All of it is stored in realms that exist, like a hard drive on a computer. We put up veils in our own consciousnesses to seperate ourselves from this.

We seperate ourselves from each other and from this warehouse of information so that the most diverse experiences possible can happen. This is how it needs to be so that we can create and conceive ever more. We have gotten to the point where we can ask the question what if ourselves, and since there is a question there must be an answer. This is in fact the source, and it is endless and infinite. We are, in fact all gods, capable of creating worlds.

In another sense though it all happened for only an instant, all existence is simply a flash, a hypothetical answer to the question what if?

I'll write more about this later but all of this became so incredibly obvious to me monday night while tripping on 2ct21. Everythign we know, and everythign we don't is simply a symbol. We live in a reality made up of layer upon layer of symbols opening like flowers. Betcha never realized you were a god eh?

I also visited the land of the dead which was like a sea of skeletons forming and reforming. My ancestors were there, and I realized for the first time that the "primative" tribes that worship there ancestors and look to them for guidance aren't that far from the truth. They are the direct physical source of our being and they are the gods who created us directly. Death is a very peaceful place.

some of the bodies were horrible looking but there was no fear, they were not evil or hurtful, they were just dead and that's nothing to worry about. There was a lot of religious symology too, especcially south american and eastern. I met a Hindu goddess who I realized was an old friend, I saw buddha meditating and aztec glyphs so complex that the reached on forever.

I also saw a skeleton woman with a crown of roses and a yellow dress dancing in an open field, she was the most beutiful woman I've ever seen.

Everything has depth and breadth. In everything there is infinite simplicity and infinite complexity. Existence is a fractal.

There are no limits, everything is infinite. What ever can be perceived can be, and anything that can be is. The only limits are ones we create and imagine. We are all brand new and ancient beyond all time. Everything flows naturally from everything else and anything in existence is a reference point for everything else. There's this flow, this dance that is the guiding force of existence. Music is so natural, and beautiful and primal because it's our best symbol of this flow.

since the dawn of time people have looked at existence and asked why. It turns out the whole time we were asking the wrong question, what we should have been asking is why not? There are cycles in everything too, time, space, consciousness. Everything loves everything and hates everything.

Sex is sacred, it's our most powerful creative force.

We're all free.

A lot of religions kind of understand all of this, but can only express it symbolically. Buddhism and taoism come pretty close, as do a lot of primal religions. I saw the pope in the static of the TV but he was just an outline, like a simple surface image. There isn't much truth in christianity today but Jesus understood and he tried to tell others.

There are quite a few errors there. But you've summed up good things too.
Just to name one of those things that aren't correct, "Sex is sacred, it's our most powerful creative force." <--- I'd say it's love.
Anyway, has anyone here tried a dose above 25mgs? I like that dose but still want to go higher, i'm thinking around 35mg for my next trial. I feel like this stuff has more potential but I don't know how dangerous it is. I only could find one report on erowid. I've also noticed the stuff is a maoi in case that wasn't confirmed yet.