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The Big & Dandy 2C-P Thread

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In my single experience with 2c-p (10mg) I also found it to be a very gentle and relaxing psychedelic. There was definitely some amount of mind-fuck and I'd find myself drifting off into little daydreams occasionally. Visuals weren't too intense but definitely there and I saw the potential for a lot of good. But yea I found it warm, gentle, and probably one of the more enjoyable 2c-x experiences I've had thus far.
never tried aMT, i'd like to sometime though. If you were to combine the two, i wouldn't use your normal dose of 2c-p, as aMT is an MAOI and may well potentiate the 2c-p. Always best to slowly titrate up with combos, this one especially.

Oh definitely. The face aMT is an MAOI makes me a bit cautious with attempting this, as i'm aware there could be some implications if there was to be a reaction combining the two.
AMT is quite weak MAOI, according to the posts of ADD folks.
As a MAOI, AMT is as strong as amphetamine.
I had a very strange experience with this the other day. In the past I'd taken 6mg orally with no effect whatsoever and then on a later occasion I took 8mg orally with 20mg of 2C-E and got very beautiful and colourful visuals from the 2C-E (similar to those at ~25mg 2C-E) and a wonderful pseudo-spiritual shared consciousness experience with the peculiar visual affect of having trouble delineating the boundaries of separate objects that I later realised was from the 2C-P. The other day I decided that I would try 11mg 2C-P (again, orally) and see how that turned out. When I came up, I experienced the same sort of pseudo-spiritual experience as before and enjoyed it quite a bit for about 3 hours. After that, I spent about ten hours in absolute peril for my life accompanied by dyskinetic seizures, tachycardia (enough to make me take 40mg of propanolol), fever, extreme openness to suggestion, confusion, dissociation, and loss of tactile sensation as the universe convinced me that it wanted to assimilate me and that it had the power to do so. Profoundly vivid hallucinations punctuated this delirium in very bizarre and personal ways (e.g. watching television programmes that were not actually playing on the television with subtitles analysing the programmes as allegories for each of my current personal problems, and, on another occasion during the trip, a change in visual distortions matching exactly those of the delirium accompanying pnuemonia and a 40.5 fever which I had experienced whilst hospitalised as a toddler and had completely forgotten about). So this went on and on and I decided that I was an utter idiot. After a total of sixteen hours, I resigned to my fate and went to bed convinced I would die as soon as I fell asleep. The next day I woke up convinced I had died and had been reborn in a concurrent universe wherein my apparent overdose did not kill me à la many-worlds denial of waveform collapse and quantum suicide, and I didn't get over that for about 12 hours. I'm still not entirely sure one way or the other.

i've been there :) especially the bit about allegorical TV shows and the bit about quantum suicide. fascinating mindspace, wait awhile to dose again though so your brain doesn't snap completely! ;) also, lack of sleep was definitely a factor in most of the trips like that that i've had.
i've been there :) especially the bit about allegorical TV shows and the bit about quantum suicide. fascinating mindspace, wait awhile to dose again though so your brain doesn't snap completely! ;) also, lack of sleep was definitely a factor in most of the trips like that that i've had.

that's curiously comforting
What do you guys recommend for a first time dose?
Would 8mg be enough to get full effects without being too overwhelming for a first time?
6-8 mg is probably a good starting point. I have found that despite it being highly visual, 2C-P is fairly easy on the mind.
i did 16mg and felt semi-in-control.. its pure 99.84345321% lol so do y'all think i have a high tolerance or something? it was only my 3rd time
I just had 6mg on friday night in a vodka solution. After about 3 hours i had a drop up one nostril.. wow did it hurt, i think it hurt more than 2c-b up the nose. The effect up the nose was awesome in fact, very good! just trying to work out if it was worth the pain or not.

Where we had it was very cold and it think that the cold contributed to the body load. I thought it was very good and am looking forward to having it again real soon, will try 9-10mg next time.

We also has DOI last weekend so if anyone would like to hear what i thought about that let me know.

All in all i do like 2c-p and i think the way i done it for the first time is the way to go.. 6mg (6 x 1mg drops) with another 1mg drop up the nose. If you have this dose there is nothing to be afraid of.
yeah, 2C-P makes me feel chilly as it is, I can imagine that cold would contribute to the body load.

8mg is a decent dose for a first time if you have experience with other psychedelics... if you don't think, i would start with 5mg or 6mg.

you should head over to the DOI thread and let us know what you thought of that stuff. :) 2C-P and DOI are both personal favorites of mine,
saw this the other day whilst tripping on 2C-P


makes me want to get a needle ;)
i considered that as well, but i'm not necessarily a fan of propyl chains in general... they've gotta be stuck to the right thing in the right spot in order for me to be a fan. :)
i did 200mg of 2c-p about a month ago :/
got dmt like visuals
seamed like i could see my scelital structre (all a shade of electric blue) on my hand
and bugs swirling all on me
there was also this amazing orb which i could move anywhere i wanted, could make it disapear into the walls then bring it back right infront of my face, it looks clear like glass
(this all happend because i was high on m1 and diped into the wrong bag for mor m1 )
ended up with an 8k medical bill
the night is verry fuzzy at times but flew by.. i slept for like 20hrs after i got home
i did 200mg of 2c-p about a month ago :/
got dmt like visuals
seamed like i could see my scelital structre (all a shade of electric blue) on my hand
and bugs swirling all on me
there was also this amazing orb which i could move anywhere i wanted, could make it disapear into the walls then bring it back right infront of my face, it looks clear like glass
(this all happend because i was high on m1 and diped into the wrong bag for mor m1 )
ended up with an 8k medical bill
the night is verry fuzzy at times but flew by.. i slept for like 20hrs after i got home

I'm curious, how long did this 200mg trip last?
sheesh! glad you survived. labeling mixups can be deadly. could you go into a little more detail on what happened, what medical attention you received, duration (as stated above), etc?
what i posted on shroomery a while back

"ok well me and my best friend almost died 2 nights a go from an extreamly stupid descision.
i got back from a club, high on bk-mdma and wipped out my packet and weighted what i thought was BK-mdma, i was so fucking stupid i did not read the fucking label, so i weaied it out 200mg for both of us and we parachuted it down the hatch, after 5 minets my stomic felt like it was berning, i wated 30 mintets and started to get visuals, i was freeking out. my best friend tried to assure me this was bk-mdma because he had no visuals but after checking the bags more i told him to throw up, i was able to thow up but he wasent able to, the started spitting up blood, i rushed for my keys and couldent find them. i knocked on my friends dad door yelling we needed a drive to the hospital, by the time we got to the hospital they were WAY to damn calm, i was thowing up on the floor and my frined had blood smerred all around his mouth, she was makeing us fill out fourms and i was starting to TRIP REALLY FUCKING HARD, well once a docter came by he asked who should be taken first and i push my firned toward him and he was taken away. i did not seem him till the mornign about 5hs later, i was taken about 5 minets later into a room where they had a converstation with me about what drug i had taken andhow much, after this they hooked me up to an iv which put fluids into my body and they also took like 10 blood samples. all the time i was really begging them to give me the charcole drink because shit was getting crazzy, after i drank the charkle i threw it up and had to keep driking but probly only kept 10 percent donw, they also hooked up a breakthing thing to my noses and preety much left me alone allnigt, i was tripping so fucking hard, tere was this beautifull orb which seemed to be made of glass which i could controle and shift into any shape i imageined, i could also make it float around the room in various dirrection. i coudl also look at my hand and see the scelital structure and see blue bugs cralling inside my hand, i could see everything , it looked like there was an x-ray above my body, extreamly freeky,

all in all i triped for 2 days and they released me early, my firend kept his charcold donw and that help with the holusinations alot.
all in all i am an extreamly stupid kid who will never thouch reserch chemicals again.

i know how stupid i am for allmost killing my best friend and really dont need you guys replayin it back toward me.

thanks bye.

( so i later found out that i actualy gave my friend bk-mdma and he was spitting up blood because he cut his throught trying to thow up)
what i posted on shroomery a while back

"ok well me and my best friend almost died 2 nights a go from an extreamly stupid descision.
i got back from a club, high on bk-mdma and wipped out my packet and weighted what i thought was BK-mdma, i was so fucking stupid i did not read the fucking label, so i weaied it out 200mg for both of us and we parachuted it down the hatch, after 5 minets my stomic felt like it was berning, i wated 30 mintets and started to get visuals, i was freeking out. my best friend tried to assure me this was bk-mdma because he had no visuals but after checking the bags more i told him to throw up, i was able to thow up but he wasent able to, the started spitting up blood, i rushed for my keys and couldent find them. i knocked on my friends dad door yelling we needed a drive to the hospital, by the time we got to the hospital they were WAY to damn calm, i was thowing up on the floor and my frined had blood smerred all around his mouth, she was makeing us fill out fourms and i was starting to TRIP REALLY FUCKING HARD, well once a docter came by he asked who should be taken first and i push my firned toward him and he was taken away. i did not seem him till the mornign about 5hs later, i was taken about 5 minets later into a room where they had a converstation with me about what drug i had taken andhow much, after this they hooked me up to an iv which put fluids into my body and they also took like 10 blood samples. all the time i was really begging them to give me the charcole drink because shit was getting crazzy, after i drank the charkle i threw it up and had to keep driking but probly only kept 10 percent donw, they also hooked up a breakthing thing to my noses and preety much left me alone allnigt, i was tripping so fucking hard, tere was this beautifull orb which seemed to be made of glass which i could controle and shift into any shape i imageined, i could also make it float around the room in various dirrection. i coudl also look at my hand and see the scelital structure and see blue bugs cralling inside my hand, i could see everything , it looked like there was an x-ray above my body, extreamly freeky,

all in all i triped for 2 days and they released me early, my firend kept his charcold donw and that help with the holusinations alot.
all in all i am an extreamly stupid kid who will never thouch reserch chemicals again.

i know how stupid i am for allmost killing my best friend and really dont need you guys replayin it back toward me.

thanks bye.

( so i later found out that i actualy gave my friend bk-mdma and he was spitting up blood because he cut his throught trying to thow up)

Must be a shitty hospital. They should have given you some kind of benzo or anti-psychotic. Not to mention making you fill out paperwork, while a possible impending drug overdose is brewing. Sheesh I wouldn't go back to that hospital.
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