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The Big & Dandy 2C-E Thread (Second Edition)

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not to mention you can reallllly get yourself in too deep from mixing too many drugs.

I mixed ~250 mgs MDMA, a LOT of ketamine, and 50 mgs of 2C-D together on night while I was doing an overnight at a friend of a friends house. It was in a basement suite, and there were people above us that none of us knew. The owners of said basement suite were nice enough to let a bunch of us crash at their place while they were off taking care of some serious business.

Annnnyways, the intensity of this trip caught me waaaaaay off guard, and I spent a good 15 minutes tripping soooo hard that I was unaware of myself practically screaming "THERE ARE EYEBALLS EVERYWHERE !!!!!!!", followed by countless utterances of "OH MY GOD...OH MY GOD...OH MY GOD"...

We all had a good laugh about it the next day, but yeah...mixing drugs together can bite you in the ass if you're not COMPLETELY conscious of set/setting.

I had a great experience that night though, it was extremely reminiscient of a very very strong DMT trip actually. Totally immersive visuals with 1000000's of eyeballs morphing in and out and across every surface imaginable. I definitely couldn't make out the room I was in, and I remember seeing flashes of my girlfriends face from time to time, and it was definitely not connected to her body.

It was a group effort to calm me down. I wasn't having a bad time, I was just tripping balls sooooo hard and so unexpectedly.

Now when I mix three different classes of drugs together, I know to expect the unexpected.
glad to hear it!! I have incredibly high expectations for that combo myself, but haven't been able to indulge in it yet... good to hear the positive report :)
Currently in the middle of a 20mg trip, with 250mg of M1 and 200mg of 4-FA (this combo without 2ce roughly mimcis the effects of MDMA for me)

TOO INTENSE!!! I will definitely have to reduce dosages if i try this ocmbo again.. i havent had a "bad trip" in years and am feeling very close to that right now. the intensity is just fucking overhwleming
You'll pull through ;). I find keeping my mind occupied with a movie helped with the intensity of my trip. But, from the time of your post, the peak should be over with now.
haha yes, I did pull through indeed pretty quickly - I attribute that frenetic little melt down that lasted approx. 15 minutes to the extreme rush/intensity of the come up from the stims. this was just really overwhelming/in my face and kind of blew me away. but the peak was over very quickly and i was able to really enjoy the rest of the state. interestingly, while the combo kick started the visuals into hyper gear for the duration of the peak, during the plateau/comedown of the stims the visuals of the 2ce trip pretty much vanished altogether.

won't even go into how awful the come down from all 3 of these drugs at once was... haha
Mixing 2c-e with MDMA was literally perfect.. took a benadryl a little while before dosing the 2c-e that was dissolved in liquid. It was about 40mg, which i divided out between my friend and I with a 5ml syringe. I've done once 2c-e previously (about 20-25mg), weekend before this last one, and my friend has never done it, but he has done 2c-i and other psychedelics like mushrooms and DMT. We dosed it around 9:20-30ish, and drove the 10 minutes to the club because we knew it'd take at least 30 minutes to the club (already know the severity of driving while intoxicated, thanks).

Took a little bit to kick in, don't remember the time but had kicked in before Bare went on stage around 11-11:15. I took a roll a little before this time, and so did my friend. The 2c-e come up to me was very tolerable, almost felt like that pre-rolling feeling you get when you eat MDMA. My friend though felt extremely intense and had to sit down in front of a sub for a while, but he said it felt extremely good, just super intense. Later in the night, my friend and I split another tab between each other, which I got about 3/4 of because I bit a little bit too much off of it with my teeth when trying to split it (usually isn't a problem doing this), but it was too late at that point so I gave him what little was left. They were purple crowns from Dallas (supposedly pretty good, equivalent to legit rhinos and aliens).

not sure how much of a roll the MDMA played in the whole thing, but i felt extremely energetic and was able to party hard and rock the fuck out to Bare during his hour and a half set. We went outside to smoke a cigarette and noticed how worn out and tired our bodies felt from everything when we sat down. We ended up deciding to go back in for Dieselboy and it was fairly easy to still dance and move around well, but our energy levels were never the same as before. we only stayed for about 30 more minutes before deciding to leave to go back to our hotel and smoke weed and do wippets. Once we stopped and gave our body to rest, we noticed how tight we were and we began to wear down. I felt extremely great during the entire time though, very euphoric, speedy somewhat, but it wasn't dirty feeling. Senses were heightened extremely when we left the club and stayed that way for the much of the night back at our hotel room.

I never noticed extreme visuals, but lights did play with my eyes and got a visuals similar to 2c-i when I actually stopped and stared at something. Getting a lightshow by someone who was good with gloves was fairly awesome. The trails were soo long, and this is where I really felt like MDMA was playing a pretty legit part of the entire experience, cause lookin at lights like that looked and felt exactly the same as rolling, just longer trails so it was epic. CEV were present, as they were with my initial 2c-e trip, and looked pretty much the exact same. They seemed a little more pronounced and brighter looking this time though, could be from the rolls. I enjoyed closing my eyes and getting lost in the visuals and the feel of the bass.

bass from the subs felt amazing, music sounded deep and fantastic.. loved everything i was hearing, even when i was outside smokin a cig and they had music playin over the loud system. talking to people/being around people wasn't hard, and it wasn't hard to act normal. it in no way "mindfucked" me or made me feel anxious. I felt extremely aware and sharp the entire time.

All in all, it was probably one of the most epic nights of my life.. Bare and Dieselboy killed it, and dancing all night, literally within fist bumping distance of them, in that kind of atmosphere and state of being was absolutely amazing. Definitely something I'll be repeating again.
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It's crazy how some people can take 20mg of this substance and experience little to no visuals. At 14mg I had persistent visuals and at 17mg my whole field was vibrating with holographic patterns.
I remember the first time I took 2c-E. I mixed up 2 bags by accident, one was 20mgs 2c-I, the other 20mgs 2c-E. I dissolved in water, what I thought was 20mgs of 2c-I, but it was 2c-E. 40 mins in, I was puking my guts out, but everything was alive and moving, twisting and breathing. I couldn't beleive, people said 2c-I was only mildly psychedelic, I was totally out of it. I dosed the real 2c-I about a week or so later, and realized my mistake within an hour or so. It's funny though, because my 2c-E trips since then, haven't matched the intensity of that first time.
Visuals weren't as apparent on the night I tripped in combination with the MDMA as on my first trip where I consumed 2c-e alone. That first trip, I ate 20-25mg and got pretty intense visuals, similar to 2c-i in a way but definitely more intense.
It's a weird thing this 2C-E, for me at least.

I don't care for it by itself: It's not very visual, and it's so introspective and emotionally and socially intense that I don't want to go there often.

But, I find it's perfect to introduce visuals and a little emotional punch into a 2C-C experience. Soon as the ~5 mg 2C-E bump get insuffed, the oral 2C-C becomes magically visual.

So, on it's own no, but 2C-E introduces quite the range of visuals to a mild 2C-C experience.
yes, I find that 2c-e tends to make any other drug incredibly more visual than it has the potential to be on its own

2c-e and lSD was my favorite drug combo for a reason - it was by far the most visual non-DMT trip ive ever had. and i've taken fairly high dose lSD before
Gave some 2c-e to a friend of mine (14mg oral) and for about 8 hours he reported vivid visual effects, full blown hallucinations and zero body load. It sounded like a magical trip. Curious how differently it can affect different people.

Anyone got experience with low dose oral 2c-e, in the 4-5 mg range? Is there anything interesting to be had from oral dosing in the single digits?
i've heard that ~8 mg can be a decent time in a social situation where you might not want others to know that you're on something. i imagine it to be more of a slightly psychedelic stimulant at those doses. lowest i've went is ~12 mg
8mg is a fun dose for a party :) It's a sensory enhancer with a slight stimulant buzz.
i've heard that ~8 mg can be a decent time in a social situation where you might not want others to know that you're on something. i imagine it to be more of a slightly psychedelic stimulant at those doses. lowest i've went is ~12 mg

Exactly why I asked.

Ended up dosing 4 mg oral after writing the post and mixed with a lot of alcohol and I can see this working in all sorts of social occasions.

Every time I take this drug is just slaps me in the face with something new.
Effectively no visuals. Mainly stimulation, but nothing intrusive. I was sort of hoping for a shorter duration, but the EDM board has kept me going for a while now and it's showing no signs of letting up.

Still, this kind of dose, taken at about 9pm at the start of an evening, out with a load of straights, could really smoothen things out a bit.

This is why I take drugs during the week: so I can plan the weekend.
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