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The Big & Dandy 2C-E Thread (Second Edition)

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i have a bit of hppd from 2ce now actually.. but in a very pleasant way. only in darkness/eyes closed, my visual field goes a bit nuts with some 2ce-unique rainbow visuals. pretty entertaining when i'm bored or waiting to fall asleep!
tried a 2c-e flip (2c-e + mdma) last night. turned out pretty successfully, not what i was expecting really.

took 15mg (have some tolerance from acid on monday), the visuals and time distortion were very strange, but it taught me some really cool lightshow moves.

i can understand the sparkle flip moniker, whenever i looked at my phone it was covered in sparkley things, and some other things were too.

it was definitely lacking a euphoric push for parts, which made me wish i had just taken some acid.

i was reminded of shulgins entry about it being a difficult chemical but one that people wanted to explore more. i found it really difficult when it first hit me, but i fully intend to explore it with a higher dose of 2c-e, mostly because i want to see if it can teach me more lightshow moves or teach me anything. :D
sparkle flipping sounds AWESOME. my friend and i are going to drop ~15-20mg of 2ce and 2 mills of good mdma before a pixies concert in april... they're playing all of doolittle. SO EXCITED~

as for now, 25mg DPH down the hatch, eagerly awaiting the next half hour to pass so i can take 30mg 2ce. very excited :>
^sorry I didnt notice this earlier. For 30mg 2C-E you will probably need more DPH than that, according to reports from others (I never tried over 22mg 2C-E). Well perhaps it will be helpful enough. Please let us know how it goes! Good Luck!!!
well, interestingly i endedup taking another 25mg of DPH immediately after posting that.

regardless, 30mg was too much - felt very toxic, akin to how i felt after IMing 2c-i at 25mg. the first 3 hours were spent vomiting and hunched in agony. the plateau and come down were really nice though... listened to some chopin in a shower and visualized rainbows everywhere.

i dont know how im going to titrate the dose exactly, 20 felt underwhelming but 30 was just retarded. hmm...
Perhaps you could take 20 mg, and then take an additional 10 mg about an hour later?
This way the coming up is spread out and less intense, while the plateau phase will be of equal/comparable intensity.
You could also go for 25 mg of course, but that's too obvious and it just looks more professional to do it in a different way. ;)
Just had my first 2c-e experience this weekend with a 10mg oral dose. I took it on an empty stomach and dropped 25mg DPH an hour before. I took 18mg of 2c-I two weeks ago and didn't enjoy my experience. I'm a big fan of mushrooms and have a bit of experience with them.

I found this dose to a perfect introduction into this substance! I found the body load to be no problem, my body felt really good! The headspace created is vast and is quite introspective even at 10mg. This is my kind of psychedelic... Not a walk in the park but with some effort it has so much ability to tease the emotional fabric of my mind. High quality headphones and music with personal meaning had me seeing some interesting CEVs with color enhancement. Colors didn't change as the music played but they would change as the feeling of the music shifted!

Sound distortion was weeeeeird! I heard my neighbors out an open window and I swear it sounded like they were next to my head. A large truck stopped near my house and the sound off the rotors made me laugh out loud because it sounded like a 50ft robot had just stopped by to kill me lol.

Going to go up to 14-15mg oral next. I even managed to have sex near the peak and it was so damn divine!

Only downside is the stimmy nature of the drug. My heart rate was in check but I kept sweating and shaking throughout. Slight hand tremors.

Adding cannabis made the trip so much more euphoric and visual and nitrous on top of that was just perfect.

This isnt a substance for everyone and I had my fair share of anxious moments during the trip! If you apply yourself properly and make sure set and setting are right, 2c-e can really deliver!
For anyone who doesn't like the excessive stimulation of 2c-e: simple solution if you're into it - DANCE.

I went to a concert tonight after snorting ~8mg of 2c-e. FUCKING INCREDIBLE! I haven't had a more blissful night in months - I danced and danced away, totally into the music having massive closed eye synesthesia and melting into the music. The stimulation, when moving around constantly, converts into this ungodly amazing body high that feels akin to a great roll to me. Honestly, two girls asked me if I was rolling face because I was getting so into the dancing, haha. Absolutely fuckin incredible - and music live sounded OUT OF THIS WORLD.
the last time i had a grip of 2ce, i quickly worked my way up to enjoying 30 mg doses.... and it has pretty much become my favorite trip....

throughout my enjoyment of that batch i had so many mindgasm experiences.... and only once did i really freak myself out.... i wouldnt call it a negative experience, because it was still fucking awesome, and i knew i was ok....

but basically i had been peaking for 4 or 5 hours, and it happened to be the morning Tool tickets were about to become available online for the summer tour... i was waiting for that... just chillin and smoking some pot (of course)..

i had capped that batch up into 15 mg capsules... and i had laid some of them out on the desk and was watching them... really iridescent looking... glowing with blacklight .... i dont know wtf i was thinking... but i picked up 2 more caps and down the hatch they went....

let me just say that while peaking on 30.... another 30 was ...... WHEW.... god damn....

i didnt really give it any thought to what i had just done because i had double dosed before, just not even close to those levels... i was gettin some wicked sick visual distortions... and was really enjoying it... then the tool tickets came available online.... and i was trying to purchase them... i dont know if it was all in my head or if there was actually alot of traffic trying to buy tickets but i was having issues... slow loading (on a 6Mb DSL connection) and then my laptop crashed, and it was sketchy when i rebooted...

so long story short... i thought i picked up a virus or something... disassembled my laptop into a pile of parts (glad i didnt fuck it up though)... somehow i got it in my head maybe some type of law enforcement was fucking with me... and anyone who has ever had a trip along those lines should know how that shit goes.....

that was maybe an hour and a half after doubling up..... lets just say an hour after that I WAS COMING APART AT THE SEAMS.... it was, hands down, the most intense experience ive had yet.... and ive dropped a 'french fry' before... (an entire 10 strip of lsd)... white blotter.

it was fuckin nutz... but i absolutely loved every second of it in retrospect.... i ended up on the phone @ 6 am with some of my dad's friends over 300 miles away... while they chilled me the fuck out...


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i dont know how im going to titrate the dose exactly, 20 felt underwhelming but 30 was just retarded. hmm...
Remember that 2ce is known for having a steep dose-response curve, especially over 20mg. I would titrate by increasing doses by 2mg increments/experience until comfortable.
I must have an unnaturally low tolerance for this substance. I drank 12 mg last night (first time!) and it was the longest, most intense experience on any substance I have ever had. The hallucinations were incredible... the floor was rippling like water and the woodgrain on my furniture was morphing. The painting on my wall was like some live action 3d tv hologram thing. After the ~first~ hour I caught myself thinking, when will this wear off? It's been forever already. I experienced eternities inside of a minute. Doing anything was difficult. Still haven't been able to sleep.

In short, 2c-e kicked my ass. This stuff, in my subjective opinion, makes LSD seem like pop rocks. Next time I will cut down my dose by about 30%, and make sure I'm more mentally and physically prepared. 2c-e is no plaything.

im going to an electronic music festival would taking a moderate dose of 2c-e do me in for a good time or would it be overwhelming in a huge crowd?
2c-e is interesting. It has the potential to be the most powerful of the 2cs, but many people find it quite gentle in light doses. If it's your first time a moderate dose might send you way over where you want to be at a festival in a crowd.

edit: there is a megathread but it's hard to find with search
As ama said....if you are going to take 2c-e in public, please take a small dose! I have found
2c-e to be too powerful in doses over 15mg's to use around my girl, much less random crouds. Be safe!
for those of you taking 20 mg+ how big of a step is 20 to 24 for you? I had 20 mg and found it to be slightly underwhelming and was pretty level around +7 hours... i am on pristiq, 50 mg, daily. it is a time-released metabolite of venlafaxine (effexor) and an SNRI.
i'm no stranger to psychedelics but i'm new to 2c compounds. i tried 2c-e for the first time about 2 weeks ago and it was an amazing trip. it felt alot similar to 2c-i but the visuals i experienced were much more intense than the ones i've had on 2c-i. the body high felt very similar to a mild roll and the audio/visual effects resembled a relatively strong dose of acid. i'd love to experience it some more!

What exactly does 2ce do to you? Is it like acid or shrooms? What are the visual effects, etc.?
like acid but cleaner, fast emotion change happy sad happy sad, acid smiles and laughs, skitts you out like mdma or speed, your eyes will tug and move freely like with mdma, wayy more euphoric than acid or mushrooms, everything constantly shifts n melts, to me the visuals are better than acid and they last longer, you also dont fry yourself like with acid
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