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Phenethylamines The Big & Dandy 2C-B Thread - Stage 2

Right so I'm not alone feeling the way I do. I found my dosage a bit underwhelming, for what I wanted. So next time i'll try to bump the dosage up to 40-44mg, anyone tried that before? I've read that there's not really a big difference from 35 to 45 really, just in side effects. I had no nausea, no headdache only "low bloodsugar"-body load on 35mg which could of been because I ate it on empty stomach and I am 240pounder who usualy eats 12times/day. This will wait for a month probably, don't want to stress my system. I'll remember to come back and report :)
From what I'm reading 2C-B sounds like a less stimulating 2C-I. I am interested, how do the halogenated 2C's compare with each other? I've only done 2C-I and 2C-T-2 and T2 will give me extremely beautiful visuals... rarely (2C-T-2 has a 'pseudohalogen' I think it's called). 2C-I is low on visuals. Most of the time both of these (2C-I and 2C-T-2) will give me too much of a body load while psychedelically the effects feel threshold. I mostly only get closed-eye visuals and an empathogenic feel from these. If 2C-C sticks true with it's 25x-NBOME cousin, it will be a much better drug than 2C-I.

So I ask again to make sure it's obvious, how does 2C-B compare with the other halogenated phenethylamines (in particular 2C-I and 2C-T-2)
I would say that it's less stimulating and speedy than 2c-I and more cosy/warm/empathic. 2c-t-2 isn't a halogenated phenethylamine.
I would say that it's less stimulating and speedy than 2c-I and more cosy/warm/empathic. 2c-t-2 isn't a halogenated phenethylamine.

I know but it still warrants being included in the discussion because it's a pseudohalogen.
2C-B certainly sounds good... Low dose 2C-I just makes me feel spaced out, but low dose 2C-B is mentioned pretty often. How is the comparison on a high dose? A high dose of 2C-I makes me feel very dreamy, not completely 'there', with lots of closed eye visuals and a body load thats too stimulating (or otherwise I would push the dose further because the effects are very unique, the only dissociating phen I've ever used)
I know but it still warrants being included in the discussion because it's a pseudohalogen.
2C-B certainly sounds good... Low dose 2C-I just makes me feel spaced out, but low dose 2C-B is mentioned pretty often. How is the comparison on a high dose? A high dose of 2C-I makes me feel very dreamy, not completely 'there', with lots of closed eye visuals and a body load thats too stimulating (or otherwise I would push the dose further because the effects are very unique, the only dissociating phen I've ever used)
That's what it felt like once when I took a highish dose of 2C-B, on MDMA. I was pretty damn dissociated but in a happy space. Very dreamlike, I lost track of time.
I have a similar preference to 2c-b as I do to breasts. I like small breasts. I also like big breasts. These two preferences are separate but complimentary.
:D Good point. Goes for most psychedelics by the way.

I don't really get why 2c-b has only one and a half Big & Dandy threads, while all these silly NBOMes have so many.

To me 2c-b is the perfect introductory psychedelic. It's my favorite party drug - a little trippiness, a bit of empathy, some energy and best of all: it doesn't last too long. I mean, I love doing acid on parties, but it's the residual stimulation that I sincerely dislike and which is the reason I don't take it so often anymore. Nowadays, on a good night, I really want to go bed on 7am. I'm not one for afterparties, because I truly love sleeping and feeling well slept. LSD doesn't work at all in that regard, and 2c-b is like acid light, both in terms of intensity (although that is of course relative to so many other variables) and in terms of duration.

2C-B's a real classic in my book, a close 2nd grade after the proper classical hallucinogens (LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, ayahuasca and DMT... something like that).

Also, I agree that 2c-b is not the right substance if you want a real trip. It just doesn't reach the same depths the classics do. Not by a long shot even. But despite - or because of it - it's excellent for a whole range of other settings and circumstances. :)
I wanted to check in on this thread and see if anyone else doesn't like 2c-b (reading above I see I'm not alone). I had a quantity of it and took it in ranges from 10mg up to 30mg and accidently took something above 30mg one night (not sure how much, I put my solution in a plastic dish to draw my dose up into an oral syringe, dosed 30mg, and then rinsed and drank the residue from the dish after I poured the liquid back into my bottle). I had drank a few beers that night and later on smoked some weed. I had a pretty good night but it wasn't fantastic or anything.

In general I found the material would cause my eyes to strain, give me a headache (both this and the eye strain into the next day), leave me feeling very nauseous, and produce fantastic visuals that I couldn't really enjoy. I found the headspace on it to be very serious and generally not fun. (On LSD I could lay on the floor and really enjoy the visuals with 2c-b it felt like a waste of time, like I should be doing something important like watching a mindless movie...)

I found 2c-e to be a lot more rewarding, easier on my body, with similar if not superior visuals. Granted I've never mixed 2c-b with MDMA and I regret that I didn't before I got rid of my material (as little as I enjoyed it I found myself abusing it anyway with lots of redosing so I gave it away).

I know a lot of people really like it and I was somewhat disappointed that I didn't get more out of it.

*edit* Also I tended to be a jerk on it. Really tuned in and aware of other people's emotions but no compassion for their headspace. I tended to call my wife out and try to drag things out of her instead of allowing her her feelings. It just wasn't a good material for me.
It was pretty cool at 23mg HBr, but I think I'll have to go with 27-30mg next time.

Are the CEVs usually so low and dull? There werent really any colors, just light/dark patterning, and not enough contrast.
I notice a goodly number of folks saying that 2C-B has 'something missing', or isn't 'fully psychedelic'. I have to strongly disagree, with the caveat that everybody's mileage does vary, and besides that those are no less valid of opinions than my own. I would chime in though with the comment that I feel 2C-B is very highly dependent on set and setting as far as its potential for any insight or personal realization/growth.

I definitely have taken it in social situations where it has been more of a party atmosphere than a group trip with an emphasis or focus on the potential for mind expansion. In that situation it is indeed not very psychedelic, in the sense of LSD or DMT or even some of the other PEAs, like 2C-E. it was more recreational and empath/entactogenic in that setting.

But I have also had a number of solo trips where I have gone into the experience with the intent of having classically psychedelic experience, and the result several times has been deep personal and spiritual experiences with lasting impact on my lifestyle and behavior.

My opinion here is that 2C-B *will not* under *any* circumstances push you into an insightful experience. I think the key to having meaningful experiences is that 2C-B opens the door, but all the work is up to you to make use of that opportunity. I should add that recreational tripping can definitely also be meaningful, but in a different way, usually in strengthening social bonds, rather than by creating insightful experiences. But back on the topic of personal growth via a classically psychedelic experience, 2C-B is just too gentle to forcefully create a spiritual experience or personal insight from nothing in the way that other psychedelics, especially tryptamines, are known for.

This is not to say that somebody who finds 2C-B lacking is wrong, or that they simply didn't try hard enough to gain something tangible from their experiences. Because I also find 2C-B to be very dependent not only on set, setting, and most of all intent or purpose, but also on whether there is meaningful insight to be had in the first place. And so I have indeed tripped solo on this compound just as I did when I gained very useful things, yet found nothing. My conclusion is that I wasn't in a psychological state where I could be receptive to that open door that 2C-B can provide. Once I reached a point where I felt more ready, more poised on the edge of a useful personal discovery, I repeated the experiment with equal dose, set, and setting, and that time I did once more gain useful things from the trip.

In short I think that it's always a good idea to give this compound another try, with a strong focus on preparing yourself mentally beforehand in order to be receptive to meaningful experiences, and knowing full well that once 2C-B unlocks that potential for a classic psychedelic realization, it's entirely up to us to do the hard work and put in the effort to then reap that potential reward. Then again it's likely just not some people's cup of tea, and that's cool too, but for me it is an incredibly valuable and special compound!


EDIT: Wow, I had TOTALLY forgot to mention that my experiences with it were insufflation! When I have tried eating it the thing was totally lackluster, too long, generally sucky. But be careful sniffing it, unless its in the HBr salt it will hurt your whole face like nothing you've ever experienced. With the HBr it still stings, but much less.
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for those claiming 2c-b is lackluster plug 15mg or more and you might just change your mind.
My friend gave me some of his batch of 2C-B recently, we both took 25mg orally (in caps) and went to a Flying Lotus show. This was my first time trying to chem. I was really let down though, barely felt anything in the way of tripping or rolling. A few tracers and a vague lift in mood. Meanwhile, my friend was tripping away. To be fair, he's smaller than me, but it was still disappointing )8 Ah well. He said we can take more next time!

If I hardly felt anything off of 25mg, how much should I take to feel some decent effects?
yo flying lotus is fuckin awesome that was probably pretty sick even at a low dose.

snorting even as much as 3-5mg at the peak of an oral dose will add quite a boost in intensity and visual effects.

Last time I took 2c-b, I took 17mg oral, then 75 minutes later I took 125mg MDMA and then maybe 40 minutes after that I snorted three bumps of 2c-b. The bumps may have been anywhere from 11-30mg 8o haha it was dark and I was ready for an intense experience.

about 10 or 15 minutes later I was in a fit of coughing, which led to me throwing up a really small amount but I washed it off directly after with water and rinsed my mouth out.

then I was hit by one of the most intense waves of euphoria i've ever felt in my life. Everything exploded into glowing color, patterns started forming on everything, my framerate of vision seemed to get a LOT faster, and I had a lot of energy to dance.

My favorite song came on and I went into a trance, two spotlights on the stage turned into the kaleidoscopic eyes of a lion that was staring me in the eyes. The lion had a mane of blue flames dancing to the music and during one of the drops of the song it breathed fire on me and ignited my body with blue flame.

when I went to get a drink of water the whole ground was patterns, peoples eyes looked neon, and I felt like I was floating.

at some point I looked at someones collared shirt with a pattern of killer whales on it and the little black and white killer whales turned into eyes and incorporated themselves into the patterning across my whole vision.

It was my first trip in like 4 months and my first roll in at least 5 months and my god was it incredible. After I left the show I mainly just smoked and hung out with friends and the body high lasted quite a while. I could feel sound hitting my "solar plexus" for almost the whole experience, which is one of my favorite parts of entactogenesis. Also, I saw one of the most inspiring shows i've seen in a long time and the honey flip added to the experience wonderfully =D<3 love you all.

one thing to add is that I ate 30 grams of dark chocolate that was 90% cocoa like 5 hours before I dosed and I'm positive it made it stronger. The initial adrenaline rush that hit me was one of the most intense of my whole life and it lasted for most of the show. Chocolate has the precursors to dopamine, adrenaline, AND phenethylamine so it's definitely going to make an experience stronger than if you didn't eat it. Also eating it on the comedown seemed to make it gentler, I didn't feel the serotonin downregulation effects until a week later and they were pretty minimal :)
I have been doing a lot of research online about anti-depressants and drugs and how they react with 2c-b. Ive found a lot of answers except the one I'm looking for.

I take 60mg a day of Cymbalta (which is a SNRI). I have been on it for a few years for Fibromyalgia, not for depression, but I was looking to see if anyone knew if it would change the effects of 2c-b or molly. I have tried 2c-b twice, the first time was an amazing visual trip along with feeling great. But the second time, I didn't feel much. I'm not sure if I didn't take enough or if it is less affective due to the SNRI. I also tried molly once but didn't notice much. Any answers?? I have also looked up the affects of ssnis and snris on 2c-b and people have said you cant feel the effects of 2c-b on those meds. is this true?
Yes, as far as I'm aware, the SNRI will significantly dull or possibly totally block the effects of 2c-b, other classic psychedelics and serotonin releasers.
It will block most of the effects of MDMA but typically only dulls the effects of psychedelics. It seems like that's what you've experienced.
2C-B Neurotoxicity

Hey BlueLight,

I already took a look at The Big & Dandy 2C-B thread. I'd like as much information as possible before I decide whether to try it or not.

I'm wondering if there are other studies which may indicate the neurotoxic potential, or the lack of, of 2C-B. Ideas of 2C-B's potential neurotoxic effects would also be appreciated. Is there also a hangover associated with 2C-B due to a what I would assume as a down-regulation of 5-HT2C receptors?

Thank you.
There is no evidence to suggest that 2C-B is meaningfully neurotoxic, nor any mechanism through which it might be. Most users do not report a hangover. I've stuck this in the B&D thread for you :)
Any recommendations to stop the body load of 2C-B? Gave me some gastrointestinal discomfort.
Any recommendations to stop the body load of 2C-B? Gave me some gastrointestinal discomfort.

Tummy discomfort is somewhat 'standard issue' with PEAs....even mescaline has it. Embrace the discomfort, take it to the next level and see it as a chance to purge and remove 'bad' from your belly and mind. Some people think body loads are the body telling the mind of its condition...a close friend found a body load on psilocin this weekend (and psilocin is not known for body load) then concluded his diet is killing him, then discovered healthy eating. I pray he practices his knowledge every day. Maybe you will find knowledge this way.