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The Big & Dandy 25C-NBOMe Thread - Part 3

Btw I smoked about 900 ugs in a vaporize pipe (Meth pipe).......

it worked.... too well.... don't do it.

was just too much, too fast. Tolerance didn't mean shit.

I've done the test with straight smoking it, now someone do the test where they put a drop on a bowl of weed. ;P

Did you put a 900ug grain in a meth pipe? How did you vaporize it?
Surroundings were for most of the time a park and a nice site by the river, plus venturing through my hometown a bit. There were plenty of opportunities where OEVs would normally occur with a more visually active compound, and some have even shown up like I said, with the forest by the river or a large fence both rippling in an interesting way. It was overall a very subtle shift and less than I would expect from such a supposedly visual substance. Like Skelington said, I'm gonna try probably 1.8 mg next time. As long as the bodyload doesn't get unbearable (and this time I had some serious heart anxiety but still well under control) I feel I can easily bump the dose up by 50%, so just going to do that.

edit: also Skelington, did u vape HCl version or did u somehow get your hands on freebase? cause the normal stuff offered by vendors is HCl right?
it seems that t his c drug has has no visual morphing capabilities it's a very good color and pattering drug ie no colidoscope effect,except for maby the cevs.but it seems that a geometrimesh covers everything, and being outside parsay serves, this compound no justice.for me I always wait fOr the sun to set turn off most lights unless theare colored.
i disagree. the effects are so subjective with this one.. 600ug nasally gives me a completely warped, twisted world. others have noted twisted bulging mis-shaped faces morphing around, one person thought their dog was from the resident evil movies... another friend thought their car had been in an accident, he was freeking out thinking it was totaled but it was completely fine.
i get no geometry from this chem, mostly symbols, morphing, shadow layers, and colors.

i would have to agree with being in the dark to notice the most visuals, but i have had +++ off 700ug in the middle of the day, floating down a river.
people dont understand that this chem effects everyone so differently.. dose and effects are very personal.
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I simply made my substance into an alc/water tincture and listed previously. I put a drop in the glass dick. I heated it until it "popped" (the alcohol popping and making a splatter in the bowl), then I inhaled.

I've read that this substance is VERY stable in high heat, and this just proved it. I would say that it hit me 4 times as hard and lasted a fourth of the duration.

I have also been getting varied results, dan.
As i've said, this is a pea and an analogue of the 2c's, This stuff IS A PSYCHEDELIC ROLL.

Another thing I must stress is that how you use this is VERY specific.
Rule #1 - Your initial drop is gonna be the hardest.
rule #2- the timeline you have for redosing is generally within 30 minutes of the EFFECTS being noticeable, NOT 30 minutes after you drop it.
Rule #3 - the tolerance that builds ot this is MOSTLY to the visual aspect. The body high is always there.
Rule #4 - To avoid overshooting it, stagger it. I take 2 drops, then 2 more within 15 minutes of those original 2.
Rule #5 - (Probably specific to the person to some degree) - Hold it in your mouth as long as you can. Don't just keep it under the tongue, you want is to ALWAYS be sublingual AND Buccal. I prefer to spit the stuff out afterwards, on the notion that swallowing it may cause stomach discomfort. I took those 4 drops and didn't get at all nauseous.
5.b - Nausea isn't just NAUSEA. The only time i've thrown up off of this was because of COUGHING. If you start having shallow coughs, it turns into deep coughs, then into a deep cough that follows through to vomiting. I've never felt nausea from this in the traditional sense.
rule #6 - REMEMBER, this stuff STACKS SUPER FAST.
Use this basic rule of thumb. I will list how many drops or doses you take at once, and then how much STRONGER they are compared to just taking one by one. This applies to when you take more than 1 at a time.

1 drop - 1 drop
2 drops = 2.5-3 drops (potency)
3 drops = 4 drops
4 drops = 5-6 drops
5 drops = 6-8 drops
6 drops = 8-9 drops

This is all based off of my personal use of this. I'm sure that it will be different for some people. I just wanna emphasize HOW fast it stacks up. 3 drops vs 5 drops is a HUGE difference, if taken UP FRONT (or staggered as I said)

I'm sure i inhaled a little alcohol with the 25c, but I really didn't feel bad from it (at least from what i could tell).

Edit - As far as the visuals, I gotta say they are shroomy. The first time i took it, i had what peole claim to see on 25i, spiraling energy patterns and geometric fractals everywhere in full 3D focus before my eyes (in the day time). Since then it has been more of a "superimposed" trip, like shrooms, where things aren't necessarily morphing, but have a layer of colored trip over them.
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Any help appreciated here. Had 40 mg of 5meo-dalt last night and to me i didnt get very much from it but it kept me awake to the early hours so ihad 2mg etiz to finally get to sleep. Slept right through to 4 this afternoon and now im thinking about 500ug of 25c tonight can anyone envision any dangers here or just a lesser hit. many thanks
Yeah only tolerance, so you might want to ramp up your dosage a bit
thank you. I think i will stick at 500 though as i feel like a nice gentle one and chilling to some psychedelic music on the comedown.
Btw I smoked about 900 ugs in a vaporize pipe (Meth pipe).......

it worked.... too well.... don't do it.

was just too much, too fast. Tolerance didn't mean shit.

I've done the test with straight smoking it, now someone do the test where they put a drop on a bowl of weed. ;P

I've vaporized 25i, 25c, 25b, and 25g through a light bulb vape. It's the same as vaping any research chemical or using a lightbulb vape for anything, hold the flame just close enough for vapor to start forming then start sucking so theirs a flow of cold air making vapor not just burning the chemical which I see a lot of people do. I hit 25i, 25c, and 25g through a titanium nail on a dave goldstein bong, the water filters out a lot of the hit so I took the water out, the taste of these nbome's is not pleasant with or without water. I would use an insulin syring to measure my dose and then just spray it all on the titanium nail at once. The water took quite a while to fully vaporize despite the ridiculously hot temperature of the nail. I've hit a lot of chemicals through a bong just throwing them on weed then packing more weed on top. Just make a light bulb vape because you will waste a lot of material, if you can get an oil burner/meth pipe then that would be even better. Never hit nbome's by spraying them on weed because a lightbulb vape is so intense already that I don't need to waste any of my nbome by burning it. If you do put the nbome on a bowl of weed use hemp wick not a lighter and hold the flame so far away the weed isn't even burning you'll start to see smoke/vapor forming in the bong as the flame starts getting sucked toward the bowl but keep it far enough it doesn't burn the weed, I hope you have a bong with no drag or iron lungs because it's a fucking slow process to get all the chemical vaporized and not resort to just torching the bowl to be done with it. If your gonna vaporize you should do it with a tolerance, and take it easy on the doses until you figure out what's the best dose for you. The onset is ridiculously quick but it's pretty fucking awesome.
Bad advice. I could see this with any other class of drugs, but with nbomes this is lethal advice.

Never once did he say to take a large lethal dose (you really have to try to od or completely fuck up measuring using an inaccurate scale) he said he would need to increase the dose if he wanted the same effects as 500ug no tolerance. If you go on erowid you'll see the dosage recomendations reaching 1mg and even higher if you read trip reports. Nbome's are lethal but if you've tried them before 1mg won't kill you, I've taken far higher doses and know someone who snorted 30mg in a single dose. NEVER should anyone do that he had a deathwish but he had a tolerance and didn't die, didn't even have to go to the hospital which was shocking. Remember don't go overboard use the erowid dosage recomendations and trip reports
Never once did he say to take a large lethal dose (you really have to try to od or completely fuck up measuring using an inaccurate scale) he said he would need to increase the dose if he wanted the same effects as 500ug no tolerance. If you go on erowid you'll see the dosage recomendations reaching 1mg and even higher if you read trip reports. Nbome's are lethal but if you've tried them before 1mg won't kill you, I've taken far higher doses and know someone who snorted 30mg in a single dose. NEVER should anyone do that he had a deathwish but he had a tolerance and didn't die, didn't even have to go to the hospital which was shocking. Remember don't go overboard use the erowid dosage recomendations and trip reports

Say whatever you want, suggesting dosage adjustments to make up for tolerance with the NBOME class is bad advice for more than 1 reason.
Say whatever you want, suggesting dosage adjustments to make up for tolerance with the NBOME class is bad advice for more than 1 reason.

Yeah it is but if you read through the nbome threads you'll find even with no tolerance a lot of people think the standard recommendation of 500ug is too small. It's a decent dosage if you don't trip every 2 weeks but if you trip every 2 weeks (the supposed tolerance time for nbome) or had taken 5-meo-dalt the day before, you'll be extremely dissapointed when you drop 500ug and redosing wastes the majority of the material you redose with so it's better to take one not underwhelming dose as long as your careful. Unless it's something like (x)ug every 5-10min until you get to your planned dosage. That draws the trip out making it a much more gentle comeup without wasting much material and making the peak last longer.
Overall I would agree bloodshed, but my advice was more in line with taking 750ug or something like that ("a bit"), don't think anyone would die from that nor have a bad experience
Overall I would agree bloodshed, but my advice was more in line with taking 750ug or something like that ("a bit"), don't think anyone would die from that nor have a bad experience

Very true, the thing is it's bad advice in general. Not that it can't be good sometimes. I've did the same thing, dose higher because of tolerance, but I'm not going to recommend it to anyone because people seem to interpret recommendations in a very open way.
hope i didnt start something there:) Just had 500ug on sat night and loved it. It wasnt as strong as my previous times very little cevs and almost no oevs but the c variant isnt the most visual anyway. it was quite euphoric still and it did make me lower my inhibitions too and was ver erotic but enough of that. My wife came home drunk with a couple of friends and usually i cant stand drunk women talking like washing machines but once the c kicked in i wouldnt shut up myself. I am really going to miss this chem but have noticed 25i-nboh is coming on the scene and would probably be interested if the c variant became available obviously i am hoping it would be similar to 25c-nbome. Anyone out there know anything about this please.
If you're talking about the UK ban of NBOMes, doesn't that bill also cover the other N-benzyl chemicals as well (NBOH, NBF, NBMD)?
I dont think so.I have seen a uk vendor offering samples of 25i-nboh today so i dont think he would be doing that but he could be wrong
The gov still playing catch up. I hope they never pass an analog act though.
Not sure if the/your government even knows what an analog is, I mean they're certainly not looking at the science side of things (all of the analogs are mentioned in Nichols' paper, pretty sure that means they haven't read it)