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The Big & Dandy 25C-NBOMe Thread (part 2) ver. "My skin feels like lightning"

What [b]in your experience[/b] would be a maximum responsible buccal dose for 25C?

  • up to 400 μg

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • up to 600 μg

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • up to 900 μg

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • up to 1200 μg

    Votes: 25 39.7%
  • up to 1500 μg

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • a dose higher than 1500 μg

    Votes: 5 7.9%

  • Total voters
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Yeah sure, glad I could help. In regard to "Survived Abortion"'s post, I didn't find it the dirtiest and shittiest. I actually like 25C but found 25I to be unpleasant. People say it's not like 2C-I but I found it virtually identical but just more potent. I had a lot of tremors and also similar gastro discomfort to 2C-I, maybe a little less but not much. I found 25C to have much less body load. I don't really get nauseous at all from it, just lack of appetite. I also like the faster comeup and shorter duration. It's just about perfect for my preferences. I found it has a very "erotic" feel too, which was not there with the 25I. There was nothing pleasant at all about the 25I. No euphoria, no erotic, only blurred vision for visuals. Not much visuals with the 25C either but what there was seemed better than with the 25I. I like how with the 25C you feel it within about 10-20 minutes of putting it sublingual. It has a nice "I'm getting high" feeling to it. With 25I it was "I'm getting sick and shaking all over". I haven't used either very much yet so this is just my opinion so far.

Only took the 25I once, at 1 mg. Took 25C a few times. Just this past weekend I used 25 mg of 2C-I to see if diphenhydramine would prevent the nausea. Nope, didn't prevent it. Might have reduced it but I just did not even want to move for a few hours, I just felt like crap. Point being, after I was coming off of that bummer trip it was still only 6 pm so I took 500 mikes of 25C to try to salvage the day. It fixed me right up. I was feeling good the rest of the night and no nausea at all. Yup, I still got high even after just having come down from 2C-I, though admittedly not a full scale effect. I definitely felt it though and it was nice, brought visuals back up and better than the 2C-I. It's never like full acid type patterns or anything, just general distortion and halos, nice though. I went to sleep with no problems later too. 25C is my favorite of all RCs yet tried. Maybe I got a good batch and others got a bad batch. All I know is mine is nice. Mine is very lightweight. 500 mg fills a large vial, about 2" high and 3/8" diameter. It's very fluffy and when you rotate the vial it forms into little snowballs.

I should mention that it was 25I that I mixed with MSM. I only used the 25C mixed with inositol. I only posted about mixing an NBOMe with MSM on this thread because this is where I had posted about the article on MSM. I just wanted to let you know that the mixture worked. I also posted about it on the 25I thread. What I'm getting at is that it's possible that the MSM with the 25I caused the rather violent reaction. I would recommend trying low doses of it first, not 1 mg like I did. It was a lot stronger than the 25C was that was mixed with inositol. I don't know what happens when you use MSM to carry an iodo compound directly through your mouth or nasal lining into your flesh or whatever. Can't really endorse it as safe. Use at your own risk. MSM itself is safe, but who knows how safe it is to mix an iodo or chloro compound with it and apply it to to a membrane? Inositol gives a nice smooth effect but somewhat lower potency.
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Can anyone else comment on using msm with 25C and/or 25I? I would prefer using it as I won't lose as much potency with it, but if it's got some terrible reaction I'd go with the inositol.
I haven't tried it, but it doesn't sound very smart. For me, 25I had less side effects than LSD, but the guy who used MSM with his 25I is talking about all sorts of terrible shit, "With 25I it was "I'm getting sick and shaking all over" just doesn't sound great. Be careful.

My blotters were complexed with 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin, seemed to work excellently.
If an inert carrier such as MSM or inositol were used to measure out dosages, would the resulting powder be safe/effective to vaporize? If so, which of these two carriers, if any, would be better to use for vaporization? and if not, are there any inert compounds that would useful for measuring out dosages intended to be used for smoking?
I haven't tried it, but it doesn't sound very smart. For me, 25I had less side effects than LSD, but the guy who used MSM with his 25I is talking about all sorts of terrible shit, "With 25I it was "I'm getting sick and shaking all over" just doesn't sound great. Be careful.

Yeah but it could also just be that he had bad quality 25I, that's why I'm hoping someone else who's tried it can comment on it. But if I can't find more information on it in a week or 2 I'll just go with the inositol as I know that it works well for sure.
If an inert carrier such as MSM or inositol were used to measure out dosages, would the resulting powder be safe/effective to vaporize? If so, which of these two carriers, if any, would be better to use for vaporization? and if not, are there any inert compounds that would useful for measuring out dosages intended to be used for smoking?

Besides possibly unhealthy pyrolysis products you're at risk of overdosing, since an even distribution of the active substance in the inert carrier is very hard to achieve, plus this material is very potent and doesn't seem to be as safe as say LSD with regards to high doses.

I'd strongly recommend liquid measuring, i.e. dissolving a known amount of the active substance in a known amount of suitable liquid (example: 20% ethanol in water). That way you can dose accurately, consistently and if the concentration is high enough the small volume of solvent can rapidly be evaporated inside the vaporizing apparatus.

Keep safe.
What if I took 10mg of this substance, into 1g of creatine, shake it like a retard, would it be easier to dose?
I tried this substance yesterday for the first time - 500mcg. All I can say is: beautiful! Such a lovely effect, reminds me a little of LSD. It's really warm and fuzzy, everything is glowing in a gentle radiance and it's a really positive (in thought and in action) drug. I took 500mcg and my girfriend (also first time) took 430mcg dissolved.We went with a friend on a walk and talked and laughed all the time like we were children and then we came to a really cool playground and played and jumped around and laughed really hard ;D

A wonderful experience.
There might be some contamination in plain water, so use alcohol ( I think 20% is the minimum).
I think it's quite stable, this compound. Buy only one way to find out.

IF you don't want it in a solution, then take 1 dose and drop it onto 1 (very small) pile of powder. You could also dissolve it all and mix it with your powder, but there is a risk of hotspots, and the powder not drying...
Its the risk of hotspots im worried about yeah, this compound is insanely cheap but its a problem dosing it :p
But if I put in 40% vodka would it be possible to store it at 20 C for weeks?
My guess is, yes. Also months. And maybe years (but maybe not). I've had sticky DMT freebase laying around in a cupboard, for a year, and it was still as good as the day I extracted it :)

If I'm totally off then I hope somebody will correct me
What if I took 10mg of this substance, into 1g of creatine, shake it like a retard, would it be easier to dose?

It is possible, that shaking actually leads to partial separation of the substances. I think that was discussed earlier in this thread and is analog to the brazil nut effect.

Same is with dissolving the filler and active substance and then evaporating the solvent. The less soluble substance will likely precipitate first and then the more soluble one will crystallize on the surface of the other. So the resulting powder is likely uneven. Shaking and mixing: vide supra.

Bone14 said:
Wont it degrade when dissolved it water and lay there in 20 C for weeks?

It is theorized that this substance is stable in standard solvents. The structure indicates no bonds that are reactive towards ethanol and water at reasonable storing conditions. So a solution in 20% ethanol/water is your best bet. The ethanol is there to keep the solution free of bacteria and the like.

I don't see why people don't want liquid dosing. Measuring with a syringe is less hassle than weighing powders. Especially if the powder is likely unevenly mixed. Liquid measuring is consistent, convenient and quickly done. Admittedly, putting a syringe in the nose can be kind of awkward to outsiders =D
It is theorized that this substance is stable in standard solvents. The structure indicates no bonds that are reactive towards ethanol and water at reasonable storing conditions. So a solution in 20% ethanol/water is your best bet. The ethanol is there to keep the solution free of bacteria and the like.

I don't see why people don't want liquid dosing. Measuring with a syringe is less hassle than weighing powders. Especially if the powder is likely unevenly mixed. Liquid measuring is consistent, convenient and quickly done. Admittedly, putting a syringe in the nose can be kind of awkward to outsiders =D

I dissolved mine in water but without any ethanol (did quite a bit of research and reading on here before doing that, and that seemed to be the best method of dosing), and even within the week after dilution, dosing was extremely inconsistent. There were 3 people that felt nothing whatsoever, and 2 people that felt it quite strongly, and they all took it sublingually holding it for 5-10 minutes. A few months after dilution someone else tried it with the same ROA and felt pretty good off it. And about a month or 2 after that 2 people tried also with the same ROA and felt nothing at all. If liquid measuring truly was consistent I would be very happy with it, but with my own experiences and many other's on here I would strongly disagree with it being a consistent method of dosing, which is why I'm looking into putting it on MSM or inositol. Either that, or I need to find a reliable way of evaporating my current solution which is 550ug/ml of bottled water, into a much more potent dosage and taking it nasally. Would really like to have this done in the next 2 weeks or so.
I dissolved mine in water but without any ethanol (did quite a bit of research and reading on here before doing that, and that seemed to be the best method of dosing), and even within the week after dilution, dosing was extremely inconsistent. There were 3 people that felt nothing whatsoever, and 2 people that felt it quite strongly, and they all took it sublingually holding it for 5-10 minutes. A few months after dilution someone else tried it with the same ROA and felt pretty good off it. And about a month or 2 after that 2 people tried also with the same ROA and felt nothing at all. If liquid measuring truly was consistent I would be very happy with it, but with my own experiences and many other's on here I would strongly disagree with it being a consistent method of dosing, which is why I'm looking into putting it on MSM or inositol. Either that, or I need to find a reliable way of evaporating my current solution which is 550ug/ml of bottled water, into a much more potent dosage and taking it nasally. Would really like to have this done in the next 2 weeks or so.

Another option is looking into plugging, as your solution is of suitable concentration. 0.5 - 2 ml can usually be plugged without discomfort. So your solution should be ideal.
Dosing sublingually seems to be inherently variable with substances that show a much higher bioavailability with that route over oral. Sublingual absorption depends on saliva production, tongue movements, amount of saliva that goes down the throat, concentration of the used solution, ... So you are introducing several variables with this ROA. I was referring to intranasal, sorry for not being clear.
No worries, that makes more sense though; intranasal seems pretty consistent. I've plugged a few things before but not exactly my preferred ROA, but no reason not to do it with certain substances where it completely gets rid of the nausea. How exactly would I go about plugging 1-2ml of water though? Seems to me like that would give you the runs lol. And your explanation of sublingual absorption problems makes sense. The thing I wasn't understanding was that there are quite a few things I take sublingually all time and it's easily my favourite ROA because it kicks in fast, and usually fairly hard, and it doesn't hurt any part of your body (my nose isn't exactly in the greatest shape). But those substances are mainly benzos, and methoxetamine which are also active orally, whereas from what I understand the nbome's aren't.
Tried the 25C again, 500-700 mcg mixed with both inositol and MSM (added some MSM to the inositol mixture), sublingual. Not enjoyable really. General uncomfortable feeling and low grade nausea. I guess this stuff isn't as good as I thought. All of the PEA based RCs seem to give me a "poisoned" feeling. Could be that hotcross bun I ate that had been sitting around for a while, but I doubt it. Maybe lower doses would be better.
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