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The Big and Dandy Ketamine Thread (Next iteration)

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Are there any negative health effects associated with low to medium doses of K? Anyone noticed anything different?
I really look forward to exploring dissociatives.. I swear I've had dissociation from marijuana, mainly in my earlier days. call me crazy. Such a weird thing, I read something where someone explained ketamine as it was like their feet felt 10 feet behind them and whatever else. After reading alot about dissociation here and there I feel like I know what it is, I believe I've gotten it from weed and I have tried nitrous twice, amazing fucking feeling. dxm aswell but in a low dose I didn't feel any dissociation... And well, do you think ketamine would be a good choice? I really like dark and creepy but not demonic and terrifying, so the no emotions sounds great, and especially for effective introspections. And I think dissociation is something I want to try at full force, I can never seem to take big enough "hoots" from those 2 times I done nitrous, but the second time doing nitrous it was after smoking a bowl of thc crystal then I took a "hoot" of nitrous, i was looking to get really dissociated. Well, I sorta curled up on my bed feeling great and thinking I was in an island on the sun, But the short duration just doesn't work for me.
Are there any negative health effects associated with low to medium doses of K? Anyone noticed anything different?

I can't say I've noticed anything personally.

The main health problem with ketamine I know of is bladder trouble. But that only occurs with people who do massive, regular amounts (addicts.)
^for the same reason people want to break through on DMT or have enlightening experiences on other psychedelics.

The k-hole is profound and magical. Thats why i like going back there.

low doses of k are great too for social situations, as you mentioned, but when im looking to explore the cosmos little bumps dont cut it.

Ketamine can be one of the most profiound psychedelic experiences ever if you're lucky enough.

agreed. I suppose I am at a phase in my life where that isn't what I am looking for. But I remember smoking a hefty dose of dmt just as i was entering a hole, while just about still able to move as the K was kicking in hard... felt like a visit to jellyfish, or was it just some sort unicellular lifeform... maybe i had entered my own dna, or something. It was just so weird and unfamiliar.... yet it made sense nad was, thus, familiar in an odd kind of way. i couldn't help but accept what I was experiencing for I knew it was true.
Last week I went in a floatation / sensory deprivation tank for an hour after insufflating ketamine. :D
It was rather unremarkable, it was more relaxing than anything and I felt like in some holotropic therapy returning to a womb-like state but nothing very dissociated. Don't know if I still sensed too many little bumps against the side or something?
After the tank I got a shiatzu massage, and both together were really healing and seemed to realign my energy although I normally don't think in those terms or anything. I just FELT it! Awesome stuff, although again: not that trippy. My friend had a similar experience although he was even more distracted and wasn't as much in need of healing.
Anyhow the next time I plan on going in tripping on a manageable substance (of course I need to face the people that work around there)

John Lilly style baby! ;)
It's very new around here, in the city a friend of mine lives in there is a company that uses it apparently for jetlag treatment and therapies alike.
Actually just the day before I went there my friend called me saying one of his ladyfriends gave him 2 tickets/reservations but was unable to go herself. Instead of cancelling she told him to go with someone else. She is truly generous and selfless (although as you may guess not poor at all) :D
Uggggh, I should stop using nearly as much as I do.

I just got done taking a month break of nothing.

This was after nearly a year of very heavy every day use. 1g-4g day.

Nothing has really been brought about health wise that I know of too intense. A couple UTI here and there and k pains.

That leaves me to this post, k pains.......8o:! They are the most painful 30 minutes to 2 hours I have endured and there seems to be JACK SHIT you can do to aid them.......other than stop heavy usage of course. Which, I will be doing. The high right now, is just not worth those extreme minutes. To anyone that hasn't had them yet, be prepared and don't think you're dying. Don't go to the hospital, like I did my first experience with them. They can't do anything for you, just suck it up and deal.

K pains.....I am pretty sure they are due to the excessive amounts of HCL salt in your stomach correct? The extra amounts of the drip and you swallowing it, will evenutally raise the levels of HCL and corrode your esophagus and lining of the stomach causing ulcers.

Does anyone have ANY information other than milk, rolaids, stop using to help this? I know I brought this about myself, but last night made me learn. It is just so bad.

Thanks :)
I hear ya...

Never had much access to K until pretty recently and now I got pure R-isomer needle-like crystals whenever I want. My use has really increased and like 2 weeks ago I had been sickmfor a fortnight, went to the doctor who diagnosed me as having constipation - he perscribed fibers that helped my bowels and it seemed to work.
Although I think the original problem was acute ketamine overuse, I was very worried that a history of GHB-(ab)use had given me kidney stones or something - because of all the sodium...

Actually JuicyJay I heard that ketamine reacts with some opioid receptors in your bowel, like mu? I don't know if that's the reason for the pains or if it's via constipation - cos I also heard ketamine slows down your digestive system...
The HCl salt thing shouldn't be too worrisome, it stabilizes the freebase molecule so that the salt is relatively neutral. One's stomache should be able to handle that.

Also, wikipedia says
A study in Bristol reported in the British Medical Journal on 3 May 2008 linked urinary tract disease with ketamine use. Symptoms reported by users include an increased need to urinate, passing blood in urine, leakage of urine and pain on urination. These symptoms are associated with the scarification of the bladder lining, which leads to a shrunken bladder, erythema, and contact bleeding, and can then move to the ureters and damage the kidneys. [71][citation needed] In a study of 9 daily ketamine users, Shahani et al. found "marked thickening of the bladder wall, a small capacity, and perivesicular stranding, consistent with severe inflammation. At cystoscopy, all patients had severe ulcerative cystitis. Biopsies in 4 patients revealed epithelial denudation and inflammation with a mild eosinophilic infiltrate. Cessation of ketamine use, with the addition of pentosan polysulfate, appeared to provide some symptomatic relief."[72][citation needed]

Many long term users report "K-Pains" or "Ketamine cramps" the exact cause of these are unknown but are likely to be induced from the cascading damage of bladder deterioration.

Don't know how I feel about that, it doesn't strictly seem like a bladder issue...
Wow, good information right there.

Actually yesterday as well.....I had the most painful and hard bowel movement. It just would not come out, and was extremely hard. Not to get vulgar, but I actually had to use my finger to aid this shit.......:|

It was horrible.

I also used to use GBL a lot, when ketamine was not available. Since then, G use has stopped.

Thank you for that info
These apparent "licks" commonly come resealed.

I hate that. People around here say I can get some licks, yeah, it's resealed and under the normal amount that should be in there.
Is there anyway to reduce the nausea when snorting ketamine? The first time I tried it I had a total of .5g and it was only really a problem when I opened my eyes and tried to move around. I did up to 130mg at once with that batch.

Last night I tried a different batch and did 60mg in 20mg lines snorted over 10 minutes or so. Towards the tail end of the experience I became quite nauseous and had a bad headache.

It seemed pretty pure; no burn at all really and definitely potent so that isn't the problem.

Is there anyway to reduce this nausea? Someone suggested spitting instead of swallowing the drip but I could imagine that getting annoying at higher doses.
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Is there anyway to reduce the nausea when snorting ketamine? The first time I tried it I had .5g and it was only really a problem when I opened my eyes and tried to move around. I did up to 130mg

Last night I tried a different batch and did 60mg in 20mg lines snorted over 10 minutes or so. Towards the tail end of the experience I became quite nauseous and had a bad headache.

It seemed pretty pure; no burn at all really and definitely potent so that isn't the problem.

Is there anyway to reduce this nausea? Someone suggested spitting instead of swallowing the drip but I could imagine that getting annoying at higher doses.
Um well first off, you realize .5g is 500mg, right?

And I've always spit my drip, although on a higher dose (250mg), i didnt seem to have to do it that bad. But yea, I usually keep a plastic cup nearby to spit the drip out. And when I did 250mg I felt shitty for about an hour afterwards. But with 70-130mg doses i've been fine
Sorry, that was a mistake. I meant I had 500mg in my possession in total. Not that I did that much at once. I was doing doses up to 130mg without nausea with that batch. I did 60mg the other night with a new batch which made me quite nauseous.
I'm sure this has been covered, but how much should it take me to K hole?
I have very little tolerance and weigh 55kgs.
Up to 200mg at once hasn't made me hole yet.
Is 250mg too much?

PS. I cannot re-dose even after 50mg due to if I move I get horrible nausea.
Fop Delta_ Id take an non-drowsy anti-histamine or some other kind of anti-sickness medication. try and get maxolon, that stuff works wonders for opiate sickness.

Jakeperson- I know im getting pretty pure K but it takes about 200+mg to get any kind of K hole for me, I use like 50-100mg for a normal fun dose but it takes heaps for a k-hole. Last time I did 300mg and I k-holed a little bit but not for long. I reckon doing sub-hole doses is more fun but if you like experimenting with different drugs the K-holing is something to experience at least once I reckon.
Did quite some K yesterday, bumped tiny specks during the day and in the evening a few nice lines though all in all it probably wasn't more than 500 mg.
Tired as hell today!
Probably depleted my monoamines and my energy or something. This sucks donkey ass.
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