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The Big and Dandy Ketamine Thread (Next iteration)

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One can get a prescription from a doctor in the US as they can prescribe anything not in Schedule 1. Those are off limits, having "no medicinal value." So yea, if I remember right, it was prescribed to Saku for extrememly treatment-resistant depression, an off-label use.

In the UK it's possible to get ketamine prescribed for pain that is refractory to things like opiates. My other half works with someone who gets it prescribed for phantom limb pain (I'd enquire myself about it, but 1/ it's a vile lemon linctus for oral use & 2/ it requires being referred to a pain management clinic by a GP). He also gets Savitex (a cannabinoid concoction for sublingual use) - now that could motivate me to give my doc a nudge in the right direction! :D
Hmmm, just on this page alone there are 3 of you from Canada having probs either getting K or having probs with the quality of it there.

I bet it would be easier for someone to attain a prescription for it in Canada than in the US though. More should try?

I'd probably do my whole script in a day though, with my tolerance -

Potential Ketamine Tripper

So, my friend and I are thinking about dropping some K in a few weeks and just would like to ask you guys a few questions. I've never done any psychedelics besides shrooms (never tripped really hard though) and DXM (none of my doses have exceeded 500 mg). Do you think you should be well versed in other psychs before dosing K? I've heard it's a bit..."heavy".

Also, I read the FAQ and he didn't really touch on any health/side effects. Are there any potential health/side effects from K?

And finally, I know this is really broad, but would you recommend it? I've heard good and bad things about it and it makes me a little bit nervous, although I don't necessarily not wanna do it. Just looking for some input to help with my decision.

Thanks 'lighters.
It is not that heavy. Technically, ketamine is a dissociative with psychedelic qualities. So, when compared to real hallucinogens such as LSD, Mescaline, Psilocybin, DMT, et cetera... It is really not that intense at all. Its comparable mixing a low dose of psilocybin with hella xanax, IMO.
It is not that heavy. Technically, ketamine is a dissociative with psychedelic qualities. So, when compared to real hallucinogens such as LSD, Mescaline, Psilocybin, DMT, et cetera... It is really not that intense at all. Its comparable mixing a low dose of psilocybin with hella xanax, IMO.
in my experience, ketamine is one of the most profound psychedelics there is.
Ketamine isn't intense? I think ket has the be one of the weirdest & most intense trips around.
It is really not that intense at all in the sense that there is no anxiety... there are no feelings whatsoever. Hence the idea that it is like mixing a psy with a benzo. Although, to me, K is way better than any benzo. And at high enough doses it sure is quite a freak-out. But strangely there is no actual fear...
liquid jar now coming in spring water bottles :\ :(
sketching me out

like why cant they be sealed and in the nice liquid jar

wonder what the cut is that they are using
K is the best. I K-holed for the first time last week and I cant wait to try it after acid or pills or something.

I did it after some speed and it was good but I got a little question.

Does K feel "not as good as it would after psych's/MDMA" while after methamp? I know psychedelics feel really crap after speed but would K be better either by itself or with psychs than it does after meth? I just wanna know if I wasted it or not.
i finally got around to tying IV ketamine.
IMO its really nothing all that special.

The highest dose i tried was 60mg.

As others have mentioned, its just like nitrous in a needle. The high is VERY short. Like, back to baseline within 45 minutes. The peak is maybe 10 minutes. No profound revelations or psyhedelic thoughts like i experience with IM K.

So IMO IM>IV ketamine.

IV is good for a nice quick rush. IM is for a profound trip.

i wonder if i raise my IV dose if the trip would be more profound. But im guessing since its such a quick flash id barely remember what happened.

Since i cant sleep i think ill go IV just a little more K, smoke some mango kush, lay down and listen to some tunes.
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cuz ya gotta start somewhere.

and i think i would still prefer the drawn out k hole of IM versus the instant flash of IV

edit: From delsyd
I don't understand people's penchant for the hole... been there, done that, may do again... but I have come to a point where I no longer seek bigger and bigger thrills. I just like little bumps of K... this i do often, especially when it's party time. Kind of the jamsyhd way of using... it just keep me afloat... especially at parties.

currently my favourite social drug combo is:
K+beer+coca leaves+modafinil... the K and the modafinil up the nose, low to moderate doses... mini bumps of K whenever desired, and I go low on the modafinil too... 25-50mg get me there and I am awake for hours, sharp, clear and happy. Then beer and coca leaves whenever desired... love it. I have started wondering how I could ever fall for methylone or 4FA as motivators for a cool night out. This is just so much better, and probably healthier... haha, well...

off-topic but I gotta say this: Modafinil is just amazing. Totally gives me the energy to keep going strong on modest doses of K... just as the K softens the mini edge I might otherwise get on the moda if it's too much moda... fantastic. Modafinil makes me feel so good I wonder if what for years I have considered to be a state of atypical depression (anhedonia anyway) is actually something like CFD (chronic fatique syndrome)... in any case modafinil is prescribed for narcolepsy and as an adjunct to SSRIs of patients are too sleepy on them. I thoroughly dislike SSRIS and I don't need them. For me, modafinil does an amazing job at keeping me afloat in terms of both energy levels and motivation, and that at super low doses (10-25% of a normal recommended adult dose... seems I am hypersensitive to some of these nootropics... with centrophenoxine I also find that I am well served at 25% of the usual dose...). Another nootropic that serves me well is GH3-gerovital... sometimes I combine all three... GH3, centrophenoxine, modafinil... bliss when you add K to that, just make sure the dose of every component in the mix is low!!
^for the same reason people want to break through on DMT or have enlightening experiences on other psychedelics.

The k-hole is profound and magical. Thats why i like going back there.

low doses of k are great too for social situations, as you mentioned, but when im looking to explore the cosmos little bumps dont cut it.

Ketamine can be one of the most profiound psychedelic experiences ever if you're lucky enough.
ruffly if you convert one random liquid jar into powder
how much weight of powder should you get ?
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