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The Big and Dandy DXM Thread (archive start - 12-13-07)

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Could there also be synergy with ketamine, since its also a dissociative NMDA antagonist? An advantage with ketamine is the shorter duration so if the synergy is overwhelming, it would be over fairly quickly.

I wouldn't really classify lecithin as a 'nootropic' although it can have similar effects. Nutritional supplements can still have unexpected interactions with psychedelics so best to proceed with caution.

Is there a link for this faq, so we can see the context?
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Some time ago I took my daily nootropics in the evening instead of in the morning.
1g piracetam, 1g choline bitartrate and 2.25mg hydergine.
Then I stupidly proceeded to ketamine. (Not an intentional experiment, I just happened to have forgotten to take the nootropics in the morning).

I noticed no potentiation whatsoever unless you consider puking your guts out a form of potentiation. ;)
Purge enthousiasts beware, this was NOT a purge, I just felt sick and the vomiting didn't do much to alleviate it either.

Anyway I therefore don't believe preloading with lecithin/choline will enhance a k experience.

I don't know which compound(s) caused the vomiting nor am I willing to explore this any further.
Merged in DXM and lecithin combo thread...
Ok, I experienced in ALOT of psychedelics. done tons of ketamine so Im familier with a disosiated state. From the little DX Iv done (maybe 300mg tops) it seems simier to a long head in the clouds dose of ketamine. Im going to be taking a 16-20 hour bus trip soon and have two 1mg xanxes and amd thinking of chuging a bottole of delsym (I thinks that it, the 143ml 30mgdxm per 5ml bottle. so thats like wht? 845 something mg of DXM?

first, how intence would that dose be to someone who has IMed kholed? hwo would xnax complicate the experience if any, how long am I looking at to kil time on this long bus ride?
I ws thinking maybe half the bottle, let it ride for 6 hours, tke a half xanax try to sleep, take another half of the bottle and 1.5mg xnax and be woken up when I get to my destination. I dont hve any of y books and not realy any money for new books. Iv done k while on 1mg xanax and it was fine, though who knows hwo you realy are on etamine all katraded.
Oh, dude, I wouldn't do that, to be honest. 800+mg of DXM would probably be really, really intense for you... I don't think you'd want to be in public for that, especially on a bus. In my experience, DXM feels not much at all like ketamine... I hate the body feel of DXM, whereas ketamine feels great. Plus, it lasts a really long time... at least 16 hours for me, with a day or more of hangover.
Xorkoth said:
Oh, dude, I wouldn't do that, to be honest. 800+mg of DXM would probably be really, really intense for you... I don't think you'd want to be in public for that, especially on a bus. In my experience, DXM feels not much at all like ketamine... I hate the body feel of DXM, whereas ketamine feels great. Plus, it lasts a really long time... at least 16 hours for me, with a day or more of hangover.
well I REALY want to try DXM and do something to make my bus trip less of a... shitty ride. How much would you suggest for a nice head space and just... unique experience? is 800mg DXM hole territory? is it as intence as ketamine k holes? Iv done 300-350mg DXM befor and didnt find it tht intence. kinda just.. meh never a lapping sensation of reality like Kholing.. just kinda yeah Im intoxicated. I want that perfect dose where I will be slightly holed slightly ok, and just look out the windows as the scenery changes from city, county, rural to middle of nowhere.
I'll defer to those with more DXM experience than I... my advice is jaded because I hate DXM's effect. But I still wouldn't recommend it in the setting you've mentioned, just because if you needed to be able to make some sort of decision for some reason, it could be really difficult to while on DXM, and since you're travelling in a pretty major way, I think you should probably leave no room for something to go wrong, no?
I weigh about 70kgs, the most I've ever taken is 600mg and that had me on the verge of a 3rd plateau dose I think... I had a lot of trouble moving around and if I closed my eyes I would go off into dream land for a bit.

It comes and goes in waves though, like most psychedelics seem to... I chilled out in my lounge on 600mg and watched Total Recall with friends. It was probably the perfect movie to watch, but I found it annoying at times because I struggled to keep my eyes in focus.

For a bus trip I'd suggest a decent 2nd plateau dose, and find something a little trippy to watch along the way.
I find DXM high so damn synthetic and I have been starting to experience bad itching...

Put today I don't have anything, so little 1P goes here.
Youkai said:
well I REALY want to try DXM and do something to make my bus trip less of a... shitty ride. How much would you suggest for a nice head space and just... unique experience? is 800mg DXM hole territory? is it as intence as ketamine k holes? Iv done 300-350mg DXM befor and didnt find it tht intence. kinda just.. meh never a lapping sensation of reality like Kholing.. just kinda yeah Im intoxicated. I want that perfect dose where I will be slightly holed slightly ok, and just look out the windows as the scenery changes from city, county, rural to middle of nowhere.

800mg will really fuck you up so I'd recommend against it. It'd probably be really hard to compose yourself to anyone. I wouldn't push it beyond 500-600mg if you're determined to use DXM on a bus trip. Personally I'd just stick with the xanax and sleep the trip away.
I think the worst thing about the bus trip would be not being able to lie down - once my doses go above 600mg lying down is simply required.
400mg of DXM should be quite ok to take the boredom from that bus trip. I would say 600mg would be best but it would be really hard to interact normally with people.
well I just took 8 15mg gels to test the waters sense its been YEARS sense Iv done DXM. so thats 130mg of DXM. I have 470mg left in gels. so I guess I gauge it that way. of course Ill sorce out a CD player froma friend and a good early 70's dead show (maybe two!!) to listen to.

and honestly I dont realy need to worry about interaction with people, havent anyone of you ever road a grey ound befor? they are full of crazies who just ramble on and on in your ear about jibberish. I'll just eb that guy who stares out the window with his head phones on. the xanax xan be used to ease me out if it gets ruff.
well bumped it up to 150mg, feels pretty good, kind head in the clouds feeling.
I think 300mg would be perfect so I'll aim for that, I may try to top this off with .5mg xanax in alittle bit and see how tht goes. right now Im running the shop here at the pizza joint with st stevens BLARING!!! In fact Im actualy in GREAT mood not even that dissiated. cudos to dextromethorphin I had no idea.
You don't have to take the 800 mgs all at once, redosing should work to maintain like a medium level 2 trip. But the motion in the bus could turn out to be very pleasant or very disturbing.
Personally I detest DXM, only had a couple of mild successes with it like taking a low dose with a friend and stroll through prague at night, other friends drinking. But the body load feels terrible to me, feverish high bp in my head, much much uglier than ketamine. Ketamine is awesome although it can be very cold stale and grey, at least it feels benevolent physically.
Even if taking DXM on a bus trip was enjoyable I'd make damn sure I'm still somewhat coherent and therefore dose on the low end.
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<3 dxm?

i truly understand why many dont like this stuff as it can be a lot more impressing and unpredictable than ketamine. therefore i havnt touched it in years. nevertheless dxm can provide a decent and quite unique headspace.

i'd recommend an initial dose < 300mg and half of this for boosting at most.
like the classic psychedelic drugs dxm is kind of an easter egg, its all about set & setting. sometines 300mg did next to nothing when 150mg where clearly perceptable the other day. this makes dosage recommendations (and this whole plateau 1 to5 blabla, scnr) more or less redundant. =D

i wouldnt advise taking more than 600mg once or twice a year, as olneys lesion
is just another word for burnout syndrome.
Youkai said:
well bumped it up to 150mg, feels pretty good, kind head in the clouds feeling.
I think 300mg would be perfect so I'll aim for that, I may try to top this off with .5mg xanax in alittle bit and see how tht goes. right now Im running the shop here at the pizza joint with st stevens BLARING!!! In fact Im actualy in GREAT mood not even that dissiated. cudos to dextromethorphin I had no idea.

Just keep in mind - DXM is plateaued. 150mg may feel COMPLETELY different to 400mg
It's been years since I've had DXM myself. I got turned off by the Olney's lesion scare, but thats widely considered to be an unfounded theory, in fact the author has even retracted his claims. Of course doesn't mean that there aren't risks of cognitive impairment with extended use (preaching to the choir here).

Ever since I discovered Ketamine I can't see myself using DXM anytime soon. It might be interesting to try a second plateau dose and use ketamine to boost.

I agree that 300mg is a decent starting point, after one checks for enzyme deficiency of course.

DXM on a bus doesn't sound like my cup of tea, if you haven't used cough syrup before, you may spend the whole trip feeling like shit with the worst gas of your life (my first DXM trip), I wouldn't chance that on a bus.

The Bad News Isn't In
A Look at the Evidence for Specific Mechanisms of
Dissociative-Induced Brain Damage and Cognitive Impairment

“Oral administration of dextromethorphan does not produce neuronal vacuolation in the rat brain”.
Neurotoxicology. 2007
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one last thing about this weird antitussive:

i sometimes recognized that the afterglow at the next day was in fact much better than the actual intoxication.
a calm feeling of happiness, clearly opioid like but with the euphoria beeing much less foggy than with classic opiates (which i stumbled upon some time later).

i wouldnt consider mixing dxm with any other drug. its acts way too dirty on its own. smaller amounts of tabaco, canabis or diphenhydramin seem to work without much side effects though.

btw, it is otc because it is a pretty serious drug, not the opposite.
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