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The Big and Dandy DPT Thread V1 (Archive 10-3-03 - 5-13-08)

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i would say with snorting chemicals doses vary much more.
sometimes you snort something...then get the drip and the chemical goes into your stomach.

so for example-
you snort 50mg.....get a drip and and you swallow 15 mg. so really you only snorted 35mg.
other times if you snort hard enough you can get more of it "up there"

With IM the same amount is injected into the bloodstream everytime.

i know this to be true becasue i have been floored by snorting 150mg of K while other times barely had effects snorting the same amount.

So when you snort something it is a little more unpredictable. nose could be clogged and sometomes powder get stuck inside the nostril.

but i would compare IM most drugs about 1.5 times as powerful as snorting. maybe 2 times.

a good pointer to make sure a drug actually effects you stronger when snorting is mixing it up into a little bit of water then snorting it.
It is a lot nastier but makes snorting things about twice as powerful.

i prefer needles so i dont snort chemicals anymore.
Is it me or does DPT conjour up velvet like texture to anyone else (as in it just seems a luxurious psychedelic)?

Actually purple velvet milk chocolate, but that's just personal preferences ;)
i dont see really any OEV colors on DPT. (DOC is the same, no colors, but clear vision)
Things get very crystal clear. I see the ground morph a little, and sometimes the whole sky will flow like a blanket.
But i dont notice OEV colors on DPT.
I do get alot of auditory stimulation. Like internet signal type noises, and frog/mumbling sounds , very alien like.
I see "eye's" everywhere in the sky and trees. but no colors

with CEV's i do get colorful swirl patterns.
Unlike most psychedelics i dont get geometric patterns, but i get swirling colors.
One color at at time i see with CEV.
most all other psychedelcis i can see images or geometrical multicololers images with eyes closed.

DPT does give me a very assuring, pleasant "everything is ok" feeling during the peak.
Like i am being held like a baby in the arms of the universe. very spiritual chemical.
Only shrooms gives me that same "loving" feeling.
Comments on DPT and DMT combo (IM, one mixed shot)???

Anyone done this???

Peace :)
^^ i havent ...but have the oppurtunity to try it in about a week.

I might want to try IM DMT alone first thouh. i have no experence with DMT...so i want to get a feel for it before jumping into combos with it.

I have plenty of experence with DPT tho

I bet DPT+DMT is one of the best combos
fastandbulbous said:
Is it me or does DPT conjour up velvet like texture to anyone else (as in it just seems a luxurious psychedelic)?

Actually purple velvet milk chocolate, but that's just personal preferences ;)

In my last post I describe its "tactile dimension" as "velveteen", but I mean that pretty much as it sounds, even beyond DPT's luxuriant aspects. If I recall correctly, there is a report on Erowid that also compares it to things velvety too. I was interested to read of Jamshyd's encounters with feathers and wings, as these are common in my DPT trips as well, along with all things exquisitely fine and ethereal (in fact, DPT is the most thematically ethereal trip I've experienced). Also, I definitely identify with the creamy comparisons you draw with your chocolate milk analogy; I always want to reach up and smear the sky between my fingers like some beautiful blue oil paint and feel the sunlight slide down my throat as I drink in the day's luscious scenes. Yeah, lots of synaesthesia too.
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samadhi_smiles said:
Comments on DPT and DMT combo (IM, one mixed shot)???

Anyone done this???

Peace :)

Looking forward to it. I've used IM DPT with ayahuasca in the past. It was pretty great but the two chemicals didn't really synthesize for me, rather they each seamed to do their own--experientially very different--things without interfering with the other. I don't know what effect the MAOI might have had. After this I started fantasizing about throwing in DET (or maybe MET, that is within possibility...) in a DPT/DMT IM dose to try to fill in the "experio-homologic" gap. I imagine it would be a "fully engaging" experience, as the phenomological distance spanned between DMT and DPT is a vast but naturally ensuing expanse. Someone with either of these two who tries this mix, please PM me if you don't write a report (MET freebase is apparently soluble in saline according to a recent report; if not in saline, then in sterile sesame seed oil).
psood0nym said:
Looking forward to it. I've used IM DPT with ayahuasca in the past. It was pretty great but the two chemicals didn't really synthesize for me, rather they each seamed to do their own--experientially very different--things without interfering with the other. I don't know what effect the MAOI might have had. After this I started fantasizing about throwing in DET (or maybe MET, that is within possibility...) in a DPT/DMT IM dose to try to fill in the "experio-homologic" gap. I imagine it would be a "fully engaging" experience, as the phenomological distance spanned between DMT and DPT is a vast but naturally ensuing expanse. Someone with either of these two who tries this mix, please PM me if you don't write a report (MET freebase is apparently soluble in saline according to a recent report; if not in saline, then in sterile sesame seed oil).
I would love to see someone IM DPT while on DMT/maoi, something about the look on your face Im imagining is histarical.
very soon this lovely molecule will be gracing my nostrils,and quite likely my deltoid.....i hope to do it out in the forest at least once or twice,but at a lower dose than id put myself under in a completely controlled environment....
Rectal Admin

Samadhi Smiles,

You asked about rectal admin of DPT a while back. I tried it last weekend, for my first time using DPT. I insufflated 10 mg first to screen the material, with little to no effect, then rectally admin'ed 30 mg, spilling a bit in the process, with no effects after an hour. Rectally admin'ed 40 mg more, and experienced little to no effects, just some slight sharpening of my visual field, enhanced colour perception.

I'm not planning on repeating, and next time will go with insufflation.

Just a note ... this Big and Dandy needs a pretty serious Big and Dandy clean-up ... I just read through the whole thing and the last five pages have a lot of chatter ... but I'm not being negative ... just a Geek. =D
^^ yeah, no shit. Well, Church went through and cleaned them all a while back before he left. All that should need is a cleanup of the recent stuff. I will try to do that from time to time but I'd like to keep it to infrequent intervals as it is very time-consuming and I am working on FAQs to benefit the forum.

Also, I'm slowly working on adding a beginning "external links" section to each B&D thread, and eventually I may use these threads to create FAQs to each substance that are linked and threaded and organized, but that's a long way off (and a very daunting task...).
Drug Geek said:
Samadhi Smiles,

You asked about rectal admin of DPT a while back. I tried it last weekend, for my first time using DPT. I insufflated 10 mg first to screen the material, with little to no effect, then rectally admin'ed 30 mg, spilling a bit in the process, with no effects after an hour. Rectally admin'ed 40 mg more, and experienced little to no effects, just some slight sharpening of my visual field, enhanced colour perception.

I'm not planning on repeating, and next time will go with insufflation.

Just a note ... this Big and Dandy needs a pretty serious Big and Dandy clean-up ... I just read through the whole thing and the last five pages have a lot of chatter ... but I'm not being negative ... just a Geek. =D
Yes, I would say I'm somewhat experienced with DPT, and it definitely is not very effective rectally. 100mg rectally for me produces very weak effects - certainly nothing that wouldn't allow me to go on with my daily chores.
gorgeous....59 mg was weighed on a milligram scale,then eyeballed into two halves,one for each nostril...took the first one,waited a few minutes,took the second one....small alerts at probably 5 minutes after,building up to a peak at 30-45 minutes after ingestion...

during the peak i was laying on my bed marvelling at the visuals...i remarked "thi is the shadow of dmt" ,the body feeling was just like the nice feeling i get after some good hot,sweaty sex,but amplified a million times...i felt a definite lean towards some dark side,but in a sensual,mysterious alluring way,not out and out evil...i saw a spiral formation of sharp glistening eyes in my ceiling,and shadowy figures moving all around...i said "show yourself" a few times,and all of the sudden i saw the angriest eyes looking down at me from my ceiling,jut like "HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ME"....that shocked me out of my blisfful reverie and pretty much back on the path to baseline...the experience had a very defined peak and a smooth comedown....i have a slight headache but i also smoked 30mg of dmt earlier tonight and alot of pot today...
puked a lil bit on the come up,but nothing too bad,and i was smoking a cig at the time,and sometimes that will make me puke a little by itself!

all in all the experience was very good...im going to do it again tommorow most likely,at a slightly higher dosage with some nitrous too :)
I'll be doing this one tomorrow (technically today). I was going to try this out today, but I chickened out after having my mind blown apart from DMT.

I'm not entirely sure on the dosage yet. Or if I'll even be up for the task for that matter. I'm guessing roughly 60mg or so, and I'll probably also weigh out a little 20-30mg bump just in case I feel the need.

I also plan to pick up some nitrous and if I get the courage I might even smoke some DMT on it as well. But that seems rather ambitious at this point. Regardless, I'll try it within the next few days. I'm very excited to try this one out.
anyone have experience with doin dpt two days in a row? i know im gonan get the good ol "dont trip that much" and whatnot but id like to go deeper....i did 59 mg yesterday....would 80 plus an optional 30 mg bump still effect me? or is the tolerance so extreme id need to do like 100 straight off the bat? appreciate any and all answers...
I got bigheaded and did it two days in a row. I got my ass kicked the first time, very hard, and was foolish enough to go back for seconds. No tolerance noted at all.


orbital_forest said:
anyone have experience with doin dpt two days in a row? i know im gonan get the good ol "dont trip that much" and whatnot but id like to go deeper....i did 59 mg yesterday....would 80 plus an optional 30 mg bump still effect me? or is the tolerance so extreme id need to do like 100 straight off the bat? appreciate any and all answers...
Wasn't really up for that task yet today.. So, I don't know, we'll see. I'm thinking some time this week, but you never know with these kinds of things. :)
i've smoked 20 mg DPT HCl today. the salt is surprisingly well smokeable, but it left some brown resign. the trip was stronger than i supposed, with beautiful closed eyes imaginary in metallic colours, humming in the ears and nice morphing with open eyes. lasted for about ten minutes.
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