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The Big and Dandy DMT Thread - The Fourth Dimension

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swilow said:
^Aye, use acacia obtusifolia if you can in the future- very good alkaloid content throughout most of the tree if I;m not mistaken...

I can imagine! Meshuggah trip me out pretty hard anyway, odd rhythmns and whatnot... Its funny, I love metal of most genres, but don't listen to it much when I'm trippping, besides black/folky stuff sometimes.

Neither do I really, except DXM meshuggahs best for that. DMT + Meshuggah always makes it faster harder and crazier. I like Tool the best though; free elegant and precise flowing visuals intertwining exactly with every note. Where as meshuggah trips are more like an immense bombardment of cosmic radiation, never the less hella cool in its own way. so intense

Obtusifolia is more potent yes. I dno I can tell the difference between obtusifola and maidenii by the flowers even though they are very very similar. I think location plays a big part in it. Maidenii grows around my area but obtusifolia doesnt (well its not too far away but yea)

Ive done maidenii extractions in the past. A couple decent defattings is key. And no short cuts. A full acid base experiment defatting before acidifying alkaloids and after. But in the end mimosa is way easier and quicker so i stick with that..
Is most non-synthetic DMT 'homemade' or are there 'producers' who have way better equipment than the average joe?

In other words: if one would attempt a homemade extraction to save money (4 times cheaper), what are the odds that the quality comes near of what he normally gets?
It's down to your ability at purification and extraction, you could end up with very poor DMT, or you can wash and recrystalise till you get sparkling pure crystal.
ive gotten dmt to be clearer than glass (about two grams of it too!, all in one go) .

it depends on your techniques. but average joe equipment can give you real pure dmt.
Freeze precipitation is where it's at, as far as kitchen-chemist-produced, high-purity-deemsters is concerned. Let that mason jar just sit and sit and sit and let them xtals grow n grow n grow. Then grind em up and fill up a saltshaker with deems. Apply vigorously to self. Make sure to rub that glorious footlocker, burning plastic smell deep into yr pores. Say hello to the cog-turners for me?
Psyduck said:
Is most non-synthetic DMT 'homemade' or are there 'producers' who have way better equipment than the average joe?

In other words: if one would attempt a homemade extraction to save money (4 times cheaper), what are the odds that the quality comes near of what he normally gets?
I've never heard tale of a 'producer' that wasn't a homemade setup few mason jars, some trays, and solvent (and bark of course).
Whats the situation with MHRB? I have heard that it is bein grown rather ruthlessly in Br**** for us smokers, in the same manner coffee beans are ie. fuck the natives please the whites. Is this true? Is MHRB an ethical source of DMT?
not realy.

they have farms of the stuff now (which rainforest needed to be cut down for)

1- the machine works

2- the machineeee is much better than a lightbulb and safer too

3- just use a the machine dood

4- yes. it is a small bottle with the bottom poked out. you can use brillo pad or reaalll thick gague steel wool.. i prefer a stack of pipe screens with dmt sandwiched in the middle.
you shove it in the bottle neck a little ways and hold it down and light it up.

if your steel wool is too small a gague it lights on fire and you hit reall nasty shit. dont do it like that. you control the ammount of dmt you burn by how much dmt you put in it. everything burning almost at once is the point. yes you can.

now you know
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1) I was hoping to improve my smoking equipment a bit and I came across this site. There is discussed how to make a dmt pipe and someone proposed this. I don't quiet see how this differs from a 'bong'. Isn't something like this exactly the same, or do I miss something?

2) On the other hand, some people seem to use a light bulb. How well does this work and how safe is it?

3) Some erowid document (4.a.) gives two examples of pipes: 'the classical dmt pipe' and 'the freebase pipe'. The ASCII drawings are not really clear; but they are talking about this classical pipe and this freebase pipe, right?

4) Also, making 'the dmt machine' is outlined here. Can someone explain me the mechanism... I haven't made one yet though... but if the dmt is melted into the steel wool and you heat the steel wool then smoke is generated, but don't you inhale some smoke of melted wool too? How can you control how much DMT you burn: if you put your lighter at the wool, doesn't everything burn at once, or is that the point such that you can take multiple hits of the smoke in the bottle?

Sorry, I know practically nothing about smoking :)
well i think most people discredit the lightbulb a little too much. It takes getting used to and some skills to be learnt, I can make it work damn good for myself so I dont understand this situation. But hey all you people who are just too keen on spewing out replies telling me i dont know what im talking about because this is the internet and you can do so, lets get something clear here im not saying its better than the machine! but it can work just fine. Its like art, i dont really think i just do it, it happens, and it happens good..

I have never smoked dmt from a bong by itself.. only if its with smoking material :D. Make a machine instead it requires pretty much the same effort as making a decent bulb.
4) Also, making 'the dmt machine' is outlined here. Can someone explain me the mechanism... I haven't made one yet though... but if the dmt is melted into the steel wool and you heat the steel wool then smoke is generated, but don't you inhale some smoke of melted wool too? How can you control how much DMT you burn: if you put your lighter at the wool, doesn't everything burn at once, or is that the point such that you can take multiple hits of the smoke in the bottle?
I think I've made an EXTREMELY effective machine. Here's how I did it.

Get a freebase air pipe like this:

I believe this is the ASCII kind that Gracie and Zarkov recommended, but when I first got it, I tried using it right-side up with a very fine screen (like Gracie and Zarkov recommend), but I wasn't having much success AT ALL. So I decided to make a machine out of it...I don't think the idea for a machine was around when Gracie and Zarkov wrote their articles/etc. I love it.

You might have to go to a few different smoke shops to find a pipe like this, there's only one that I know in my area of that has them (~$10). Once you have acquired this, you're ready for the next step.

Then get some brillo (I used Chore Boy). Then cut/rip it to the size you need to fill around 2/3rds of the bowl. You know how brillo is copper colored? Well you need to burn that color off, it is these copper colored chemicals that you don't want to smoke. Burn the brillo, one part at a time, by putting a flame straight to it (be careful not to burn yourself). Once heated, the heated part of the brillo will turn red-hot, and then when the flame is taken off and it cools down, it is now a grey/black color. You need to burn ALL the copper color off of the brillo, and this can be somewhat time consuming.

I then stuffed the top of the bowl piece with brillo, then turned the pipe UPSIDE DOWN. So you use the pipe upside down. You take the bowl piece out, and put the DMT into the small "tube" end (the little hole), so it lands right on the brillo. SOMETIMES a few granules will fall through the brillo (the really fine ones), like less than 5mg. So I do it over a dark colored book so I can see if it falls out. In that case I just put it back in. After it's loaded I start smoking.

I hold it upside down because that's the way you use/smoke with it. So basically the brillo pad is facing down. The DMT goes on top of the brillo this way, it doesn't go in through the big end. I put my lighter ~2 inches or so below the big end/brillo when smoking. Stop lighting your lighter about 5-10 seconds before you stop inhaling, otherwise you'll have a bunch of vapor still in the chamber.

It works great. Much easier to take fat, tastier, and more potent hits. Highly recommended for anyone who would want to try this.

However, if the DMT is extremely fine powder, it could fall through the brillo. Just make sure you load it on a flat non-porous surface.

Here's what it looks like when finished.

I used to almost not be able to handle the taste of DMT. I would need mints. But I think this device vaporizes it instead of burning some of it (like other methods) because the brillo heats up and that's what vaporizes it, not the flame, therefore giving a much smoother taste. I don't need mints anymore.

In my opinion, it was well worth the money and time that I spent buying/making it (even though burning the brillo took a while). I couldn't think of a better, more efficient way to smoke it. (Except maybe a vaporizer??? Never looked into it)
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just start a campfire and throw a few pads in there lot better than using a zippo

& how close have you come to burning the hairs on your chinny chin chin with that thing? totaly awesome idea--and its a peice of art, just curious.

anyone ever smoke dmt out of one of those huge glass gandalf pipes?
& how close have you come to burning the hairs on your chinny chin chin with that thing?
Actually it has never burned my hair. I can actually light it myself quite easily (at first I assumed I couldn't because it was hard to aim where to hold the flame). But now it is very efficient and can be done alone. You just gotta look down when hitting :)

And after a few uses, the pipe and brillo just become caked with DMT resin crystal that dries up and can be used later. I'm sure I could break through 3 times without loading the pipe right now. :)
just start a campfire and throw a few pads in there lot better than using a zippo
I suppose this could work. I cut/ripped the right amount off of the pad before I burned it though. You just have to make sure you burn it very thoroughly so that the whole pad is black/gray.
I tried DMT for the first time last night...holy shit that is an AWESOME drug. That shit is seriously tight. I can't wait to do it again.
Discerning DMT from 5-MeO-Dmt

I recently obtained dmt from two sources. Unfortunatley they were mistakenly placed in the same vial. Both units were bought in half gram bags, no pricing

One is yellow and the other is pale off-yellow.

I just want to make sure (paranoia?) that someone wouldn't sell 5-MeO-DMT in the guise of regular, old fashioned N,N-DMT and then smoke a hefty dose and enter the dark side...or worse. I'm pretty sure this isn't the case, because the dose for 5-MeO-DMT is so small, a half gram of it would be very expensive, considering all the doses a half gram would provide. Not to mention that, to my understanding, 5-MeO-DMT is a clear or pure white crystal/powder.

I wanted to know what more experienced individuals think about the situation.
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OmarLittle said:
I recently obtained dmt from two sources. Unfortunatley they were mistakenly placed in the same vial. No pricing

One is yellow and the other is pale off-yellow.

I just want to make sure (paranoia?) that someone wouldn't sell 5-MeO-DMT in the guise of regular, old fashioned N,N-DMT and then smoke a hefty dose and enter the dark side...or worse. I'm pretty sure this isn't the case, because the dose for 5-MeO-DMT is so small, a half gram of it would be very expensive, considering all the doses a half gram would provide. Not to mention that, to my understanding, 5-MeO-DMT is a clear or pure white crystal/powder.

I wanted to know what more experienced individuals think about the situation.

I don't think anyone would attempt to sell 5meodmt as dmt, the effects are very different, and the dosages you use are much much different. Selling 5meodmt as dmt would even be potentially dangerous. I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to market 5meodmt as dmt. I suppose anything is possible though.
test it with marquis reagent. If its a 5-meo then it will turn darkish, almost black.

or you could smoke a 8mg dose of it. If its 5-meo-DMT you will CERTAINLY know bc you will be knocking at the door of a breakthrough. If its DMT then you will most likely not trip at all, perhaps have some very light patterning if you are tuned into the psychedelic state.

Ditto to all the above & off to the Big and Dandy DMT thread
Is it common to lose all memory of a DMT experience?

I did an IV shot of 50mg yesterday and I don't remember the trip. I just remember waking up a while later...
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