• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

The Big and Bangin' Pseudo-Advanced Drug Chemistry, Pharmacology and More Thread, V.2

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Interference with the conductivity of the heart is the #1 issue I have with cocaine. The sodium channel blocking properties make it so that overdoses are no joke. Anyone admitted to an ER for a stimulant overdose will be given more attention if it is cocaine related.

I find this bothersome as I have read "anti-drug" type journals in which relate amphetamines and cocaine as both being closely related as far as heart damage/risk goes.

Never understood why it can't be easily explained as: Amphetamines are bad news for the brain, Cocaine is bad news for the heart.
do you think there is anyway to preload on supplements to prevent the heart problems or keep your heart healthier? would any vasodilator work??

do you think Arginine and Lysine would help? do you think pot would increase or decrease heart related risks? or is there anything I could utilize to prevent some of the health risks? I preload a LOT when I'm gonna take MDMA and I have a feeling it's pretty effective in preventing some of the neurotoxicity, and I'd like to have a similar type of regimen with Cocaine.
For cocaine i'd suggest Quercertin, Magnesium, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Arginine, Lysine, Ubiquinol. Also Clonidine for comedowns.
do you think there is anyway to preload on supplements to prevent the heart problems or keep your heart healthier?

no, not really (aside from limiting cocaine use). Cocaine actually intereferes with the circuit that 'keeps pace' in the heart due to its anesthetic effect - and common anesthetic cuts like procaine, lidocaine, benzocaine all enhance toxicity.

Trying to counteract cocaines vasoconstriction with lysine/arginine is a pipe dream. Good luck.
I haven't really felt any vasoconstriction from it like I sometimes do from psyches/stimulants yet.

I totally do limit my cocaine use, it's far too expensive and impure around here usually so i've only actually tried it on 4 occasions, two of which being tiny bumps given to me in live music settings. Each time it's seemed like a far superior stimulant than most others i've tried. I hate most of the popular ones personally so I was really banking on a way to make this at least FEEL like a safer/healthier experience, but i suppose it twas just a mere pipe dream
Look into why the phenyltropanes were developed and you will have the vast majority of your answer. Aside from the obvious. Google, a miracle.;)
Unfortunately that god damn carbomethoxy group on the tropane has to ruin everyone's fun. (unless you want to use cocaine as a feedstock- your yields will blow dog dick) Hence the development of methylphenidate
Does benzphetamine have any function itself or does it's mechanism of action rely solely on it's hepatic conversion to amp/m-amp?

Also, would one be able to provide an estimation of equivalent dosage to d-amp?
I'd be surprised if the compound itself were active...that's a REALLY bulky substitution.

I would not be suprised if N-benzyl-methamphetamine had activity at someside receptors. But generally tertiary amine phenethylamines don't bind well to much!

If you had plain old N-benzylamphetamine (secondary amine) I bet it would bind to some of the targets NBOMes hit.
I have a question about liquid measurement. Let's say I want to measure single micrograms of a substance, and the substance is in a solution. At what point am I going to get poor results even if I calculate&measure the volume of liquid perfectly? I'm thinking there has to be a lower limit where there are too few molecules of a substance and randomness starts causing troubles. Is this true or are the molecules somehow evenly spread in a solution now matter how few of them?
I've been thinking of something lately and was hoping the talent around here could tell me if i'm barking up the wrong tree...

Two words: nicotinic antagonists. A chemical that's capable of fully inhibiting the effects of cigarettes; *not* a replacement or maintenance-patch, but a full-on antagonist that'd make smoking cigarettes wholly unsatisfying (much like naloxone for opiates)

Is there anything that makes that impossible/impractical from a pharm/neurochem perspective? I cannot say i'm too familiar w/ nicotinic receptors adn whatnot, so the idea may be flawed for obvious reasons that i'm just not seeing.
/otherwise, this one is one you, RC developers. Think there's a market for cannabinoids and stims? A pill that crushes cigarettes/nicorette/etc would be fire, and a true public service at that.
Buproprion is a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist iIRC.

Chantix is a partial agonist. That may make you kill yourself. But hey, cigarettes will kill you too.

I quit a 20 year cig habit with a quality e-cig, without even trying. It's just a better vehicle for delivery of nicotine. Nicotine is a great drug. Cigarettes are not. For me, at least, not any more.
^yes it's the cholinergic aspect that i'm suspecting would make a naloxone-equivalent impractical... can you imagine the impact a full-blown antagonist could have?? FDA approval is major PITA, but through similar markets as RC's, with word of mouth of it actually making it pointless to smoke cigs, this could be a revolution lol.

and yes nicotine is a fantastic chemical, with cigarettes more than negating it :/ Nicotine's not only "enjoyable" but also helps cognition AND is a performance enhancer for endurnace activities! I endorse it like i do caffeine, although tobacco/smoking as a delivery system is absurd and needs to end [says the kid languishing at a couple a day while on patches :| ]
I think nicotinic ACh transmission is responsible for too much to be totally knocked down with an antagonist.

Notable nAChR antagonists in my head are e.g. DXM and ketamine. Not exactly fucntional drugs.\

(and I know people who quit smoking with Chantix rather successfully. The suicide risk thing I believe comes from discontinuing nicotine!)
Whoa, wait, nicotinic antagonists? Wouldn't blocking nACh receptors result in muscle paralysis or something? After all, that's how Curare works..
Yeah, hence why nobody has made Narcan for Nicotine. Losing the ability to breathe of your own volition is certainly one way to stop smoking.
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