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    Australian & Asian
    Drug Discussion

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The Aus/NZ/Asia Drug Busts Mega-Thread El Número Cuatro DISCUSSION thread

Maybe they were waiting for someone to come out of the courthouse and sketched out or something, how much is 50 grand of meth u rekon?
Yeah someone had a bad day then. Might get worse for them too as you said if they got seen or cctv'd
Out of all the places they could of hid it they hid it there LOL geez some people are just plain idiots, there's no other words to describe it haha
yeb. def idiots yo. who da hell in their right mind brings 50grams worth of meth to a court house????????????

I reckon in a few days, Poledriver will be posting a news about them being busted due to cctv foootages lol
How supervised are prisoners when they go to court? I don't know anything about that kind of thing.

Might have been for an inmate to take into a prison?
More than $130,000 of Kava Seized - Bulman

Three men will appear in court following two separate kava seizures near the remote Aboriginal community of Bulman.

Bulman Police witnessed a car driving suspiciously along the Central Arnhem Road at around 10:30 pm on Saturday 18 February.

Acting Sergeant Leighton Arnott said the Subaru, containing five people, was stopped approximately six kilometres north west of the Bulman Community.

“A search warrant was executed on the vehicle during which Police located five grams of cannabis, a bottle of rum, more than four litres of wine and 38.36 kilograms of kava in 1001 separate deal bags,” A/Sgt Arnott said.

“The 51-year-old driver was charged with possess cannabis in a public place, unlawfully supply cannabis to another, possess/supply a commercial quantity. He was bailed to appear in the Darwin Magistrates Court on 2 April 2012.”

Just 14 hours later, Police witnessed another suspicious vehicle approximately 32 kms south west of Bulman Community.

“A Nissan Patrol was stopped and searched, locating 41.3 kilograms of kava in 2043 separate deal bags,” A/Sgt Arnott said.

“The 62-year-old male driver and a 30-year-old male passenger were both charged with possess/supply a commercial quantity of kava and were bailed to appear in the Maningrida Court on 4 April 2012.

“The kava seized in these two incidents could have reached up to $131,000 if sold in remote communities. This was a great result for local members and once again shows our no nonsense approach to drug offenders.”

What I dont understand, are there people actually paying good money for Kava? Its such a subtle drug and so hard to believe anyone would actually buy that shit. The Kava market in Sydney is pretty much non existent. On a 1-10 scale, Id say its effects are between 1-2 LOL As far as Im aware its not illegal and can import 1-2 kg at a time when entering the country. It baffles me that people are willing to take the risk. Now I know drug prices in NT exceed the prices in other states but surely you wouldnt pay for something that bearly has any effects?
When i tried it numerous times in fiji over the yrs its been nothing but very mellow, some red eyes and chilled out thoughts.

In short, though, Kava is legal to possess & sell in Australia, but it is illegal to import into Australia without a license, it is "Schedule IV" in the import laws. Britain has banned the sale all medicines containing kava extracts, but importing it as a dietary supplement is still legal, although it seems that they have made it illegal for consumption. We couldn’t figure out the laws, and we don’t know if the U.K. can either. Kava's legal status isn't always clear-cut, as you can see.

if thats (^) right then why are they busting people for selling it within Aust...?

Adverse effects - Australian studies focused on populations with heavy concomitant consumption of alcohol and overall poor health. In one study, heavy kava use in an Aboriginal community in Arnhem Land was associated with overall poor health, a puffy face, scaly rash, and a slight increase in patellar reflexes.[24][25] [26] There are also several documented adverse interactions with drugs, both prescription and non-prescription – including, but not limited to, Anticonvulsants, Alcohol, Anti-Anxiety Medications (CNS depressants such as benzodiazepines), Antipsychotic Medications, Levodopa, Diuretics, and Drugs metabolized by the liver.[27]

I guess I'd have it again in Fiji if i ever get there again, as its a custom and its cool getting down with the locals and what they are into.
On another note, the drug bust thread may be being moved to the Drugs In The Media section soon. Hope you all visit there and check it out when it does.
^ Was gonna wait till it actually happened to announce it but yeah the drug busts thread should most likely be moved over there soon, as discussion of articles is generally permitted over there that will render this thread obsolete and at that time this thread will probably be closed.
Hopefully it'll be ok, i'm hoping its kind of similar to here, but with more comments and more viewers from around the world and alot of the regular Aussies from AUSDD still checking it out and posting in it, as should allow comments over there, as all the threads do in ditm. I just hope the mods there keep it clean like the mods here do, like take out any shit posts or busts that arent aussie based, as they have a drug bust thread there already, i could just start using that if i wont to, im waiting to see if they can make an Aussie specific one for us all.

Drug busts are all media based, so its probably the right move imo.

Venture over to the drugs in the media and work out where it is, if anyone hasnt been there before, or im sure we'll post a link from here as soon as it's done.

Sorry to announce it before it has been finalised drug_mentor.
super sadd face to see teh australian drug busts thread to be moved from here :(

i'm agree'ing with Sustanon here too.

thats 2votes against it being moved!

maybe if enough ppl vote it from getting moved it will be left here !
^ I'll third that, if anything at least keep a duplicate thread here in AUDD to keep us informed of local events. If the thread is specifically about drug busts in Australia, it makes no sense not to have it in AUDD.
Lets make a poll, I think that would be the fairest decision. We live in a democratic society dont we?
^ I'll third that, if anything at least keep a duplicate thread here in AUDD to keep us informed of local events. If the thread is specifically about drug busts in Australia, it makes no sense not to have it in AUDD.

By the same logic it makes no sense to have a drugs in the media forum? Since there are regional threads for pretty much every region in the world, yet this is the only regional forum I have noticed allowing media articles to be posted...

It honestly isn't the deal people are making it out to be, it takes all of two seconds to navigate from AusDD to DitM and the fact of the matter is the nay sayers are probably going to have to get used to it. Ofcourse we intend to leave a thread redirect but the thread is most likely going to end up in DitM. If the UK'ers, Europeans and North Americans can deal with going over there for their news why is it such a hard pill for Aussies to swallow? Are the majority of our posters truly that lazy?
Lets make a poll, I think that would be the fairest decision. We live in a democratic society dont we?

lol sus, no we dont. You may think we live in one. but really, we are all in some form of dictatorship. Difference between us and the north koreans = we think we live in a free country, but we actually aren't. They know they live in a dictatorship, and accept that fact. :p
Are the majority of our posters truly that lazy?

YES. ;D.
we are aussies aren't we? ;p