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The Alcohol thread...

No probs, and do feel free to pm me with any brewing related msg's.

Your beer probably tasted good because you did still manage a temp of 22 (I think that's what you said), it's not ideal but it's alot better than 27. And yes keep below 20 with the coopers yeast, do that with all the yeasts that come with cans, unless it's proper lager yeast (coopers do one extract can with proper lager yeast, it's in their premium range, usually can't find it at supermarkets, called their pilsener or something).

Once you start to discover the endless possibilities that you can make, it's no going back.

I have a few recipes for craft beer clones, not my desired beers at the moment, but there good to make and compare with the real thing. Off the top of my head I think I have Little Creatures pale and James Squires Golden Ale amongst a few.
In todays smh -

Getting drunk without drinking

A trend overseas is seeing people 'smoking' alcohol to get high with fewer calories. But experts warn it's more dangerous than downing a glass or two. Here's why...

What do you get when you mix alcohol with dry ice? A strong possibility of serious health problems, according to drug and alcohol experts.
A clip showing a man mixing these ingredients at home and inhaling the vapors made news in America last week. His aim? To get intoxicated without consuming the calories from alcohol because he has recently lost 25 kilograms.

The video is just the latest to document the trend known as 'smoking' alcohol. There's also a YouTube clip, uploaded earlier this year, showing another American pouring booze into a plastic bottle then using a bike pump to oxygenate the fluid so it gives off vapor. By the end of the seven-minute clip, he has 'smoked' eight drinks and is visibly drunk. The clip has had 2.4 million hits.

Professor Steve Allsop, director of the National Drug Research Institute, says he's known of people 'smoking' alcohol for about five years, but not seen it in Australia. "It eliminates the factors associated with low-risk drinking, like drinking with a meal or enjoying the flavour," he explains. "It's using alcohol purely for its intoxicating effects which puts people at higher risk."

This is because alcohol bypasses your stomach and small intestine when inhaled. Instead, it travels faster into the bloodstream via the lungs, which means people go from sober to very drunk, very quickly. This naturally increases the likelihood of violence and other misdemeanours caused by severe intoxication.

"When people drink alcohol normally, there's also a saturation point when they realise they've had enough," continues Allsop. "But when you inhale alcohol that function doesn't kick in, so the potential for overdose is far higher too."
Not only is the risk of alcohol poisoning increased, it becomes much more addictive this way, warns Kate Conigrave, an addiction medicine specialist from the University of Sydney.

"The most addictive substances - like cigarettes, cocaine and ice - all have one thing in common: the fast 'hit'. Alcohol is no exception; the faster the 'hit' the more addictive the drug," she says.
Conigrave is also quick to debunk the idea that 'smoking' alcohol is calorie-free. "Ethanol (the active ingredient of alcohol) contains calories itself and if it's making you drunk, it means you're absorbing them," she says. "You may be missing out on the mixers or sweeteners, but you're still consuming calories without any nutritional value other than energy."

In addition to people mixing these cocktails at home, there are also specially-made inhaling devices that do it for you. The Vaportini, a glass dome that allows users to breathe in vapors via a straw, went on sale in the US last December for $35. Then there's the AWOL (which stands for Alcohol With Out Liquid). Promoted as the "ultimate party toy", this nebuliser-like device was banned by the NSW government back in 2004 after inventor Dominic Simler tried to introduce it.

Simler continues to argue his device is completely safe. In fact, he says it's better than drinking spirits because the AWOL takes 20 minutes to vaporise a 50ml shot of alcohol. "By the time you finish most of the alcohol has already left your bloodstream. Compare this to drinking shots: how many could you drink in 20 minutes?" Simler says the AWOL is designed to offer a mild high and not get you drunk; that it's to use in moderation.
Former NSW Gaming Minister Grant McBride disagreed and said of the ban back in 2004: "These kind of fad products pose serious threats to the community."

Even without machines like the AWOL, Conigrave says such trends are worrying. "It's scary what young people will do to get a high. God forbid they've already had something to drink or taken a sleeping pill. We already get a lot of unintentional alcohol overdoses in hospital and this could potentially put people's lives at risk."

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/die...ut-drinking-20130617-2odiz.html#ixzz2WYAzKjBB
Pasting from another thread I posted in, I think it's more suited here:

You guys may find this interesting, a little off topic but throwing it out there:

This country's biggest drug problem is Alcohol.
Alcohol has been shown to be causally related to more than 60 different medical conditions. The long-term risks of alcohol include brain and liver damage, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancers, stomach ulcers and the loss of sexual functions in men as well as infertility in women.
Full story: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/new...oblem-is-alcohol/story-e6frg8y6-1111113048311

I realize that story is a little outdated but it's not like we're drinking any less really. I also remember reading recently:

60 Australians every week are dying from alcohol related diseases.
^ It's so crazy...and yet alcohol is our 'safe' and legal alternative to all those nasty 'drugs'..8)

I'm having an alcohol free Friday night tonight...I've got into the habit of always drinking too much when I'm with my man, so seeing him has become a bit of a trigger to drink, which I have to change. Does anyone else find seeing certain people is a big trigger to drink?
Nah you just have to get the good stuff and not hammer it too much. I stopped drinking beer for a month but let myself have wine. You can really tell the difference between the ones that use the cheap nasty preservatives and the chemical free ones or ones that go easy on the chemicals. I had a couple of shocker hangovers and other times when I could drink a bottle or more with no consequences. Its a bit more expensive than beer though.
Does seeing oneself in the mirror count?

when did you get so funny? your posts lately have been killing me. ya funny kunt haha :)

iv recently been into the fortified wines tawny etc..

penfolds make a deliciously cheap and effective tawny port, keeps the winter chills at bay, and a stoopid grin on

im turning into a wino just like little jesus christ the fuck
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Ive noticed a positive vibe in the more recent posts from op8 as well which is good to see. I know what hes been going through due to the bullshit opioid dependency and inadequate maintenance dosing levels. Which reminds me ill get to replying back to your reply of my PM op8, tonight most likely.

I found a bottle of Honey Jack Daniels with about 3 shots worth left over. Might have to punch them down tonight just to empty out the bottle, even though i find it less than enjoyable. Im not just going to wash it down the sink now am i?
when did you get so funny?

It could be the fact that I'm usually depressed and reserved. I also often re-read, scrutinize and then re-write most of my posts. It's like I have that thing that makes you need everything to be perfect. Recently I've been on a small variety of different drugs.

My head is pretty fucked today and I can't think of the right words for simple fucking... things. I guess those prohibitionists were right, drugs must put holes in your brain.
Really cut down on the alcohol . . I was never a big drinker but not doing a healthy amount either - At least a case of beer a week during the weeknights. (no inc. weekends)

I've ut down to about 2 or 3 beers a night at the moment which - Eating like a slob and I've still lost 4kg since cutting down on the drink. Happy days!

These have been in my fridge for the last week and are still there - Which is a good sign for me! haha

Good on you michael! Funny I am in the process of doing the same thing and am at about the same stage as you, down to 3 beers every night. Hoping that relatively soon I can get that figure down to zero, although I have to admit I have been procrastinating the drop to two beers. So far the change hasn't done as much for my waistline as I hoped and to be honest, kind of expected, hopefully if I keep it up that will change.

Are those Carlsbergs legit or just the shit they brew in Australia? I fucking love Carlsberg but refuse to pay for/drink the Aussie brewed shite, the real thing can be pretty hard to find though and you often pay a fairly hefty price for it, in my experience anyway. When I am solvent I tend to always have atleast a 6 pack in the fridge so I can indulge whenever it takes my fancy.
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Really cut down on the alcohol . . I was never a big drinker but not doing a healthy amount either - At least a case of beer a week during the weeknights. (no inc. weekends)

I've ut down to about 2 or 3 beers a night at the moment which - Eating like a slob and I've still lost 4kg since cutting down on the drink. Happy days!

These have been in my fridge for the last week and are still there - Which is a good sign for me! haha


Duvel fan, nice!
thanks buddy :) Good luck with your situation too! I'm very happy to stay with my couple a night - I dont 'want' to quit all together because I enjoy it too much . . so I am very happy with things at the moment. Of course there is all chance I may quit all together in the future. . only time will tell!

With those carlsbergs, you've stumped me there. I'm not too educated on that topic, so I would guess they would be aussie made as they were purchased from dan murphys I recall?? I'll have a look next time I've got one in my hands lol

Good on you michael! Funny I am in the process of doing the same thing and am at about the same stage as you, down to 3 beers every night. Hoping that relatively soon I can get that figure down to zero, although I have to admit I have been procrastinating the drop to two beers. So far the change hasn't done as much for my waistline as I hoped and to be honest, kind of expected, hopefully if I keep it up that will change.

Are those Carlsbergs legit or just the shit they brew in Australia? I fucking love Carlsberg but refuse to pay for/drink the Aussie brewed shite, the real thing can be pretty hard to find though and you often pay a fairly hefty price for it, in my experience anyway. When I am solvent I tend to always have atleast a 6 pack in the fridge so I can indulge whenever it takes my fancy.
If it's 4.8% instead of 5% then you are drinking the Aussie stuff. Most "European" beer in the bottle shops is shit brewed under licence in Australia, Dan Murphies aren't too bad and I successfully do get imports of Becks, Heinekin, Stella and Kronenbourg 1664 from my local one at varying degrees of regularity. I have noticed in the last year Dan Murphies often stock slabs of 500mL cans and these always tend to be imported, these are consistently available at my local (Heinekin, Stella and Becks are the 3 I see) but I have stopped drinking them just because I tend to drink the 500mL as fast as I would drink a 330mL stubby and it isn't helpful when you are trying to reduce/quit. The slabs of cans are actually very competetively priced too, since it works out to slightly more than 1.5 slabs worth of 330mL stubbies of locally made "imports" and seldom costs even 1.5 times the cost of a locally brewed "import" case.
Quite a wealth of knowledge you are my friend :) Yep the carlsberg unfortunately is the 4.8 stuff. I've heard of a chain of stores called Porters that import the real deal . . I should find a store near me and check them out.

I keep the Duvels for when I'm watching live european soccer games - It's just what I do and what makes me happy hehe. So they only get popped open maybe once or twice a week.
Haven't drank much lately, just haven't felt like it. I'm not deserved of a congrats due to self replacement therapy (if you know what I mean).

Anyway I thought I'd have a beer with the footy. I have a number of 'big' beers in the 'beer cupboard' and found something that deffinetly suits the weather.

It's a 10.2% imperial stout from Sierra Nevada (called the Nahwhal). it's pretty full-on. Chocolate and coffee are destroying my taste buds as I type.

I must say too, my alcohol tolerance has dropped a lot. Think this will be my first and last for the day.
Surprisingly, for me, I've been drinking far less than usual recently. After 1 beer and a xanax, my partner came in to say goodbye and basically forced me to go to bed because I was asleep on the keyboard. The day before that I'd been driving, got home so tired and simply went straight to bed without a single drink. Too fucked up from an ice binge the night before to drink the previous day, and after ice, I now know there's no point drinking a slab or two,simply because I can.

So the last few days of barely any alcohol intake may not sound like much to some, but it's a big achievement for me - and saved me the price of a "whatever a box of 24 beers is called in your region". Not to mention the health benefits, and the fact that my drinking has not caused any physical dependance related withdrawals, which I worry about from time to time. Then I just throw another one back and realise my life has a lot more issues than drinking too much of a legal drug. I am certain that between the two legal drugs I consume pretty much daily, I expect they will be the death of me, nicotine and ethanol, not any kind of opiate. Imagine if the world realised this, oh, science does, therefore they do. It's just nobody wants to change the status-quo because of all the money, power and bullshit that our world has become. I can't blame the world, I blame the human species. We are, with exceptions, a parasitic, selfish, power hungry primate who will fuck up anything given half a chance.

On topic: If there wasn't so much greed in the world, I am positive there would be a lot less alcoholics, drug addicts in general. The truth is, our world is fucked. The majority of the people are at the bottom, supporting those above them. Who wouldn't want to escape it all, while at the same time dulling your mind and making you more easily controlled?
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