• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Recovery The 2022 alcohol support thread

I'm going to promise everyone in this thread that I will not drink today.

Because apparently making promises to myself hasn't been working.
This is good. Accountability is good. You can check in with us throughout the day and let us know how you're doing.
Have you got things to keep you distracted when the temptation arises?
This is good. Accountability is good. You can check in with us throughout the day and let us know how you're doing.
Have you got things to keep you distracted when the temptation arises?
Im going on an extra long jog today. But that doesn't always work. I've recognized I have no major responsibilities or goals I am actively working on and that's why it seems impossible to resist the triggers. I don't have a reason not to (not literally, but you know what I mean).

It always hits me out of nowhere between 1-3pm. The witching hour... if I can manage until 4pm, I won't drink.
Im going on an extra long jog today. But that doesn't always work. I've recognized I have no major responsibilities or goals I am actively working on and that's why it seems impossible to resist the triggers. I don't have a reason not to (not literally, but you know what I mean).

It always hits me out of nowhere between 1-3pm. The witching hour... if I can manage until 4pm, I won't drink.
Yep I know precisely what you mean.
Okay. So. You know it hits you between 1-3pm, so it's no longer "out of nowhere", right? Meaning that you now know it's gonna happen around that time, which means you can plan for it. Try to make sure you are as busy as possible around that time. Try to ENSURE that you will be tied up in something, so that you will make it to 4pm.
Have you got any ideas of what you can do, in addition to the run? We need another plan, because like you said, the run doesn't always work.
Im going on an extra long jog today. But that doesn't always work. I've recognized I have no major responsibilities or goals I am actively working on and that's why it seems impossible to resist the triggers. I don't have a reason not to (not literally, but you know what I mean).

It always hits me out of nowhere between 1-3pm. The witching hour... if I can manage until 4pm, I won't drink.
"The witching hour"-right in da target:)

Cleaned my car. Cleaned up a messy pile of paperwork. Ran 5 miles. Stayed busy.

Didn't drink. Looking forward, hopefully, to a decent night's sleep.

Thanks @n3ophy7e
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Cleaned my car. Cleaned up a messy pile of paperwork. Ran 5 miles. Stayed busy.

Didn't drink. Looking forward, hopefully, to a decent night's sleep.

Thanks @n3ophy7e

You managed a 5 mile run whilst battling alcoholism? Fair play to you sir. I congratulate myself when I tackle a couple of flights of stairs...
You managed a 5 mile run whilst battling alcoholism? Fair play to you sir. I congratulate myself when I tackle a couple of flights of stairs...

I've been running consistently for years even with alcohol. I love runner's high.

I actually love going for a jog with a hangover. Gets the blood flowing, boosts metabolism, sweat out the toxins. It's actually an effective cure. But I can feel the inflammation for sure, doubt I can keep doing that forever. The joints are quite achey on hangover days.
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Cleaned my car. Cleaned up a messy pile of paperwork. Ran 5 miles. Stayed busy.

Didn't drink. Looking forward, hopefully, to a decent night's sleep.

Thanks @n3ophy7e

Just For Today is one of the best things I got out of AA. At my worst with alcoholism last year the only thing that could comfort me was the thought of a drink in a couple of HOURS (and that was policed by my mum).

Now I haven't had a drink in over two weeks and hardly thought about it.

Alcoholism is real mental gymnastics and "Just For Today" is a powerful tool 😊
Just For Today is one of the best things I got out of AA....
Same here. Also, I find comfort in talking with others who share similar problems. It doesn't really matter whether it's AA, NA, SMART, rehab, group therapy, or you folks here on BL. Just knowing that I'm not alone in my struggles is therapeutic. Only addicts understand what it's like to be an addict.
Same here. Also, I find comfort in talking with others who share similar problems. It doesn't really matter whether it's AA, NA, SMART, rehab, group therapy, or you folks here on BL. Just knowing that I'm not alone in my struggles is therapeutic. Only addicts understand what it's like to be an addict.

For sure. The mental gymnastics are bad enough without having to keep it to yourself.. That's when I get obsessive compulsive and how I ended up in a horrible drinking cycle last year.
I've decided to stop trying for a bit. I can't remember when I last felt genuinely good without a drink in me.

Big props to all you still fighting the good fight. I hope to be back in the thread with something more positive in a few weeks.
I've decided to stop trying for a bit. I can't remember when I last felt genuinely good without a drink in me.

Big props to all you still fighting the good fight. I hope to be back in the thread with something more positive in a few weeks.
To be clear, I am not fighting any fight-- good or bad.
I got lucky. I've reached a point where I can enjoy fairly moderate drinking, something which was impossible for me most of my life.
Same here. Also, I find comfort in talking with others who share similar problems. It doesn't really matter whether it's AA, NA, SMART, rehab, group therapy, or you folks here on BL. Just knowing that I'm not alone in my struggles is therapeutic. Only addicts understand what it's like to be an addict.
thats why I love it here

I don't feel so alone

I've decided to stop trying for a bit. I can't remember when I last felt genuinely good without a drink in me.

Big props to all you still fighting the good fight. I hope to be back in the thread with something more positive in a few weeks.
jack black salute GIF
It is pretty much unbearable to be around my abusers (who yell at me for 20 minutes straight every time I walk past them or am in the house) sober these days.
Never been a big alcohol guy, but every time they get like this I end up having a few drinks every night just to sleep without having recurring nightmares of my father trying to kill me.
I really hope I don't turn into an alcoholic before I get out of here, but the odds aren't looking good.
I really hope I don't turn into an alcoholic before I get out of here, but the odds aren't looking good.
sorry you have to deal with that man man

Alcohol is actually significantly more difficult to be come physically dependent on compared to other drugs like opioids or benzos. The danger with alcohol is psychological, because it's always there. It will be around you your entire life. Right next to you.

It's a shit drug but it's pretty good at numbing you and making you ignore/forget about life. That's when it becomes addictive. There's also a genetic component to alcoholism. GHB doesn't get me high, but alcohol does. Stimulating, could stay up 72 hours doing nothing but alcohol and would never feel tired.

wish you the best man
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Fuck....alcoholism even goes to dire consequences,than drugs often.poison too.legal.and very addictive to some
It is pretty much unbearable to be around my abusers (who yell at me for 20 minutes straight every time I walk past them or am in the house) sober these days.
Never been a big alcohol guy, but every time they get like this I end up having a few drinks every night just to sleep without having recurring nightmares of my father trying to kill me.
I really hope I don't turn into an alcoholic before I get out of here, but the odds aren't looking good.
I wasn't aware of your living situation arrall, that absolutely sucks!! Who are your abusers??