  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

The 2015/2016 NFL Thread v. yfw da jest win da superb owl

I hope the Rams stay in STL - and this is coming from a hard-core Pittsburgh Pirates fan

fuck LA
Mannnnn I thought the Bills had that comeback. Woulda been sweet. Ah well. On to Miami.
Tom Brady 466 passing yards. A new buffalo bills record

lol it felt like Brady was rubbing it in when they kept throwing the ball

He is the Michael Jordan of the NFL

I hope people stop talking about how great Andrew Luck is. He's not even close to Tom Brady or Aaron Rodgers level
He also played a lot less than either. Their stats are comparable. He has taken the Colts to the playoffs. He is a valuable to the Colts as Rodgers and Brady are to the Packers and Pats. Dude is good, going to be great.
Have you seen his playoff stats?

Everyone is already calling him a HOF player, some even say he will eventually be the GOAT
Luck is still young. Of course he's not on the level of Brady or Rodgers yet. But you have to respect that he was able to step right into the NFL as a rookie and have serious success. He's the only one who's done that in.... a long time. Chances are he'll be one of the best QBs in the league for at least the next decade. Brady and Manning are going to retire in the next couple years. That leaves Luck as a top 3-5 QB easy.

lol it felt like Brady was rubbing it in when they kept throwing the ball

Yeah well he better play smarter than that because it almost cost them the game. Had Sammy Watkins caught that ball midfield instead of tipping it for the INT the Bills would be 50 yards away from the win with a minute left on the clock. Even though they lost, that amazing rally in the 4th quarter reminded me of when I was a young kid and Kelly would always lead comeback drives with like 5 minutes left to win the game. It's the first time I've seen the Bills do that in 20 years.
Have you seen his playoff stats?

Everyone is already calling him a HOF player, some even say he will eventually be the GOAT

Yeah, they arent great. Peyton Manning doesnt have great playoff stats either, is he not an all-time great QB? I really think Luck would have better numbers than all of them if they put a team around him. Seems obvious I know, but hasnt happened yet.
Man getting killed in my picks this week. Early season is tough.

This Dallas Philly game is kinda painful to watch.
The nice thing about the Bills losing to the Pats is that I refuse watch any more football after the game on those Sundays. It leaves me a lot more time to do other stuff like watch movies and masturbate.
Romo broke his shoulder. Eagles look like shit, Giants dont understand how to read a clock or scoreboard, and Redskins are the Redskins. 7-9 may win this division.
so much shit talk. bills lose :)


Please. Don't act like you weren't sweating when the Bills scored 19 in the 4th quarter to bring the game within 5 after bring down 24 points. This Patriots loss is honestly the least upsetting I've experienced in over a decade.

Because I know the Bills roster is finally better than the Patriots' roster. And once they have more than 1 preseason to all play together on offense and get some chemistry going, your Patriots are toast. :)
Jeez injury's all over the pack.. Really glad we picked up J Jones. That guy just loves catching TDs.
how bad are the Philadelphia Eagles right now?

they look horrendous - it has been a long, long damn time since I have turned off a football game in disgust (at least Dallas had plenty of excuses)

yah kittycat I'm think a sub .500 team wins the NFC E this year
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watching the strongest and skilled NRL/league player play in the NFL is awesome.

49ers are going to destroy with him.


One last thing, people tend to forget just how good the Bills defense is.
tom brady. 466 passing yards. most passing yards thrown against the bills in franchise history. 516 yards of total offense.

bills defense: 2 sacks. 0 interceptions.
pats defense: 8 sacks. 3 interceptions.
Bills starting offense, defense, and special teams completely dominated tonight when they were in. All you guys' teams are fucked this season.
see above.
But heading into the Giants game at 3-0 will have me prepared to accept a potential loss.
To be honest most Bills fans want to play against him in week two. They think our defense is good enough to literally kill him to death.
I'm just looking forward to the Bills defense breaking every bone in Brady's body in week 2. I actually have to go out and buy tickets now just so I can be there when we beat him.
God I can't wait until the Bills destroy Brady in week 2.
if by "destroy brady" you mean allow tom brady to throw the most passing yards against the bills in franchise history, then sure, you destroyed him.
The Bills are going to fucking crush this team next week.
We'll see what you have to say next week.
my team won.
They're fucked regardless of what happens tonight.
And regardless of all that, the Bills are going to fucking crush them next week.
if by "fucking crush them" you mean allow tom brady to throw the most passing yards against the bills in franchise history, then sure, you fucking crushed them.
Patriots are going down next week. =D
I feel pretty confident in predicting they'll pick off Brady twice on Sunday.
incorrect. zero interceptions.
Bills will be ranked #1 next week =D
#15. maybe.

rex ryan from the post game conference: "we never won. you can play it anyway you want. it's my fault. we talk too much. that's why we lost." (my emphasis)

nice try, gm. see you at foxboro on the 23rd november.

Well, I'm a pats anti-fan, and I have a bunch of friends from my hometown upstate who are big Bills fans, so I don't really know who to troll right now.

Fun game though.

edited to add: so is Tony Romo ded or what? I had a clavicle fracture when i was a kid from bicycling drunk and doing a header on the handlebars, they gave me some painkillers (which btw was my introduction via codeine to the wonderful world of opiates) and a sling and basically let it sit in a sling, it wasn't that bad, the bone is still deformed, but idon't have to throw footballs, so i wonder if there's something more sophisticated they can do for him or if it really matters apparently it's his non throwing arm
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