  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

the 2014/2015 nfl thread v. R U RDY 4 SUM FOOTBAW?

Stopped by the Lambeau Atrium to hit the Packer pro shop.. picked up a new lid and a tramp stamp for the new truck topper.
Nice! Damn that reminds me I have like $125 in giftcards to the Bills pro shop at the stadium from those stupid texting lawsuit payouts they did last year. I should go get myself another jersey!
Thats would have been nice to get. Its crazy how much kick ass stuff is in that shop.

Its also going to be great to get back to sporting my tribal on a daily basis. GB is so small and filled with so many packer fans that its kinda rare to see people sporting pack gear.. That is until game day and then almost everyone except the incarcerated and carrot suited up are in uniform.

The vast majority of businesses around GB have a "casual" day on game day or in the days before where people can ditch thier slave suits for the Green and Gold.

0YEARS: 132DAYS: 20HOURS: 46MINUTES: 46 S till kickoff.


Next week is drafty .. im getting fired up already.:)
It's funny this is the first draft in forever I don't really care about. Bills don't have a first round pick and I honestly don't think there's a big chance of anyone they draft this year to get a starting spot on the roster for 2015. The Bills roster is pretty much set aside from QB, and there isn't a top QB the Bills have enough ammunition to get in this draft.

I'll still be watching the entire draft though. It's always exciting to see who goes where. =D
for falcons, a pass rusher #8 and im happy but anything else and i'll probably question wth they're doing. todd gurley maybe i could be swayed
Man I hope the Bills pick La'El Collins at 50. He was a consensus top 15 pick until he was questioned by police last week about his ex-gf's murder. From the sounds of it I don't think he had anything to do with it, but apparently it's enough of a risk that no team wants to take the chance.

He's a plug-and-play OG or OT and the Bills need all the offensive line help they can get. I say take the gamble!

Also, fuck the jets for getting the best player in the draft at #6. The AFCE just keeps getting nastier and nastier.
Not happy at all with the Bills' 50th pick. I can give details tomorrow when I'm not fuming.
taking more mean boys from the sec. i didn't even know damian swann had declared but that's cool, he was a real meany pants at uga.
Such an anticlimactic draft for the Bills. I mean I knew going into it it would be since they didn't have a 1st or 4th round pick, but still.

Now the longggggggg wait until training camp.
Not happy at all with the Bills' 50th pick. I can give details tomorrow when I'm not fuming.

dont like ronald darby? or you just wish they drafted another position? my brother is a florida state fan so i got to watch him a lot and i thought he would have been a first rounder. bills sure do love fsu, 3 picks this year and 2 already on the roster. and i feel like they used to have more than that
Eh I'm over it already. I was just mad they picked a CB when an offensive lineman like Jake Fisher was still on the board. The Bills biggest need(aside from QB) is most definitely offensive line.

Is it good to draft good young CBs to develop? Yes. Did the 4th best pass defense last year HAVE to draft one? Definitely not.

They released a 243 page report today after concluding their deflategate investigation.

Ted Wells: “More probable than not” Patriots manipulated balls

Posted by Darin Gantt on May 6, 2015, 1:17 PM EDT
Tom Brady
The NFL has released the long-awaited DeflateGate report, and the short version of the findings by Ted Wells is that the Patriots seem to have done something funny here.

The full report was released moments ago, and in his summary, Wells writes that the irregularities in the balls used in the AFC Championship Game.

“For the reasons described in this Report, and after a comprehensive investigation, we have concluded that, in connection with the AFC Championship Game, it is more probable than not that New England Patriots personnel participated in violations of the Playing Rules and were involved in a deliberate effort to circumvent the rules,” Wells concluded. “In particular, we have concluded that it is more probable than not that Jim McNally [the Officials Locker Room attendant for the Patriots] and John Jastremski [an equipment assistant for the Patriots] participated in a deliberate effort to release air from Patriots game balls after the balls were examined by the referee.

Based on the evidence, it also is our view that it is more probable than not that Tom Brady [the quarterback for the Patriots] was at least generally aware of the inappropriate activities of McNally and Jastremski involving the release of air from Patriots game balls.

the pats - colts game was a blowout dominated by LeGarrate Blount anyway I dont see how DeflateGate ever mattered, at all
Who said they only deflated balls for that game? They've probably been doing it for years.

And winning for a reason besides your cheating doesn't make it ok to cheat. That's kindergarten 101 stuff.
seattle builds a stadium that amplifies crowd noise is that cheating?

atlanta pumped in crowd noise and still lost more than half their games, cheating?

its only cheating if you lose to it. play the game.

the patriots have a franchise QB, a HoF coach, and year after year get guys who leave other teams in their prime to buy into winning a ring in New England.

and your team just sits on the bleachers and watches

is what really is going on here

I hate the Pats as much as anyone but this whole story was just ESPN filler type shibe
It's interesting that they waited until after the draft to release the report. Especially considering what Goodell said after Spygate concluded.

Goodell vowed then to impose tougher penalties on future violators of the league’s competitive rules.

“Too often, competitive violations have gone unpunished because conclusive proof of the violation was lacking,” Goodell wrote in that memo. “I believe we should reconsider the standard of proof to be applied in such cases, and make it easier for a competitive violation to be established. And where a violation is shown, I intend to impose more stringent penalties on both the club and the responsible individual(s). I will also be prepared to make greater use of draft choice forfeiture in appropriate cases. I believe this will have the effect of deterring violations and making people more willing to report violations on a timely basis.”

In April 2008, the owners endorsed Goodell’s so-called anti-cheating measures.

“As the Commissioner and Competition Committee, we must take every appropriate step to safeguard the integrity of the NFL,” Goodell wrote in the 2008 memo. “We have already taken some positive and significant actions this past season, but we must go further to ensure fair competition amongst our 32 teams and maintain public confidence in our game.”

its only cheating if you lose to it. play the game.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.