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The 100%GodTheorem

Yeah, the gregorian date isn't of any particular relevance at this point, I think it is more tied to astrological alignments.
I just thought when Christ comes back he's coming back as Christ and doesn't need any other humanly vessel to travel through and if it seems like he does that person is most likely just a schizophrenic. I'm sure you touch on this topic somewhere in your manuscript though.
I am more astrologically speaking an antichrist, being born on a full moon lunar eclipse which is an event in opposition of the sun, an event that occurs only once every 33 years, and occured again just last year.
The number 33 is deeply soaked in illuminati meanings if I recall correctly.
So now you my know my birthdate if you care to look at the astrological charts, July 6 1982...so much for anonymity....a date that also numerologically ends up being 33...if you add up 07 + 06 +19 +8 + 2.
yeah I've done the math...the masonic numerology is uncanny...just another thing to add to the book.
Thanks for your birthdate, I took the liberty of looking up your chart. It shows a lot of identity crisis, which you'll spend from age 27-55 really delving into and sorting out. You probably appear very charismatic to other people in person which is why the ignorant may believe your theories and you'd gain some popularity. The problem for you is the popularity will just reinforce your identity crises. Likewise, you are vulnerable to scams and cons... so whoever or whatever told you that you're Christ or the anti-Christ was trying to get something from you that you didn't even realize.

The positives are that you love delving beyond the superficial and sharing ideas with other people. You're enthusiastic and supportive of others, and could be a powerful leader if you channel your talents honestly and positively. If you invest your focus on healing old wounds and realizing the real you, instead of going from story to story, you'd do really great work in this life.
Thanks for the reading...seems accurate enough. The ironic part is that it suggests I should not consider seriously the astrological stuff...bugtthat withheld, I do get the message that I need to remain humble and grounded, something difficult to maintain if I am consistently in a chemically-induced manic/hypomanic state, in order to truly use my purpose for the good of others and not for hedonistic or selfish desires
This dude has dosed his pets with drugs and is posting in this thread on the border of admitting he is jesus.

Let me know when I can preorder the book. Cant wait to burn it.
You're absolutely out of your mind. It's a good thing you spend most of your time on Bluelight instead of the streets, the streets would be a wild wake up call full of pepper spray and institutions.

What do you know gang? There is a big difference in effects when you double your dose of a drug! Mindblowing revelations!

Your still my favorite Laika. If he gave his pets drugs, we should maybe really crucify him. I dont give a shit if he thinks he is Jesus, Satan, or Ringo Star, but to give an animal you supposedly care for drugs intentionally is pathetic. You have no idea how any other species may react to anything, and even some of our species cannot tolerate drugs. I hope this isnt true but I have a feeling it is. Laika, I got your back.
Isn't psychosis linked to hard dissociative or psychedelic use?

Pet dosing?
I made amends with that incredibly poor decision long ago in an iteration of the Big and Dandy MXE thread.
Yes, I gave my cat a milligram of MXE a couple years ago. He was fine, and it wasn't the first time I saw a cat under the influence of it. A few years back I had a friend who was fond of vaporizing MXE and his cat on more than one occasion became visibly under the influence of it by way of contact high from the vapors. Ketamine, being a relatively close analog of MXE is still used today for pet anesthesia.

I'm in no way attempting to justify my decision. Other lives should never be put at risk in this way for it is a fundamental ethical violation. Animals can not give consent. Animal testing with any chemical should be a universally banned practice, and it is a good thing that science has reduced the amount of these practices in recent decades because of this ethical violation, but it is unfortunaly still practiced in research around the world, but that is different than my case because these are actual scientists who have their own justifications, be it for determining the safety of chemicals in humans or some other kind of research.

Again, I am in no way justified, I'm just trying to explain how I rationalized the decision in my highly altered state of MXE use. Yes, I feel like I should be crucified, but for some reason or another God has spared me to this day, maybe in hopes that I repent for my sins and walk the right path going forward.
Ok, I forgive you and since I am God, I guess you are Jesus.

Seriously vortech, you seem to be aware of your mental disease but also seem to like it in a way. I hope you are safe and get help if need it.
I have a milligram scale, bit it's not super great when measuring less than 5mg, so what I do when I need to measure a smaller quantity such as 1mg is first measure 5-10mg and then volumetrically dose 1/5 or 1/10th. The other way, when I don't need to be as precise, is to eyeball divide the 5 or 10mg into 5 or ten sections that appear evenly sized.
Vortech, I like you, you've clearly got a good heart and I admire your mission. But at this point I am 100% certain you're deep within a manic episode. Dissociatives will do that and I've seen you hit these points before, and then come out of them and admit you were manic. Similarly to what Foreigner said above, I think you have a lot of potential to bring good things into the world, but I think your reliance on dissociatives is a crutch, and it's one that leads to delusion in many ways. It's a path that could destroy your potential if you're not careful. Hey, I've been there, I have a certain 4-AcO-DMT trip report out there that borders on the messianic complex that I see the signs of in you right now. I felt that it came from a beautiful place, it didn't cause any harm and was trying to bring love into the world. But if I hadn't come down I would be in a far different place right now than I am.

it's really important to stay grounded when dealing with powerful drugs. It's easy to start believing every thought and feeling you have, but it's always the case that a lot of it is delusion. Which can be great fun to experience, and even believe in the moment, as long as you take stock and separate the wheat from the chaff afterwards.

Vortech, I like you, you've clearly got a good heart and I admire your mission. But at this point I am 100% certain you're deep within a manic episode. Dissociatives will do that and I've seen you hit these points before, and then come out of them and admit you were manic. Similarly to what Foreigner said above, I think you have a lot of potential to bring good things into the world, but I think your reliance on dissociatives is a crutch, and it's one that leads to delusion in many ways. It's a path that could destroy your potential if you're not careful. Hey, I've been there, I have a certain 4-AcO-DMT trip report out there that borders on the messianic complex that I see the signs of in you right now. I felt that it came from a beautiful place, it didn't cause any harm and was trying to bring love into the world. But if I hadn't come down I would be in a far different place right now than I am.

it's really important to stay grounded when dealing with powerful drugs. It's easy to start believing every thought and feeling you have, but it's always the case that a lot of it is delusion. Which can be great fun to experience, and even believe in the moment, as long as you take stock and separate the wheat from the chaff afterwards.


Yeah man, I haven't touched a drug since the episode on Sunday and I've never felt so confident that I have actually concluded my dissociative journey, at least the one where they play such a primary role in my life. I reached as far as I've ever been, and it was far enough. Thanks for the concern, and I'm in agreement with everyone here acknowledging my condition. I'm determined to become commited to the grounding process, returning to an unaltered homeostasis. Like I said, I feel like I got the whole message finally, and thus I'm ready to hang up the phone as the saying goes.