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The 100%GodTheorem


Jul 18, 2012
So I can officially say that I have poked and pronged every bit of my grey matter through all currently known methods and applicable routes of administration. I just so happened to get the 100% signal from God himself in many number of ways in the last 24 hours through various signs and signals all that resolved gently enough in details that will be specified in the writing of my whole account of the entire thing. It's a tall order, but not one that can't filled now that I have 100% of the story. All I need to do now is document this from the entierty of this post back-circalling through my last 33 years of life. Piece of cake. Should only take all the rest of my free time from now till the point I die. Ha. Hopefully sooner than that.
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Man, I love this place. Never know what surprises lay in store when I log in. Awesome news man. Put that pen to paper or finger to keyboard and get to writing!
You should have apostoles doing your account instead of you.

Btw remember that the guy before died by someone else's hand, not his own.
You should have apostoles doing your account instead of you.

Btw remember that the guy before died by someone else's hand, not his own.

And yes I do not posses 100% of the story, that would be impossible. All the pieces I do not remember are clearly remembered by everyone's eyes that are a part of the story. I will certainly need to document all of their accounts.
As for the crucifixion thing, the story of my life is not over. Whether I die by someone else's hand is still up in the air. I wouldn't be surprised if that part of it also contains a parallel. Trust me I almost believed I would have been crucified sometime around Easter. I just so happened to be in a psych ward on Easter day....I checked myself in on Good Friday...which was just all another coincidence, I did make sure though to go to the little Church service held at the Hospital on Easter day. That's all a long story as well, but it will be included in the full account.
Oh and look at that, I'm nearly at 1,111 posts on this wonderful site. I can't wait to see what my next post is, that magically synchronous number.
i was just going to say some of ur recent posts here reminded me of my thought patterns going up the levels of hypomania -> mania -> psychosis
Yeah I was basically in psychosis land by most if not all measures. Over three days of 3-MEO-PCE use, in increasing amounts that totalled 200-250mg over 3 days, even for a dissociative hard-head, I can say this one is the big kahuna of arylcyclohexylamines. It should only be used in levels of 25mg+by the most versed of heads. There is a big difference between 15mg and 30mg for this one. I think the last dose, on the third day, with the build up of metabolites no less, ended up being 40-50mg. At that point it is no doubt the LSD of dissociatives.
This dude has dosed his pets with drugs and is posting in this thread on the border of admitting he is jesus.

Let me know when I can preorder the book. Cant wait to burn it.
You're absolutely out of your mind. It's a good thing you spend most of your time on Bluelight instead of the streets, the streets would be a wild wake up call full of pepper spray and institutions.

There is a big difference between 15mg and 30mg for this one

What do you know gang? There is a big difference in effects when you double your dose of a drug! Mindblowing revelations!
Good thing I have compassionate people around me. Trust me I was not without observers throughout the duration of my journey. Luckily they have seen the likes of me before and decided to let me ride it out it in the comfort of safety.
Good thing I have compassionate people around me. Trust me I was not without observers throughout the duration of my journey. Luckily they have seen the likes of me before and decided to let me ride it out it in the comfort of safety.

Those people are called enablers and you need help.
And I hope the pet-dosing point of my excursions aren't the highlight of my legacy. That was one of the very rare points where I actually did involve the safety of life around me.
Those people are called enablers and you need help.

Trust me I was not without the involvement of institutions throughout this story. Like I said I was in the psych ward on Easter Day and the finale of my story ended up with me in the hospital once again by the compassion of law enforcement who wanted to ensure everything went without harm.
You've got to be an only child..And don't give me the ol everyone is your brother and sister bit..You're an only child.
In fact I just become an Uncle in the last few months. His due date was actually christmas day. He was born a couple weeks early though, so it remains to be seen if he is actually the next incarnation of christ.