TDS Photo Thread

Teehee :p to anyone not in australasia.

No I'm sorry. It sucks it's all different accross the world. I'm very much enjoying DW's changing line up of photos on maverick so far :)
i didnt know u were online MB!
that, btw, is not maverick atm - its 'eddie'......proud to b a bogan :p
drug_wench said:
i didnt know u were online MB!
that, btw, is not maverick atm - its 'eddie'......proud to b a bogan :p

I've just been going online quickly to check out your photos, without having the time for a conversation

Hehe, same horse though right?

All Benzo'd out. :\
MidnightBaby said:
I've just been going online quickly to check out your photos, without having the time for a conversation

Hehe, same horse though right?
the grey one with the dark mane and tail is maverick - theres lots of photos of other past horses i hav on there tho :)
moar pix ppl!!

Rolling kittieeeees!!!

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ahhh look at your cats go! how amusing..

though not as amusing as this piece of art on my friends ceiling...

those rolling kitty cats are the cutest lil chubdubs ive seen! lol love in up in the sun

more kittens cats!

^^ *squeeeeeeeeeeallll*!!!!!!
Baby kittieeeees!!!!! <3
They're only like 3-4 weeks old! Are they yours pip??
no, our cat lil fuzz had them ;) thats from nearly 3 years ago, beguile. treeguile belly and sweet pea, from L2R. belly the black one, is the only one who kept their name. hahah

we wouldnt separate beguile & treeguile. and a cool cat loving couple took them together, and allowed us to come visit, which we did several times.

the names are a celtic mythology i think bee gold and tree gold.

i love the way kittens smell.

^^ Yeah me tooooo, so cute :)
I miss hand-raising kittens. It's so rewarding. <3