TDS Photo Thread; Round 4

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^^ Cute :)

Great entries in this week's photo contest by the way guys!

Thanks.....never ever ever thought I'd let someone post a picture like that of me hahahahaha.
I'm wondering when other people are going to post pictures in there though!!!!!!!!!!!!!????!! Hopefully soon.....
oh and Im scared of the orange guys.
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I've had my photo ready for weeks for The Human Body theme! Just need a few red wines under my belt before I have the guts to post it......

Purple haaaaiirrrrr.

I am smitten. You are stunning, and intelligent too. I love the purple hair.
If ya got to see it you got to see it if not you can pm me.
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yea well it doesnt work for me either - anyone who wants to see me generally has to hav MSN messenger :\
Welp, i got one pic up of me smilin ... i guess im happy sometimes. Or is it just a natural reaction to smile for pictures?
I've had my photo ready for weeks for The Human Body theme! Just need a few red wines under my belt before I have the guts to post it......

Do eeeet! All the cool kids are =D

Edit - for image posting you need:

1) The image hosted somewhere. There are plenty of free image hosting sites like photobucket imageshack etc.

Done :)
Claire-- looking great, as usual.

Here's me, in front of a tree:
Looks like Washington or the Sierras...... Reminds me of living in Yosemite-standing next to those trees always made me feel so wonderful......
aaaaaw.....young love:)

is she wearing an old red hot chili peppers shirt????
Dave, I LOVE that photo!!!! So awesome!

realfuzzhead, you and your girl look like you have a lot of fun together :) <3

Done! Eeeeek!! =D

Nice Photo; I might have to vote for it purely for my tattoo bias, regardless of the artistic merit of other shots ;) I was thinking about posting something until I saw one of the rules ruling against heavily digitally edited photos. I couldn't take a photo to save my life (hold my hands still? HA) but do have fun with software.

^^^^ Nice tree Dave! I'd hug it!
hahaaha you do look like clark kent!!! you gotta get a suit!
Sorry. I'm under strict rules from the producers of Smallville. No tights, no flight. :\

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